If you don't want tricky by Epic, you should choose Steam, that's recommend for you
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"...who knows how it will actually work"
Well, one huge, monumental and totally obvious aspect of how it will actually work is that GOG Galaxy 2.0 will have to work within the rules and restrictions of each of these platforms that it claims to support, which means you will have to have a DLC on the same platform as the main game obviously. Or, if the platforms and publisher hypothetically want to allow such cross-platform licence thing, it will also be possible WITHOUT GOG Galaxy 2.0. I don't think they (the other platforms) will give any power and licensing decisions over to a competitor's client.
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If I can ask... why?
I mean, it's a new store, of course, but if someone opens a physical store in front of your house with good offers that you like, wouldn't you consider buying there even if it's new?
I know about those rumours and news about spying, selling information, etc. but just by using internet you are giving your own information to many enterprises without knowing (or knowing it, but it's necesary if you want to be connected with the world).
Btw, thanks for you answer :)
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Because the Epic store is lacking the most basic feature and Epic would go any lenght to eliminate competition. Bribery, extortion... not something you'd want to support.
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I agree that Epic did some shitty things with some exclusives, but nobody forced developers to change their release platform. If Epic offers them better conditions... then I found it normal for them to take them. If you really want a game, you'll buy it no matter the platform (for example, I think it's even worse to buy a game on Steam and still need the Uplay launcher to play it).
Or at least that's what I think, and that's why I asked for opinions about the deal, not the platform.
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For me the main reason I'm not buying anything on Epic at this point, is that I don't trust they'll stay open. Which might be what Mayanaise means as well. Stores have closed in the past, and it can make accessing your old purchases impossible. In the case of GOG, the downloads are DRM free anyway so it doesn't matter so much, and then the other main steam competitors are all publisher run, for their first party games mostly. So I think as long as the publisher was going, they'd have your games there.
But with the lack of features and some question marks regarding their strategy, I just don't trust Epic at this point to stay open long term. Maybe after a few years, when they've proven they have staying power and added some better features, I'd consider it. But for now, if there's a steam release coming on any game, I'd rather wait for that to hit a good enough discount.
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Finally an argued and logical opinion against Epic on this post instead of just saying "don't buy there because yes", thanks xD
Honestly, I didn't think about Epic closing, but seems possible even though I don't expect it to happen. So thanks for your vision, I'll consider that possibility before buying :)
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Yeah I mean they are probably big enough to at least get 'bought out' by another company. But I still remember when 'games for windows live' shut down, and it was a real pain for people who had games on there. And I mean that was run by Microsoft.
Luckily in that case, many of the bigger games converted to steam and it was fine, but some still got lost in the shuffle and people lost access to games they'd paid for. So yeah, maybe Epic will mature and be a good platform, but I'll be happy to wait for a bit longer I think.
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GFWL never closed, only the Marketplace (which means you can't buy DLC for those games). The problem is that those games install an older version of the GFWL client that doesn't work on Windows 10 (it gives a connection error, which may lead people to believe the servers are down). You have to manually install the latest version and it works fine.
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Interesting, I didn't know there was a work around. But either way, it was a bit of a shit show, and there's been enough other online services and stores that close to make me want to see a bit more longevity before committing, especially if all the games I want will come to other platforms at some point.
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This is making me think twice as well. I'm not convinced Epic is in this game for keeps. If their store isn't profitable quickly I can see them folding.
In a year if they're still around, and ideally have fixed some of the storefront problems they're still struggling with, I'd be more willing to buy from them.
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Yeah exactly. I'm still worried that their whole premises is based on gimmicks, like an experiment, and maybe after a year or two of free games and bought exclusives, backed by a sub-par platform, they'll throw their hands up and say 'oh well, this experiment failed, we're closing in 3 months, sorry about that'.
They are not releasing proper sales figures, which is worrying. If it was a runaway success they would love to tell us about how many millions of copies were sold. So yeah, for now, we stick with the proven platform.
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People like being a part of something, in this case hating a random company for reasons they don't understand. 90% of all anti-Epic comments are just parroting things they read elsewhere.
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Stop assuming people need you to tell them to stop assuming
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You were replying to this particular part of the thread, answering Vialma's question which was directed at me, so by implication you were remarking about anyone who doesn't just say "Yes, buy it already." In this case that was me.
You don't have to hate, or be entirely against something to have an opinion of it.
So, it's a fair call for me to say to you to stop assuming that I hate them, or that I'm just parroting other people's opinions. Or indeed that the other 90% of people that are against EGS don't have legitimate reasons of their own.
EDIT: I'm sure it's not 90%, it's quite likely to be evenly split, so don't worry.
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Basically what Formidolosus says below.
The store is new, I wouldn't jump from the Steamship too soon, even with the free games and the crazy sales that have been happening.
I really wanna see them settle down and show us how well they'll run as a proper store and game host for the long haul.
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Personally I'd buy it wherever is cheaper. People complain about EPIC store for spying etc. but how do we know steam is not doing the same? Just because it hasn't been caught on yet doesn not mean they don't do it. That or give our information away.
EPIC does have some weird quirks like not allowing you to buy multiple games at once and such. They will iron it out eventually.
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"US company never spy on its customer" lol. I truly hope you are joking here
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Same thing can be said outside video game industry, like Huawei was unfairly under fire
however Epic has been shady and unprofessional from the very beginning
just recently they screwed over their "exclusive" developers by not informing them, their own games where on sale Some of these devs and publishers can't be selling new games at lower prices because of deals with other platforms like Nintendo and Sony´s consoles.
I'll just wait, until they fix the store first
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That's what I think. Just by using internet you agree with the fact that many enterprises get your information, so... Seems like new things scare people, but everything was new at least one time xD
And yeah, I found stupid that Epic doesn't have shopping cart, but well, they'll probably change it eventually.
Thank you for your opinion :)
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How do we know? Well, try to trace data your steam client sends to steam server.
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Well, Subnautica was only early access game I bought without any regrets. Hope Below Zero will be same.
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Have bought the below zero on Steam it's amazing. Much better than the original game and the game is still in the development.
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$10 for that game is a pretty good deal in my opinion. From what I'm seeing the developers haven't discounted their game during the sale as it's showing $20 still(full price). The reason it's $10 right now is because Epic Games is actually providing $10 off not the devs.
I don't know what the percent off will be on Steam for the Summer Sale but the devs have never discounted the game on any platform. It's possible they may skip the Steam Summer Sale for this game like they did on the Epic Game Store. If they do choose to participate in it, I think 50% off would be very surprising tbh... it could happen though. I definitely don't see the game being cheaper than $10 any time soon. If the platform doesn't matter to you then grabbing it for $10 is a good deal, especially if you plan on playing it right away.
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Idk in dollars, but in euro it's less than 7€, so I think is even lower than you think. And yeah, I searched info about the discounts and didn't find anything lower. Also, I liked the first one I get there for free, so I'll definitely play this one if I get it. Thanks for you answer :)
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It's $9.99 on Epic right now. Checked it with VPN. ;)
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Yeah, I know. I'm from Ireland. I always buy in Euro generally because the fees for conversion is rarely worth it anyway. I just used the VPN to see how much it was in America. ;)
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$10 atm is equivalent to about 8.97 Euro. So you are getting it for about $2.41 cheaper than us.
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I am not expecting any sale like this one on steam anytime soon so i think that you should go for it.
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It's actually an amazing deal. Had I not bought it on Steam before, I would buy it on Epic now. It's a relatively new game and still in EA. You won't get a price anywhere that low on Steam for a long time. Probably years.
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I will say, though, that the one good argument against the Epic store is that we don't know yet if they will stay on the market. They are making all the moves to establish themselves as the second big player in the game, and I personally think they will achieve that. But it wouldn't be the first time that a company rises high fast, but lacks a proper long-term plan and vanishes just as fast. I wouldn't mind too much if I lose the games I buy now in a few years. So for me it wouldn't be that bad. But it is something to consider, at least.
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If you want to support developers then buy it on HumbleBundle, that's a steam key and developers get more from it than from epic purchases, also no extra "transaction fee" hidden cost there if you European. I know, that 10usd minus tempting, so might use that once (i still avoid it, i not comfortable to use credit or deposit card on Epic store), it is just for future reference.
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And what's the split for the devs on the HB store?
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no clue, there were a few videos and official comments from developers in previous months that the split even better on HB than on EpicStore and it is not worth to use EpicStore for them while they can't sell their keys elsewhere. I not going to look for it, it is probably not hard to find it via google.
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I can tell you what it is..they got about 70% when you break down on everything, which is about the same as Steam, other clients and stores. So if people actually want to "support the developer" the developer would get more money through the Epic Games Store.
Your comment seems more about not liking the Epic Game Store than actually trying to support the devs.
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Your answer seems more about liking the Epic Game Store than actually about looking for right answers.
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My comment isn't about whether I like the store or not, I provided info on what the devs actually get around on the Epic store vs what they get on HB. LordOfDarkness provided a link with the info below.
And as far as your comment you mention that you don't trust the Epic Store enough to make a purchase on it, so yeah it sounds like your comment is more about you not liking the Epic Games Store rather than supporting the devs.
it is not worth to use EpicStore for them while they can't sell their keys elsewhere
Humble Bundle and Epic have a partnership now and the titles are starting to be sold on HB. Here's a few of them..
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Humble Store cut is:
75% devs/publishers
10% charity
15% IGN
Humble Widget (devs can place these on their websites) cut is:
95% dev/publisher
5% IGN
Epic Store cut is:
88% dev/publisher
12% Epic/Tencent
Mind you that currently, the cut the dev will get on Epic's sale is even higher, as the 10 USD discount will actually be paid by Epic, so Epic games in theory will only get 12% of what you pay, while the dev will get 88% of that value plus 10 USD (unless they get back 12% of those 10 USD, haha, but still, it's the best scenario of the devs getting the most of the discounted game).
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Thanks for posting that. There's also small percent fee for the devs which brings it to around 70%. I believe it's the payment processor fee which is actually mentioned by someone in the comments on the article that Csontzuzo linked.
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HB gets 5%. Read that somewhere not too long ago.
EDIT: Nevermind, the answer was already posted and is more complicated than I was aware. ^^
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Of course I want to support developers, but I don't have a wallet full of money xD that's why I'm considering buying it now, because of the discount, if it wasn't any discount I couldn't afford it atm.
Btw, as someone said in a comment before, seems like the game is like 2,50$ cheaper on Europe than America, so I don't really understand that "transaction fee" you're talking about.
Also, I wouldn't pay with my card, I'd use "one time Paypal", so I think it's safer.
Thanks for your answer!
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Unfortunately it doesn't seem like their comment is really about "supporting the devs".
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If you want to support developers then buy it on HumbleBundle, that's a steam key and developers get more from it than from epic purchases, also no extra "transaction fee" hidden cost there if you European.
There is no transaction fee for Europeans. There might be for certain European countries (feel free to elaborate which ones you mean), but definitely not for all of them. I am European and pay no transaction fee. The price is exactly as shown in the shop. I assume that's the case for quite a few of the European countries.
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I already got it there. It is a really good deal and might take some time to get something similar. Since Subnautica turned out to pretty good in the end, I think it already is worth getting it. Epic is still a small store, which made me think twice, yet looking at what games they offer and how popular they are, I don't really expect any issues there. Even if, it might take some while, so I will have played it plenty and might be able to get it somewhere else even cheaper or even free at some point.
I don't care if I need a different launcher at all, as long as I get to play the games.
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Yeah, someone warned me about the fact that Epic is pretty new and might be risky to buy there, but I think they won't disappear that easy.
I don't mind about the launcher too, I have like 4 or 5 different launchers so... xD
Thanks for your answer, I'll probably buy it
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As you said, they apply the discount on anything even though at first they said that it'd be related to 2FA. Btw, you don't even need to provide the phone number for that, you can activate it through e-mail (which I did) or authenticator app, just like Steam does.
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On Steam you can get into the beta of the game and receive the new stuff daily. On epic you will get only the big updates once a month
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If you just want to play the game: go for it.
The chance that this game will be that low on summer sale is very low because atm epic is paying this 10 bucks for you. It would need to be a 60% discount. For the dev-team there is no reason to do a sale that fast after releasing in early access.
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I'll be honest with you, most of time I avoid the topics about Epic and Steam as people seem to forget that Steam is on the market since very long and didn't have all those features they like when it began. Hell, 5 years ago there was no review system and the group chat system is pretty new as well. The situation is similar to me with Skype vs Discord, convincing people to give a try to something new is always complicated and they will find many many reasons to not change as you need to invest more energy into something new rather than protecting something old (that's called "resistance to change", can google it).
I often wonder what is the percentage of people against Epic still getting free game every 2 weeks from them.
Anyway, for your question, buy where you're comfortable buying. Steam cannot go that low, Dev get even more more that sale than they do on Discord, so just buy there. You intend to play the game right ? So why does it matter if the store crumbles after a few years, not like you would replay the game anyway once finished.
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Believe it or not, I agree with you on this. I don't believe epic games store will cease to exist (although anything is possible). I don't see any strong reasoning why not to buy it through Epic. I know it would be easier to have all our games in one store but no one is going over the moon because of Uplay, Origin, Microsoft Store, GoG and Blizzard. While I can agree with the argument that it is a bit of a hassle having so many launchers. That doesn't provide the best reason to not buy a game on any of those platforms, as long as the developers are getting paid or are happy with the transaction taking place. While Epic has made mistakes, they at least know where their shortcomings are and have a clear line of communication on what they're focused on improving and when we can expect it to be implemented. The $10 incentive is a good way to get people to buy games on their platform at a very very good discount + it's not at the cost of the developer.
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GOG Galaxy 2.0 will solve that launcher problem, they even took PLEX appearance to make it look as nice and if they give as much information as PLEX does on movie, we'll have something amazing.
When that "spying" stuff was uncovered, a lot of people also pointed out that the informations weren't going anywhere, but of course, even though they had solid explanations on what was going on, their argument was quickly shut down by the Steam Lovers.
PS: We don't have any argument beside the problem on Kinguin that honestly pushed me to get everybody in the same basket. You spooked me on Steam, I had problems with real stalkers in the past and can be really sensitive when someone pokes me in places I don't expect them. I unblocked you.
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I saw that news about GOG Galaxy 2.0 and I'm impressed at what they're trying to accomplish. That "spying" stuff was blown out of proportion and people just jumped to conclusions. If people really want to be scared go and request all the information google has on you, they store a few hundred GB's on average of information on a person (got a shock when I went through mine). But Epic did nothing remotely similar to that.
PS: I acknowledge your points and opinion on the Kinguin topic, my frustration at their methods used, hours wasted and poor service got the better of me and I let it all out on the forum (which wasn't the best thing of me to do). With regards to steam: Wanted to explain myself and not take up the whole forum :) anyway the past is in the past.
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Thanks for taking the time to answer even though you avoid these topics :)
I completely agree with you, it's always hard to enter as new in a market with many options. Probably I'd have never checked EGS if they hadn't offered free games every two weeks so, at least for me, their strategy worked.
And yeah, I'm not worried about store disappearing in a few years, because if that happens... I'd just download the game elsewhere, because doing that while owning the game couldn't be considered pirating, right? xD
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Odds are you'll still be able to play the games you bought on epic for many many years to come ;). There were games (not a lot, but still) redeemable on epic launcher before the "Epic Game Store" even existed. Besides the Unreal Engine is installed via the same app so that ain't going anywhere soon in my humble opinion.
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That Steam did not have these features 15 years ago is not an excuse for a product released in 2019, let alone if the developer is a fairly large company with plenty of economic resources. As customers, we expect an online shop with certain features that are standard in this day and age, not what Steam was doing 5, 10 or 15 years ago.
I can understand that some minor characteristics are left out at the time of release, but Epic missed truly crucial features like web search or cloud saves, some of which haven't been addressed after more than half a year.
PS: And yes, I take the free games they give away even though I dislike the shop and some of Epic's practices. They won't see a cent from me for now, but that doesn't mean I am not going to accept free content.
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What you seem to not understand - as many other people mind you - is that this shop is axed on developers and not customers. Steam isn't the standard you're speaking of, it is only your standard. Not every game / platform has cloud save for example.
As for waiting 6 months.. How long were you ok to wait for Steam to come up with those features ? New features require time and money, their choice is to use the money to give more to dev and to slowly patch up what is missing for customers, is it that bad ? I don't think so.
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Again, what you seem not to understand here is that Steam was released at a a time there were no "standards" because the whole field was just starting. Asking how long we had to wait for these features makes no sense whatsoever, since no one was expecting any of them -- there were barely other online shops, let alone any shops offering these services.
In any case, the standard we are talking about is not Steam, but the state of the art of videogame online distribution platforms. Steam happens to be the most comprehensive out there, so that's a good reference for features one may want in 2019. Some might not be necessary (e.g. forums), but it's pretty obvious to me that cloud saves are a must have; in fact I often use them myself.
As I once read from someone, one could make an analogy to smartphones. If a wealthy company, let's say Microsoft, now releases a smartphone with the specs of a phone 6 years ago, it would be inevitably inferior to that of its rivals. Sure, you would be able to call, text and browse the internet, maybe even use several apps, but it would simply be worse. And just because it's a new comer to the field we would not accept what they are offering, but instead buy from someone else.
Going back to Steam, the fact that they decide to focus on developers only proves my point, if anything. As customers we want the best possible service, not that developers are happy getting paid for exclusives; if Epic prioritizes developers instead of us customers ,we have every right to complain.
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I see things completely differently on my side. Developer can only invest so much money, want better games and add-on ? They need more money, as a customer, you should be happy they DO get more money for their work, it will help them providing more content in the future.
They now have the search in store you were complaining about, if you're using a lot of computers, it's not like USB drives or shared servers are pricey either and beside the update that will come in the future in their shop, you can also expect GOG Galaxy 2.0 to smooth all that.
I understand that a lot of people are used to be spoon fed for everything, but it doesn't hurt either to be a little inventive instead of getting upset. You'll live longer and it helps to use your brain a little.
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Spoon fed? Inventive? Now limitations are a good thing because they promote inventiveness? So next time I get a product that comes without essential features I should be happy because it's stimulating my brain? Jeez, we should tell Microsoft and Apple right away to remove all the nifty utilities they bundle with their OS... And, why not, TVs should also come without remote controllers, so that people have to build their own using integrated circuit boards.
Don't you realize how ridiculous this sounds? Turning a glaring limitation into an accusation of "lack of inventiveness" is not only offensive, but an extremely poor justification for what's essentially a failure from Epic games to deliver a shop in line with current day standards. And rest assured, I for one have enough things to do in my daily life to keep my brain busy.
Now, if you prefer that they spend money on buying exclusives rather than having an acceptable shop, I can sort of understand -- though I certainly don't share this feeling. But trying to put the blame on customers for expecting certain features? In what world is it be better for the customer to buy a USB drive rather than a seamless integration of cloud saves?
In my perspective, both things can be compatible: yes, I want developers to have money for game development, but also an acceptable shop. On the other hand, Steam also provides a very valuable service to developers -- not only can they keys for free (which they can also sell themselves if they are so inclined), but they also benefit from a large server infrastructure, item trading, DRM solutions, etc. Besides, if I ever want a developer to get more for a game that is worth it, I can just buy a game full price... which probably few people do anyways. Perhaps we don't care that much about them poor developers after all. ;)
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Now you have no idea if I did speak about you about being spoon fed. I had other people in mind, I'm playing enough MMO and seeing people asking questions while they just had to read the quest they just took or spent 3 seconds on a google search.
Anyway, I don't consider those as being limitations, I don't consider waiting as being a problem, I don't consider using an alternative cloud option to have my games save always updated there as being a problem (dropbox for example, just in case you didn't think of this).
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The fact is that maybe they can't afford all that features right now and prefer to invest on anything that can give them any profit. Because if you have a store with plenty of features, but zero games to sell...
And I still understand what you mean, but I can't fully agree with you. Also, I don't really need that cloud saves, so for me is not that crucial. Honestly, the only thing that might annoy me from the current state of EGS is that it doesn't have shopping cart, but I can live with it.
Btw, thanks for you opinion.
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Well, I am pretty sure that if they can afford paying for temporary exclusive games or even buy whole studios, they can implement certain features from the start. There are things that might take time (e.g. Steam has an impressive network of servers), but the lack of a search function when the shop was released, or a shopping cart still, is inexcusable.
Everyone has different needs, but cloud saves have been handy when losing my data or playing from a different computer (e.g. at a friend's home). Even if I don't really need them, I am always relieved to know they are there.
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Well, I don't really know how much money they invest, and honestly I don't really care as long as they make it work, so.. I think I can't tell anything else about it... xD
Anyway I agree with your opinion about the shopping cart and the search function, those are basic features for me. And yeah, maybe cloud saves are important to most users, but as I said, I don't consider that basic to me, even though I understand that they are for others.
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it's a good deal, but I'm still not happy about epic
So even though I have an account I haven't installed their client on my computer (yet).
Not sure if I even should be bothered by all that, but ... meh
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I dislike that argument. That's like saying "well, Ford T didn't had seatbelts, so Tesla also doesn't need them today, they can add them after they take their time to establish".
Not learning from others mistakes/lack-of-knowledge/technical-limitations is not a valid excuse.
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You're comparing very different things.
Steam has many features that other platforms doesn't have, not only EGS, also Uplay, GoG, etc. but I don't see anyone complaining about them, only about Epic.
I'm not excusing them, I don't mind buying a game there or elsewhere, but if I just want to play the game, I don't need lots of external features to play it, so for me that's not a reason to stop buying it.
That's why I just asked about the deal on my post, not about the platform, because I expected many people discussing about Epic instead of the deal.
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You're comparing very different things.
Not really. You're saying "just because EGS is new, they can skip features other shops have". I counter "just because Tesla is new, they can skip features other cars have".
I'm not excusing them
But you do - "I think Steam didn't have all the features it has right now when they started, so they just need time to establish". Epic had 15 years to learn how to make proper store, they even created SteamSpy to get the most data to create it.
And then they released EGS...
As for deal - it's a good one. I mean, any -50% deal is a good one if you're interested in the product.
I just won't get it, or anything else from EGS, because in the end I can spend those $10 more and not support people who say "MS is bad for creating monopolies, support our monopoly instead".
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Well, I don't think that unnecessary (even though they are useful) features from a digital store can be compared to security systems from a car. Just considering the consequences of their lack; I won't die by using a store without shopping cart, but I might die if my car doesn't have seatbelt.
I'm not excusing, I'm just wondering why Epic gets all the hate while Uplay is still there, forcing you to use it even if you buy their games on Steam (I use Uplay too but I don't like that), and while another platforms that also lack many Steam features stay there without any hate.
Btw, sticking to the purpose of this post, thanks for your opinion about the deal :)
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Does EGS still have the extra fee for paying using certain payment methods?
Then their is the problem of the amount of money EGS has been tossing about to buy one year exclusives and games(Rocket League)
Also since Tencent is "owned" by the Chinese government and have 40% stake in EGS , I'd be concerned about the software rooting about your system looking for passwords and logins to steal.
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I don't know, I didn't see any extra fee while testing the payment through Paypal.
And well, considering that I play League of Legends, from Riot Games, which is completely owned by Tencent... I'm not really scared of them at this point.
Thanks for your answer!
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Hello guys.
I'm considering buying Subnautica: Below Zero EA on Epic Games Store because of that 10$ off during sales. As I saw, on Steam never went that low, and I don't know if it can go under that on Steam Summer sales considering it's on early access.
So... ignoring it is on EGS instead of Steam (a fact that I don't really like, but I can live with it xD), do you think it's a good deal or not?
Thank you!
PD: Please, avoid answers complaining about Epic, I prefer Steam by far but if Epic has better offers, I'll buy there.
UPDATE: After reading all the comments and being warned about facts that I haven't considered before this post, I finally dedided to buy it even though I know that Epic is pretty new and might not survive like Steam does. Thanks a lot to everyone, especially the ones that posted argued opinions instead of "no" or "don't buy just because it's Epic". Have a nice day :)
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