That's my opinion.

I love indie games but limbo is so overrated man! It doesn't deserve its popularity.

12 years ago*

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you take that back, limbo is a fun little game

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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It's all fun and games until larva falls on your head.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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That was my favorite part xD

12 years ago

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Lava?! o.0 not got that far yet!

12 years ago

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He said "LARVA"

12 years ago

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Holy shit, this game's got lava? I'm out. I don't fuck around with lava.

12 years ago

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LARVA There's and "R" in it. -_-

12 years ago

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Then, insert here that Futurama meme. Or i will :P

12 years ago

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It was a fun game and I think that it had extremely accurate sound effects.

12 years ago

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I agree. I love seeing how low I can go.

12 years ago

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Isn't it kind of the point ? It is a fun little game. There isn't much that makes it truly shine and stand out though. It is overrated. Just like Braid is overrated.

12 years ago

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just because it's fun and little doesn't mean it can't be great.

12 years ago

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Play your betolfild, sir.

12 years ago

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I don't. Battlefield is just as overrated, if not more. FWIW, I play indie games, almost exclusively (what with being on GNU/Linux and stuff).
Limbo is pretty cool, but there are many indie games that outshine it.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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And he is not one of us! He has never been one of us! He is not part of us! Not our kind!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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@op let me ask you something.. if limbo is that bad? why do u share indie game movie only with us?

12 years ago

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Agreed +1

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I didn't like it much to be honest. Short as hell ( took me less than 3hours on xbox without guides or anything ), 0 replayability, medium/easy difficulty ( I was only stuck on ONE puzzle, and because of how dark is the game ) and close to zero story. The only good thing about it is the artistic direction, but it doesn't even have music at all

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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agreed even if the game has its difficult parts its definitely worth the effort and the money

12 years ago

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Please tell us more.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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my thoughty exactly

12 years ago

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then go away

12 years ago

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then go away

12 years ago

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even if you post it 5 times, I won't.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Yep, over rated like most indies.

12 years ago

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It's good but not great.

12 years ago

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stay with your mom -1

12 years ago

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Butthurt much?

12 years ago

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"It's good but not great" denying it while saying it good. You know? i believe you think you are cool when you say something so nice: "good but not great" so you believe that playing other games ( indie games ) make you feel better ( like what game can leave the same impression as this game, Limbo ) and what you're saying means you think you have knowledge in gaming world, your words are so "true" that you don't even tell about what is its bad point(s). I believe only your mom could agree with you when you are talking about something and have no proof at all

12 years ago

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Yes, butthurt much.

12 years ago

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Do you really want me to get into details? Okay, here we go:

First of all I didn't like the hype around it. When a game has hype around it you expect it to be something out of the ordinary. It wasn't. It was just a typical platformer/puzzle game with an original setting. Besides, I was expecting more jumping and running and less puzzles so again, it disappointed me in this field. The beginning was fine but the ending? I think it was terrible. I want closure when I play a game. At least some. I got none.

It had some good points but it was a disappointment in certain areas and that's why I think it's good but not great. My idea of a great indie game is Super Meat Boy, Gemini Rue, Bastion or Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet. Those games I loved from beginning to the end (even though I still haven't finished SMB yet).

12 years ago

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it focused on its short story but has deeper feelings, did you see his face smiling? no of course, only his eyes shining in the dark place ( not very dark sometimes).He is not scared either , only one way (2D of course) but it makes it feels just like he only has 1 way to go, that way is to find his sister. A bond between siblings is much more a story than just some action indie game like Super Meat Boy, Bastion,... if that's your idea of great indie game then sorry, those are just for fun, enjoying killing, running, action, no deeper meanings . It's just for satisfying yourself of what you can't do in real life, make it unrealistic, people like that kind should go FPS or MMO instead of playing Indie games. More Jumping and running and less Puzzles? you will probably finish it in 15 minutes you bird brain!

12 years ago

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calm down, man... sit down... count to ten... have you taken your pills today?

12 years ago

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i actually typed those words but not that harsh so don't worry. My English is not very good so i couldn't explain very well! No offense , just trying to prove that it's not that bad compare to other indie games. But really? "have you taken your pills today?" is your best reply? You have to learn how to accept things you know, things sometimes don't go smooth like what you think!

12 years ago

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Nobody said this game was bad. At least not hustlayo. He called it a good game. I, myself, find it very good, not a masterpiece, but found it enjoyable despite its' short length and abrupt ending. And hustlayo (reply below) makes a point about games like Gemini Rue/Bastion...

12 years ago

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It didn't focus on his story at all. What was the plot of this game? There was barely a plot. They wanted to make it all mysterious and shit but they took it too far and the plot had no meaning. If only the plot was more stressed maybe it'd be nicer. But maybe the designers didn't even know what plot to invent so they created this "mystery". It may be deep or it may very well be shallow. We will never know.

And excuse me but did you just say that Gemini Rue is about "enjoying killing, running and action" and Bastion is about "no depper feelings"? Have you even played those games? Because you have no slightest idea what you're talking about. At least I've took my time to rate a game I've beaten. You're making stuff up about games you probably didn't even play for a second. Now, that is not fair. You don't have a right to judge something you have no idea about because that only shows your ignorance.

I like puzzles. But when I feel like solving puzzles I turn into adventure games, not platformers. When I see a platformer game I want to play something like old Rayman or Earthworm Jim.

12 years ago

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I enjoy solving puzzles in this website, SG more than puzzle in games ( maybe in some games but i can't remember ) and of course that's right, i haven't played those games but you can't put them and compare to Limbo you know? they're colored, you can run, dash, jump ( not in Bastion right? ) but yeah i have watched their trailers so you have no worries. If you can't feel the plot then i prefer you should play it again, and if you are still don't know what the plot is, at least go search on google, there are plenty! I don't know what you feel but i still can feel its creepiness ( mostly about the spider, you can't speed up, you can't run away from him ) and make you feel lonely of course , no one accompany , the feeling of being alone and being hated! like super meat boy, Bastion, ... can make you feel that way. Because they have power ( the games' characters ) so you can't feel it!

12 years ago

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I didn't compare them to Limbo. I said those are kind of games that I perceive as "great".

There is no "plot" per se. These that you want me to Google are just interpretations. That's a totally different thing.

I don't know, maybe it wasn't such a big deal for me because all this loneliness, creepiness, hatred I felt while playing other games which were way more "real" like Silent Hill 2, 3 and Amnesia: The Dark Descent. You want alone and creepy? Try those games. Less and less games do it for me anymore on the field of being scared, creeped out and stuff. I've beaten almost 300 games in my life man. It takes more than Limbo to do it for me.

12 years ago

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Silent Hill 2, 3 Amnesia: The Dark Descent ? you are really something, stuffs like that creep, scare you because you don't know when it will attack you but the spider i believe it's different, we can all see because he was blocking the way, the boy has no choice => The spider chased after him, like me, my self when playing it was a prey from the start, running and running ( actually jumping forward with spider web all over you ) and the thing which is unexpected, creep me out the most is how i kill the spider ... feel rose every time i played it again!( take his leg out, push his head forward ...)

12 years ago

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Have you played Amnesia? In this game you are prey all the time because you can't even fight with the monsters. You have to run away from them and hide all the time. Now that's scary and that makes you feel vulnerable as nothing else. You should really check this game out.

12 years ago

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haha you know, I'm actually a scaredy cat, I enjoy brighter games but somehow I enjoy Limbo too!

12 years ago

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It's good, not great. Cool little game, but I think the rave reviews came at a time when the expectations of indie games were a lot lower.

12 years ago

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I didn't like it, and can't be bothered to finish it.

12 years ago

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then you will never know why its so great

12 years ago

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Oh Well, I have better things to worry about.

12 years ago

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Pfff, yeah right.

12 years ago

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He needs to worry about how to get a man

12 years ago

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it's getting harder in the end and when you can figure it out, you are different from what you are now

12 years ago

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I think it's awesome, it's one of few games that made me feel uneasy and emotional.

12 years ago

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yup, my first bought indie game :) worth of it :)

12 years ago

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+1, it's definitely in my top 5 indie games.

12 years ago

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it's what i bought in the first place in steam

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thanks for the secret giveaway.

12 years ago

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What a great opinion. Thanks for sharing it.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Also this is a game you must play at night-time with lights off, preferably in 1 or 2 parts (it's extremely short anyway, you can beat it in one sitting). If you are not in the right mood or you play it in the daytime in ~1 hour sections, of course you won't like it that much.

12 years ago

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at least 3 hours, how could you say you can finish in 1 hour. Are you a pro and don't even die when playing it? :X i don't believe you because: First, the boy can't run and Second, you have to wait and do your stuff again when you're dead

12 years ago

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Wait, what? I didn't say I finished it in 1 hour.

12 years ago

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"(it's extremely short anyway, you can beat it in one sitting). If you are not in the right mood or you play it in the daytime in 1 hour sections, of course you won't like it that much." Oh yeah? If you don't then how can you say this? you have no shame? trying to defending yourself... It's " 1 hour" lol is that what you meant? lol

12 years ago

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Pretty sure he meant 1 hour session. Like, playing 1 hour at a time. The sentence doesn't even make sense otherwise.
Why are you taking this "~1 hour" out of context anyway? And why are you so agressive?

12 years ago

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Dude wtf, I meant it's better to play the game in one sitting (start the game and don't quit until you finish it) or two parts (play it for some hours, quit, go to sleep, continue it next evening and finish it) than several little sections. ~1 hour sections is NOT 1 hour, but 1 hour + 1 hour + 1 hour and so on. I know my English is not the best, but I don't see how could you turn it like this. You could check my profile and see it took me 4.4 hours, why would I say I beat it in 1 hour?

12 years ago

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Don't worry, your English is good, it's his understanding of English that fails him.

12 years ago

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haha okay don't get fire up it's a misunderstanding my fault . It happened after replying some dudes up above and below ! But i think it's hard for you to play it in sections, as i put you must feel the same all the way around! the flow makes you feel deeper and deeper emotionally as you keep playing it. I prefer the first one then^^ and again, sorry for the misunderstanding

12 years ago

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You didn't really need to create a thread like this. Sure it isn't as great as everyone says, but it's a fun little game at times. I enjoyed what I could out of it, but Limbo definitely isn't a game I'd tell all my friends to play.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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"because they have played it already!" Hardly. Only 26% of S.Gifts users have it. And only 50.5% of the Steam users who own the game have played it for more than a few minutes (based on how many unlocked the first achievement). And only 32.9% liked it enough to finish it, despite the short length.

12 years ago

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maybe not through steam, it's a short one so there are cracked one for free to download ya know? and most of them are like the one above you,for instant Super Meat Boy guy or below this

12 years ago

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Oh, no! Someone has a different opinion than me!!!

I also think it's a bit overrated but different people have other opinions, there's no need to create a thread for this.

12 years ago

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Instead of playing alone and enjoy yourself you should make a thread or something that can share your opinion to the others and the others can tell you if they are agree with you or not. I enjoy defending my opinion and want the others to change their mind if they can't beat me! That's mean they're wrong and they have to re-think about it, make them feel deeper about trivial stuffs. Stop faking like they are noble, high and mighty when their brains are smaller than bird's. Humans have brains to think,to have feelings and sharing is a part of it, an important one that differs you from animal

12 years ago

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I don't know if you're sarcastic or just stupid.

12 years ago

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I think the second, considering he replied to almost everyone who wouldn't give the game perfect 10 out of 10. Such a stupid fanboy, it's not even funny.

12 years ago

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Yep, he behaves like a child. He thinks that everyone else is wrong with their opinions when they don't agree with him...

12 years ago

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yup i get so fire up when people exactly don't know what they're talking about when they haven't finished it or play it and die awfully without thinking. Therefore, what you said it's true "He thinks that everyone else is wrong with their opinions when they don't agree with him..." It happened when people are in the opposite side. It's not like i replied without re-thinking about it myself. Not a fight but a conversation to prove your theory, your idea, your opinion is right will improve your self and the others as well. Once again, I believe people who don't agree is kinda better than the ones that are saying it's bad ,no story! But don't get me wrong, what differ a grown up and a child? I'm defending my opinion, you must have something to stand for right? and something you can't stand!

12 years ago

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You can't discuss about the opinions of other people and you can't force other people to think like you (what you said above). You can't convince someone to think that blue is better when he likes red, that's the same like here. You are behaving like a little child that doesn't care about the opinions of others and just think that he's right and everyone else is wrong. And you said above that Bastion and other games are bad without trying them although you said the same about Limbo and other people. It makes no sense discussing with a kid.

12 years ago

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Yes and People like you always like that, when you're young, You kept telling your parents to trust you, believe you and let you be free with your choice and everything, but when you're an adult, you're just like them : " It makes no sense discussing with a kid " The Truth is, you are jealous because you are older, but not smarter , you think you are high and mighty, know every little stuff. You "discuss" and then saying it's no point discussing with a child. You're the child god dammit! if you don't give opinions then how the heck can you improve, if you're an elder you should know that right? there must be as many opinions as possible when you're in a thread! otherwise it will be a dead one!

12 years ago

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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

12 years ago

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( ┬──┬ ב(°□°)ב

12 years ago

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Here are your pitchforks, everyone!





12 years ago

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lets kill him/her/it

12 years ago

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Pitchfork - A farm tool with a long handle and sharp metal prongs, used especially for lifting hay.
"Lifting hay" is what he's proposing, not killing people.

12 years ago

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Do you even lift?

12 years ago

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Of course you lift! It's the same concept as a fork!

12 years ago

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Too deep for you


12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I loved every minute of it. Sure some puzzles toward the end can be annoying but it was extremely well done (except the ending)

12 years ago

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I think the ending is ok. It is kind of what the game is about, but maybe it could have been stronger.

12 years ago

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well - gameplay based it's fine, but for an indie it has really great art style, which it did benefit from.

I enjoyed it - wouldnt call it OVERRATED with all caps - it's still nice game tbh.

12 years ago

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It's overrated as hell.

12 years ago

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I don't feel like opposing this, because you will get all mad. I love this game.

12 years ago

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I'm not saying that it's a bad game. It's just overrated.

12 years ago

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I'm pretty sure that overrated means it has undeserved popularity. Wouldn't that be hinting that you think it's bad?

12 years ago

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No, I wasn't "hinting" at that at all. I just think that the game got more hype than it deserves.

12 years ago

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I think it's just the other way around, it should get more hype because I still know a lot of people that don't know about this gem.

12 years ago

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You just need a flashlight to see it's beauty :<

12 years ago

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loved that video :D

12 years ago

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Lost it at the ending XD

12 years ago

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the ending is pretty easy if you know the trick

12 years ago

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Uh... I was actually talking about the video ariadourden posted. :P

12 years ago

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awesome dude!

12 years ago

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Loved the first half, but the story just goes "BLEH!" in the second half and bored the hell out of me. The visuals were outstanding throughout though.

12 years ago

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It is very nice little game. Story is great. But imo as well - it's a bit overrated.

12 years ago

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Thanks for the Skyrim

12 years ago

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Secret Skyrim giveaway in this thread.

12 years ago

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So what should I do now?

12 years ago

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I don't like the phrases "in my opinion," "that's just my opinion," etc. Of course I know it's your opinion. I'm able to figure out that much. But more than anything, I think those phrases make you sound insecure and actually fearful of what others have to say about your statements. I don't need a clarification that you're not sharing facts and that other people might disagree with what you have to say. I can easily tell that from reading that something is overrated, it is obviously not a fact. Therefore, I don't see why the imo shit is necessary.
But that's just my opinion.

12 years ago

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Because you try not to offend the fanbois which can't differentiate an attack and an opinion

12 years ago

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"I don't like the phrases "in my opinion," "that's just my opinion," etc."
"But that's just my opinion."

Ummmm, okay then. :B

12 years ago

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I did that to be ironic, was a joke :p

12 years ago

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Oh, I see.

12 years ago

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in his opinion because there are some above you ... However it might feel that he sounded insecure like you said but i believe using it is better than not using it. It showed what you were thinking , what you believe in and do not care about others statements ( the opposite one ) it showed a determination about yourself so "in my opinion" you shouldn't put it as "insecure" or "fearful"

  • not sure if what i explained it's 100% perfectly fit what i thought but i have "determination" and might be " courageous" because i hit Submit Comment!
12 years ago

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12 years ago

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words from someone who couldn't finish the game

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by thoth.