I recently joined SteamGifts, and have been looking at Group Recruitment. There are lots of terms I have zero clue about, and am hoping others here can share their expertise with me. Maybe it can help others, too:

[Edit: And thanks! All questions answered! :) ]

Thanks for any help!

p.s. People who are especially good at explaining the above get to join my Whitelist for being awesome!

6 years ago*

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Do you have any idea what a CV ratio is?

View Results
Yes, I know what it is!
Yes -- it's a ratio of CV, whatever a CV is.
No -- but it likely has something to do with Contributor Value.
Zero clue!

Potato is the answer.

6 years ago

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Sorry, unable to add that to the poll now. I should have added that when I had the chance.

6 years ago

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"Real CV Ratio"

How is a Real CV Ratio calculated?


Contributor Value and Levels

What is contributor value?

Contributor value is a number that estimates the value of your giveaways within our community. When you give away a game, and the winner marks your gift as "Received", the value of the game is added to your contributor value. If your giveaway was assigned "No Value", or "Reduced Value", the value of the game would be adjusted prior to being added. There are also two other factors that may influence the value of your giveaway.

    After you give away a game 5 times (whether in the same giveaway, or in multiple giveaways), it will begin decreasing in value. The value is decreased by 10% for each additional copy. This means if you decide to give away 8 copies of a $10 game, it would add $74.39 (10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 9 + 8.10 + 7.29) to your contributor value. This has little effect on the majority of users, but prevents individuals from receiving a high contributor value from gifting a large number of promotional gifts, games obtained through pricing errors, or keys from contacting game developers.
    If a giveaway is invite only, region restricted, or limited to a whitelist or Steam group, it will only add contributor value if it receives 5 or more entries. This is in place to prevent small groups of friends from attempting to cheat the contributor system, and to encourage users to expand the reach of their giveaways. The whitelist feature offers an easy way to target a larger audience, and you can combine it with small Steam groups to receive a greater number of giveaway entries if needed.

If you hover over the "Gifts Sent" dollar value on your profile, you'll see your contributor value after all of the above adjustments have taken place. You might also notice that games valued over $50.00 will only require 50 points to enter. However, their full price will be used when calculating contributor values.

What are "No Value", "Reduced Value", and "Full Value" giveaways? How do they affect my overall contributor value?

When creating a giveaway and selecting a game, you'll notice "No Value" games are marked with a double asterisk (**), and "Reduced Value" games with a single asterisk (*). If you hover over those icons, you'll see the effective date for the value adjustments. For example, if a game is marked with a single asterisk (*), and hovering the icon shows "Reduced value since January 4, 2018", this would mean giveaways created for that game on January 4, 2018 or later will receive reduced contributor value. Games typically receive no value or reduced value when they're featured in bundles, heavily discounted, or available for free in online promotions. Their values are adjusted this way to better represent their true value. Keep in mind, the asterisk icons are just for reference, and the value of a game can be backdated if we need to make retroactive changes.
Games fall into one of the below three categories.

    No Value:
    No contributor value when given away after the effective date.

    Reduced Value
    15% contributor value when given away after the effective date.
    Full Value
    100% contributor value when given away.

If you visit your profile, you can see a breakdown of your previous giveaways. If you hover over the "Gifts Sent" number on your profile, you'll see the number of gifts you have given away in each category.

For example, you give away three games. Game A is $10.00 and it has no value. Game B is $20.00, and it has reduced value. Game C is $50.00 on Steam, and it has full value. Once your giveaways have ended and the gifts have been received by their winners, you will see the updated values on your profile. In this case, you would see "Gifts Sent: 3 ($80.00)". This would show that you have successfully given away 3 gifts, and their current list price on Steam is $80.00 in total. If you hover over the number of gifts, you would see you have one "No Value" gift, one "Reduced Value", and one "Full Value". If you hover over the dollar value, you would see you have a contributor value of $53. It would be calculated as 0% of the gift with no value (0 x $10.00 = $0.00) + 15% of the gift with reduced value (0.15 x $20.00 = $3.00) + 100% of the gift with full value ($50.00).

"SteamGifts won/sent ratio"

Does this normally mean # gifts won / # gifts sent,


"keep a positive group ratio"

How does one calculate "Group Ratio"?

If you giveaway 5 games in a group and win 1 game you have a positive group ratio

If you giveaway 1 game in a group and win 5 games you have a negative group ratio

Multiple or unredeemed wins

If I win a game, can I regift, trade, or sell it?

According to our guidelines, no, all games you win must be activated and redeemed on the Steam account you used during registration. Failure to activate games you have received will result in a suspension.

 What should I do if I win a game more than once, or if I win a game that I already purchased?

When this occurs, you should contact the giveaway creator and inform them you will not be accepting or redeeming the gift. Explain the situation, and ask the giveaway creator to request a new giveaway winner. During this process you should not mark the gift as "Received", or reveal the key if the option is available. This will help inform us that you are not accepting the gift, and it will prevent you from being suspended for not activating a gift you won. Once the ticket from the giveaway creator is approved for a new winner, the win will be removed from your profile.
6 years ago*

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Thanks for the posts & links!

You have been added to my Whitelist :)

6 years ago

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OO, thank you, Tidhros! :-)

It's a real pleasure to help someone out.

6 years ago

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Regarding multiple wins, you shouldn't redeem the same game multiple times. SG does try to prevent you winning the same game by removing entries, but if you happen to win, don't redeem.

Unredeemed wins, yeah, you got it.

Won/sent - yes, number of games.

Real CV is CV after taking into consideration the reduced value, as described by the FAQ quoted by LostSoulVL.

6 years ago

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Thank you!

P.s. Welcome to my Whitelist!

6 years ago*

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Hmm, I was thinking about how to explain it, but there's alsready a quote from the FAQ pasted, that explains it better. :D

6 years ago

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Real CV ratio

Takes into account when games get bundled or a ~95% discount, which reduces the value of the particular game and its contributor value accordingly (instead of the full price, you'll be granted 15% of the current Steam store price).

SteamGifts won/sent ratio

Usually the amount of games won/given away, not their worth.

Multiple or unredeemed wins

Concerns rulebreaking, meaning if you've won multiple copies of one game or didn't redeem your wins after seven days, which both is in violation of SG rules, you'll be in bad standing and e.g. unable to join SGTools protected giveaways. You risk getting suspended.

keep a positive group ratio

It's the amount of games you've given away relative to the games you've won in a particular group - just be aware that, if you tag multiple groups in one GA, the CV will be split accordingly. It's basically the same as your overall won/sent ratio, just restricted to a certain group.

6 years ago*

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Thank you for the detailed break-down!


6 years ago

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"Real CV Ratio"

The most common use is referencing to the value calculated by this website (not affiliated with SG): http://www.sgtools.info/real-cv

"SteamGifts won/sent ratio"

Typically, [number of games won]/[Number of games gifted] but can also refer to value won/gifted.

"Multiple or unredeemed wins"

Multiple wins = Winning and accepting multiple copies/keys of the same game. Unredeemed wins means you haven't activated games you've won. Both of these actions are against the site's guidelines (and a bannable offense). Both of these can be verified with SGTools (linked above).

"keep a positive group ratio"

Positive ratio will most commonly refer to having more games given to the group than won in the group, or equal. For example, most groups usually require gifting as many games exclusively to the group as you've won from the same group. However, ratios vary by group rules - some require you to maintain a ratio in value, while other in numbers, or in bundled/non-bundled games.

Hope this helps a bit.

6 years ago

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(There's enough confusion about Real CV Ratio that I'd better make a poll for it!)

You're already on my Whitelist -- you're doubly awesome!

6 years ago

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  • Real CV ratio - You can check your CV sent here and your CV won here. Real CV sent divided by CV won is your Real CV ratio.

  • "SteamGifts won/sent ratio" - the number of gifts won versus the number of gifts sent. Those two are on your SG profile. Gifts sent divided by gifts won is your won/sent ratio.

  • "Multiple or unredeemed wins" - Multiple wins of the same game or games you didn't activate on your own account (i.e, sold, traded, or regifted). Basically, it means follow the SG rules for wins.

  • "keep a positive group ratio" - Depending on the ratio required, your Real CV ratio and/or your won:sent ratio needs to be a certain amount. For example a 1:1 real CV group ratio means your real CV won within the group must equal your real CV sent within the group. A 1:2 ratio in a won/sent ratio group means you would have to make 1 group giveaway for every 2 group giveaways you win.

6 years ago

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Blue heart for you!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago*

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I understand your answer perfectly, and appreciate the extra effort you spent writing in unfamiliar language (of which English = my 4th :).

Whitelisted :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by tidhros.