This was going to be a more impressive thread... but I missed out on buying the "Into Games" Charity Bundle on Fanatical. you'll just have to put up with dregs.

Super Worms v:>

1 month ago*

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I don't ever have leftover, I either make 1 portion or multiple and freeze them but never make to much and have stuff left over that I didn't have on purpose. My ex often made to much food since he rather threw away then to feel he didn't eat enough, I don't do that, I eat the portion I make for that day and always make the same seize so I know I can finish it.

1 month ago

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I love leftovers, especially pizza and lasagna are SOOO much better the next day 🥰🍕

1 month ago

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I intentionally always make extra curry specifically with the intention of eating cold curry the next day... I love a cold curry :D

1 month ago

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Depends on the food, some pasta is fine, but reheated pork cutlet is bleh :P


1 month ago

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My life is eating whatever is inside my fridge so it won't go bad. Beans and chicken? Sure! Rice with ham and cheese? Lunch time! Tortilla and some leftover minced meat? Put some ketchup on it and make it dinner!

1 month ago

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Absolutely! You can just have a repeat of that meal you loved. AND, you don't need to go out for lunch, so that means more money to spend on games (I wish) and more time to relax during lunch break or take a shorter break and finish the day early (whenever possible). Bonus points because leftovers from homemade meals mean that you know (almost) exactly what you're eating.

1 month ago

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Some food is better as leftovers. Many soups taste much better after being left in a fridge overnight.

1 month ago

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I like leftovers; it saves me a day, or 2, of cooking.
Usually portion out my plate and throw leftovers in the freezer, so on days I don't want to cook (Or ran out of cash early) I can just eat them.

1 month ago

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i dont like cooking because of various reasons like time consumption and the cleanup afterwards.
so if possible i make enough to last at least another day. warming up the food takes a lot less time and the boxes can be put into the dishwasher. :)
sometimes after visiting the parents i take food back home and save another day :)

1 month ago

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I like some food in leftovers like pizza and other things that work well when reheated. I don't know if I actually prefer anything in leftovers over the original meal, but I have heard of a lot of tips for lasgna, pizza, and desserts to make the heating process work better.

1 month ago

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leftover rice = stirfried rice

1 month ago

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Growing up things were very tight, and still are to be honest so left overs aren't so much of a question as a necessity. And given that it's often cheaper (rightly or wrongly) to make larger amounts of food that can be kept for the next day (or even frozen), it's kind of a no-brainer to me. My favourite was something my mum used to make, a savoury cake/filo sort of thingy with "pastry" made of the previous nights mashed potatoes and filled with whatever was to hand. Yum. Cheers for your very interesting "dregs" 👍.

1 month ago

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Pizza. Leftover pizza. Better then pizza fresh out of the oven.
This is a fact.
I dare anyone prove otherwise. I will fight over it, id probably die before having my mind changed.

I dont know what sorcery makes it so. It just is.

1 month ago

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Do it every time

1 month ago

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i dont fully eat everything thats on my plate (mostly because i dont like a lot of food and i just dont eat much) but whenever i dont finish my meal i usually keep it for later to finish the rest

1 month ago

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Closed 1 month ago by Mayanaise.