Personally, I only go for achievements that are unlocked by playing the game or are skill based, like finding all secrets or completing the game on the hardest difficulty. I don't bother with garbage like "play for 1000 hours" or "kill 1000 players", or with dead multiplayer achievements. The way I see it, those are simply a matter of time, not skill, and time is the most precious thing we have. It's not worth squandering on lazy developer tricks to keep people playing. You can find a bunch of people online and farm those multiplayer achievements, but what's the point? My opinion is that if you want that 100%, you should just unlock achievements that do not require skill and move on with your life.
For the tougher achievements, check out some guides, or just practice until you get them. They say, practice makes perfect :)
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i have 96% AVGC but i dont care much about it. i like to finish games, but i dont finish all. Kill 100k mobs in a game where nearly ~7,5k was required in a full walkthrough? NO THANKS! But i still wanted to play that game so played it but not went for 100% like a maniac (in this case it was Incredible adventures of Van Helsing 1).
There is a coop game i want to play together with IRL friend? I was sure i cant never reach even 30% on Card Hunter, still played it because i wanted it.
I have a few other games like this, i still perfected many hard ones, but only because i loved those games or liked to play it. Also, easy perfect games could increase your ratio, but i play them only if could be earned very fast and i must say i like to experience even bad games to check it so its not always total waste of time:-)
So the most important part: achievement hunting is good, but dont make it to a second job, do it only if you enjoy it and dont do it on games you dont enjoy. If you would enjoy getting back to an older game its fine, but dont do it only to increase your ratio.
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It has already been suggested, but I recommend you use a site like AStats. This site has a ranking of achievers, you earn points given to each achievement based on its difficulty. To motivate yourself you can 1) go for easy completions or 2) try hard achievements.
To improve your completion rate, go for games with easy achievements. AStats show how many hours are needed to 100% a game. Some games can be completed in less than 2 hours. Just go to your game list and sort it by "Hours to 100%".
Or you can challenge yourself and go for hard achievements. Look for achievements marked in orange which give you lots of AStats Points and climb up the leaderboard. Can you reach top 1000? Can you reach top 1 in your country? You set your own goals and motivation will come easy.
PS: after writing the post, I saw your profile in AStats and it looks you are already a well established member of the community. Anyway, I will leave the post for fellow hunters who need some advice.
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how do you offset the rogue 5% completes to increase your average?
Relock those games with SAM.
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As mentioned earlier in the thread this will not solve the problem. If games had an achievement unlocked once it will contribute to the average completion rate. Even if you relock the achievements the game will still contribute, just with 0 %. So in the end doing that will lower the completion rate.
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I'm a BIG achievement hunter - huge! it's my preferred way to motivate me to game - and I have maybe twenty or thirty games I'd like to return to to get more achievements/complete, and another dozen games that I have about 12% in but probably won't play again.
To keep things fun n fresh:
Just keep looking forward and you'll reach your goal AND have a fun time.
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I can understand that! I joined at the very end of May, and since then I've maybe done... two thirds? of the events I was present for, and I did Challenge Me!s about twice. I made sure it worked for me first, though, and nobody really is looking for you to participate if you dislike it.
I've been incredibly motivated by just playing games and writing reviews on them - it's helped me play more and write more than I would have otherwise, and the community is mad nice and helpful and supportive, no matter how you play, as long as you're playing!
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A question to all the achievement hunters out there amongst you...
Currently battling to get my average game completion rate up whilst simultaneously tackling my backlog but a big problem I have is a lot of old games sitting finished on 30% achievements from before I really cared abour cheevos. Also I have a lot of games I love playing with neigh on impossible to get achievements like Football Manager each year coming in at 30/40%, Payday 2 with almost daily DLC which I've long since stopped caring about and a whole load more.
So how do you motivate yourselves to go back to these games? If you don't go back to a game with low percentage(eg dead MP) how do you offset the rogue 5% completes to increase your average?
I feel I'm getting the backlog under control now, not entered a giveaway in months, cancelled the monthly sub, not buying bundles and I'm only buying titles I'm really excited to play. Its just the cheevo hunter in me now holding me back as I'm spending days just deciding what to play based off "is it going to increase my rate"...
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