Recently Valve made another change to steam discussions (both global and in groups) - now some comments may get hidden because of Valve's automated content check system. Sounds good, some spam/scam comments get hidden until review, and users are more protected. In reality, this system has a ton of false positives (as always with Valve). So, I made a script that tries to show those comments back. If you prefer to see everything, and not afraid to see some spam - this is a script for you. Obviously, it will only work in browser, so if you prefer to visit discussions from steam client - alas, it won't help. There is another way, without script - just press "quote" button, and steam will gladly reveal original text in answer textbox. But it may not be handy when there is a lot of hidden posts.

You can get the script here. You will need to have Tampermonkey to install it (other *-monkey extensions may work too, but this wasn't tested and not guaranteed).

I've made some updates to script, now it supports most steam formatting features (except of community content widgets and youtube widgets, those are generated on server side and it's too hard to re-implement it locally). Also, now script adds a notice to comments that were "revealed" with it. But nobody but me uses it anyway, so whatever.

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4 years ago*

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Just installed and it works, thanks a lot. :-)

4 years ago

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Wow, someone actually use it. Cool. Glad you like it)

4 years ago

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Thank you, I just installed it. Let's see if it works. :)

4 years ago

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Well, people are getting their accounts stolen, because they don't check the link. It's for protection. There is never a remedium for any problems. There are flaws to any system. Such as this.
I agree this is annoying but remarks like "as always with Valve" is pretty much uncool. I will probably use it myself. But don't be just like that. They mean no harm. It's really hard to make good algorithm or feature that makes people safe from such content. Well, maybe if they get mods act quickly, almost instantaneously, it wouldn't be a problem. But it's unreal.

IMO it should be option with disclaimer that "Valve is not responsible for stolen account" etc, where You can block such contents or show them. If You show them, this disclaimer will pop up, as You are confirming that You do it intentionally etc. Because they are not responsible for that. People should be more aware of what they are doing. And as most people are not aware of what they are doing, this system was the must. Valve don't want people to have their account stolen. And it's good. But IMO my idea would be better.

4 years ago

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Sorry for the necro, is this still working or is there an update?
I tried it and the content stayed hidden.
Using Firefox + Tampermonkey.

9 months ago

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Works for me. Please note that it only works for discussions, but not for profile (and group profile) comments.

9 months ago

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It seems a changed Tampermonkey setting was the culprit, probably the sandbox mode used in expert settings. Not sure which mode it was since this setting didn't save when I made a Tampermonkey backup.

Anyway thanks for checking and for making this script.

9 months ago*

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