They actually have done a couple of those, 2 somewhat recently. The second of the two was one of the reasons the comp ranking got screwed up and they had to shift it a few months ago. (causing a lot of people to complain about losing rank which they previously gained)
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True, some people will always find a way. Honestly the people who are the type to get more new accounts are the type of people to not really care if it's a F2P like TF2, a $15 like CS:GO, or a $40-60 like CoD or BattleField. Nothing anyone ever does will ever be "enough" ... doesn't mean they and we shouldn't keep trying ;-) Personally the generally bad environment of competitive is one of the reasons I stick mainly to custom servers and the hosted casual, demolition, armsrace, and deathmatch. I meet more people and have generally more fun :D
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There recently was a "bigger" ban wave were 3,2k ppl got sad... ;)
If you scroll down you can see the spike on "Recently Banned (by date)"
Also their inventory values they lost :}
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That site scans steam accounts everyday and checks how many new VAC bans appear. There is no way to distinguish for what random-person receive VACban (not even sure if cheater can check it without starting game), so site counts everyone, including for example Call of Duty.too.
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After a quick research I found that you can't trade your items.
Well there are people with thousands of worth accounts who at the same time cheat. It kinda makes me feel that justice was served when they end up losing their items. If you cheat on a multiplayer game, you are an asshole. There is no possible excuse.
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Actually, this is a bit bigger than that. Valve now knows what to look for with LMAObox, so they can deal with similar programs in the future (the reason why people did not get VAC-banned for it in the past was because VAC had no way of spotting it). The devs of LMAObox have also given up on it, meaning that it's gone. And this was one of the most disruptive cheating tools to date. Will someone create a new LMAObox-like program in the future? Possibly. But it will probably take some time, as they need to find some new loophole that VAC can't detect.
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crud, I searched for vac and didnt see anything recent :\
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some cheat program for TF2
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If you receive a VAC ban in any of the Source Engine games listed above, that VAC ban will cause your non-purchased Team Fortress 2 inventory to be removed from the account.Cheating in one of the following Source games or a Source mod will result in a VAC ban for all games in the list:
Counter-Strike: Source
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Day of Defeat: Source
Team Fortress 2
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id imagine a lot of innocent people will be caught up in this too (and plenty of cheaters wont even bet hit)... valve half-asses so much stuff these days, and are so inept with the vac banning (i see csgo cheaters daily), it wouldn't surprise me.
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Why even cheat in this game?I mean yeah i get cheating in any game you should not do at least online or multiplayer.
Still what would you really gain from this?I mean at least CS-GO makes sense since it is competitive game and so on,but TF2 is not even worth the effort you gain nothing at all.
All well there always has been cheating always will be when it comes to any game.
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they do it to piss people off, thats why. thats the joy they get out of it, not feeling like theyre good, its knowing they are annoying others... which is why you can always spot an idiot during a game with a hacker.. they'll be the one whining, giving the hacker exactly what they want. If a hacker shows up, just leave, or enjoy the challenge of trying to kill him.
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I can agree most do it to troll...but some due to to have an edge to feel like they are better and try to prove they are better.Though most of the time the ones feeding the troll are also to partly blame for feeding him what he wants which is pissing you off.As you pointed out most are there to troll and watch you get angry and so on.I have run into a lot of cheaters in idle servers in TF2 i just never cared in idle servers.It still an issue in GTA V lucky there you can play solo or host a friends match,but you have to have a lot friends if you do not want to muck with randoms.
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Physiological reasons, they don't feel they get enough attention in real life so they go onto games and do that in order to feel both accomplished and payed attention to.
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True i guess i did leave out that part,still TF2 lol well it is free so i know some will make a free account for such purposes.
I sometimes miss the days when you actually played with real people who actually played fair or if they did not you could punch them in the balls for not playing fair.
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Hard to do that nowadays, that's why you try and find a few gems in the rough while playing. Helps to ensure that you play with at least a few fair players now and again :P
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it can be as simple as some people just cheat cuase are cheaters , its good to know they will get punished and maybe will mature from the experience
I am not into that kind of games but i am siding with the non cheaters they wanna enjoy playing their favorite games and a cheater is what an error that stops the game is to me
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Well they do have the option of cheating but it would have to be on a non VAC server but then they could still get banned from the server just not VAC'ed.
I think it depends on the people if cheaters want to get together and cheat and play and have fun i have no problem with that and they should have a place to do so.Like GTA V they need servers where nothing is saved so you can not earn money,xp and so on.Some people would just like to have fun mucking about with cheats.That what made the game so fun and gave it life back in the day the cheats only this in this case it would be a lot more fun with friends.I for one would do it as it would be fun to say have a cheat where you run super fast and try kill each other just muck about with tanks in god mode and so on.
Anyhow in the end like you said some will cheat just to cheat,some will do it for an advantage,some will do it to troll,some will do it because they are dumb.In the end most will get caught at some point and no system is perfect and this is a rare case of a source being leaked.
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Why even cheat? Well, some people have some mental issues I guess...
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From what I hear however, this may be the last time. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard the creator of it finally has thrown in the flag as it was and isn't going to be updating it anymore.
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I think your looking at it in the wrong way.No matter how good you make something someone or some people will find a way in.Like someone said once PC tech has far out paced what security can do to protect things,if you make a better firewall they just build a bigger ladder to get over it.
Its still a good system to catch most cheaters and evidence of that in the forums of people crying about not cheating but getting VAC'ed.Of all the games i played the VAC'ed games i found i had the least problems with cheating and i wish GTA V had it.
The best way to avoid cheaters in any online game is to find decent players to game with who do not cheat playing with randoms is a crap shoot even if they do not cheat as some like to just fuck up the game without cheating by just playing stupid which can be just as frustrating.
Being f2p and CS-GO being so cheap and easy to make dupe accounts cheating will always be a issue with these games.Unless they take more secure steps to cut down on this like limiting accounts per I.P. and so on this will always be a big issue in these games.
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"Caring about their own game". It's not any of their game, it's TF2, their best game and the oldest multiplayer they have, the reason they're doing this is because they're going through phases, sooner or later they will port it to Source 2 which will be a better experience, that's why the game has to be clean for old and new players to enjoy it.
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Their oldest game? wasn't counter-strike released in 1998? tf classic was released in 1999. Also not banning people because they will port their game to a new engine is not a good enough reason... it's like saying that the mayor of a city can only focus on building shops or arresting people that cheat the system and they give priority to the shops first,it shouldn't be a " priority " thing , if they were a serious company they would do both and they would have a better steam support system , but they aren't.
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Counter-Strike was released in 1998 as a mod to Half-Life, it was not made by Valve. After few years of popularity, Valve decided to fund the mod and actually make a real game out of it. Counter-Strike 1.6(the official release) was released in 2003.
This is Valve, they think in different ways. They're probably tryng to reach something that we can't yet know, but to me they're trying to clean the community
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",they just started caring about their own game."
I think for Valve that qualifies as "something big"
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Recently Valve implemented prime account matchmaking for CSGO by connecting people's mobile numbers to their accounts. Today an update came through where they implemented a ban on all accounts that used the same mobile number at the time of the infraction.
So that was it for.
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That was actually pretty obvious, if Valve wants to create perfect matchmaking then they must do everything they can to gather as much information about new account as possible, that includes not only IP, country, account age, but also e-mails, phone numbers, even friend connections and names sometimes. Basically anything that could help the system recognize that user is a smurf and not a newbie player.
However, the algorithm is pretty smart and works on all of that data at once, and not only selected part. That's why it's working in general, unless somebody puts serious effort in having 2-3 easier games, just to be marked as smurf shortly after, which doesn't make much sense to me but whatever :3.
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All cheaters deserve VAC bans, no matter what is the game.
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It's so fun to read the VAC discussion in steam forum:
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Ah yes! I knew it! This explains why I'm so horrible at TF2! :D
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People using LMAObox finally detected and VAC banned. Numbers are still coming in, but over 11,000 so far.
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