I made a similar thread for Sleeping Dogs just before it was released so I thought I'd make one for Dishonored, too. Basically, I noticed that Dishonored is available with some company-specific pre-order exclusives -- which is a practice I really hate because it prevents the gamer from attaining the "full experience" of the game by creating company-specific DLC content he cannot get unless he's winning to spend hundreds of dollars on different copies to collect all the DLC, which may or may not be able to be combined into one game. Anyway, here are the various versions available:

I'm not quite sure which one I'm going to get. Although I play Team Fortress 2 (since before it became free), and moderately enjoy getting some items, I really don't think that's the best offer here. True, they've thrown in the game Arx Fatalis to sweeten the deal but I already have the game (which I bought from GOG a long time ago). The other exclusives, which actually add abilities to your character in the game (based on what type of assassin you want to play), seem far superior. The only question: which one? The non-digital bonuses (i.e. USB lamp, tarot cards) also seem cool.

What about you guys? Which do you think is the best (or the ones you've already gotten)?

12 years ago*

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If I could I would get the best buy lamp. DOnt know how it looks in reall life but on pic its pretty sweet.

12 years ago

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I really want that USB lamp.

12 years ago

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Same here. I want the USB lamp and the Tarot Cards.

12 years ago

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Your "Shadow Rat Pack" link is incorrect. Its the same link as "Arcane Assassin Pack"

EDIT: Best link i could find for "Shadow Rat Pack" Here

12 years ago

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I made my own link here from the best buy popup

yours is good too, but I went through the trouble to make this so I'm gonna post it too -_-

12 years ago

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Haha, that works too. :p

12 years ago

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Thanks for the info, I updated the link with the "official" poster.

12 years ago

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I really really want the Tarot cards, but i don't have the money to preorder. I like the bonuses too.

12 years ago

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Apparently, a lot of other people wanted them too with the result that they're sold out from the online GameStop store (though there are other online stores for other countries that have them and possibly local GameStop stores).

12 years ago

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i wish greenmangaming had some bonus :(

12 years ago

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$15 off (if you use the coupon code available till the 8th) :X

12 years ago

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well problem is i reserved my game since august 29th lol so i cant use any more coupon XD i used the 20% coupon on that moment and i receive my key today :D

12 years ago

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The only actually interesting bonus are the tarot cards. It's guaranteed that the other in-game enhancements will show up as DLC.

12 years ago

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I really hope so.

12 years ago

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Did you watch the videos?

You get no extra items, they're just minor stat bonuses that make the game a bit easier.....so what?

Also this comment from youtube:

"People are angry about pre order bonuses?? Wtf...how else would pre orders even still exist. Do you really think preordering a game reserves you a copy for big games like this, get real. They have pre orders for pre order packs, or else no one would pre order anymore. Oh and btw...they are optional, and knowing bethesda they will release them later like they have done with every other game so take a chill pill. On disc, day one DLC is your real enemy. ο»Ώ"

12 years ago

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Are you asking me this question? If you read what I wrote, I never mentioned "extra items" once. The only time the word "item" was used was in reference to the Team Fortress 2 items. Also, in my last paragraph, I make it explicitly clear that the bonuses "add abilities to your character in the game".

That said, now that you bring up the subject, you actually do get both digital and physical items, depending on which exclusive DLC you choose. They are not "mere stat bonuses". If you click on the posters for each DLC, you'll notice that, along with each pack of abilities, you get: an in-game statue, "unhidden book", and 500 coin. And, if you order from GameStop or BestBuy, you also get a physical deck of tarot cards or USB drive.

I saw that comment before I posted but, so what? Pre-order marketing campaigns do not justify the existence of company-specific DLC bonuses and there is no guarantee that any of these DLC (or physical items like tarot cards and USB drive) will be released at a later date. (If that was guaranteed to happen, it would defeat the pre-order bonus marketing strategy.)

It would be great if that happened -- something I mentioned in the Sleeping Dogs thread -- but months have passed and that still hasn't happened in regards to that game. (So far the DLC released for Sleeping Dogs has consisted of mostly experience boosts and increased money -- which in the old days is what we would have called a "cheat code".) Now, these two games are developed and published by entirely different companies but, generally speaking, most game companies do not release promotional DLC at a later date. I only know of a few exceptions.

12 years ago

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Saw a video of the lamp and it's pretty small and didn't look that great, ended up going for the Gamestop version because I've always wanted a set of tarot cards.

12 years ago

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You should e-mail them to make sure you're getting the cards. They removed the advertisement and all mention of the Tarot Cards from the website. Unless you pre-ordered a long time ago or pre-ordered from a local GameStop, you may have a problem.

12 years ago

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Preordered from the Gamestop down the street and they still had the posters and such...just in case I'll be there when they open :)

12 years ago

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I hate it that all games do this shit today however i did pre order from a store here in sweden with the arcane thingy.

12 years ago

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I'll just wait for the Game of the Year edition to include them all.

12 years ago

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Dishonored is the first game straight from the steam store that I've paid full retail price for. The developers deserve it. Those TF2 items are just a bonus with some significant trade value.

12 years ago

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I agree, when I heard about the greenmangaming thing I was really annoyed but... did you still get the tf2 item?
Regardless they deserve the extra Β£7.50

12 years ago

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I bought it through Steam. I'm almost certain you wouldn't get the TF2 items through Greenmangaming. Valve would like to keep some incentive for buying through their own client :P

12 years ago

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I've updated the list of versions by adding information on the supposed Target promo as well as information regarding the Tarot Cards, which have apparently run out on the GameStop online shop.

12 years ago

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I wish there was a comprehensive list of pre-order bonuses somewhere. So I'd know which games to pirate instead of buying. As if reserving part of the content for pre-orders and then not telling everyone else who buys it until it's released as DLC a couple of years later isn't bad enough, now they even limit content to specific stores. It's sickening.

12 years ago

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Well, usually a lot of gaming sites regularly report on the various exclusive pre-order bonuses. In addition, Amazon has its own section of pre-order bonuses (but, naturally, isn't going to advertise other companies' rival pre-order DLC). However, while someone may be able to pirate a given game, pirating the DLC may be a bit harder. For instance, all of the aforementioned pre-order DLC for Dishonored is a Steam code.

That said, I agree that this policy is terrible. Luckily, some well-known online gaming sites -- like Rock, Paper Shotgun -- agree on this and are giving our point-of-view a voice to the game developers since the people who run and write in magazines like PC Gamer are too servile, weak-willed, and submissive to voice such opinions to the industry.

12 years ago

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You make it sound as if the "pre order content" is vital to enjoying the game. I can't even classify it as DLC (which is also not vital to enjoy the game).

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

12 years ago

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Pure gimmicks. Have you read some of the bonus descriptions? Talk about unnecessary content. I went for a pre order straight from Steam.

12 years ago

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Actually, some (but not in Dishonored case) are quite vital, for one reason or another. There's ME3 with it Protean pre-order day0 DLC (for ME-lore-fanatic that is a must-have), there was "rescue character from first Deus EX" preorder bonus in Human Revolution (and this one could be important to continuity - you can see that character later in a cinematic - I don't know if DLCless DEHR also have that cinematic, but if it have, Jensen makes a remark about character he never seen like he know him...).

12 years ago

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Those DLC are not "vital" though. You said it yourself, extra characters and lore related stuff. Are you referring to the explosive mission pack (featuring Tracer Tong) for DEHR?

12 years ago

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If "lore related stuff" is not vital-ish (notice "ish"), I really don't know what will be vital content (well, beside "bullets for guns" preorder bonus, leaving you only with melee in Battlefield of Duty or other Call of Field if you don't preorder...). Only DLCs that are worth buying are those that add story, more lore etc to game, at least for me (of course, not when we talk about some puzzle games, where DLC can add some more puzzles and it will be good DLC).

Yup, I meant TT mission for DEHR, but didn't want to spoiler it for some DEfan who still didn't played DEHR (which would probably means he's not a fan, I guess...).

12 years ago

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i would get the steam one just because i love playing tf2 but i dont have money

12 years ago

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So, pirated version is pretty much the best version because it will include all the items. When will publishers get their heads out of their asses

12 years ago

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Sad but true

12 years ago

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Who the hell cares about cosmetic (thats almost always the extra stuff)
If you really really want it buy the preorder a day before ? whats the difference.. if you don't care well, then buy it when you want..

Also you could simply not buy it at all and write on their forum thats the solo reason for not buying (I doubt many do that).

Sometimes I see more weapons etc included in the games even powers.. but thats just silly.. why would you feel "forced" to buy a preorder to get stuff that makes the game easier? :D I don't get it..

12 years ago

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I assume you're talking to me -- in which case, I suggest you re-read my opening post because you seem to be more than a little confused. I simply created this thread for the same reason I created the Sleeping Dogs one: to list all of the various pre-order DLC and to see which people generally favored. Nothing more, nothing less.

That said, I merely noted that I hate the practice of company-specific pre-bonus DLC as a tangent. Less than a full sentence was dedicated to that subject but, for some unknown reason, you seem to have fixated on it. Hence, the bizarre conclusion you reached that I somehow... felt "forced" (i.e. coerced) into buying a pre-order. I decided to buy this game before I even knew there were multiple offers, aside from just the Steam one (and, again, despite my lack of interest in the TF2 items, etc.).

DLC doesn't convince someone to buy (or not to buy) a game. Clearly, that's not the issue. The issue is that games should be released the same for all people, regardless of what country they are in or what company is selling them the game. If this is not the case, then all of the pre-order DLC (and other promotional items) should be made available for people to purchase at a later date, if they want it. Whether the DLC is a minor alteration or a game-changing dynamic has absolutely no relevance in the issue as it's about the principle of it.

12 years ago

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Where someone states an opinion, however small, you can most likely expect a lengthy response from someone who disagrees :)

"...I noticed that Dishonored is available with some company-specific pre-order exclusives -- which is a practice I really hate because it prevents the gamer from attaining the "full experience"..."

12 years ago

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This is great game, and I think that I will pre-order this game!

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Adamantius.