I feel like there's a lot of PVP/Competitive game keep popping up lately and I'm kinda wondering what's your games of choice when you wanna kicking someone butt? Possibly upcoming one as well.

Also, Do you favor playing team based (premade or pub?), or duel PVP (FFA, 1v1) one?

I actually retired from team games (MOBA Pubber, though, lol) for quite sometimes and wanna come back, but there're so many competitive games, so I don't what I should keep my eyes on. Currently practising on Killer Instinct, not sure if I ever got to fighting stuff. (Or just remains vs CPU, lol)

PS: MMORPG PVP, fighting, and card game also count.
PPS: Doesn't need to have competitive scene/prize, just a game where you can fight players.

8 years ago*

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I'm really enjoying Overwatch. I also used to play some LoL with my friends, and even DotA 1 & 2. And even if it's not competitive, Dark Souls pvp is really funny, and the community is usually great.

8 years ago

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Not sure, if I'll ever get into shooting PVP, but Overwatch seems fun and popular.

I mostly played solo pub because I have no team to go with (actually by my choice), but I mostly got flamed in those MOBA for not following meta and thinking out of the box.

Actually, I never knew Dark Souls have PVP, still not a cup of my tea, though.

8 years ago

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Never played it myself due to the price of it, but it does seem interesting.

8 years ago

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Why didn't you play HoN instead? It's a better moba than those two.

8 years ago

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Heroes of Newerth? Man, that's a shameless copy of DotA in every sense...

8 years ago

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It started as a Dota clone but ended up being a lot better. I quit playing long time ago though so I have no idea what's it like now. I heard S2 sold it off.

8 years ago

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I never denied the possibility of it being a good game. But no one can deny without lying that it was a DotA clone, and many of its heroes are still clones with a slightly different design. If you want to check, I answered Artuurs' comment below.

8 years ago

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Wrong, Dota 2 copied HoN and HoN is not shameless, it's a great game living in overrated moba shadows, try it, you'll see it's better than LoL and Dota combined, those two are not the only knows in the world but people live like they are.

8 years ago

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WTF? Dota 2 copied HoN? You got to be kidding me... Heroes of Newerth copied everything from the ORIGNAL (read that, original, not the sequel) DotA, which was a warcraft 3 map. Jesus Christ, even great part of the characters are the same.
First, let's check the release dates of the games: Ice Frog continued the development of DotA since 2005 (he wasn't the creator). HoN was released in 2010. And Dota 2, got out of the beta around 2013? Ok, let's move on. Dota had 2 teams: The Sentinel and The Scourge (ring a bell? Legion and Hellbourne?). Next point, heroes. Please compare Pudge and Devourer. The Gladiator and Kunkka, the Admiral. Jeraziah and Omniknight. Behemoth and the Earthshaker. Armadon and Bristleback. Predator and N'aix, the lifestealer. Pebbles and Tiny, the stone giant. Pestilence and Slardar. AND THERE ARE A LOT MORE OF CASES! Just so you know, these heroes weren't introduced in DotA 2... They were all from DotA 1. If you still think that HoN isn't a copy, check the gameplay mechanics. All that attribute stuff (Strength, agility, and intelligence) is from Warcraft, and the guys who developed DotA just tweaked it a bit. I will not try that, not in my life.

8 years ago

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Never said it wasnt a copy and doesn't matter if it is one when it's SO MUCH BETTER than Dota and lol combined, trust me, I know what I'm saying, everything Dota does, HoN has done better and you seem to know alot about it so I'm surprised you're against it when Dota hasn't changed at all, which isn't doing it any favours. You won't try that? I feel awfully sorry for you. Like very, very sorry for you, shame, real shame.

8 years ago

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"Wrong, Dota 2 copied HoN". So, yes, not only you said that HoN wasn't a copy, but you also said that DotA 2 is trying to imitate it. In other comment, you said this, too: "And also youre wrong, Dota 2 was the one that based itself from HoN, HoN came out YEARS before Dota 2 did." Also, you spammed this thread with loads of comments about HoN and you feel sorry for me? Ok, then. Good bye bro.

8 years ago

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I too have been playing a lot of Overwatch recently (blizard, y u no giv me olympic mercy skin). I always prefer team based over duels. Insurgency and Natural Selection 2 are two of my favorite games because of how team oriented they are. I'm terrible at NS2 but the teamwork always makes it enjoyable. There's some great teamwork in Overwatch if you get the right team.

8 years ago

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Guild Wars :(. Seriously, no PvP game has come even close to it, for me at least. I'm still waiting for some company to release a spiritual successor, which probably will never happen.


Ah, the memories.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I recently made new mesmer to beat the story modes since I never did those duo to playing other MMOs(bought GW Complete Collection retail and.. forgot about it) and currently stuck at the final 2 or 3 missions of Nightfall.. Man those are pain with henchmen...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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the way I played mesmer was letting the enemy kill himself : damage when they attack with melee or skill, damage when interupt them and the likes.

8 years ago

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i loved to go in random arenas watch as warriors and rangers killed themselfs with inneptitude and empathy on them. but in gvg what i really loved fk up the monks with a well placed diversion. ahh the good old days

8 years ago

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CS beats everything for me. been in love with 1.6 and now CS:GO

as for RPGs, and I was enjoying Path of Exile over the years for its unique features and balanced/fair gameplay.

8 years ago

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CSS is better than either of them though

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Insurgency and Rocket League.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No love for CSS?

8 years ago

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i neved liked css, it feels so casual and weird

8 years ago

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Casual and wierd? But it looks and plays so much better, how can you prefer CS 1.6. ugly pointy graphics and overnight clumsy gameplay, aswell as CSGO's box opening skin simulator with CSS...? It's the best CS man, that's too bad you didn't like it...

8 years ago

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cs 1.6 clumsy ? wow first hearing someone complaining about the movement in cs 1.6 ! everybody says cs 1.6 movement is far superior , you can move soo freely and it feels so satisfying after you master it .CSS and CSGO has that type feeling that you weigth 300 kg .

AND I dont really care about graphics , I prefer gameplay over graphics .

8 years ago

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It's movement is quick and responsive, yes, but it doesn't reflect in a visual way, nor is it 100% all the time like that. Yes, later games have more weight feel, which IS realistic and not so fast paced as it was incurable in 1.6. where it's too fast, too thin, can't say it feels satisfying personally in it but then again, the movement, hotboxe, pros and stingy accuracy never allowed me to master it. I don't care about graphics for the most part either but 1.6. ones have not aged well and it's a bother realy...

8 years ago

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or Dota 2

8 years ago

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Dota 2? Why not HoN?

8 years ago

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Dota was the original warcraft mod :)
HoN and LoL are ok but not competitive enough.
I mean, seriously, dota is just so much better in terms of heroes - no rotations/more playstyles//stronger and longer cc/much more interesting personalities (except maybe katarina in LoL)
better graphics/also u can cut trees for jukes/plant them which makes it really nice for quick thinkers.
And the heroes in Dota arent necessarily bounded to a role. (supports are still relevant in lategame situations) and i can keep ranting but dota is just so much better than any other mobas.
everything other mobas offer, dota has it albeit slight differences cuz admit it, other mobas base their heroes from dota 2.

8 years ago

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It may be the original mod but it's not a better moba.
What are you talking about? Both jobs competitiveness are trough the roof, LoL has conquered the world with its own.
Dota heroes are only better in the sense of stats, personality, lore, story, design, voice, avatar, background, playstlye, wise Heroes of Newerth heroes beat all, and their all for free too, although gotta give credit to heroes from Vain Glory aswell.
LoL has obnoxious overcolorfull kiddy candy ugly graphics and Dota has ugly shaped water painting crude graphics, HoN is superior with its solid, sharp, clear, sparkly, soft, balanced, clear graphics, don't know what you're talking about.
Cut trees for juking? You mean a feature people use in HoN for many, many years? It does that too with items and abilities.
Nobody said supports or tanks can't own at late game in HoN, Dota heroes don't have that kind of exclusivity. But I can keep ranting on why HoN is the best moba aswell, no bullshit secret shops, better announcers (HoN has Samuel Jackson and Duke Duke and more, what does Dota have? Just some lame Mr Handy.) It has more maps, more map bosses, more game modes, more heroes more avatars that aren't equipment pieces, more updating, more unique events and soundtracks, better soundtracks, better hero designs and voice acting, a more beautifull main map with options to turn on rain and snow, it's more fast paced and solid. You should watch a channel called scumbagnetwork that offers top 5 plays, that way you can see how great and better than others it realy is, it's just unfairly shadowed by its overrated, over hyped, overplayed bigger but interior competitors. And also youre wrong, Dota 2 was the one that based itself from HoN, HoN came out YEARS before Dota 2 did, Dota 2 has no differences from its first iteration, HoN does most if not everything better and I urge you to try it so that you know I'm not bluffing.

8 years ago

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lol.... like i said everything u said u can do in HoN can be done in dota.
HoN came out YEARS before Dota 2? yes, but dota existed before HoN and its Dota 2 on an older engine...
Now u are making lame excuses for HoN with maps, bosses, game mode etc... they implemented that to differ from dota cuz the original mod uses the standard trilane with 5 heroes on each sides.... and if HoN doest have those modes... it can't compete with dota or LoL.
but still... dota still has arcade mode which are custom games made mostly by the community... and that has MORE game modes than LoL and HoN combined.
talking about announcers now? seriously? Mr Handy? we have Rick and Morty, stanley parable, glados and even fallout 4 announcers.thats not even a quarter of the announcers.
terrain? have u seen the desert terrain? or the recent spring terrain? u can't compare your graphics to that cuz your game engine cant support them in the first place.

on a final note u havent played or played enough of dota or of dota 2 to say it has no differences from its first iteration. just to enlighten u... one of the most complicated hero in dota 2 - invoker has 10 spells available for him to use... whereas in dota he had a whopping 27 spells... in terms of competitiveness... dota is just THAT much harder than other mobas to master. and no, invoker isnt the hardest hero to play.

anyways im tired to be arguing cuz this debate will never end. TL;DR : everything u can do in HoN/LoL can be done in dota and more dota exclusive mechanics u cant find anywhere. just stop what u are trying to do. If u dont like dota fine, but if dont say HoN or LoL is better because it is not in terms of gameplay ( im talking about the original map mod)

8 years ago

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Wow, I never knew the old invoker had 27 spells... Not even when I played DotA (I started with 6.52c) I saw that many spells on him.

8 years ago

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Recently got back to playing Titanfall again. It's great. Not many players, though and nearly everyone's playing Attrition (= Team Deathmatch), but the wall running and the Titans are so much fun. CoD BlackOps III totally just copied everything from this game except for the titular Titans, so the deathmatch there is like 95% less fun.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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The lack of a single player campaign probably contributed to its early demise, but the upcoming Titanfall 2 will fix that. I'm looking forward to that one.

Oh, and while I'm at it, I likes me some mech-on-mech action with Hawken, even less players there nowadays, albeit it's a completely different beast compared to the aforementioned TItanfall.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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I'd guess it's because CSGO was born out of a PVP, multiplayer-only heritage in Counter-Strike. People didn't really expect or want a single player experience there (the sole foray into those waters was just as a short-lived anomaly).

People had different expectations with Respawn being ex-Infinity Ward and all that CoD baggage. I don't think Origin is the issue, I mean, Battlefield seems to be doing well for itself. (Star Wars Battlefront on the other hand... see a pattern here? ;D). Also, the big budget single player first person mech/robot extravaganza is something that people had been clamoring for ever since the demise of the classic MechWarrior series. We never got that, and neither Hawken nor MechWarrior Online could deliver. Fingers crossed Titanfall 2 will be able to step up to fill those shoes for now.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Oh yes, robots all the way, I say!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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There may be no competition but you always have to bring your A game to not get stomped on, so it actually is kinda competitive all the time. Also occasionally playing HoN instead of LoL would be a far better choice, just saying.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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It's a good thing you never got into StarCraft 2 mutliplyer, assholes removed medics, firebats, dropships, vultures, Spidermines, science vesels, Goliath's, valkaries, wraiths and weakened battle cruisers, also didn't include a lot of the new units in the sequel's multiplayer. Glad you recognise CSS as the best CS. Also guessing you didn't have as much fun with other RTS multiplayer then.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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You wouldn't be fine when you've played the first SC and gotten to love all the units and then feel anguished to see them not included in the official servers, maps, game modes, etc... Like seriously, firebats are great against zealots, settings and grouped up enemies, aswell as covering marines but their gone. Medics would keep your infantry alive so much longer but their gone, quick scouting, quick attacking weak targets and trap making made vultures awesome but their gone, all around powerful units like Goliath's are gone, etc. It's horrible, they didn't even include valkaries in the campaign, I miss that sexy German accent so much....
Warcraft 3 UMC maps...? What? But that's it? Ash, that's a shame, other RTSes like Age of Empires and C&C'rs were fun in MP too, shame you missed out on those, not sure why would you limit yourself to a couple of strategy games, but well, oh well...

8 years ago

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Atm Rainbow Six Siege, loving it.

8 years ago

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Honestly most of my gaming life revolves around competitiveness. Currently it's Hearthstone and Overwatch. Before that it was a multitude of fighting games, Blizzard RTSes, a few different MOBAs,both twitch-based and methodical shooters, Magic and Pokemon TCGs, yada, yada. I prefer 1v1s unless I'm playing with people I know and preferably they have to be at least on-par with my skill level.

If you're looking to get back into MOBAs there's DOTA 2, League of Legends and even Heroes of the Storm. Then there's the out-of-left field MOBAs like Smite and Battleborn. I'd recommend trying Team Fortress 2 -it's free!- if you're really not that interested in shooters (in which case I would recommend against Counter-Strike and Call of Duty) but still willing to try them and the next step being Overwatch. Street Fighter V is really where most fighting game people are congregating. Rocket League is a pretty great "sports" game.

8 years ago*

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Well, I actually retired from DotA 1/2, LoL and HoN. I also played TF2 and CS:GO (for some reason I can't aim in CS, lol) Not sure if I'll ever to go back on these game, never tired HotS, though.
Will have to check Hearthstone sometimes, heard a lot of good thing about it. (Playable on mobile is also a big plus.)

The problem I can't get into most of PVP/competitive games is no playable server or many players in my region.
300+ms for Smite. Not sure about Rocket League, never played sports before, sound fun, but have to check the player base or perhaps wait for Steep.

For a fighting game, I'm playing Killer Instinct against CPU and might try to get into multiplayer later. (unless Shadow Lords mode come first)

8 years ago

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You should unretire and come play Heroes of Newerth with me, it's the best moba. Also Infinity Wars is better than Hearthstone but playable on mobile devices is nice.Also why Killer Instinct instead of MKX, USF IV, SFV, SF III Third Strike Online?

8 years ago

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You forgot about Heroes of Newerth, the best moba. Also why pick Hearthstone over Infinity Wars? And why only Blizzard RTSes?

8 years ago

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HoN was completely forgotten by me. I'm already invested in Hearthstone. If IW is still around whenever I decide to finally quit Hearthstone I'll give it a try. Same goes for Duelyst. The problem with games like HoN and IW are even if it might be better games if very few people play it (comparatively) when I want to voraciously consume content on it there's nothing there. I really enjoyed Might & Magic: Duel of Champions before I got into the Hearthstone beta and there was just so little content on Reddit, Twitch or elsewhere that it might as well have been a dead game. It's not why only Blizzard RTSes but what else but Blizzard RTS games (as far as multiplayer is concerned). Company of Heroes could have been cool but my computer couldn't handle it then.

8 years ago

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Umm...ehhh...Osu? Kinda competitive :P

8 years ago

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That's said, there should be more musical/rhythm competitive games unless I missed some. Never played Osu! though.

8 years ago

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Used to be Red Orchestra 2, but right now I'm playing a lot of Rainbow Six Siege.
It's so good, but the netcode is so bad...

8 years ago

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Rocket league

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 weeks ago.

8 years ago

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the only competitive game I'm currently playing is Hearthstone :>

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Infinity Wars is better though.

8 years ago

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I play Rocket League, Hearthstone and most of all League of Legends. I used to play some wow but sadly I don't really have time for it anymore.

8 years ago

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Why not Infinity Wars instead of Hearthstone and Heroes of Newerth instead of League of Legends?

8 years ago

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I haven't even heard of Infinity Wars and I've been playing Lol for five or six years now so I wouldn't trade it for anything else

8 years ago

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You play card games but you haven't heard of that one? How can you not with its actual animated,beautifull drawn cards, many factions, great music, nice play field, etc. You gotta try it atleast, it's better than Hearthstone which is way overrated that it's players never see anything else. That's a lot of years for LoL, aren't you tired of it? Why would you trade it for something else? You don't have to, you can play both LoL and whatever other jobs there are, no one says you can't play more than one, and the one moba you've realy gotta play or atleast try is Heroes of Newerth, above to a person here I mentioned many reason why it's better than LoL and Dota combined, I realy suggest it.

8 years ago

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Last competitive game I played was Dead by Daylight. It's a great game, but has several flaws which can be abused, along with ESP hackers and Lag Switchers which just kills the mood. Overall I don't play competitive games long these days. I miss the days of couch party street fighter, C&C Red Alert, and so on... Online play brings too much grief.

8 years ago

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What do you mean you miss C&C Red Alert? Download CnCnet and\or OpenRa and keep playing. And you don't need a couch to enjoy street fighter either. Online play may bring grief but it also brings far more joy than offline play.

8 years ago

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Dota 2.

8 years ago

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Why not HoN?

8 years ago

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Dota is embedded to deeply into my blood.

I've played it since Eul's version in Dota 1. lol.

8 years ago

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Currently nothing tried overwatch and hated it (Blizzard always dissapoints me :( ), Tried CS:GO to much cheaters, Tried COD well its COD.... And nothing else really.

I think im going to give Rainbow six siege a try when its for like 10$ or something

I usually play solo because i can't get a 5/6 man premade and when i play with like 2 friends they always start complaining about the team which frustrates me. I also play way better solo

8 years ago*

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CoD takes about 10 hours of mp before you get used to everything and it gets fun (assuming youre talking about BO3)

8 years ago

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I got used too it i just think its stupid and doesn't fit a normal shooter where its about getting kills im okay with it in games like overwatch but i just think it destroys the game and it ruins my fun in games like CoD atleast

8 years ago

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Duck Game. Only PVP game I'm interested in in like 15 years.

8 years ago

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Company of Heroes 2 - totalwar titles

8 years ago

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Don't like to kick anyone's butt ain't much fun would rather have a more even challenging match.
"Do you favor playing team based (premade or pub?), or duel PVP (FFA, 1v1) one?" depends on the game really but playing more competivly 1vs1 is normally better, public is good for quick less hassle free matches but playing with a mate seems so much more

8 years ago

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