I saw your title and I come to tell you the same that your message says :D
I don't remember the user but I do remember than in every of the GAs there was a little text reminding the fact that they weren't sure about the validness of the keys and that by entering you agreed on the possibility of them being used.
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I believe this is entirely doable. Just remember to put those guidelines in your whitelist giveaways and have your winners write a comment on steamgifts consenting to having the giveaway deleted.
I would be interested in helping you with this if you still need users.
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It is possible and according to rules in my opinion, however it is frowned upon by some people and might get you on a few blacklists.
If you have multiple copies of some of the games you could make 1 copy GAs for those and then use the 2nd key as backup if the other one turns out dupe.
Also if you're talking about sandwiches you can use the cheese as a barrier for the salad (pickles...) to keep the bread from getting moist so ham on top unless you're gonna toast it :P
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I can't remember what their arguments were exactly but it was more along the lines of "those keys should be used as keydrops instead if you're not sure if they are valid" and if we allow that people would just make infinite GAs with made up keys until they find one that works.
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I know. Also even if they could it wouldn't matter because aside from guessing a working key you would also have to correctly guess which game it is for but there might have been more to that argument.
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I recall one and if I remember correctly it was somebody who I have a rather high opinion of but unless they decide to get into this discussion themselves it would feel weird to name them ;)
I can't remember what exactly their arguments were but it was along the lines of "those keys should be used as keydrops instead if you're not sure if they are valid" and "If we allow that people would just make infinite GAs with made up keys until they find one that works."
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Sounds like a good idea to me, as long as everyone abides by the rule that if the key is bad,in stead of marking received, agree to delete the ga.
Edited because Im not so smart today
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And that is the one thing you can NOT do when trying this approach ;)
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you'd really think that someone with your amount of SG experience would know the MOST BASIC RULES ;p You cannot mark as received GA that you did not receive - it will end in you getting suspended and maybe you boith getting suspended (fake GA is also suspendable), only valid way in such a case is either marking not received or agreeing on GA deletion and GA creator writing Delete ticket (if you agreed in comment it will be automatically accepted by support)
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Yeah, I did f this up real good :? I didnt even think that far. Sorry guys....
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Really, I am sorry. My only intention was to help, I need to learn to think before I speak. Im just glad you had brains enough to realize my f up
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I'm not angry or anything, don't apologize ;p Only reason I write is so other ppl can see it, because if noone corrects you some newbie may see your comment and think this is the right thing to do ;) Best you can do is like Yirg said - just edit your original comment (click Edit at bottom of the comment) and delete false info ;)
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Im just glad you let me know I had foot in mouth, I tend to not think things through all the time. Thank you :)
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I remember there actually being a case like this on forums. Someone required users to write in forum topic "I agree that GA will be deleted in case key turns out to be duplicate" and while some people were not sure if it would work, some Support came and said that indeed these would be a valid agreement and would be enough for GA creator to request GA deletion ;)
So you can do the same - ask ppl to write they agree to this before WLing them or adding to steam group and you are free to go ;)
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From the guidelines:
You cannot ask users to perform any special action in order for their entry to be considered valid, such as liking a Facebook page, or following a Twitter account.
[emphasis added by poster]
I'd say requiring consent would fall under this as well.
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You cannot require special action in order for entry to be considered valid, you can require special action in order to gain entry to the GA in the first place. also mentioned rule is more anti-advertising rule, accourding to your interpretation all puzzles on SG should not be allowed because they require special action (solving puzzle) in orger to get access to GA.
Also like I mentionemd, while the point of guidelines you mention was mentioned Support ittself commented that in such a case it's not this, you can require user to post agreement for GA deletion in order for user to be invited to GA same as you may require let's say user to post funny cat gif in order to be invited to GA and users who posted funny7 dog gifs cannot really report you to support for not inviting them ;p
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accourding to your interpretation all puzzles on SG should not be allowed because they require special action (solving puzzle) in orger to get access to GA.
That definitely gives me a different perspective on the the issue to be sure, or at least on that interpretation. I do still feel these are better served being dropped keys as they do put the entrants at risk.
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ofc you are free to feel whatever you like. I may also personally feel that unsure keys are better dropped or just given to friends, but the issue in the toipic was not "what is your personal opinion on what is the best approach to deal with unsure keys" but rather "is this idea of mine fine according to the rules, would it work etc". And if it does work what our personal opinion of best solution being doesn't really matter as it's not the topic ;p
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No ham, but add jalapeno and onion instead. :X
I wouldn't care and would allow a deletion (have done it in the past), but I wouldn't count on everyone doing it. A white-list lessens the chances of someone tossing a wrench into things, but nothing is sure-fire.
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Personally, I think this is what the orphan key drop threads are for (or like discussions in Steam Groups).
By creating a GA for something that may not be legitimate you expose the winner to a non-activated win strike if support does not delete the GA before the seven day point. That strike would remain in place at least until support deleted the giveaway. If support did not approve the deletion then that strike would be permanent. Admittedly, I believe they would... but there is also nothing in the rules that obligates them to delete a gib even though you expressed that limitation.
Since support is already greatly overburdened, the potential for the GA to go without being deleted beyond the seven day point could be high. I think that is putting the entrants at too great a risk.
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Wrong. User would have to MARK GA as RECEIVED in order to get not-received suspension. As long as he doesn't mark GA as received he can have it unmarked for months and will not get suspended as long as he doesn't mark.
Also - winner agreeing on GA deletion means auto-approve from support (they will even adsk you to get winner permisison in order for them to delete GA).
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I'm not calling you an idiot or having any special approach. I simply state the fact that what you say is wroing, and it gotta be stated in such a cases because otherwise it can lead to bad situations. Some newbie may see your comment with false information (and "you will be suspended" or "you may be suspended" if support fails to delete GA in 7 days period is clearly a false information) and will believe it and it may lead to misunderstanding, further arguments, dramas etc. So yeah, I state information you provide is false, simply because it is false, not because I have an approach that I want to make you seem like an idiot or sth.
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I've already had a similar situation (the key was for a different game than the GA). The GA creator could not send me a valid key so I agreed to delete the giveaway. The only thing you should be wary of - if there are a lot of invalid keys, you might run out of GA slots after deletions.
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Hello Steamgifters,
It's been altogether too long since I made any giveaways of my own, and I feel I've received more than my fair share of good things from the community, and it's been bugging me a long time that I have never had the energy to go through all of my bundles and give something back. Now I feel like I might finally get started with that, but there is an issue - I'm not 100% certain that all of my oldest keys are unused. Now, obviously I cannot put those up as regular giveaways because I run the risk of getting an angry winner if they end up with a used key. So I was thinking of alternatives.
I think someone did something like this at some point last year: make the giveaways whitelist instead of public, adding people that post on a thread agreeing to rules to whitelist. Specifically I'm hoping I could run whitelist giveaways for all of my not-100%-sure keys, with any unlucky winner getting his choice of my other games as compensation, requirement for whitelisting being that you agree that in such a case the giveaway gets deleted without a black mark in my profile.
Once I'm finally rid of all those keys I could put up all the definitely still unused keys as regular giveaways.
Does this work? Would it be according to rules? Cheese or ham on top?
Edit: Many thanks to all who commented. I believe I will try and get this ball rolling in the next day or two. About time I get those keys off my mind and hopefully to someone who will appreciate them.
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