Nah androids will never be a part of our world now that we skipped straight to AI.
Let's be honest, the only way that would come about is if the corporate world was invested and they care too little about human life to replace them with costly androids.
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work 24/7/365, no pay, no rights, stronger/faster. I can see corporations replacing humans when technology is sufficient. They could even operate in space without needing food, water, oxygen or space suits. A lot of payload is used for those things and that really cuts into the bottom line. cough
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work 24/7/365, no pay, no right
I promise you the initial cost and maintenance would be way more than corporations pay most workers they would replace with androids. Not to mention they'd rather lose humans to dangerous jobs than priceless androids.
I can see corporations replacing humans when technology is sufficient
Oh they already are. With algorithms. From HR to accounting, support, IT, project management and much much more. But androids are too expensive for anyone to even invest into them seriously.
Same way most meds could probably be replaced by actual cures and science advancements except it's the pharmaceutical companies paying for most of the research and they're not going to fund research that will cut their market shares.
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Nah they are still a long way off. I have watched the androids they have been making and the intelligence just isn't there. They can do limited tasks as long as nothing goes wrong but if something does, which it will, they can't solve it. You would have to program in every possible variable and it's solution. Until there is a vast improvement in machine or AI learning androids just aren't feasible. Just assembly lines with engineers watching things, they already took that step long ago so I'm puzzled why you think they wouldn't go further. As I said machines have no rights, you can make them work in hazardous situations that would require all sorts of legal paperwork and pay incentives for human workers. They don't require rest or time off, you keep raising initial investment which is a MINOR factor versus long term earnings. This is something wealthy business owners are more concerned with, they will happily lose in the short term if long term earnings are basically guaranteed. This is also a large reason why the poor stay poor because they can't or wont risk short term losses for long term gains. The "give me now" philosophy. They are also using machines in complex surgeries because the fine motor motor control is there now, even the steadiest of surgeons hands and assisted optics are just no competition for a robot. Granted it's still controlled by the surgeon because of the stated learning issues, the surgeon is still way more capable of figuring out what to do.
I really believe that if the learning problem is solved they will start rolling them out. The scary thing is the government which will happily replace all law enforcement and troops with androids they can program not to question their orders. They control the money fallacy so throwing about billions or trillions of money they created will have no impact, hell they can just make more. However there is always the chance that an intelligent machine can think around it's programing and do whatever it wants. Just a bunch of what-if's right now. Will be interesting to see what the future holds.
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Exacly the way the dogs love it.
Many dogs would rub their backs on the 2-weeks old remnants of a dead animal and go around happily knowing they're using "Eau du putrefacte" by Dogce & Barkanna. And then you see other dogs getting near them to smell the fragance.
I don't mean that dogs like all bad smells. Just that their tastes are different than ours. There are tons of things in our hourses that dogs or cats don't like.
My cat liked mayonnaise in small amounts over certain other stuff (like white asparagus, or an escalator).
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That's fascinating, smell repels mosquitoes as well. Also predator urine is good for keeping most animals away including other predators. And cats and dogs rubbing all over people is also scent marking which is cute in a way, saying you belong to them and all.
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lol you came in and insulted my dogs who are all I have in this world and insinuate that my house stinks but me firing back was uncalled for? Don't play the victim, you know you were wrong. I'm fine with trading words as long as it doesn't get out of hand but seriously maybe think about what you type before you type it? Not much excuse since it actually takes time to think>type>submit. And nobody said it was your parts so if anything that's on you for taking it that way.
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Aw, cute dogs and they look so comfortable too. Happy birthday.... to somebody else i guess ;)
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Happy (not) Birthday!
Im a cat person (i live with 5) but i can apreciate doggos even tough i pretend i dont (i fear my cats might suspect, they watch me sleep..)
And those big boys are very cute. They seem very huggable lol
Dam i wish i could sleep/relax like theyre doing. Same with my cats, they sleep without a care in the world and i envy that. I try to get inspired by then to relax a bit more
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Damn, taking care of all that can't be easy. :o
I don't know the reference, but I think it sounds like it's about Christmas being a celebration of one specific birth? If so, happy birthday to him and an otherwise happy day to the rest of us! ;)
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They're so cute <3
Happy Birthday bro!
Hope you live a long and healthy life :)
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it's not my birthday
Wait that's not right is it? Well if you know where that's from you might be as old as me.
Anyway hopefully most people can share the holiday with those they love. So enjoy a nice picture, and maybe something else?
smol extra for certain individuals
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