I'm really close to ordering my new PC. Do you guys have any comments or suggestions?


Intel Core i5 4460 tray
Arctic Alpine 11 GT CPU Cooler
ASUS H81M-K Motherboard
G.Skill 8GB 1600mhz (cheapest option)
Zotac GeForce GTX 960 4GB
CoolerMaster 450W Active PFC Modular 80+ Bronze
Sharkoon VS4-S

The computer itself will be pre-built through a local shop (except the graphics card, which I'll order from a different store to save money and get Batman: Arkham Knight and add myself).

The Acer V226HQLBBD 22" will be my display (1080p 60hz).

9 years ago*

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I would suggest you to get a GTX 970 instead of that 960 with the 2 extra GB. But I guess it's not possible with that PSU.

9 years ago

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Actually it is.

9 years ago

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I don't think so. He would be very tight, and would have very limited options when it comes to plugging things to the pc.A 450W PSU may be a good option for that rig, but even if it has 80% of efficiency, it would be dangerous to change the 960 for a 970.

9 years ago

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450W is easily enough, believe me.

9 years ago

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I know so because I'm running a GTX 970 with it.

9 years ago

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get a better (brand) psu :c

9 years ago

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Quick question, how much is this going to cost you? On average in $

9 years ago

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In € for me please. :P

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Okay that's around $900 US. Or €800. I think you are probably spending about $300 more than you have to for that rig, unless you are paying for a very large hard drive or SSD. While I know these are US prices and the parts I could select aren't really the same, this should give you a rough idea what you should really be paying.

For reference, what I could build for around $900.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Ah well that can explain a lot then :p

9 years ago

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PSU with higher W. 500W should be minimum so you are not sterched.
and i agree with TBreaker, go for 970

9 years ago

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You don't need the CPU cooler since neither your CPU or your motherboard supports overclocking. You'll do fine with the boxed cooler.

With the money you save from the cooler you can get a better (and decent) PSU

9 years ago

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looks great :3

9 years ago

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From what I understood after a few days looking in to it the Geforce GTX960 with 4gb will not take full advantage of the 4gb as its memory bitrate is 128 bit (GTX 970 and 980 is 256 bit), so I decided to buy myself Asus Strix GTX960 (2gb) a week ago, I'm happy with it (considering it cost me a few more than 200€ and not more than 400€ like 970 and 980).

So in conclusion;
If you're looking to spare some money and still have a great card: GTX960 (2gb), if you want superior performance, more memory and are willing to spend a little more choose a GTX970 or above that.
Hope I'll help ;)

PS - I've just noticed your power supply, doesn't seem bad but maybe you should consider getting one with 500watts or above ;)

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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I would stick with GTX960 then, I own one, I like it and it has a nice price for it's performance ;)

9 years ago

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I have an i7 860 and GTX260. My 650W PSU broke down once, and I had a 400W no-name replacement. I could get by fine playing games. The GTX960 takes half the power of the GTX260, so I think even a 350W PSU would do. (Although I wouldn't risk it :)

9 years ago

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  • Well, if I were you, I'd change to a GTX750, and boost everything else a bit.
  • Be aware when buying RAM, that the MHz should be higher, and CL should be lower. You should have 1600MHz CL9 in that price range, or even a 1866MHz CL9/1600MHz CL8.
  • You may maybe look for a bit better CPU cooler.
9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by DirtyAtom.