Hey there!

Ok... this topic is kind of directed to traders (and more specific to card traders).
I`ve created a similar topic few weeks ago, but I had given up on the idea and closed it.... but... it kind of got back to me.

Even running my bot with ASF, which has a great response rate, on the last steam sale there were several trades that would be invalid because cards would be traded quickly with other users and trade offers that couldn`t be sent because the cards had already been traded between STM scan and inventory loading time. (The last i know because of friends complains)

My internet connection is not awful, but it takes around 25 seconds to load my inventory (plus STM scan time, and ASF accepting time... let`s say it takes 1 minute for the process to be completed). This is not a huge problem when you are talking about random cards that nobody knows that exist... but when we are talking about sale cards, for example, it changes drastically.

I could drastically reduce the inventory loading time by splitting the inventory among different accounts. This would also reduce STM scan time.

So there is the pol bellow so I know if doing that would be an improvement or not over the Bot service o/
a) split the cards allphabetically among 4 accounts. Will improve speed to scan and send offers.
b) leave at it is, taking a long time and possibly failing.

I will decide when there is enough votes.

Some statistics from last 977 offers after sale...:
913 offers accepted, (93.4%)
61 offers unavailable, (6.2%)
3 offers declined.

Around 6% of trades still face this problem.. possibly from unlucky ppl or ppl with slower internet

8 years ago*

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Splitting the inventory would improve or decline the easy to get the necessary cards on sales period?

View Results
Improves (rather send multiple quick offers that you are sure it will be accepted)
Declines (rather send a single offer that takes a while to load and have the chance of failing because of given time)

Since the high tide for Sale cards is over anyway I would leave them all in one account. This topic has become difficult to use anyway since there are so many bots that have between 0 and 10 cards (or don't have a Trade token set on STM or their inventory set to private) and yours is one of the few bots in there (beside Archibot) that have enough cards to warrant the effort.

8 years ago

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well... The stress period is over... but it will come back in around 6 months. While this, most of the trades goes through successfully. However, most trades happen on sale periods, not in between sales...

And while ASF-STM interface is an amazing idea, i agree that the list informaton must be improved before we can fully use it. (sadly i have no knowledge to help archi on that).

8 years ago

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And just so i can give some statistics... from the last trade list (after sale period)
913 offers accepted,
61 offers unavailable,
3 offers declined.

Around 6% of trades still face this problem.. possibly from unlucky ppl or ppl with slower internet

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I recommend Pool Nation

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8 years ago

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pool... check
vote... check
chicken... ???

8 years ago

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Mouseover the pics to read the captions. I might have been hungry when I was posting :P

8 years ago

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any kind of association is a valid association.... haha

8 years ago

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ok, now I get it too

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8 years ago

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and it did, indeed, take me a wihgle to realize the spell check haha

8 years ago

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I've traded with your bot several times but failed to do so many more cause the inventory wouldn't load.
Imo, turning all your emots ad profile backgrounds to gems would help more than anything else.
Anyway, I think that splitting your inventory is a good option to reduce loading time provided you can keep your inventory organised

8 years ago

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my bot account has no background nor emotes... only cards... =/
The only way i could think of improving it was splitting its inventory.
And that would probably be splitted alphabetically... else, it would be impossible to keep it organized

8 years ago

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I also removed tons of repeated cards from the same games (Csgo... tf2... etc) since they are not traded as much to justify having 500 cards of the same set...

8 years ago

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