Worst community ever ! - DotA 2
You are the fucking community.
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The game is good. The community is horrible. Play the game with community, or avoid both. Freedom of choice is a great thing. D
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I love the community. If I feel blue or depressed I play dota 2 and start offending insulting other players(usually they are russians) for their poor skills. Lots of profanity from both sides give me a great relief. You can hate me for that too, but I actually find it to be quite great and peculiar. And by the way, some people really play so bad they deserve to be blamed for that.
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Thats a given on design, including game design. From smaller design choices(sometimes even ui and chat) to the deeper cores of mechanics to the marketing and pretty much everything else.
I barely played dota and lol(not my cup of tea, too much time to invest id rather use elsewhere) but from the little ive saw it comes mostly by making a competitive game draw for so long with too much at stake(your rating or whatever you call it), and you can also add some matchmaking problens in as well.
Imagine if rating came more from playing well a chosen role then winning and the community BS would reduce almost to half of it. But some will never gets better, being a f2p competitive game full of children- and that too is a design choice.
Valve is one of the best at avoiding those things(see TF2, even better at launch), thing is they got another IP to catter to and had to keep these not well tought trought design choices.
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"The game nothing like that on that video." - Aliens: Colonial Marines -> Gamerankings: 37.91%
"The dying horse part is not even in the game." - Bioshock Infinite -> Gamerankings: 92.62%
A:CM is a great game. Bio Inf is great too, but nothing outstanding.
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I liked Elizabeth and the graphics, but gameplay in Bioshock: Infinite is horrible. Those skills you get are just so useless and the shooting is so awkward and annoying. Yeah. Could not finish.
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Playing Bioshock Infinite on hard mode and it's very easy game. Elizabeth makes this game the worst Bioshock I've ever played.
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I liked Infinite, but I admit to having been a little bummed that the horse part wasn't in there.
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The quality of A:CM doesn't matter. What matters was just how blatant the false advertising was.
Or do you like companies lying about their games ?
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Way to miss the point.
The hatred for colonial marines isnt just because they blatantly lied in their promotional material.
Its for a lot of reasons. The shit AI for example, the untextured random holes in the wall, the complete lack of understanding the plot of any of the alien films, the attempts to make you like a character you have no reason to get attached to.
I dont care if you like it but dont show me a piece of shit and call it gold with a straight face.
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I've seen a lot of people not play or watch gameplay of indie games simply because they're indie, and I used to hate games because they're AAA. Though I now absolutely love Civ 5 and CS:GO.
EDIT: Also League of Legends for dumb reasons such as "Bad community" or "too easy". EDIT 2: or "DotA2 is better"
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My boyfriend is like this. He ALWAYS complains that I play "shit games" and won't even look at a game if it's an indie title. His excuse is "I just don't like indie games" but "indie" isn't limited to just retro platformers anymore, there are so many great games of tons of genres made by small teams. I just don't get it. He's also very pro AAA though, generally agrees with most reviewers and always talks up the importance of graphics in games so I tend to ignore his opinion mostly.. :P
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That sounds like hell to me... And I love retro platformers.
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I've seen good, and I've seen shitterrible... But that's the same with AAA games, for me.
I've also seen games that look like direct copies of other games and turn out to be absolutely amazing. All you gotta do is try them.
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Metal gear rising demo was fun. I am looking forward to playing it. The one shitty review of what my friend says is a gokd gsme. Project x something on 3ds. The person who had reviewed it said the girls were very sexistly portrayed and my friend she said she liked how cute they where and the game play was fun. So many people dissed the game for the character designs.
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I didn't see you there... how long were you camouflaged, scarily-unbalanced-Yordle?
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Exactly this. My brother and boyfriend constantly go on about graphics in games and how shit some games' graphics are. Some of my favourite games ever are rather old or aren't as graphically cutting edge as others from its time, but to me good gameplay and a great story are what makes an excellent game.
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Hating a game for anything related to graphics. Really, people who complain about graphics are a big problem in gaming because they are why many AAA games suck so much.
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I agree. I play a lot of older games, and a lot of older MMOs. Honestly, a game with well written characters and dialog, decent music, and good customizable controls will win for me every single day over something shiny but locked to WASD, poorly scored, or with characters I can't bring myself to give a shit about.
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Yep. Most of my favorite games don't have shiny graphics. In fact it's gotten to the point that I'm so used to games with shiny graphics just lacking in everything else that good graphics actually put me off because maybe one or two games I've played with really good graphics didn't suck in all other categories. It's obvious that most AAA games spend nearly all of their budget on graphics and then the rest of the game elements suffer.
I could see the complaints if the graphics were bad to the point that they interfere with gameplay, but nothing that gets this complaint has that issue. It's just that the graphics don't compare to the newest AAA game, so it must be crap because the devs wanted to spend their budget on the things that actually matter and make a game fun.
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That's another good point. And actually brings up another one that bothers me, people complaining about the graphic style. I've seen people complain because anime style was used instead of a realistic style.
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I agree about the technological quality of the graphics, but graphic art style can be a reason to avoid some games, I think.
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Hey, Graphics are important. Graphics and Art can MAKE certain games, sure they don't have to be insanely powerful, but if a game looks interesting, then that's a major plus. And honestly, a lot of "NEW AGE RETRO GAMES" are just lazy graphically, and it shows a lack of effort.
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Hey, Graphics are important. Graphics and Art can MAKE certain games, sure they don't have to be insanely powerful, but if a game looks interesting, then that's a major plus. And honestly, a lot of "NEW AGE RETRO GAMES" are just lazy graphically, and it shows a lack of effort.
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Probably because it was free some days ago. Let the noob invasion commence!
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It's simple psychology. If it's hyped, especially by many for a long time, you assume it's great. When it isn't, you get dissapointed, and that heavily influences the game, because it's easier to relate the bad experience to the game, as that's when you felt the dissapointment, rather than to the hype before.
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Since quality is pretty much subjective (except for some real garbage games, like Ride to Hell), this should mean that just because SOME people think it sucks, it SHOULD be overrated? Every game has fans, dislikers and hipsters, so it's pretty illogical, if you ask me.
But hey, gamer's logic isn't pretty logical.
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The line between the professionalism of a work of art versus the abhorrence of its message is a thin one, indeed. A game can be well-done and disgusting at the same time.
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Definitely, but it is important to take context into account as well. The story of that game is happening in fantasy world, not our reality. Applying our standards on it is plain stupid. With some small exceptions during whole history of mankind, just until recently (second half of the 20th century) women were discriminated. We are not gonna change our history books just not to promote sexism right?
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"The story of that game is happening in fantasy world, not our reality. Applying our standards on it is plain stupid."
...followed by...
"We are not gonna change our history books just not to promote sexism right?"
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The worst excuse for sexism you can come up with. Fantasy worlds should be consistent and have internal logic. If we have female warrior as a protagonist, the world around her should either not be mainly misogynistic (otherwise she wouldn't be a warrior in the first place), or should change after she is victorious.
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"Women in KBAP are shown as shallow, greedy, treacherous and dependent wretches."
Sounds about right ;P
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That's not a silly excuse, that's just a differing opinion, and one that seems to be significantly more well thought-out than most of the other things on this page.
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I am getting really fucking tired of that stupid "women arent the most powerful thing in this game therefore sexism" bullshit. If it fits the narrative let it roll.
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Someone at EA wakes up in a cold sweat thinking this every morning.
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people hating a game cuz there is much talk,cut scenes and story.
"man this game sucks. I just want to pew pew"
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I get a lot of that for playing Euro Truck Simulator
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This is my position on Assassin's creed series. Disgustingly mainstream, pew-pew like game. And it used to be a promising project...
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You realize he's giving this as an example of a bad reason to dislike a game, right? What kind of bizarre, hipster logic leads one to conclude that the more people like a series, the lower the quality gets? :P
And for the record, ACIV is one of the best games in the entire series, so the theory doesn't even pan out.
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I can actually get that to a degree because mainstream games usually have an awful community.
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While I agree that many "mainstream" games have an awful community, I think most if not all gaming communities will have bad seeds in them. It's just "mainstream" games have a bigger community, which means more people, which means you're more than likely to encounter more negativity than a small indie game community. Don't let the bad seeds ruin the games for you! There will always be the trolls and negative people out there, I say just ignore them and don't let them hinder you from enjoying your game. :)
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Every time my cousin had difficulty winning at a game, he would say, "This is dumb," and stop playing it. I don't think I've heard a poorer excuse for disliking a game.
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This recommendation was in my friend's feed today. Obviously you can see the resent I have for it in my comment. Just, come on, guys. Difficulty is FUN! You are the reason why games today are way too easy!
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On contarary i like these kind of games even more .Because they are challenging and addictive.To me game shouln't be to easy since i would be bored if there isn't any good story too.But if a game has a really good story(like a walking dead series) it can be easy.
EDIT:Whaaaaaaat you won 5 games already.I guess the curse really is broken O.o (congrats)
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I know several people who refuse to even try an rpg because "You have to read a lot in those games"
I also like people bashing Nintendo by calling it kiddy or saying that they always release the same games, and afterwards they'll say "They should just go multiplatform, than I can play Super Mario" (or something similar)
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Especially amusing that people think they should or will go 3rd party because Nintendo is the least likely of the modern big three to close it's console doors. Sony has been losing a ton of money and Microsoft has never broke even with the Xbox line while being pressured by investors to axe it.
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Ha, my friend has some weird excuses for hating games:
He hates CoD because "it's CoD" and "Activision makes too much money with it" :))
He hates Bioshock 2 because "it's Bioshock v1.3"
He hates ME2 because "it's not ME1" and "has more action than ME1 and less than ME3" but ME3 because "it has more action than ME2" :))
He refuses to play any adventure game because "they are all boring, storyless and meaningless".
He basically hates every second game from a series (except HL2 and DS2) because "it's not like the 1st game" and every 3rd game from a series because "it's not like the 2nd game in the series" :))
He hates every game most people call it "good game" because "everybody is wrong"
Oh yeah, he hates those games like that but he usually (95% of the cases) does not even play them AT ALL.
Same thing for movies :))))
If I present him with the same excuses for games he likes and I don't, like LoL, he says I'm screwed in the head, everybody likes LoL, what's wrong with me :))
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I told him the same thing :)), especially since as soon as he gets to a point where the game is hard he gives up and keeps talking for months about how bad and s#$%$ty the game is, how unfair, and how he considered the game 120% completed, from his point of view :))
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Hey, I hate ME2 for the same reason.
More or less. I wanted more looting and exploration then what ME2 and 3 provided. But at least ME2 I still won on hardest difficulty, but in ME3 all those fights became such a chore I changed it to lowest one just to see how it ends. And after infamous ending never again went back to it, seeing how nothing I've done during earlier games had any impact how it ended (just compare it to New Vegas, where you learn what happens to people you met and towns you visited).
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Well, I can accept some don't like some games, it's normal.
But saying you don't like the X game because it's the X game is dumb not to mention that's not actually a valid reason.
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"The graphics are horrible!" Worst excuse ever... Pretty much everyone said that about Minecraft back when it was in beta, and now it seems like everyone plays it. (Which totally ruined the game for me. It's like hearing the same shitty song over and over again.)
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227 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by RosimInc
What' are the are silliest excuses you seen about people complain about/hate for a game I'll share three.
"Wow, I can't believe they put this game on a handheld instead of a home console" - Various handheld games
"Seriously Nintendo? You censored Bravely Default because you thought it was too sexual?" - Bravely Default. Bunch of people are pissed off because Nintendo of Europe edited the game to have less revealing clothes on characters who are around 15 years old.
"This game is locked at 1080p? What a shit port" - Metal Gear Rising: Revengance. People bitching about Metal Gear Rising being 1080p despite never of played the PC version and the game itself having dedicated PC graphic options.
So what are yours if you've seen any?
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