You should leave. There's only one reason to stay where you are, which is hoping Travis will recover. Although it's not nice to say it, you have no idea whether he's actually going to make any sort of recovery or not, and it doesn't look good with his condition having worsened during the night.
While leaving and travelling through hoards of zombies is going to be dangerous, especially carrying Travis, you need to find somewhere with water, at the very least. And, as you say, you can't keep this up. It'd be better to leave and hope for the best, rather than stay, knowing you're getting weaker.
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If you stay you will all die. My advice (same as yesterday):
Now is the time to go to the university. Your group will only get weaker it's time to make the journey. The uni has electricity for defence, supplies to keep alive for a very long time, and medical supplies and labs to give you the best shot of curing Travis. Go go go!
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Try to head to the university. You may come along a pharmacy and get some antibiotics. If Travis´ conditions get worse, he will probably not recover without any medicine. I bet in the university are laboratories that will help Sakura to find a cure.
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Leave, it's your only choice, you won't make it if you stay.
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Leave, trying to evade as many Zombies as possible while carefully carrying Travis, while keeping an eye on him at all times. Also, if there was some meat in the fridge you were examining yesterday, you might take some with you, to keep Travis happier until it runs out.
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The poll tells us to leave so that's what we'll do. I hope you guys understand that that means we need to push through an assload of zombies while carrying Travis.
Feels like Operation Overlord, but we have to do what we have to do.
We'll pack up our supplies and build a makeshift stretcher, but we need you guys to decide on the best destination.
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Have you tried to get in touch with 'the outside world'? The university may have the resources to somehow broadcast a message to other potential survivors. If you could somehow get in touch with other survivors, you could then take the third option and try to meet up with them.
If you don't think the university would have any way to somehow broadcast a message, I'd say go with option three and hope that it is just a localized incident. Taking the third option, you may also meet some other survivors who may have developed better defences than you currently have.
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Given the situation, reloading on supplies from the University is best even though dangerous. Any University will have stores and other supplies if the way around it is known. After a few days when Travis is up and running 3 is the best, and gives quite a ray of hope and there will atleast some cars in the University.
EDIT ::: P.S: Please refrain from going near the hostels.
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I'd get the hell out of there! it takes one strong beast to bust his way through, then you're all done for! send someone as a scout ahead, see if there's somewhere safe you can get to.
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Is it somehow possible to get to the church and the university unseen alone? Either Clansman or you could search for other survivors (they always go to a church) and a way to call for help using the hopefully still intact equipment in the university. The other one of you could defend the house, while Sakura takes care of Travis. If there's no chance for being rescued, you can leave tomorrow and try to escape the zombies (if that's possible at all, but better than waiting for death).
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We've arrived. More or less. First things first.
When we tried to break out, we had the first little bump on our road. Namely an assload of zombies. We had to cut through before getting Travis; Sakura stayed back, keeping an eye on our sick pal, while Clansman and I went into the fray. One and two and through and through we managed to beat them down - but not without loss. Clansman got heavily injured when a Zombie chewed on his shoulder; we pushed the monstrosity off, but we had to use up the last of our disinfectant liquor to clean the wound. When the coast was bearably clear, we grabbed Travis and got the hell out of there. We travelled without problem for about 3 hours when suddenly we were assaulted by a huge mob of zombies. In the resulting melee we held the zombies back from Sakura and Travis - alas, we were too weak. Clansman was dragged to the ground and, in a scene to gruesome to describe, we lost the first of our party quite permanently. Unfortunately we had no time to mourn, but his sacrifice was not in vain - he bought us enough time to get away. We reached the university and were lucky: The doors still worked. Backup generators were still active. I opened the door and... I shouldn't have done that. I got blindsided and a goddamn zombie took a bite out of me. I'm mising part of my abdomen and, to be honest, I'm not sure if I can survive the night. Sakura kinda patched me up, but I have lost a lot of blood...
We're holed up in the bistro right now. We have some water (but can't get more) and electricity - at least until the generators run out. Travis has recovered a little and can moe about which is good because I fear tomorrow he'll be the one protecting Sakura.
Considering my current position I have decided to give the code out right now. All the parts to the giveaway are now known within the community - work together, find the five characters, piece together what you can. If I survive, I'll post again tomorrow. If not... Sakura and Travis are still here. They will take over.
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I've got nothing to hide. I'm the zombie who got OGrady. I bit a bite of his belly! He basically begged both his friends to be brought back to the basecamp. Didn't even bite me back. I bolted, but I'll be back for more blood. And brains! braaainsss!
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the second one. Zombies could still ambush you if you stay still.
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Maybe I'm just dense, but are there PMs on this site, or some "secret" place where people go to discuss the parts of the code? I've been following your adventure since the beginning, and I'd like to get in on the giveaway...
Thanks for any tips you can give a noob.
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I know OGrady contacted some of you, though I don't know who, and he's not in a position to tell me. He's heavily drugged and sleeping right now, and I dearly hope he can survive the night. They got him bad.
Anyway, if we all have to die here, at least your help so far shall not go unrewarded. I found I note among his things, with a T on it. I'm sure there is something to it, but I'm too exhausted to think about it right now.
Perhaps you can make something of it.
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You can't keep up your defenses for ever, try evading as many zombies as possible while carrying Travis. If you can, stick to back alleys and narrow paths and have one person carry Travis while one of you stays a few meters behind whoever is carrying Travis and one person a few meters in front, the 2 individuals covering the front and back ends of the back alley will work as crowd control, using the entire alley as a choke point and knocking back any zombies that are as close as 10 meters to travis....Just noticed the story update........well, all I have to say now is watch out for any signs of illness because if you are infected then you should attempt to escort sakura to a safe haven of sorts (with other people), and then proceed to kill as many zombies as you can until the infection starts to take over, if it does, plunge a knife into your brain so that you will not turn into one of them. However, if you are not infected then you should still proceed to getting to some sort of safe haven with other people, look out for working radios (in case they may be broadcasting a signal), bomb shelters (people may hide there), and try to stay out of towns (survivors tend to set up bases out near farmland and far away from cities to prevent being overrun by zombies).....good luck
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We can talk, I'm a zombie who hungers for brains, brains, bloody brains. but beware, I'm babbling.
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329 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by gorok
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Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Another day, another buttload of problems. Travis' condition has worsened during the night - he's got a high fever now and is hard to wake up. He throws up every few hours, too. Sakura is tending to him, but we can't keep this up. The street is full of the living dead, we have a lump of zombies beating on our barricade and every hour we spend in here more are attracted by the ruckus. We have no water or electricity and I estimate we'll run out of fresh drinking water tomorrow. Clansman and I are taking turns defending the barricade, but we're getting weaker fast.
No water. No electricity. No heating. Little water. Sleep deprivation. Questionable hygiene. A sick friend.
Dammit. We need to do something.
What do we do now
I fear we're boned either way, but if there's any way to make it out alive, you guys need to help us find it. My barricade shift will run for a good two hours - I'll post again then.
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