Life is..
Speaking as someone who's been there (even the same age when it happened) once you hit rock bottom, you have nowhere to go but up. Only you can make the decision, but it seems like you're off to a good start.
Years ago, my attorney said it best I think -- "[Name], you have three choices with where you're going. You're going to end up locked up, you're going to end up in a mental institution, or you're going to die."
Been clean and sober ever since. Good luck with your struggle, and certainly my best wishes to you. It's a real mother-fucker getting clean, but it's most certainly worth the effort. :)
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Thanks for sharing Cicatrix - that is a powerful and moving story. I also wish you the best. Great to read Tzell's brief story too - to know that you can go forward.
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Its not cheap to live , its cheap for other ones who come ! For the people who are from Bulgaria its so hard to live with these money and have people who dont have money to buy a bread , that they dont think about only , just only for a second for drugs.. :)
And sadly story but its a lesson for you :)
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I am aware of everything you told to give me a lesson brat mi. I was born in Silistra, i have relatives including my grandparents live there. I was talking about myself. It is cheap to live for me to live in Bulgaria. Social- economical imbalance is huge in Bulgaria. I have never seen a country with that many super luxury cars(as ratio)( never been to Germany), same as homeless people. Young people see this problem and imigrate to real Europe. They work there to live better and to send money to relatives who live in Bulgaria. They can live by themselves in Europe while sending money to Bulgaria because it is cheap to live in Bulgaria :) You don`t have to defense when there is no offense.
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For 22 years i know what is here , we are not talking about Europe , we are talking about Bulgaria and people who work here... they work for some funny money that spend for electric , water , food and things like that ... you tell me someone who have woman and child and work for 600lv how you imagine him? Or maybe old people who take only 150 pension ? Yeah , its cheap for the other countries , im with that , but not for the ones who live in , brat mi :) Yeah they imigrate, becouse they know there is no future , that is :) And btw Sofia is a other country , than other cities , becouse of that have luxury cars there , без лоши чувства , но повярвай ми , това е положението :)
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Yes, thanks to roulette. Patience is the number 1 rule. I was always playing at the most crowded tables. Most of the croupiers/tables intend to play against the highest betting people. First, they usually give them a lot of money, just to take them back more and more. It is harder to stop when you start to lose, they eventually bet with more than they intend to.
I was trying to catch those moments, then i simply bet as high as i can but also a lot less than the victim
. Yea, i am not maths or poker master. :)
This works at most of the casinos i have tried. Sometimes i did fail much. After i fails, wins, fails, wins. I ve learned the casinos easier to play like i mentioned.
And yes, talented croupiers are able to throw the ball where they want it to land to, at least to neighbors. I have seen that a Turkish croupier who works at one of the biggest casinos( i was blacklisted cuz of alcoholic rage) in Sofia, landed the ball to 13, 4 consecutive times just to show off. My and my friends were literally shocked.
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That's an interesting addition to your story. I never knew anyone could win on a constant basis at roulette, always thought those things were rigged... I assumed it was poker or blackjack as Lugum said.
About the other parts, I'm glad you managed to pull through. And think about it this way -- hard as it was, you have experienced at 26 more than most will throughout their entire lives.
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If you ever need to talk, just add me on steam.
I know a lot of what you're going through, and I can tell you there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
and for anyone who says "drugs are bad". You're wrong. Drugs aren't bad, otherwise nobody would be doing them. The problem is that they're good - too good.
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It was a very emotive read, congrats on overcoming it, stay strong and good luck with the rest of your studies.
Have a great weekend!
If you wanted to talk to somebody one dy (I know that moving a lot from country to country can be hard, not to mention with what you've gone through) drop me a line on steam.
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I'd never read such long stories on the Internet posted by an unknown guy, but as it is drug related I gave it a try.
I've been using drugs once in a while (actually I still am) and can kinda feel your frustration. What made me never lose control was always my family. Whenever I was high on MDMA/Acid etc. I always thought, "What would my mother say if she could see me like this?". This is the only thing that made me to not abuse them. Those shits are good. They are too damn good.
I won't wish you to stay clean or any of those bullshit. All I'll say is keep your mind in your fucking head. First think, then do. It may sound rough but that's how it is. You wanna use? Go use and die. You wanna live? Stay clean and find something to do. Find a goal in your damn life and try to achieve that.
My last words in this will be...your next time may as well be your last time.
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I hate to say everything is a lesson, bla bla.
or bad experiences teach you to deal wtih bla bla
. 2nd one is particularly stupid. But i have learned lessons :) I might integrate mdma to my usual life in future since it is not a thing one can lose control, it controls itself. If you abuse it, congratz to you, you won`t be able to feel it as you should for a long time :) Right ?
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Well everything is a lesson indeed even if we won't admit it. I matured thanks to those things. I am the person that I am, with my personality thanks to these shit. It made me see things from another point of view and to tell you the truth, it made me hate people.
Yet it was a useful lesson which I had to be taught one way or another, and I wouldn't replace it with anything else.
In the end I can say I am happy that used. I still use whenever I get the money (those things are damn expensive) and wanna escape from the every day life for a single night. After that I am back home, with my family, my girlfriend and I continue to straggle in order to achieve my dreams.
All I hope for you is to find a goal in your life that will make you happy. Find something that I make you so exhausted in the end of the day, yet so happy that you came a step closer.
If you ever end up using again, please remember that a stranger on the Internet once told you to take care :)
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I quitted drugs (even tho I replaced it with alcohol and cigarettes) when I was 16-17, but til then I had tried pretty much anything, believe me. And gladly I didn't got addicted to anything, even smoking pot every single day (which I loved and I'm still pro-legalization in my country).
And it was in one bad trip that I stopped for good, like leading to questions "what am I doing with my life now?" or "where am I going from here?". It was the most necessary bad trip I've had in my life, and it actually fixed a lot of my life problems that I couldn't see for myself if I weren't on it. The way it opens your perception is incredible.
So I know its odd to say, but drugs for me where always good, even when it was bad.
But of course this is how it happened to me, I don't advise it to anyone else, as I know how bodies reacts differently to everything. If someone can deal with it, ocasionally taking it and moving on normally, only taking from its benefits (there are, believe me, but sides that can be even worse proportionally) this one is a lucky one.
I wish everyone could use you know, like they order pizza at saturday with friends. But if you realize your body and brain are not strongh enough to handle it, just avoid it. Its not you that you are not strong, its just that your body is more liable to need that substance than others.
Wish you keep a clear mind to know what is best for you, and to know how far can you handle it. Best wishes.
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Thanx for sharing this story. Wish you all the best mate!
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I'm so glad that you are clean for 1 year. Also I'm glad that my thread convince you to share your story with us.
I'm 20 years old and so far I've never made a contact with any drug (not even weed), people are saying that weed is fine, its not addictive, but I've seen two of my classmates from my highschool starting with weed and end up trying a lot of other drugs. My parents did good job telling me constantly how much drugs are bad. About the Alchohol, I never liked the taste of it. I've seen a lot of alcholists and the picture is not nice same like drug addicts. The thing which I think keeps me away from drugs and works every time is that I imagen the picture of my parents crying because of this and I could never do this to them, I love them way too much (I'm not saying that you don't love your paretns). I've never been in a relationship with a girl so far, but I would never underestimate the power which girls possess over man. I have a neighbour in my village which hang himself because of a woman.(I did not know him, though)
I think you will not belive me but your story brought me to tears man, wishing you all the best in this world, and please stay safe.
P.S. Don't underestimate the power of gambling too, it's huge abyss same as drugs and alcholism.
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I will be heading off to bed shortly, so I won't read this until later. I have bookmarked it. I do wish to thank you for posting your story. I imagine it can't have been easy.
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Hello !
I was just writing about capitals i live- Sofia and Ankara- at this topic.
I somehow ended writing my life story. Instead, i decided to create a topic. Usually i don`t like to tell about myself, or talk at all. But i let my fingers, more importantly my mind flow. No goal is intended. As a sideeffect, i will be glad if someone get inspiration who suffers similar things i did.
My country
s capital is Ankara which i and my family live in. Generally i don
t like my country because of people and religion. I used to hate Ankara too since i traveled couple of times to Istanbul. Damn i love my city now. I have never seen such a chaotic city before- i have traveled a lot of countries-. I was kinda a little upset about not being in Istanbul before until i was there.I have double nationality, Turkish and Bulgarian. I have been studying medicine in Bulgaria until last year, particularly in Sofia which is also a capital. I had to stop my education and turn back to Turkey because of health reasons(cuz of drugs-stimulants, i am also a diagnosed alcoholic from 7 years). Now i rehabilitated(ing) in Turkey-Ankara-. I will continue to studying from September. Damn i want to go back to Sofia as much as i can
t explain. Of course not because of drugs, i just want to see people relaxed, kind, not muslim( no offense is intended, as long as muslims are always trying to leave their country imigrate to Europe, no man can blame someone who doesn
t want to live among them). I have 2 more years to graduate if everything goes right... After that i probably won`t come back to Turkey-Ankara-.I came to this topic just to write about my capital town(s). But i am just full of shit inside that i cannot stop write/tell. This moments of mine come rarely.
I am now pretty useless, you can tell it by checking my SG profile. I know this is not the right place to tell something that i might be usefull at, but as i told this is moment i feel careing to tell something.
Fellas, be carefull with drugs, especially with stimulants. I am 26 years old now. I am a diagnosed alcoholic from 7 years. However, I have continued to study my education for 5 years. Even i was the one of the best students, people came to me begging for cheats, clues at exams etc. Everything was going fluent as much it could at that times. That i met with stimulants- i won`t mention what they are-. This was the time i lost control. Everyone can tell that one who is alcoholic is weak, doesnt possess the control upon himself is right. Alcoholism has driven me to loneliness (number 1 clue that you might be clinicaly alcoholic is drinking alone, to want to dring alone always) long long ago. I had friends, very best friends who care about me even now on. But i was the one who stopped contacting them, just to be alone and drink alone. This evoluated to not going to school, exams, led my GF to break up with me. Last point was being sick, one tick below the cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis. I started to puke blood that finally led me to admit that i urgently need medical attention. Not because of pukeing blood, this is the time i finally stopped denying that i was alcoholic since i already knew something wrong with my liver led me pukeing blood. This was the first step i moved forward, the time that i already failed my education 2 years consecutively.
I have stopped drinking alcohol, eaten carefully, exercised, took medications especially for alcohol and its withdrawal. I have done pretty much everything i could to heal my liver and myself. After 6 7 months i managed to physically heal myself. I was at the point that i hate alcohol more than everything.
While i was trying not to die, i was excluded from university- one can
t fail particular year 2 times consecutively, i failed 4th year-, excluded from the dorm. But i had pretty much money that my family didn
t know about- while i was suffering from alcoholism, i was also gambling which is one of the rare things i didnt suffer from. Even i have abused some casinos little by little.- I rented a kinda luxury apartment, bought a new car, i had money to live myself for at least 4 years. But it was less than living with joy, more of a living with burden of the things i have done to myself and my future, colletarely to my family which they didn
t have a clue. I have tried to bribe Dean to continue to my school, i failed.I decided to live on, lie about my university to my family, and keep it going for 2 years- if everything goes right, i would graduate 2years after 4th year which i failed-. I decided to not worry about what to do after 2 years. You know, i was healthy, got rid of alcohol. I felt superior to anything since i knew the things that i overcame are pretty big and hard- alcohol is the 2nd hardest substance to leave if you are addicted, if you are alcoholic. I naturally classified as Type 2 Alcoholic which is the hardest, nearly impossible to take down. This is because onset is 19-20 ages, genetic factor is the main reason. It is nearly sure that at one time at individual`s lifetime, they will suffer again and harder. Hardest substance to overcome is Heroine-.
Life was going pretty casual and normal for 1 year. i was spending much of my time watching movies, playing games(mostly pirated, i didn
t know about Steam that much, wasn
t eager to learn about it because i was not into online-multiplayer games and still am.-, traveling to neighbour countries since i couldn`t be away from reach for long time, it might get suspicious for my family.It was going well more than it could, i didn`t even care about my university. I was thinking life goes on as it should.
Until i met that girl. It is like pretty much stupid romantic-comedy movie. I was jogging at park, decided to take a breath, sit at the bench, watching people, trees, resting. A jogging girl ran past me, stopped, came back to me, asked to
drink from my water
. We met couple of times. Than i met with the drugs, particularly stimulants, cuz of her. She was abusing, trying to quit at the time we met, but didnt tell me. One day she came with a
thing`, told me she took from her friends to try. I was excited since i have tried mdma 3 different times at my alcoholic times. It was something different though.We
tried, she seemed suspicius, she knew all theritual
, but didnt care. Time passed like this with increased intervals of doing something. It was amazing- i don
t want to tempt anyone but dont be so
sensitiveplease, people are doing drugs cuz they are amazing in their unique way, my story is a big
dont do it
as a result-.5-6 months passed with her. We were carefull about what we were doing. Then we broke up cuz of irrelevant things to this topic. I was alone again, with a different sort of problem. I wasn`t seeing it as a problem, i was a grown man, an adult, an ex-medicine student- i still think Amsterdam is the model which should be worldwide-. Being alone again kicked back somethings that i cared not to do. I slowly started to drink alcohol when i was stoned, gradually increasing in both alcohol and substances. It took 5-6 months to next paragraph.
Approx. 1 year ago i have lost control, abusing all the substances i could find. I was aware of what i was doing, i knew i was abusing. Sometimes i just wanted to die. My primary substance was cocaine, occasionaly using other relative ones, time-to-time mdma cuz of music appreciation. The money i mentioned about started to deplete. I started to use amph. I binged like i am already a dead-man.
Fellas, it just took 2 months to have a transient stroke, i have felt it, tried to prevent it, used a medication to lower BP immediately, which caused a heart attack, at the age of 25 which means death- it takes more than 25 years to develop extra hearth vessels-. I also felt it happening, damn you can
t imagine the
true` fear of death, knowing that you sure are dying. I have never experienced such an intense emotion before in any kind of, and i will never.How am i writing this ?
I took a cab to hospital, when i felt life-threatining signs of very high pressure. I took the medication to lower my BP on my way, which was a huge mistake- sudden drops and increases are more dangerous than low-or BP-. I started to feel i was having heart attack when we were nearly at the hospital. I don`t believe in any kind of god but, i hope something bless the cab driver. He helped me entering the hospital, explained the situation- i was trying to explain to him while-. I had cardiac arrest. I was very very lucky i cannot even explain it. It was totally against the all odds. I guess it has something to do with my gambling luck too :)
My friends who i wasn`t talk for a long time called my family- i still cannot forgive myself cuz of the shock and tears i gave to them-. They came to Sofia.
I told them everything. I turned back to Ankara to my family-father, mother, younger sister, a dog, 2 cats- which is awesome. It was impossible to think to live with my family, being not able to do anything i want. It took ages and a final shot to grow me up.
I am totally clean now from 1 year, rehabilitaded. But it is mainly because i felt true
which my familiy gave to me. I am now just happy walking kuki-dog- 3 times a day. The emotions i have for a while are the true emotions. I learned it in hard way.I will going to turn back to Sofia, to continue my education in September. I will start from 4th year. I can`t explain the excitement that i have to study. My family did the hardest thing, they gave me 2nd chance. I will not disappoint them. I am lucky even for being alive, i cannot want from life much more, still i have a chance to fix the damage i have done to myself, to my family. I have experienced so many good things and bad things. But as i said, i know now what really matters.
As a conclusion, i am not the advice giving guy. Even there doesn
t have to be conclusion. I just told my story i don
t know why. I just kept writing.Wish me luck guys( probably i won`t need :) )
Just to fulfill tradition, i wish i had more keys.
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