X-blades... you mean the game? i'm interested
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I'll send it to you through steam so noone can fetch it.
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Now that's a nice picture :) . I had to think about who I'm gonna give the key because someone just posted 4 mins prior to this, but I feel like you'll get it.
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I want the payday2 mask's if possible, i own the ultimate version and play a lot,
i'm not much in a xmas mood you see my mom died 2 years ago around this time,
this is the 2nd xmas without her so this is still a very hard time of the year for me.
Wish you all good health and merry xmas and thanks for the GA's.
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Sry for your loss dude. I'm having a hard time myself too but heads up in time you'll find something that will make you happy again. I wish you a merry christmas. The key is yours for the masks.
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Thanks bud , i know we all have a cross to bear at sometime or another , life is short gotta move on. Merry Christmas to you and the family, i'll put these masks to good use and whitelisted you just for the heck of it. How are you gonna send these codes on steam?
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Yeah my best idea was to send the keys on steam chat so I'm gonna add you.
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AAwww thanks ill keep that in mind, grief is something heavy i'm still messed up just this makes me wanna cry.
i lost more then my mom between 2016 and now i lost 9 people including my mom , a friend of 30+ years and my 19 year old nephew was murdered by drug dealing bikers and left in garbage bags in a wooden area beside the Mirabel airport to be eaten by wild animals, there's some evil people in this world.
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Yes there's some bad people out there, I'm really sorry to hear that your family has suffered so many lost, hopefully you still have some good people around you to help you through this. That's actually really sad to hear about your nephew, I wasn't aware that the area around Mirabel was that bad. The world is certainly not what it used to be, where I live used to be pretty safe, that's the reason I moved here from Montreal when I got my first kid and 2 weeks ago someone came into my house at night to rob us, while me and my kids where sleeping, since then I've been freaked out. Luckily nobody was hurt. We heard something and woke up which probably scared him so he took what he could and left, but I can't help but think about what could have happened... Anyway, I don't mean to depressed you even more with my story, but I do understand how you feel somewhat.If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always add me on steam.
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You're lucky that thief didn't do anything to you or your family, for my nephew he wasn't killed in Mirabel just dumped in that location we don't know anything except rumor's cause police aren't saying anything to anyone (murder investigation) , my kid and this nephew played together as babie's he was the same age my son is right now "19" atleast my kid is doing well he just moved in his first apartment, hes working, hes got a big steam account already ;) and me im fairly pretty a positive and stable person , keeping myself busy with music and the games and working out helps a lot and I have a lot of friends online and irl that also helps a lot , without positive thinking friends you ain't much even if you're a big star , cya later on steam and I whitelisted you.
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Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online: Exclusive E3 Digital Ticket Bundle
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Hi. WildStar is dead. So those keys can no longer be activated.
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That was some hard competition but you were late a few seconds. sry.
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I believe Monstercat got rid of their twitch licenses they gave through humble.. basterds :(
I'd be keen for Three Dead Zed if still available, been on my wishlist for a while, looks like a fun platformer - I don't need it, I do have backlogs :)
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Hmm, that's not good. Thx for the info. Sry about the game though it's gone.
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Hi, can you ask for a code for Three Dead Zed? Link to a funny photo https://imgur.com/a/Phx13vg
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Can I have the Pathfinder PDF stuff? I've recently gotten into playing this table-top game with my friends. Thank you.
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Hi Kennardion. If those Duelyst items came from HB they are expired.
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I might be able to use the "Curse Premium 30-day subscription" as I have 1 Minecraft mod and a World of Warcraft addon on curse.
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Is Stronghold Kingdoms - Humble Kingmaker Bundle still available? Thank you for your generosity :)
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It might. I don't know yet who's gonna get it though :P.
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Yep that key is still up to grab.None of the keys are certain to still work though.
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40 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Yamaraus
I've got some non-game keys left over from bundles these past years. These may be some in-game items or coins e-books or such which I don't need, So I'm gonna give them away to anybody who needs it.
A few rules for this giveaway:
The giveawy lasts to 25th December, I can't confirm the exact hour because I don't know when I'll be available that day. I'll then post the remaining keys for anyone to grab. Until then I'll check this post regularly, but It may take some time for me to notice any messages.
I' DONT KNOW IF ANY OF THE KESY ARE EXPIRED OR NOT! Sorry for any inconveniencies.
The stuff up to grab:
Pathfinder Beginner Box (PDF), Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Player Character Folio, Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide, Pathfinder SocietyPregenerated Characters, Pathfinder RPG Bonus Bestiary
XSplit Premium 3-Month LicenseCurse Premium 30-day subscriptionStronghold Kingdoms - Humble Kingmaker Bundle-
Payday 2 masks (from Humble Bundle I believe)Pathfinder Online Early Enrollment (30-day)Probably doesn't work anymore:
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online: Exclusive E3 Digital Ticket BundlePlus some bonus freebies:
Cyborg Detonator3 dead zedX-bladesA few more stuff:
Keys are provided personally through steam chat. Just accept the invite and I'll send you the keys next time when I'm online.
The event is over and almost all of the keys were werking, so I'm calling it a success :). I hope everyone enjoys his/her gift.
Here are the remaining keys:
Heroes & Generals (Early Access): 0AVSLKCZBPY6CXF067
Armoured Warfare E3: Pack HB65E48LU5DPSH9KLTE
Instructions: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/220228148
Neverwinter Adventurer's Helper Pack + Exclusive E3 Digital Ticket bundle: 8QnjO3SS
Instructions: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/220220348
Duelyst - 20 Spirit orbs: e5052028-ea8b-47a2-b6f8-4d7b89badcda
Duelyst - Cosmetics Bundle: d0a8a79d-a36b-4a51-bbdc-85d299aa574f
Monstercat Twitch License: H1QsEn3WaBil
Instructions: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004432587
WildStar E3 Pack: 3AD2E3OFWBWLVKE9B1EY
Instructions: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/220479768
WildStar - Jumpstart Pack: GF9WG17L0UUQ7RDJB16Q
Instructions: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/217239317
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
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