hi im trying to figuring out which is worth hundreds of hour playing? and have a server in the asian region

11 years ago*

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Well... I never played either of them, but based on reviews and videos I've seen... I think that Rust is more like a game. DayZ is more about survival simulator.

11 years ago

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Don't know about DayZ but Rust seems like a pretty cool game and it seems like there are a lot of possibilities of things you can do in the game so yeah...
I don't know anything about the servers though.

11 years ago

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Rust is probably as good as DayZ but (hopefully) DayZ is gonna be amazing when they introduce everything they have in plan. Its still alpha fyi.

11 years ago

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IIRC Rust doesn't have zombies (or at the very least is less zombie focused), so that's the one I'd go for personally.

11 years ago

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As of right now, Rust is probably the more interesting choice, but I think that in the long run DayZ will be better than Rust. (IMO).

11 years ago

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Well Rust Is cool,but dayz in my opinion theres more things to do. But the community of rust has more younger people, and its more messing around game right now.The Dayz community takes the game more serious and more adults play it. So if you want more of a survivor/zombie and want to take it serious get dayz. Want more of a minecraft/survivor get Rust. Hope this helps. This is a opinion of mine BTW for the people that disagrees with me.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Nether or DayZ, Rust is weaker.

11 years ago

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I'd go with Don't Starve instead.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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tenosuke75, please note that Don't Starve isn't for everyone. I'm one of them. Game is good indeed, but i couldn't love it.

11 years ago

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Seconded, I didn't play it for long before deciding it wasn't my cup of tea.

11 years ago

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yeah i have dont starve and i died a lot so i got bored of it :)

11 years ago

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+1 of people who dislike Dont Starve. Never got why it ís that popular

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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If you've played any of the DayZ mod, it's probably going to go in a similar direction with significant improvement and more items (If you haven't, you should download it to have some idea of what DayZ is generally like.)

Rust does not have a clearly defined path and it's too early to speculate. What we know in comparison to DayZ: crafting, building, raids.

The communities in both can vary in many ways. There aren't any particular statistics, so I won't go into generalizations. Both have Asian servers.

DayZ costs x2 Rust if you trade (13 v 6 keys). It has much higher demand in general and it's more popular. DayZ will probably rise in price at beta/full release. Rust won't, though market price will.

Which one you can play for "hundreds of hours" depends on your personal preferences. If you saw the games in youtube videos and thought they would be fun, you'll probably enjoy them. If you're thinking about buying either for the bandwagon effect, probably not so much.

11 years ago

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Both seem to be quite entertaining, DayZ is more serious though and it still has that Military SImulator feel to it, though the engine was polished a lot.

Rust seems to be more arcadeish but it offers more end game content at the moment I believe.

DayZ seems to have more cool people involved, you now dudes that force you to tae off your pants and force feed you bleach, or people that use the direct chat to play horror music and haunt you with an axe etc

I'd go with DayZ, but I haven't played Rust meself.

11 years ago

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Between the two, Rust seems cooler to me personally. Haven't played either and don't plan to get them anytime soon though.

11 years ago

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i have both games. rust's idea is great but graphic engine is VERY shitty, you feel like your height is 30cm's and you get dizzy while you run. if you gonna play with your friends, rust could be fun but if you gonna play solo, dayz is your game. community is far better than rust's. i have played dayz for 15 hours, rust for 60 hours but fun efficiency is: dayz => 11/15 rust=> 2/60.
buy both if you can but if you have 30 dollars i recommend dayz, sorry for my bad english good luck.

11 years ago

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I have not played either of them but DayZ looks awesome.

11 years ago

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Both seem too expensive for incomplete "Early Access" stuff. You could buy a bunch of games on Steam Sales and/or bundles for $20-30 while you wait for Rust/DayZ to finish development and possibly even go on sale.

11 years ago

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save your money and go to a deserted island with your friend and play your own game!

11 years ago

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DayZ Origins (IMHO)

11 years ago

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Rust Is perfect if you want survival (building and actually SURVIVING!) but dayz is awesome if you want an fps!

11 years ago

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what is 'actually SURVIVING!' means? you will have four m4's and 4 kevlar sets, if you die with 1 set you will respawn in your 'metal home' and you will go exactly like before. in dayz there is no other pair of weapons and safe house. dayz is hardcore survival, rust is mediumcore.

11 years ago

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Atm Rust is better, in my opinion. (Forza Milan)

I'm sure Nether has servers in the Asian region.

11 years ago

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forza milan! :) even though we are sucked atm

11 years ago

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I've mentioned this several times before, but Day Z will remain in Alpha for over 1 year, after which it will enter Beta.

Just something to think about.

11 years ago

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i think they are both kinda terrible, i played rust for 1 hour at my friends house and in that hour i got 2 shotguns 1 rifle and 4 pistols and a huge building and then i was pretty much done with the game. in Dayz i felt i never really got anywhere and every time i spawned i would get killed by somebody with a gun. if i where you i would go pick up some better finished games instead.

11 years ago

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Take a few days of rest

11 years ago

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DayZ +1

11 years ago

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Either way you will be killed on sight LOL

11 years ago

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Rust is great!

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by tenosuke75.