Because every year comes a new CoD for 60$ (which still costs so much 2 years after its release)
And there are only two L4D for 20$
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Well youre right, But still... Werent there people that were like "Thats the same fucking game!" at the time of its release?
I just saw some reviews just for comparison. While CoD reviews do mention theyre the same (Somtimes) but never point it out as much as they do with CoD reviews.
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If you know where to look there is a LOT of differences between L4D and L4D 2. For example the way you play in versus is completely different. Those extra special infected really do change the game a lot, not to mention the various tweaks, new modes (massive number with the mutations), very different maps in style, etc.
But yeah, if you played 5 minutes of L4D alone and 5 of L4D 2, sure, you might think they are very much the same.
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First thing about That matter: there WAS a lot of complaining about L4D2 being released so fast after first game came out. So it's not all that happy story.
Second thing. What guy above said. Two games versus quite a few and $60 versus $20 dollars.
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L4D2 came out so quickly after release, supposedly, is because when they finished L4D the creators had so many more ideas they wanted to use that they started working on L4D2 before L4D was even officially released. Which also explains why they're so similar.
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it costs 60 for you?!!?! in Australia it's $100 for non special edition copies. (not even including DLC's btw)
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"In Europa"
L4D2 costed 50 Euro on release, thats also pretty god damn expensive.
While COD is 60 Euro"
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Thats because you bought it at a retail shop, on Steam the price was 30$/40$ at the release day.
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Then you missed one of the best multiplayer experiences the last years...
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I think he meant you missed that "versus" and "scavenge" buttons in menu, so you didn't seen how competitive it can be. But it's not as competitive as CoD, since in both L4D you need teammates that doesn't suck, while in CoD one person can win every teamplay mode anyway.
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no probably he doesn't mean that... but just another thing, have you see any tournaments or MLG stuff for l4d/2? (read what i write, and don't use to much your imagination, i'm not a fanboy of MLG and i don't hate l4f/2 and cod) only to prevent...
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If you meant competitive only as "we invite lot of people to give them rewards", then you're right. But if you meant is as "nobody plays to be better then other people", then you're wrong. And lack of tournaments doesn't say much in second case.
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I meant exactly what PsyKo said... I have almost 1000h of L4D2 gameplay and played maybe 10h Coop. And yes L4D has it own leagues (it was even on ESL for some time). Btw. make a search for "Confogl".
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Maybe you should read again what you wrote. I was just saying that L4D has a competitive part, although most people don't really know about it and think it's mostly a Coop game. And you just start to make arguments in the wrong direction with interpreting my text completely wrong.
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It's cheaper than any CoD (except the originals) it's made by a game developer that made lots of different games with different genres, and it actually added content like a sequel.
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because CoD players are mostly made up of kids that buy every CoD game that comes out even if new CoD comes out with a re-skin of a weapon they would still buy it, it's so obvious that nothing was changed from Black Ops to Black Ops 2.. Oh wow they added a walking tank! We must buy the game!!
And of course people complained when L4D2 came out it's only few maps added but atleast they don't continue with the choo choo train to which L4D now? Would be like 7th..
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Actually I think BO->BO2 has the most "innovation" of all the current CoD games. Besides MW->MW2.
Its still pretty damn the same thing, But atleast it seems like they tried this time.
L4D->L4D2 on the other hand seems to deserve alot more bitching. But I guess youre right, Its only 2 games compared to CoD's legacy of 5. (MW->BO2, Not counting WaW) Price counts too.
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Oh yeah you just made me bring up another point, hackers and bugs.
People probably stopped bitching because Valve actually bans the hackers and also patches the game so it's all good to play when there's a bug. And Modern Warfare 2? About year ago I was playing it, went into a server with Level 1 and came out With level 70 Prestige 10, they still don't fix their hackers yet release new games. They also don't care about the bugs, you'll only see like one patch only for one bug in the history of one CoD game.
I'm glad Gaben cannot count to 3, because then CoD would be compared with L4D which is 100% better game even if CoD keeps on releasing their games to 2095.
inb4 CoD players get mad
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I would like to add on here.
Zampella and West designed Modern Warfare (Call Of Duty 4) and Modern Warfare 2, Those games felt different and weren't really the same thing, Zampella and West told activition if they could make another game before they start on Modern Warfare 3 but Activition Said no so Zampella, West and majority of Infinity Ward went with Zampella and West to there new company "Respawn Entertainment".
Point is CoD Games are known to be the same shit every year (Starting From Black Ops-Mw3-BO2) because of those 2 people that made creativity into the franchise (Zampella and West).
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Call of Duty is great. People bitch about it because it's overpriced and the DLCs cost more than some games.
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I just lost some respect for you.
It's not overpriced, they just never add anything new. They just add 2 guns, better graphics, and maybe a couple of maps, and call it a sequel.
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I'm not a hater. My best friend (Buff Waffle on steam) loves CoD and I play with him every once in a while for fun. It's a fun and addictive game but Activision(/whoever else makes those) never adds any new content.
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Yeah, It is a great game but its not AS great as it used to be.
It used to be THE SHIT when CoD4 came out, Fucking amazing EVERYTHING! Then MW2 came out & DAYUM! Everything improved & Some extras added! Then BO came out & It was essentially the same & Now MW3 isnt much different.
BO2 is trying to make another break from it but it still seems like just a futuristic reskin rather than a whole new twist on the series.
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+1 for explaining why you don't like the new CODs like a normal person. Not like a blind hater.
I never played MW2 MP and BO MP. Maybe that's why I liked MW3 that much.
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Didn't I just say "My best friend (Buff Waffle on steam) loves CoD and I play with him every once in a while for fun. It's a fun and addictive game"?
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Who are you talking about then?
This new idiot named BronzePage?
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If you want to say something - just do it. No need for this drama.
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My point is- I don't outright HATE Call of Duty but from what I've read you think I am an outright "blind hater". I take that offensively because I try and avoid the haters in general and also-
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"They just add 2 guns, better graphics, and maybe a couple of maps, and call it a sequel". You know that it's not true, right?
They added AT LEAST these things:
YES, they make DLCs with insane price tags. I can agree with anyone that says that, at least.
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I never played those games, so I can't compare ANYTHING. Still, +1 for not yelling "COD sucks" like some retards.
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If I say "COD sucks" I'd be speaking about all the CoD series. And we still have some CoD games that aren't bad(Mostly the old ones). But, Assassin's Creed games are made once a year(like CoD)and just for the photos you can notice the huge difference between them(Above all are ACI to ACII)
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Is COD4 considered an old one? 'Cause BO2 is going to be the 9th one.
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How about I send you a hobo's dick cheese?
P.S. You suck.
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You're talking about Modern Warfare 3, right? I'm going to assume you are.
1.) The "new weapons" are.. I think something like 4 AR-15 variants(whoooo variety!) and the SCAR-L, which MW2 had the SCAR-H, HOLY COW!
2.)What new gamemodes? I saw no new gamemodes when I played it on my friend's X-Box. The gamemodes in MW3 and BO are exactly the same, and the only mode BO added to MW2 was that moronic "gambling" system or whatever they wanted to call it.
3.) Whooooo they added a new 4 hour campaign! It's funny, it took me... I think 2 days to beat the MW1 campaign, roughly that for WaW, about 14 hours for MW2, 8 for BO and 4 for MW3. On Normal. Seriously? Wtf is that shit? That's not a campaign, that's the Ravenholm level in HL2.
4.) Spec Ops was in MW2, thus not a new feature.
5.) From what I recall of the spec ops missions, they were a whole lot of Same Shit, Different Map, just like in MW2.
6.) So you only need 15 kills to get a Tac nuke now?
7.) Added in CoD4. Good job, Activision! You figured out how to allow players to add a scope!
8.) More OP BS that doesn't need to be in the game. Where were the killstreaks in Quake or Duke Nukem? Cos that's all CoD is, a shitty rip-off of Quake.
9.) You mean maps that were ripped out of the campaign, right?
10.) They added classes, whoooooooo! So did Day of Defeat, Battlefield 1942, Starsiege Tribes, and a whole myriad of other games out there. The difference? Those other games actually make your class effect playstyle, not self-fluffing killstreaks.
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You are the most retarded hater in this thread.
In conclusion - you hate killstreaks, you suck at Half-Life (that Ravenholm part, I'm still laughing) and you can't tell the differences (go eat a wooden plank and think how it's different from bacon).
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Hey, another lover of Call of Duty 1! United Offensive was pretty damn buggy for me though. And I absolutely LOVED Call of Duty 2! The grease gun was my favorite!
Or are we talking about the new games?
Too bad most people who love the new ones probably never tried the old ones.
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L4D+L4D2 bundle cost less than the DLC for just one CoD game (MW3 for example)
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The L4D bundle is currently $30 USD. DLC for any CoD game is $15 per DLC.
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Yes but the bundle have been on sale several times.
The fact that 2 DLCs with some maps cost the same as both L4D+L4D2 (or 4 times as expensive at sale) is fucked up.
You can basicly buy a 4-pack L4D bundle for the same price as both MW3 DLC's
Also don't forget that they release a new cod every 6/12 months which you'll have to pay $59.99 at steam for again.
Also if you have L4D2 you will get L4D's campaings for free anyway.
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If we must include sales, then I've seen MW3 on sale multiple times for $40 (perhaps only console, though). I've also seen the DLC on 360 at 50% off. "6/12 months." Are months different in some places?
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L4D and L4D2 are very different games. L4D2 has new characters, new maps, new weapons, new infected and L4D2 has melee weapons too. The games are completely different. L4D ir much more easier than L4D2. Oh and L4D2 has more game modes added. So I guess your argument is a complete fail. Go eat wooden plank and think how it's different from bacon.
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"Go eat a wooden plank and think how it's different from bacon". This should be a meme. :)
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really!? biggest thing about CoD is that it brings out EVERY year a CoD at a big price, so that's the biggest thing, and also, people did bitch about L4D2! (also, new infected, new systems, ... while MW3 is new map, new weapon, bit highter textures, ...)
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But every new CoD is bigger shit than previous one. You have to buy it for 60$ and new maps is everything you can get. It has same engine, same guns and fucking same gameplay + multiplayer sucks because lot of little assfucks play it!
In L4D2 multiplayer is much better because only normal gamers play it and it has better gameplay than L4D. Oh and I forgot that CoD has overpowered perks that makes higher level players overpowered. L4D2 has default weapons, laser sights and limited special ammo which wears out after short period of killing zombies. In L4D2 it's all about how good you are not how good your equipment is!
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I see it like this:
L4D was made by EA. They promised to make more content to it but then it became an e-sportish game with professional teams and such and what is the best way to destroy a competitive game? To add too much content to it.
L4D2 was more like the casual version of L4D which was made just to add the content they promised earlier.
It's also possible that EA didn't simply want to make any content to L4D so Valve made L4D2 where Valve had all the rights to do the additional things by themselves and get more profit than what L4D gave to them. Maybe the profits from L4D went to EA who didn't want to add anything to it and the profits from L4D2 went to Valve who made sure the fans are happy by adding more and more free content to it.
L4D & L4D2 sure do look similar but they can't be compared to CoD.
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released, not made
as far as i know the studio that made L4D promise new contect like new infecteds, new campaigns, new weapons, new characters, maybe even new game modes completely for free, but seems like valve took that content that was promised to be free and made a sequel out of it
and everyone's still saying that valve is the best game company, how they "care" about their costumers etc...
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Left 4 Dead is made Turtle Rock Studio wich is owned by Valve and Valve (the Source Engine). EA also let make their games by studios which EA owns and not EA itself. It's Valve who says the devs what they have to do.
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Ppl bitch about CoD and BF series, mostly because they are pathetic haters - same as MLP haters. I don't like MLP, so I don't watch it and I don't bitch around all internet about how bad it is. You can blame game developers/publishers about their politics, but it don't makes all their games bad.
I see such complaining very often, about how BF3 is a clone of BC2, but when it comes to compare CS 1.6 and CS:S, they can't even find same amount of changes as BF series had, so they start to change topic / troll / attack.
EDIT oh, one more funny thing - when I asked about changes in CS I heard "different recoil" as one of them :)
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COD games have been on yearly releases for like 4 games now which coupled with the high price that never reduces are a few reasons. People probably did complain about L4D2 but at least with L4D2 the fan base feel more like the game developers are trying to improve the gameplay and add content rather than see how much money they can con us out of.
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You must have had a bad time then. My experience with L4D is that 4 out of 5 people are pretty fun people. The kickvoting because you want to play with your friends and were too stupid to make a private match is annoying, but it says something when that's my biggest issue.
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I've never had any problems with L4D community. People there are polite and don't cry if zombie or accidentally player kills them. In CoD they just scream all around mic and bitch about it all the time. And of course - when in CoD they get killed they just start hacking. If you're one of the 15% of those kids then of course you will have problems with community. There are some times you get votekicked but that's because people want to play with their friends and forget to make match private!
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How can you even say that when you played MW3 for more than 130 hours?!
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If I recall correct, I remember reading something about how the technical changes that they'd made in L4D2 prevented them from simply releasing it as an expansion to the first game.
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Why make a new one?
The only reason why CoD keeps being made is because it is a winning forumla and it gets people to buy it. But they don't change anything except a new gun here and there, simply to get more money. It feeds the shitty gamers more shitty games, and completely ignores "hardcore" gamers. The very people who have held the industry together. There's nothing wrong with making money, but when companies make cash grabs like CoD it leaves hardcore gamers feeling betrayed.
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To change the system we as gamers must do something about. Stop buying shitty games, stop buying needless DLC, and support companies and developers who listen to their fans. It is like everyone in the US who hates an elected official, and has never voted a day in their lives. Don't like something make your voice be heard. One voice might not be that loud, but millions of people speaking as one is. Problem is right now with the CoD series is that "hardcore" gamers are being outnumbered by people just looking for the next "new" thing.
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What's rather ironic is that when the "casuals" (for lack of a better term) stop buying CoD for whatever reason, they'll come whining back to the "hardcore" gamers.
But apparently, wanting a good game rich with content means you're entitled.
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Hey guys, I just played L4D for the first time (Won it in a giveaway, Thanks again BlueSharkCZE :D) but Ive played L4D2 before.
I was wondering... Why do people bitch about CoD games being the same if L4D & L4D2 are the EXACT same game? L4D2 could be a map-pack & Texture-pack for all that matters.
Even CoD games add more "new stuff" than L4D->L4D2 added...
Ive heard of people saying "L4D was better than L4D2" but never heard anybody bitch about them being the same game like they do with CoD. Why not? Theyre 90% similar?
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