I don't usually like pre-ordering but with the massive plot going on with the game, I just couldn't resist! Anyone else doing the same?

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GA here

10 years ago*

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You mean all that bouncing story goodness ? Thanks for Canyon Capers! :)
The last one I played a lot was 3 on XBOX. I loved that game on the Dreamcast and XBox (specially it's counter-system) but when the 4th on 360 looked worse than the 3rd to me I was a little thrown off.

10 years ago*

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And the mini plot too :D

10 years ago

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Well plot is always hard for a beat em up. My buddies told me Injustice: Gods among us does a pretty good job at it. :)

10 years ago

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Yeah it's like watching Justice League movie. I totally didn't put down my controller until I finished the story mode. Mortal Kombat Komplete story mode is interesting too.

10 years ago

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The last one I played was DOA 3.. I'm kind of regretting this purchase because I bought it the day before Mortal Kombat X became available to our region's steam store.. I should've bought the other one :D

10 years ago

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I have to admit the last Moral Kombat I played for more than a few minutes was 3 on the Mega Drive (:D Good old times) but one of my pals really enjoyed the one with the krypta (MK9 from 2011 I think).

Yea I try not to pre-order in general but with Assassins Creed I still normally go nuts and do it anyway. Although I shouldn't because it rewards them for splitting up their games in 100 tiny pieces and extra weapons from promotions and stuff you can only get by playing Facebook games and so on... Argh... Never again Ubisoft ! :D

10 years ago

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MK9 is actually MK Komplete in PC. Yeah ubisoft sucks along with their god-awful Uplay. I bought Splinter Cell: Blacklist not knowing it requires Uplay. Since I can't do anyting about it, I just moved along and played it. Well it's enjoyable at first until I played online. I was competing and I don't even know who I am since they assigned us a permanent online name as guest-[insert random numbers]. I have to contact the ubi support and it took them a month to change my online name to something I like. After that experience, I won't be buying anything from them again.. :/

10 years ago

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I heard the plot has many ups and downs.

Almost as it if was bouncing.

Because plot.

10 years ago

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Just noting that the keys have all been used.
Steam gets a little "Hang on a minute... LOCKITY LOCK LOCK!" if you use too many duplicate keys in a short space of time.

10 years ago

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I love that plot-twist, where developer tells PC players to be moral and whatnot and not create mods revealing plot.

10 years ago

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Yea, not hypocritical at all. :D

10 years ago

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I doubt that. One of the pre-order bonus is a costume that only an extender covers the plot :D

10 years ago

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You didn't heard about that? http://www.mcvuk.com/special-features/read/the-big-game-dead-or-alive-5-last-round/0165

“We would like to ask PC users to play our game in good moral and manner. Otherwise, we won’t be able to release a title for PC again.”

Personally, I think he's just saying "buy our naked DLCs or else...".

10 years ago

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Release a title? Are they mad? This game is the only one their releasing on pc, and its the last game of its series... and those are naked dlcs, remove the bras, panties, shoes and then its naked. That sort of insolence from them wont do, i for one hope for such mods to come, their DLCs wont do, why is it such a problem though, theres mods to make Juri, Ibuki and else, butt naked but you dont see Capcom being so unlikably restrictive and treathening... how hipocritive of them when they made that Beach DoA vacation fun game that had some hot sexy action that ive yet unfortunatly have not caught up and sat trough... so you think their treath is true and their DLC money hungerers? One last earn drive attempt? Might explaim the console exclusive franchise to have its last game appear on pc...

10 years ago

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I think he means don't pirate the game or they won't release a PC title again..

10 years ago

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Nope. Another article refers directly to mods for the game. That is what they want to avoid. Nude mods.

10 years ago

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Well, the way whole article is written it suggests nude mods. Next paragraph is talking about boobs, I mean plot - just using smart words.

And it's not the first time they go after modders, few years back they really tried to go after someone who made nude-mod.

10 years ago

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Honestly, you only need to prevent costumes from loading, they already have nude (but not textured as such) bodies in the engine.

10 years ago

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Best of all is, that has been happening since Dead or Alive 3 was released on the XBox. I have screenshots of Hitomi from Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball 2 (PSP) in the buff from back when I still had the system and game.

Granted, she has a Barbie doll body, but its been happening for more than a decade.

10 years ago

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Haha! Yeah.. A girl saw me playing that on my PSP and she thinks I'm a creep :D

10 years ago

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Well, if you were playing with the nude hack, you are.

If you were playing the game without it, you still are, just less of one.

10 years ago

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I just do the same

10 years ago

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I want to pre order it. Card funds aren't much help though. Thankfully the delays gives me more time to build up some cash for it.

10 years ago

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Not sure how much it worths in your region. I bought it for Php 899.95 or more or less $20.00. I believe it's cheaper here..

10 years ago

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I need to work up to US$35.99 to buy it here in New Zealand. So far I have US$13.97 saved. Got a single foil left on the market, I need more card games. :P

Or some nice luck with my trading topic would also work.

10 years ago

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OMFG! It's freaking expensive!!

10 years ago

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That is nothing. Dragonball Xenoverse pre order for my region is US$97.

Lucky I caught it on price error. Sold enough copies that I could buy it with the profit, along with Hyperdimension Neptunia. Would have gotten this as well if I wasn't purchase blocked for a couple of days.

10 years ago

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The standard version here is $28 and $53 for the bundle.. I don't understand how they price things there..

10 years ago

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"How much is a suitable price to ask for this item?"
"Already, double it!"

10 years ago

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Lol! It could be the tax..

10 years ago

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You were able to afford a pre purchase? Lucky you.... its the first DoA game on the pc and since previous titles never came on it, i couldnt get familiar with this... fighting game... well if i could, i would.. or not, i prefer bigger discounts than that since im too poor to buy anything but its cringy to know tgat il be passing out on exclusive stuff so im conflicted to answer your question... who knows what the plot will be but its the last DoA games as it says so high expactations shouldnt be made...? I cant believe how great the game looks but has the least fighters ive ever seen, not counting underdog games like Vanguard Princess ofcourse... but i cant wait to see gameplays of this, doubt my favourite youtubers will play trough it though but then again it says there will be ninjas, i hate minjas... anyway, im happy for you and hope you have fun, its the last game so its best to enjoy as much as possible :( do you think they might package all their DoA franchise games and put them on steam or pc platform in general? Some developers do that but could they...?

10 years ago

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One of the perks of having a job. Not sure if the other franchise will be no steam since this is the only one released on PC. I hope they do though..

10 years ago

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Got it for 6 keys from a russian dude before valve unleashed the region lock beast. Hope the plot of the game will be delicious

10 years ago

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I would pre-order DOA 5, but after playing the fifth one on the 360, I was a bit disappointed in the game. It seemed a bit unfinished compared to the previous titles. I might get it but I'll wait a while. :\ I still gotta play DB: Xenoverse.

10 years ago

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I managed to get my hands on 2 copies cheap from a Russian trader right before they got locked out. Activated one on my account and gave the 2nd one here.

I played the heck out of DOA2 on my Dreamcast and played a bit of DOA3 on the original XBOX at a friend's. I just hope the plot will be just as good as on the older games.

10 years ago

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