The results are in and I'm happy to announce that I've graduated college!!!

It's not much but I've completed my degree, it's an Associates in Psychology that transfers so I can kinda speed run a Bachelors one day if I wanted it.
My reasoning: I did it for myself and the people around me. 💖

(Emotional tangent below, feel free to skip)
I haven't had the best life, I haven't had the worst life, but in the short period I've been on Earth, it's not been the happiest.
I'd struggled with my emotions and reactions to situations for a long time and my great grandmother put aside money for me to go to college and in the past few years, I thought it best to teach myself better when I couldn't afford therapy. I started with a major in Computer Science because I always heard how cool it would be for a woman to go into coding and my robotics teacher in high school encouraged me in it because I picked it up easily. Half way through, my father passed when I was 20 years old and that did a rough number on me. The pandemic and lock down happened the week before my 21st birthday and I didn't really have anyone to go to. Since I lived alone at the time and couldn't afford professional help, I decided to learn enough to help myself. I wouldn't go as far to say it's helped me become the rock of my friend group but it's helped me stand up for my friends more and support them better to help themselves as someone who was too quiet and afraid of the unknown myself to even begin helping others before.
I think in the end, what I wanted most was to one day be able to help educate and be better support for someone one day, the type of person I felt I really needed beside me when I was fresh out of high school, afraid of people, had no guidance at home, and no idea of where to even start asking for help.
I'd like to think I will be that for my younger half sister. Granted she has the benefit of having more support from her family than I could ever could imagine but I'm happy to say that she'd have me too.
Even if I can't be as helpful, she'll at least have me as the "At least I can't do worse than my sister" 😂
(Tangent Over, Onto the Giveaways!!!)

10 Second Ninja X
Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition
Blind Fate: Edo No Yami
Blue Estate The Game
Conglomerate 451
Escape from Monkey Island™
Garfield Kart
Ghost 1.0
Goat of Duty
God's Trigger
Lethal League Blaze
Lovecraft's Untold Stories
Metro: Last Light Redux
Noitu Love 2: Devolution
Omen Exitio: Plague
Out of the Box
Rain World
Rebel Galaxy
Sakura Dungeon
Sakura Knight
Sakura knight 2
Sakura Knight 3
Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning
Shred! 2
Sorry James
Styx: Master of Shadows
Super Sportmatchen
Survivalist: Invisible Strain
The Chronicles of Nyanya
The Darkest Tales
The Deed II
The Last Campfire
The Wild Eight
Through the Woods
Train Valley 2

Closing to keep the discussion board clean ^-^

1 year ago*

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Is College a Waste Of Money?

View Results
Yes. Just start working ASAP. Better to make money than to 🔥Burn🔥it
Yes. It's the textbooks that get ya.
No, it's the experience that counts.
No, I got X Awesome job/career because of my degree
Meh. I haven't done my research.
Other: Feel free to share in the description


Edit: I just realized, I should do some shout outs down here.
Or at least I can and no one can stop me 😂 (Yes, I'm going to cater to demographics here)

  • Shout out to cool teachers that round students up to the next grade if the student is 1-2% away and is a hard worker in class.
  • Shout out to the SG community for all the kindness and positivity. I do see fights and arguments from time to time but when it warms my heart when people come out here celebrating the little things and receive an overwhelming amount of kindness, that's what this community is about.
  • Gotta butter up the boss of course (I'm not paid here but I do respect the site owner), @cg thanks for the hire. I'm certainly not the most active mod but I've been pleased to see the hard work that goes into maintaining a community, still looking to make improvements after 10+ YEARS of maintaining the site. @Mskotor as well for the constant hard work behind scene, a workaholic we don't deserve. SHE is a huge carry for our mod team and deserves so much credit.
  • Equal shout out to the rest of the mod team, the stealth ninjas they are at sniping tickets and covering so much ground, holding down the fort for my power binges and stress illnesses over the year as well as other mods needing breaks. I love what I do here and appreciate the activity behind scenes to keep this community in order. Yeah, this sounds like I have to say it but, this site has been the only constant in my life (aside from @Taigs ((My favorite someone and best friend I've met through this community)) and others who may not want to be named but also who I met here) since I'd lived with my father prior. I've come here when I've felt I was at my lowest and there was always kindness to lift me back up. I will be forever grateful.
  • I think I deserve it, shout out to me for finding support systems and being able to say "I need help" when it felt like I didn't have anyone in my corner. That is a huge thing for me that a lot of people struggle with, either in the support systems or admitting it is time, it's incredibly scary to do but it's genuinely saved my life, and it just about near took saving my life to do.

That is all ^-^ Hoping to see you all again at the next milestone, wishing for some new faces by then as well!

1 year ago*

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I think I deserve it...

You do deserve it. It's more than what many are able to do.

1 year ago

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Congrats graduate! :D

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Congrats on graduating!

Moving away from Computer Science is probably a good thing (Which hurts to say since that's what I studied) as the field is starting to see serious disruption from AI, especially coding.

As for your poll, I'd say the schooling is often important for figuring out what it is you want to do and getting your foot in the door of that field but after that it often comes down to just working and experience.

1 year ago

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One stage is over, time to discover what lies ahead. Wish you luck!

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Congrats fleart! 🥳

1 year ago

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a huge



1 year ago

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1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

1 year ago

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Congrats! That's an amazing achievement! I hope you still do get help and support tho because you deserve it as much as the people around you! ♡

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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As a recent fellow graduate, I give you my congratulations! I still have a Ph.D. to go, but my B.S. in biology was a great first step into my career (although a grueling first step)! For your poll, I feel like college/university is absolutely necessary for certain professions, but it isn't for everyone.

Also, I hope your degree helps in pursuing your goals and your personal well-being :)

(P.S. Thanks for the giveaways!)

1 year ago

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And kudos to you too then. Ph.D. is a tough road but you'll get there. As long as you're interested in what you study and you like learning, you can make it happen for yourself.

1 year ago

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Thanks, friend! It is gonna be a tough road, but it will be nice eventually being able to pursue my goals in something I enjoy :D

1 year ago

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Congarts for your graduation!

1 year ago

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View attached image.
1 year ago

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Congrats on graduating, fleart! And thanks for the generosity :)

1 year ago

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Well done.. in many many ways. Seems to me that you are stronger than most. Your "emotional tangent" displays a maturity not many young people possess. I also know how losing a parent at that age affects.. everything.

Keep your head up, and congratulations ✌

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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I dropped out from a university 2 months before getting a magister degree in psychology. And let's put it this way: while I've never worked as a psychologist, higher education in this field does create a certain perspective (but is hardly useful when it comes to my own psychological issues).

1 year ago*

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Kudos on getting your degree! And also on the motivation for it.
I can't really speak about college as I feel most of my education taught me way less than what I learned for myself, and I ended up throwing away my "career path" entirely less after I hit my 30th birthday to switch paths entirely and do something I had no education in at all.
Still, I guess I picked up some skills, particularly how to learn, during my formal education years so it's not been a waste.

You never know where life will lead you. The best thing to do is to keep an open mind and follow the opportunities that arise without forcing yourself down a path you know is not for you.
I'm sure you'll be a great help to those around you and maybe it'll lead to a job, or just more education, or picking something for yourself.
If anything you have proven to yourself that you could do the formal education thing, in spite of the obstacles and you'll can pick it up from there.

1 year ago

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Nicely written.

1 year ago

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Conglaturaions! Now you will learn the hard way that work is nothing like college and you'll have to unlearn everything you've done in the past several years.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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I get a weird sense of satisfaction when I hear someone has graduated from college. I've dropped out and I'm almost 30 now but I'd like to give it a second try when the time is right.

1 year ago

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Congrats on the degree!

I got my degree at a standard 4yr college in "Enterprise Computing Systems" which was actually focused around MAINFRAMES! The job that I have today (and have actually had since I graduated) does not involve mainframes.

I have mixed feelings towards college - overall my entire 4yr period was worth it to me from the experience point of view. Freshman year living in the dorms I made some of the best friends I had throughout my 4yrs there and still talk to and hangout with occasionally to this day.

From a cost perspective, I like the idea of getting the gen eds done at a community college and THEN transferring to finish off your degree at a school you care actually want to go to that also offers a good curriculum for what you care about.

Typing this out just makes me think about how gen-eds are such a scam.

1 year ago

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Gen eds are truly the biggest scam lmao

1 year ago

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Closed 1 year ago by Fleart.