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Looks like a pretty good space 4X strategy game. I don't have patience for those :3

Welp, I just noticed it's 0 points, even though it's a 20€ package. Is there something I can do about that?

6 years ago

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It's up to Fiddler officially, but I think you're okay.

The "0" may have something to do with the way Steam reports the price -- Steam shows "N/A" for the price of each component in the collection, even though the total collection is $19.99.

To me, the 5P requirement is just to ensure that the train didn't get filled with asset-flip / shovelware-type games. This may be 0P but there's no question that it's a legitimate game.

Just my two cents, of course. :)

6 years ago

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Yeah, I am sure it's a valid game for the train. I am more worried about how will this impact my profile stats. So far I don't have a single "No value" game given away and I want it to stay that way. If this game changes that even though it isn't a freebie I'll be furious.

6 years ago

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Hmm... if I understand correctly, SG only reflects "no value" if the game is marked as being free at some point. 0P is not quite the same thing. So I don't think it'll show up as "no value" in your stats.

Again, just my two cents. I am full of uneducated opinions today! :)

6 years ago

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Turns out you were right : )

6 years ago

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As canis39 said it's a problem with SteamAPI. It's already in admin queue. But I can't give exact time when it will be fixed.

But don't worry, it won't be marked as no-value game.

6 years ago

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Alright, thank you for letting me know.

6 years ago

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Ah, just encountered same issue thousands of carts further down the train. While it may not be a proper fix, we figure that it could be simply solved by changing the link for Endless Space on the GA-creation page to
instead of it currently links to.

6 years ago

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Take my 0 points!


6 years ago

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surprisingly few entries for literally no cost to enter. thanks

6 years ago

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Thanks for the game!

6 years ago

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