Alrighty, so instead of creating a blacklist (I hate blacklists, because there are a lot of people who misuse them imho) for members I personally for whatever reason I disagree with, I've decided to see if maybe I can put up a nice whitelist for people I feel I can agree with.

So, here we go with the requirements:

  • Less than 500 games on steam
  • Less than 100 games won on SG
  • More games given than won
  • No unsent gifts
  • No VAC ban (<- screw this, I could look past that if it should be the case)
  • 20% or more games played with achievements are perfect (100%) (And by that I don't mean total games, just games you have unlocked achievements in, to keep it fair)
  • 50% or more average completion rate

Now, the achievement requirements may seem arbitary to some, but this is for two reasons: I don't like people "collecting" and hogging games on Steam. That's why the less than 500 games requirement is there (and I think, that's quite high - might be elevated in the future)
In correlation to that, a lot of the games remain unplayed. I like achievements, because doing / achieving them is (often, now always) a nice way to track if somebody plays the games he/she owns to the fullest possible extent. Also a nice way for me to maybe find people who want to do some achievements with me in the future (currently looking for a coop-partner in Gat out of Hell, for instance, who I can do some with)

If there's not enough people out there who are interested or apply, I will lower the requirements, if I feel I can look past something, I'll do that, too.

Edit: Of course I know that some of you might in return disagree with me, but that's just how it is. I don't intend to be rude to anyone.
Whitelist GAs will be either "high-tier" bundled or non-bundled, whenever I feel like creating some


9 years ago*

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I see.

9 years ago

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I don't think I meet the requirements.

9 years ago

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I certainly don't. My backlog is a rather formidable foe.

9 years ago

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8 out of 10 of us will certainly lose to the backlog!

9 years ago

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Too long; didn't read.

9 years ago

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Ah now ^^ ...
Well, i met every requirement exept the 20% one. Because i own so many games now. And a lot of the games i played, do not have achievements. (Both LEGO HP games i played last, for example).

But it's okay for me ;-)

Aber wenn du wen für Achievements brauchst, dann add mich ruhig :D

9 years ago

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Du erfüllst die Voraussetzungen - die 20% beziehen sich nur auf die gespielten Titel

9 years ago

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Schluck! Solche achievements Quoten habe ich bis heute für utopisch gehalten. Ich bin in Ehrfurcht!
Selbst wenn ich Spiele mit viel Energie durchspiele, habe ich keine 100 %.
Game on!

9 years ago

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Aaaahso dann hab ich das missverstanden ^^

Ja, was angefangen wird, wird möglichst auch 100%et :D ... sogar Bad Rats ^^

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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edit. tamam tamam yaptım

9 years ago

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keine voraussetzungen? bin dabei! :D

9 years ago

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i dont see requirements :| unless its nothing :D

9 years ago

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Too white

9 years ago

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Yeah, my mistake -.- Requirements are now there

9 years ago

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Man I just play games for fun I don't do achievement crap. XD

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I can understand you both, but my whitelist, my stupid requirements lol

9 years ago

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Lol fair enough. Let us know if you ever find a member.

9 years ago

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Two already, actually oO

9 years ago

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I dont enter true? .XD

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Yes, you do!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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  • 20% or more games played with achievements are perfect (100%)
    50% or more average completion rate *

No way i pass those 2 :D

Thats a nice idea tho , free bump :x

9 years ago

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I'm checking through Astats later

9 years ago

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I play alot of games offline , cause im sharing my library with my brother ... and some of the games are there for him :D
So i dont have any achievments on most of my games :P

And i havent really playd alot of my games yet anyway :x

9 years ago

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The last 2 requirements are meh...

Edit: Other than that the rules seem to be fair enough...

9 years ago

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I know, but it's about whitelisting likeminded gamers - also there have been a few whitelist recruitements with similar / stricter requirements regarding the given/won ratio, so I didn't want to just "copy" that
Maybe one of my giveaways suits your tastes more?

9 years ago*

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Dayum those requirements (the last ones anyway) are strict. I have a bunch of game I bought on humble bundles years ago that I probably won't play... oh well...

9 years ago

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Yeah, everyone has games they don't play. I just strongly disagree that it should be in the thousands lol

9 years ago

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Not sure about:
20% or more games played with achievements are perfect (100%)
50% or more average completion rate
How can I check? ha

9 years ago

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Easiest way is to feature the achievement showcase on your steam-profile, more complicated way is to put up an astats profile

9 years ago

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23% Avg. Game Completion Rate
I'm kind addicted in CS:GO so I play other games then I come back to cs ç.ç

I like your idea ^-^

ASTATS profile:
Showing 181 achievement games.
Played: 140 out of 181 (77,3%)
With achievement: 84 out of 181 (46,4%)

9 years ago*

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I'm a little bit beyond qualifying here and disagree with your views on VAC, collection, and especially achievements - it's my belief that achievements generally mean people are less likely to play a game to its fullest - but that's your choice. :) I do think you should allow some exceptions for the achievement completion stats, though. Many games have broken/deliberately impossible achievements, and the difficulty of achievements varies so much, so people who play certain games will basically be punished for it, while those who use SAM will be rewarded. That doesn't seem to fit with your aims. While I don't agree with some of Astats policies, perhaps they offer a more suitable measurement for this.

9 years ago

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I think it strongly depends on the game. Achievements made me play some great games to what I think was "the fullest" extent possible - notably games such as Sanctum (1/2), Dungeon Defenders, Dishonored or Deus Ex.
I also know there is a possibility of SAM-users out there and some bugged achievements, but that's just how it is. If I feel someone is suspicious, I'll check that rightaway, because often, you can't hide SAM.
Also, whitelisted for good arguments.

9 years ago

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Thanks. :)

I'm quite interested in making my own achievement tracking site at some point and have some interesting ideas for achievements for my own games - I think there are good aspects to them, but they're just generally used for the wrong reasons. Dishonored and Deus Ex are good examples of how they encourage players to play the games in different ways, though both also suffer a little from 'collect all the completely unimportant stuff!' - there are much worse offenders. It often feels like an excuse to claim a game is a lot longer than its content is actually fun for.

In contrast, there's great games on Steam that don't have achievements at all, and there are games where the achievements don't quite respect the potential passion of the players - for example, FF7's achievements are fairly good in terms of covering the expected features of the game, but they somewhat discourage the challenge games that the series has become known for (ie. 'complete the game without levelling' 'without materia', etc.). FF8 however chose to include 'no levelling Squall' as an achievement, and then everyone's annoyed at it. Can't win.

9 years ago

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That's exactly the kind of achievements I'm talking about. Ofc there also are a lot of needless achievements, like the collecting stuff you said (although I think in Deus Ex it was well implemented, since the unique "tablets" (forgot what they're called) had some pretty interesting stories in them. There's always a lot of disagreeable stuff in gaming (steam in general is kind of disagreeable) but I don't think one should rule out everything just because there's the one or other bad aspect to it. I have to admit I've played some games for the sake of the achievements alone, be it because they were easy, or, in turn, really challenging (like Reus)
I'm often disappointed with games having too little achievements or just tedious ones (complete this chapter, collect that stuff, blehbleh) or not making the most out of it (see your comment on FF, although I can't discuss about that, not having played them)

Honestly, I'd much rather make a whitelist for college students in certain subjects or people who do 8 hours of sports / week, but unfortunately there's no way in hell I can track and confirm that :D

9 years ago

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Not sure I agree. You can just play a game normally, then redo them for achievements. Or just read up on them, and do them as they come. I have 100% in Bioshock Infinite (most rare too), Borderlands 2 and Deus Ex Human Revolution DC, which took a long time, but was challenging and really fun.

9 years ago

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This depends on the game - if it's a short game that's designed for replayability, this is great, but if it's a 100-hour epic and the difference between achievements has very little effect on the actual gameplay, then it's just a waste of time. That said, my argument was more aimed at the fact that there are often so many things to do in games which achievements don't cover - players often know games better than the devs do, and there are often many little easter eggs, tricks, glitches and such that someone who gets 100% achievements won't necessarily be aware of.

9 years ago

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Indeed some of them can bee a lot of work. Had to play Metro 2033 twice to get all the hidden ammo, and kill with each weapon in the game. But it's kinda fun also. I played Bioshock Infinite twice as well, first on hard, then on 1999 mode, which was really fun (man I love that game). So games I love, I can play twice, for achievements, otherwise, I might drop that.

9 years ago

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Thank you!

9 years ago

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I have 6/7. I like your requirements :) The only one I don't meet with is this

  • More games given than won

EDIT: I made a mistake. Changed the text

9 years ago*

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Hmm the 100% achievement rate is quite high. LIke I have several games where I need just 1 achievement for 100%, but they are insanely hard to get (like getting a straight flush in poker night). I do like to go for 100%, but it takes a long time.

So not sure, if I live up to the requirements :S

9 years ago

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You fail in terms of having less games given than won, but I can look past that ;)

9 years ago

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Thank you, 3 of those games are dlc (remember me, walking dead and c&c uprising) :)

9 years ago

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I'm probably not even close to fulfilling the last two requirements. I'm a gamer, not a completionist. :P

9 years ago

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I think I meet requirements :D
(not sure about 20% or more games played with achievements are perfect , though)

9 years ago

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9 / 31 games is more than 20%, so whitelisted

9 years ago

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Hi Thallassa,
Your gifts your rules, go for it; I don't meet the requirements, but I understand what your doing.

9 years ago

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I think I meet all the requirements but the last 2, I think most ppl with 100% achievements do it with SAM. I've finished a lot of games without getting close to 100% achievements.

9 years ago

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i don't think ,like a lots of people, filling the 2 last requirement sadly (didn't find where to look)... I play games for fun, not for achievement wich, in my personnal opinion, is putting the player out of his own way to play, by making him try to do it another way for having achievement, and i don't like that, games are for fun, we play it like we want o.o
And even if i did, steam would screw me as for totally unknow reason it do not validate achievement sometimes...

Example : i finished ff13-2 totally got all different ends, killed every boss, capture every kind of ennemy, etc... i tried to get the success i missed, checked on the net what was those success and, ho, surprise ! its thing i already did and won't be validate later unless i redo the whole game with a new save without steam trolling ! And since then i don't give a sh... to success anymore...

PS: steam trolling also fonction with VAC... one of my friend got vac ban for cs:go even though he didn't cheat or even do anything... (i was here, we were quite "WTF ??") at this moment haha Thanks steam for letting robot doing their job.

well, all that that to say, i hope at least some people will be able to enter this whitelist x)

I also hope the requirement will lower since i am pretty sure i am 5/7 on it.

9 years ago

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Which XIII-2 achievement are you referring to? It's a really well designed game - as far as I'm aware there's only actually one thing in it that's missable (the game forces you to choose between one of two adornments) and it doesn't affect achievements.

9 years ago

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well designed ? you must have missed all the evaluation about what problem that game had and how bad of a port it was... though personnaly i loved this game (thats why i tried to get the achievement), the only thing i would have like to is choosing the volume for the different sound, music etc ... and also i had to verify the cache 2 time due to some bug after teleportation. weren't that troublesome.
you can check my profile to see what achievement i am missing, and i complete all of them except the one where i had to do 100 time a "first strike" since i was angry of the game not updating the previous achievement so i stoped there.

9 years ago

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The quality of game design and the quality of porting are two different things, and I was basing my opinion on the Xbox 360 version, anyway - haven't played it on PC yet. I did check your profile and couldn't tell what problem you had.

9 years ago

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the problem is simple, steam didn't updated the achievement even though i completed them. And its not like you or steam can do anything about that anyway^^

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Thallassa.