I haven't found myself in that situation yet, so I don't know. Although I do own Payday 2, so what you say scares me a bit, there are new achievements on a daily basis? But if a game has dead multiplayer, BLAEO has been a great place to deal with that, since I have in many occasions received help from other members in getting some multiplayer achievements.
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It doesn't literally have new achievements on a daily basis but I think I've gone from near 50% of the cheevos to 5% as theres been sooo much added!
I struggle to commit to multiplayer due to time constraints so I tend to only play with Jaye, close friends or randoms. I should try and get into multiplayer more because I've enjoyed when I've played in Rocket League tournaments and such.
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For Payday 2 specifically a lot of those new achievements are difficulty specific and as new difficulties were added some of which were below existing ones you'll actually unlock a bunch of them just by launching the game. I launched the game yesterday and got 50 achievements and have had similar batches in the past. It won't raise your AGC right back up but it will help balance it out a bit at least.
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When I stopped playing Payday 2 with Meltdown/Alesso in May 2015 it had about 500-600 achievements (can't remember and won't check the wiki for the actual number)
Now the game has 929 achievements. :D
I would say +300-400 achievements in about 1.000 days could be exaggerated into "daily basis" :)
Alesso was in Update 68
We are now at Update 169
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Your average gets influenced only with games that has +1 achievement, if you dont get one from game it won't count to your average :) but yeah some games are there just to ruin your conquest, but that's why you need to find many better ones and keep up the fight!!! ;)
I personally hate those games with 1+K meant only for idling achievements, but I activate any game I get for free :P:P
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Play what you want to play. There is nothing else to consider.
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+1 Even if i try to complete games I like and call myself an achievement hunter. But why should I got and play Team Fortress 2 atm, when I dont want it? Just to increaase the avg completion? It took me a lot of time to complete AoE II HD Edition or Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I also try to complete games I reviewed, but at the end I play the games I want to and not the games I dont have all achievements
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I like how more people have played it for a year and than a month :D
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I just did some math. 1 year is 8760 hours (ignoring the 29th of February) which is more than the total time I have spent playing games on Steam (ignoring idling cards time) o.o yea I don't think there are all that many people who got it legit :P tho I looked it up and apparently you can also get it by moving the BIOS time one year forward, but still...
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I only ever play what I want to play, if I ever feel forced into a game I won't play it because I know i'll not enjoy it.
I find fun in cheevo hunting as much as the game itself, its a medium which takes me off the beaten path and lets me see more of the game(on the main).
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"So how do you motivate yourselves to go back to these games" - i dont...i set myself a border knowingly i wont bother anything above it - for me its the 50%.
the reason for that is as i do have games i like and enjoy spending time on, there are also games i dont - so why punish myself?
50% is a balanced border between games i like and those i hate, i recommend you do the same for yourself - that way you will focus more on enjoying the games instead of worrying on a score you keep chase :)
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I think it depends on where you want to raise your average completion rate. If it is 80 % or lower don't bother for the moment with older titles as you just have to play enough games to counter it. It will of course go faster if you revisit started games. For those with MP achievements you can try using BLAEO which may help. Other than that I think there are whole groups dedicated to such games and helping with them.
As for motivation I don't have that problem to much as nearly all games in my library have something in them which interests me. I have occasionally a game which is either to hard to get more achievements, to grindy or added new achievements later.
Maybe the current monthly theme in BLAEO may help. Search someone who has some of the games and play them both and then talk a bit about them. Maybe they can see something more and show you an interesting side you missed so far.
You could also use the strict rule method like only starting a new game after you gained a 75 % rate in an older title. But this often makes gaming a chore. I wouldnt recommand that.
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Thanks for the advice. I think 75% is where id like to be.
As for BLAEO I struggle with any kind of theme that forces me to play X, Y or Z. I hate lists or any structure to my gaming, I tend to scroll down my list and go "oh im in the mood for this" if I was picked something id end up being annoyed that i had to play it even though i wasnt in the mood for it.
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There is no reason to bother with that, achievements don't reward you with anything. Unless game specific.
Especially if you are collecting every single game like me such as all those trashy asset flips and achievements spams.
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I only have a 38% avg. completion rate, but it just bothers me that I still have a couple of achievements that I haven't unlocked. So I try to get all the achievements. Recently however, I haven't been too focused on getting all of them.
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You don't. I have like 2-5 achievements in counter strike source. It has hundreds of achievements. Never going to do anything about it, so so be it. Be more focused on number of 100% achievement games. Some, like Payday 2 should just be ignored. Achievements can be quite fun, but it's not work. Don't turn it into work.
Down the line you might want to play an old game for nostalgia. Look up the achievements you are missing and find a guide for them. You can do them then, if you want to.
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I generally don't start playing any games without first making sure none of the achievements are impossible or broken (because that would bug me forever, lol). And then I usually do one or two games at a time and don't start another until I'm done those. Exceptions being clickers etc where you know you oughta be in for a long-haul and can only progress in increments. Those give me something to do for in-between.
Also I try to get games with fewer achievements out of the way first. As someone who hates PVP I also tend to avoid games where you need multiplayer mode for achievements XD That's about my strategy for keeping my completion percentage high, but I have not been on steam for long so I don't have a lot to show for it.
If your achievement stats per se are bugging you, there's a few guides for free and paid games with easy 100% but I haven't taken the time to look into those yet. A bookmark for when I run out of fun with my current games I guess XD
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I play games to enjoy them. Games should be a way to forget about the stress of the real world and relax for a while, it should not be a chore. My backlog is too big to worry about finding achievements and I don't find it enjoyable, so I just ignore them. If someone wants to consider my games not played because I don't have enough achievements, they have a problem, not me.
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I don't think you can turn them off completely, but you can disable the Steam overlay so you don't see anything while playing. You will still get card drops and achievements, there just won't be a notification while in the game. Or you can put Steam in offline mode. That will prevent card drops and counting of your play time, but I think you will steam get achievements the next time you go back online in Steam.
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I do not even start those games if I see achievements which I will never unlock.
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Unfinished games or broken achievements. Right now I have started 82 games which have broken achievements. So I cannot have 100% till they are fixed.
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yes, that happens, but if a game has broken achievement then probably it wont be fixed, and i guess its some zontron games which assetflip fakegame company added achievements to few of their games when they got banned from steam but those never got to live version so not visible, not earnable just ruining AVGC.
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i don't go back to the old game,
when some achievement become a chore to do/the game start to feel boring, i stop doing that,
even if i love achievement, i am sane enough to not do the same thing over and over again just to get an achievement
if i really love that game, then sure, why not
to increase your average, if you want the fast way, maybe search for a game that just have a small amount of achievement that can be easy to get, and complete it 100%
another thing to consider, don't play game based on "is it going to increase my rate ?" thought
instead, choose a game you love, play it, and maybe if you really love the game, check it's achievement, and try to get all you can while enjoying the game
trying to get an achievement just for the sake of increased rate without enjoying it is like putting a cart before the horse
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I don't, since your average ratio will climb nonetheless. I have removed games like the ones you ponder about, and they drag down my average with their 1-10%, yet I am likely reaching 95% this year nonetheless, as I add more and more casual games with almost guaranteed 100% completion.
Heck, I am actually thinking about reactivating my Pixel Puzzles, so I can do a 1/997 on Ultimate to drag my average down, but I think even that would put me around 92%.
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oh, now i understand what you meant, was 1am when i posted that and my understanding ability is pretty low at that time even on my native language:-)
Runining AVGC is easy, but if you want some more games for it, which would be insanly hard or time consuming to do it so its guaranted that you wont perfect them, then i could suggest a few more games:
Europa Universalis 4
Crusader Kings 2
Bionic Dues
Card Hunter
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You forgot about those games, specially the ones like payday or those ARPGs with 'complete hardcor extreme mode' wich is completing the game 3 times without dying, etc.
Also, in Payday2, more than half of those extremely rare achievement are SAM achieved, so they aren't real.
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I dont want to SAM anything as it feels like it defeats the object. There are a few games id be tempted to SAM like Divinity Original Sin as ive finished EE with like 80% cheevos but standard edition sits unfinished at 30 odd percent. I dont want to replay the same game again but even that i couldnt do.
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Just keep beating games and it will come up. But do also go back to old games from time to time to see if you can add more achievements. Last year I beat over 100 games to 100% and a lot of those were games I'd started long before, including my longest standing uncompleted single player game, which was Batman Arkham City. Sometimes I'd get back to a game I'd abandoned years ago, only to find I didn't need that much more time to beat it. Sometimes people add guides for things you couldn't figure out in the interim, sometimes you're just better at the game then you were. Either way it can be fun to revisit your abandoned list down the road and do what you can to sneak the completion percentage up, even if you still don't beat the game ultimately.
Adding more games won't affect your AGC unless you play them and earn one achievement.
Also as a word of advice, achievement hunting can be fun, but don't let that be the sole dictator of what games you play, or you'll find yourself playing a lot of cheap crap. Like all those people playing those ridiculous games with thousands of achievements, just because they want some numbers to go up. Achievements should be exactly that, a record of something you achieved in a game. And each one should be a memory of a fun time you had in a game. Some of my best achievement memories are in games I can never add to my 100% list, but it doesn't matter, because the time I spent with the game was the reward ultimately.
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Congrats on the Batman clear!
I'm lucky in the sense that I'm from a generation that didn't even have "saves" where writing a level code on a peice of paper was the way to advance. As such I'm not too addicted to achievements and i'll drop things that I think are going to take too long or I'm not enjoying.
I have a problem with revisiting finished games, it occasionally feels like im wasting time.
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Yeah I started gaming back in the late 80s so I know how those non-save games would work. Back then just seeing an end screen was an accomplishment. Getting older, games weren't as common as they are now, so I'd only get a couple of games a year, and the habit of getting as much out of them as I possibly could stuck from then. Achievements just provide goalposts for me to know where the end is now. And yes, there are many I'm just never going to finish, but it's great to add a game I've really enjoyed to the list of beaten games.
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There are a number of game types you can look at if you're wanting to improve your AGC but depending on your ultimate goals, playstyles and how you view your library not all of them will suit you.
And a few useful links for you
Looking through your BLAEO list some specific suggestions that fairly easy to complete (or at least get a decent percentage in): The Valley, The Turing Test, Skyrim SE, The Darkness II, Spec Ops, Prototype 2.
Hopefully amongst all that you find something useful. If we have any games in common and you want to work on the MP achievements for them feel free to add me.
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Thank you so much for the detailed reply!
I am not a fan of HOGs(admittedly not tried one but remember them as a child) and I don't want to "pad" my score with easy 100%'s. I appreciate you taking the time out to look at my backlog and suggesting easy 100%'s of substance.
I'm going to check those sites out once at my pc.
Whitelisted for the effort in the reply!
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Yeah I knew those two options specifically would be the less popular ones but put them in anyway so you had the options in case they were of interest.
As for the game suggestions some of them are obviously longer but for the most part there's nothing super difficult amongst them. I was only really looking at the unplayed so you may have some other good choices too.
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i wouldnt suggest Civ V for 100%, while a lot of achievement just easily farmable on tiny maps, also need all DLC, but quite few scenario one on hardest difficulty is very-very challenging for those who not insane startagy game lovers and dont have several k+ hours experience on grand strategy + other civ game.
AOE2 is still an easy one indeed, just grind required and finishing the scenarios.
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I wasn't suggesting those as games to 100% but as ones that could be used to increase his AGC. His current AGC is 52% so at the most basic level he needs to reach that in any new game he starts. You can easily reach 70% (assuming you have the DLC) in AoE II by cheesing the campaigns and custom scenarios.He's already started Civ V so any further achievements unlocked there are only going to improve his AGC regardless.
Other strategy games may provide similar results but I noted these specifically as I know from experience these work and he owns them both.
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if someone want to increase AVGC then i suggest easy perfect games like these:
38 games and about 30 perfect game in a few mins as you need just start and then quit these games to pop their single one achievements.
But only on sale, at winter sale each 19 games pack was like 2eur, for me it was ok to waste that amount of money:-D
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I didn't name those games specifically but I did mention them. Even with just one achievement these still come under the achievement spam category and he's indicated since my original post that he doesn't want to pad his stats with those games.
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That doesn't work. Once you receive an achievement steam will forever count it to your average. I found that out with tf2
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Play games you want to play and as long as you get at least 60-70% of the achievements you'll improve it. If you don't get above that go back to the other extreme and grab some achievements in the low percentage games because when you get above 70% all you are doing is cancelling out the low 1, 2, 3% games you have like FM, then after that you'll improve it. Basically think of 70% like the next 50% anything lower will not do a thing to your average unless you get rid of those lower ones however don't just play games for the achievements because that's not what gaming is all about!
We are still playing Divinity 2 despite the achievements.
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Caring about achievements/completion too much could prevent me from playing genuinely fun games that have totally impossible (for me) achievements, like Limbo, VVVVVV, In Between (those dreaded "complete game without dying" cheevos). Also I don't like spoiling the gameplay by checking all achievements before playing, and some of them are easily missable, which can effectively force you to replay the whole game just to get them (like the infamous Chatterbox achievement in Tomb Raider). So ultimately I'm torn because I'm a completionist at heart but if it starts to suck fun out of playing, I'm inclined to just move on...
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You could always family share to a second account to play those games without having them impact your stats.
Chatterbox was a real pain. I missed it when I first played the game on console and even though I knew exactly who I needed to talk too and when I still missed it when I replayed it on Steam.
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A question to all the achievement hunters out there amongst you...
Currently battling to get my average game completion rate up whilst simultaneously tackling my backlog but a big problem I have is a lot of old games sitting finished on 30% achievements from before I really cared abour cheevos. Also I have a lot of games I love playing with neigh on impossible to get achievements like Football Manager each year coming in at 30/40%, Payday 2 with almost daily DLC which I've long since stopped caring about and a whole load more.
So how do you motivate yourselves to go back to these games? If you don't go back to a game with low percentage(eg dead MP) how do you offset the rogue 5% completes to increase your average?
I feel I'm getting the backlog under control now, not entered a giveaway in months, cancelled the monthly sub, not buying bundles and I'm only buying titles I'm really excited to play. Its just the cheevo hunter in me now holding me back as I'm spending days just deciding what to play based off "is it going to increase my rate"...
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