I want to collect some people for my brand new whitelist. The thing is, I would like to have some idea about who is getting the keys. Also, I like collecting stories, it's kind of a hobby.

So here's how we'll play it:
Write a story from your life in the comments. It can be long or short, funny or sad, inspiring or weird, doesn't matter. The subject also doesn't matter - you, your cat, love, the city you picked to live in, school story, job story, travel story, pick whatever you want.
The only rule about it is that it would be nice if it would be a true story. I'll pick around 50-60 people for the whitelist.

Oh, yeah, one more thing - I don't care about your level or ratio, as long as you're following the basic rules of SteamGifts.

8 years ago*

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I'm not exactly sure what to tell. I've been struggling with depression for about all of my life, and that's it. While I was at it, I somehow managed to become a bachelor of psychology, but left university when I was supposed to be working on a magister degree. It was 6 years ago, and now I'm almost 31, I have no job, no boyfriend, almost no social interactions, and last year I lost my cat who had been with me since the time I was 9 (and she was probably the best friend I ever had). Oh, and I whine a lot, yep.
I also live in fucked-up Russia with it's fucked-up government, so I feel i have no choice but to participate in anti-government rallies from time to time, most of which are forbidden by law; but I somehow managed not to be arrested even ones. Although I was close to it, for example, 2 days ago, when I conflicted with a policeman on the bridge where opposition politician Boris Nemtsov was assassinated a year ago; these sons of bitches didn't even have enough conscience to allow us to commemorate him in peace.

8 years ago*

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our government ain't that fucked up as you say but still I wish you luck and peace

8 years ago

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n my honour to your cat, I know that's damn hard

8 years ago

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Thank you

8 years ago

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если заинтересует поиграть во что-нибудь - напиши

8 years ago

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I know something about anti-government rallies. Added.

8 years ago

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The Psychological Effects of giving games on steamgifts AKA "The Thesis"

8 years ago

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Haha, exactly :)

8 years ago

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My life story? I'll do the short version

A fictional char from my dreams is the main reason I got even 90% of my friends and was leading my life all the way till now, she appeared to exist in a video game 6 years ago and she's in my dreams tweaking my life from 22.

For me it's true, idc if anyone belives :d cough cough that's the short version, hf with ya whitelists

8 years ago

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Is it improper to ask which video game character she appeared as?

8 years ago

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I got no reason to hide anything, so pretty much if you know who's on my avatar, you know who's the char

8 years ago

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The story of my life - I take her home, I drive all night, to keep her warm.

8 years ago

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Is it a problem if it is a story in french ??? :(

8 years ago

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I guess I can use google translate ;)

8 years ago

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Hum, I will try harder, I'm going to write it in English
Give me more time to do this, 8 hours and I post it ! ( a lot of work so I need to do this before haha:/ Indeed, french people work sometimes haha )

8 years ago

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So true story you said ?

First, sorry for all the mistakes I'm gonna do :( Forgive me !

I don't know if you are catholic, but I'm gonna explain why this religion hurt me and why I despise it a little...
It was some months ago, when a friend of man died of a very strong cancer. He was only fifteen years old, and he fought a long time before dying.
So, I skip this hard part and we directly go at the funeral. It was very sad, all his family was crying. The priest began to talk, and talk like... His death was fair and he was now in a better world... I hate this way of thinking ! Really... Afterthat, the worst part... While talking he suddenly stopped, and said " It is time to collect the donation for the church ", and just when he said it, two people appeared ( don't know if it's true if I said it like that haha, hope you understand ) and collected money...
The thing which shock me it's that we were at funerals... For a young boy who suffered a lot before dying... and the priest didn't care about it just about money...

I know that you can say they are not all like that... I met some priests who were very good guy, but I was shocked

I'm not just trying to join a giveaway, it was a hard thing which was in my head during a long time and I needed to say it...

So, a piece of advice : If someone you love, like you just know a little, when he is fighting to live, stop all you are doing and do all that you can to go see him/her....

Thanks to read it, have a good life !
If you don't understand something, say it to me ! I will try to explain and change it.

8 years ago

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I'm sorry about your friend. Cancer is a bitch. I completely understand your thoughts about the church and priests. In Poland we have that one priest, who created catholic radio station and by manipulating people got rich, he's a milioner now and even trying to control politics.
Thanks for sharing and for the advice. Added.

8 years ago

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I didn't know you live in Poland ! I really want to visit it one day ;)
I didn't know that too ! It is good to know !

Thank you too !

8 years ago

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So, that's it, sad story, forgive me for that !

8 years ago

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Ben Folds is my favorite musician. I got to be part of a guitar orchestra for a concert he did in 2006. The concert was in his Nashville studio and it was broadcast live on MySpace (lol). I ended up making it onto the cover of the DVD of the event when he released it!

I once took pictured of my friend when he made duct tape underwear.

I saw a dead guy on Saturday.

8 years ago

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Well, that escalated quickly.

8 years ago

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All are true!

Thanks a bunch :-)

8 years ago

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The epic quest for the ultimate gamer beard to one day grow continues.

8 years ago

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This one time, in sixth grade, I was working on a project with my best bud. He gets up and tells me that he was going to staple some papers. I jokingly tell him to be careful and not staple himself. A few minutes later he came back over to me with a staple in his thumb.

8 years ago

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I was going to tell you about how I lost who I thought was the love of my life, but nobody here needs to be depressed, right?...

Instead, I will tell you about some travelling I did in the summer years ago. I took a bus from Illinois to Florida. Let me tell you, being stuck on a Greyhound for like 2 days with a bunch of strangers is... interesting.

Anyway, there was a layover in Atlanta. So, back then, I smoked, so I went outside the front of the bus station to have a cigarette, while they cleaned the bus. While there, a homeless guy struck up a conversation with me (maybe he asked for a smoke, it's been so long I don't remember). He pointed across the street to a stand that was selling alcohol. He said, "Hey, I really want some vodka, but he won't sell to me anymore. Will you go get it?" And he offered me a handful of grubby dollar bills.

So, at this point, I'm thinking I could either not be an enabler, or I could go buy this poor guy some liquor to give him a few hours of pleasure in his probably otherwise dismal life.

I was in my 20s, so I agreed to go get him a small bottle of vodka.

I bought it, and walked back, and he was SO grateful. He told me I was a nice person, etc etc. And then....

... he said, "Here. I haven't opened it yet. You take the first swallow. Thank you for helping me."

So, I cracked it open, took a long pull, and gave the bottle back to the guy who smiled and seemed like he was in heaven.

The bus from Atlanta to Florida that night was more bearable, because I had a nice buzz for miles.

TL;DR - I drank vodka with a homeless guy outside an Atlanta bus station one night.

8 years ago

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Random friendships in weird places always make a good story.

8 years ago

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Well, i'm unable to remember my personal history due to a mental condition, i think...
I'm not Canadian though

8 years ago

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Instead of telling you of one of my past "epics", I shall instead tell you of one of my beliefs. It spawned from a conversation I had with a man over the internet regarding evil and what a human is that slays dragons(Who knows how that started). "Why, you want to know the truth of this world? Everything is terrible in the eyes of others! We all find fault in something. We even subconsciously hate creatures and the like. That will never change. So dragons will remain dragons and humans shall remain humans."

8 years ago

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  • Be me in school party
  • Be in 11th grade
  • drunk
  • 7th grade girl in front of me gets on her knees to tie her shoe
  • Turn to my friend and say loud as fuck "YO THIS GIRL IS GONNA BLOW ME LMAO"
  • Her friend looks at me, about to laugh
  • Tells the girl what i just said
  • I laugh, my friend laughs, her friend laughs but the girl just keeps an awkward face

I will never forget the look in her eyes

10/10 would do it again

8 years ago

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Once I went shopping in a supa dupa mall and I had question: is it really real to carry a bucket of ice-cream in frozen condition from the mall to my home. I bought a special package that (they said) could save ice for an hour using some kind of magic. So took the ice-cream, put it inside the magic-thing and drove like the devil back home. Unfortunately the ice-cream was no frozen at all when I got home, it was a milky drink of some kind. Sad, betrayed and forgotten I drank the milky thing. End.

8 years ago

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I always knew that you can't trust the magic-things. Added.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm too lazy to write a story that's my story... But have a bump ;D

8 years ago

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Heres what I did this weekend, My dad invited my girlfriend and I to go watch a boxing match at the Honda center in Anaheim, I live about an hour and hour and a half away depending on traffic. While I was on my way I saw signs that said the 5 freeway was shut down and I had to get off the freeway, so about 20 minutes and 2 miles later I got off, my girlfriend googled 5 closure and found out there was an incident where two cars were racing one car hit a tractor trailer and long story short people died. Pretty sad that innocent people died because of two assholes in a racing contest. Anyways I made it to the fight watched a 57 second 1st round knockout for a championship belt and then watched a great fight after that where the fighters were exchanging blow after blow until the undefeated leo santa cruz knocked the guy out and told the cameras that the only reason the fight was long was because he wanted to give the crowd a show. Was a good night.

8 years ago

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Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air

In west Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air'

I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought 'Nah, forget it' - 'Yo, home to Bel-Air'

I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo home smell ya later'
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air

8 years ago

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dang, 1 day late
I mean, I too have been through such events

8 years ago

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Hmm judging by the other replies, I don't know if you want a brief story of my life, or just a small story about an event that happened in it. I'll write the latter though (because that'd probably be more interesting) but if you want the former just say. :)

Also, I'm pretty young so sorry if this isn't the best of stories, but I'll write about my time in the canary islands. I lived there for 6 years, which for me was through the ages of 7-13. And, well, we were kids with maybe a bit too much freedom... Back then me and my mates used to explore and have fun in abandoned building sites (which was actually a popular thing to do in Fuerteventura, believe it or not. Mainly because there were just so many of them). We would create our own bike parks within them with left over planks of wood and stones, we would explore the sites and act like kings, mainly due to the fact that more often than not they were the early building sites of hotels. We would climb up to different floors, mostly in not-so-safe ways, where we would then have rock fights. What are rock fights you say? Well... they're pretty much what they sound like. We would throw rocks at each other. We would mostly do these from two different buildings, and we would create barricades and such and pretend it was warfare. Luckily for us there were never any major injuries.

One time though, we got very close. We were at a building site of an apartment block of at least 15+ floors, and this site was more complete and larger than the rest. A few rooms were even fitted with furniture. But anyway, two different, and pretty dangerous things happened at this site. I'll write about the first, and least worrying that occurred. :)

In a lot of building sites, there's a smaller one floor office type building to the side where the workers go for lunch and plans/paperwork to be done. And obviously this is a place where a lot of fun could be had. Me and the two friends I was with broke in, (I think through a window?) and explored the place. Now, my older friend, who I'm gonna call Timbob, thought it'd be a good idea to play a prank on me and my other friend. So what did he do? He grabbed a fire extinguisher from the wall and decided to let it rip in our direction and chase us. Within just a few minutes the place was completely gassed, you could barely see anything and it stunk. And let me tell you, if you opened you mouth just for one second, to talk, cough, or breathe the air around you tasted AWFUL. Not long in we were all coughing and retching, and decided it'd be best to leave before we actually started suffocating.

Only, there was one problem. We couldn't see anything. And we were quite far away from the exit. So the next few minutes consisted of us tripping over various pieces of office furniture and coughing our lungs out. We quickly grew light-headed, and battered and bruised, we only just made it out. It was awful. From the outside the place looked like it was on fire with all the crap coming out. And that was when we realised there was actually a noise coming from inside. A faint scuffling. Thoughts raced through are head. Was there a fire? Another person? A hobo? We covered our mouth and noses and went over to the window once again, to see if we could see anything. We only just managed to see the shadowy figure, before, much to our surprise, it raced towards us and leaped through the window. It was a dog. A crossbred between an Irish Wolfhound and a much smaller dog to be exact. And after those first few seconds of utter terror passed, wondered how it got in there in the first place. Did someone leave it there? Was it a stray? Was it going to attack us and infect us with rabies??

We never got the answer to the first two questions, and much to our relief the answer to the last was a no. But what we did get was the best pet ever. It was exactly like that cliché scene in all those movies. Once we left that small building and went elsewhere, we realised the dog was following us. Throughout the rest of the day it followed us, even when we left the site and when I went home (I think it came with me because I was the last to go?). And it wasn't following in an aggressive manner at all, mind. For the next week or so it stayed in my garden until we got the chance to take it to the vets. And not longer after it was a house pet through and through. We called her leaper. She was (and still is) a very shy dog, and is the best pet I've ever had. :D

8 years ago*

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Geez I loved this story. What a great ending. :)

8 years ago

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Wow, awesome adventure! <3 Added.

8 years ago

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Heh, short story, but I like it ^^

As a little kid (like five years old, or something like that), I once got into the newspaper. The reason is as follows: I was at a christmas-market with my family, and there were pebbernødder (cookies). Well, let's just say that I really like pebbernødder. This led to a picture of me with one hand used for eating, and the other hand grabbing new cookies from the bowl, making it into the newspaper. ^^

[Disclaimer: Really tired, I think my grammar is kinda messed up =P]

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8 years ago*

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If it would happen today, you would become an internet meme ;o

8 years ago

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Thank you very much =)

8 years ago

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When i was younger, i used to be a little "robust", like a little barrel.
One day at that period, i visited one of my grandmother's friend, there was some elders there and as a compliment i was giving hugs. Hugs are normal compliments here
The last one, an old lady asked for a tight hug, and so i did.
Days later i got to know that she went to a doctor and discovered that one or more of her ribs were cracked, not broken, just little cracks, nothing that time won't fix.
But since that day I became more gentle about my hugs, especially on elders.

8 years ago

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I confessed to my crush via sms (during high school) that I love her and I got friendzoned (before friendzone was a thing)
I ended up being depressed until graduation.

Now I'm satisfied as long as she's happy. And she doesn't know that I still love her...all this time.

8 years ago

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After all this time?

8 years ago

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yea. I'm a martyr when it comes to real love.

8 years ago

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What did the tree say when the stressful winter finished?
I'm re-leaved.

8 years ago

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There is a story in Turkish literature, "Kutuk" which means "log".

In the story, Turkish army cuts down some heavy trees, paints them black. And goes to siege some small "infidel" castle. They threaten the small city like this: "We brought those cannons from Istanbul, those are the ones that destroyed the walls of the city in 1453. Surrender or we will bomb the city into oblivion." Christian castle commander become terrified and surrenders.

How is it relevant in my life. I am a Turk, currently visiting Budapest for my job. After learning that I am turkish, a colleague told me this story to share. The thing is, for me, this was a part of our literature, with no chance of being actually real. For the guy, this story is real. Actually the real version of the "story" takes place in his hometown, 450 years ago. I could not hold my laughing even though I was afraid about offending the guy. Luckily he was tolerant or kind enough.

8 years ago

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Czy szowinistyczna historia po polsku może być?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Dwa, może trzy lata temu. Jakiś weekendowy wieczór w knajpie. Czas relaksu, wyciszenia się. Pomimo darcia ryja przez licealny chórek wiewiórek przy mikrofonie. Bo karaoke. Dla mnie mimo wszystko spokój jak nigdy. Szklanka i ja.

Dzwoni telefon. - Gdzie jesteś? Co robisz? To przyjdę z Pauliną. - Ok. To czekam.
Paweł. Najlepszy kumpel. Chyba nawet przyjaciel bo nie raz uratował w ciężkiej sytuacji. Takim ludziom się nie odmawia. Nawet gdy chcą przyjść z Pauliną.

Paulina. Cóż... Gówniary, którym akurat w tej chwili wydawało się, że umieją śpiewać były chyba akurat bardziej przyjemniejsze do słuchania niż ona. Szybciej trawiłem grzyby na occie zapite maślanką niż ją. Trudno. Jego dziewczyna, jego wybór. Przyjdą, usiądziemy. Ja przy głośniku. Strategicznie.

Kolejna szklanka. Dryń... - Za pięć minut będziemy. Paulina się szykuje.

Szybka matematyka z życiowym doświadczeniem dały wynik jeszcze kilku szklanek samotnej medytacji. W ciągu tej godziny oczekiwania, upatrzona wcześniej sekcja mająca akustycznie oddzielić odgłosy Pauliny od mojej wrażliwości na kretynizm została zajęta przez jakąś ludzikową grupkę. W ogóle zrobiło się z lekka pełniej niż wcześniej i z miejscem do siedzenia na pierwszy rzut oka był kłopot.

Wchodzą. - Heloł, heloł. Nie ma gdzie usiąść to przy barze zostaniemy.

Paweł zamawia drinka Paulinie, sobie piwo. U mnie jeszcze pływają kostki lodu, ale jeszcze góra dwóm takim zestawom dam się powoli pomoczyć. Stres oczekiwania niestety przyspieszył moje tempo pochłaniania i grała mi nie tylko muzyka. Chociaż jeszcze trochę brakowało, żeby z jednej Pauliny zrobiły się dwie.

Drink i piwo lądują przed nami. Paweł gdzieś znika. Znajomych dużo więc podejrzewam, że to powitalny obchód lokalu. Ale zniknął i to było najgorsze. Została ona i ja, a mój relaks umarł, pochował się sam i jeszcze zapalił znicz. Alkohol za to cicho podpowiadał - bądź dla niej miły. Byłem. To nawet nie było trudne bo wystarczyło, że się nie odzywałem. I tak po paru minutach wiedziałem co studiuje kuzynka z Warszawy i jakiego ma nowego chłopaka, a jaki był poprzedni. Wiedziałem co w butikach w Toruniu mają i jaki dramat podczas sesji na studiach. Chyba nawet wiedziałem czy lepiej golić nogi pod prysznicem czy kremem siedząć na brzegu wanny.

Dosyć. Ale alkohol mówił, że grzecznie, bo się Paweł obrazi. I nadszedł moment, kiedy zapaliła się ta żaróweczka nad głową. Alkohol i ja... Z naszych połączonych mocy zrodziła się idea godna geniusza socjotechniki.

Paulina miała na sobie sukienkę. Zwiewną. Tak się chyba określa sukienki, które na wietrze merdają jak flagi Tyskiego na balkonach kiedy gra Polska. Mniejsza o to... Sukienka miała dekolt. Dosyć spory. Gdybym przesadzał, powiedziałbym że do pępka. Mimo wszystko był znacznych rozmiarów. Bezczelne gapienie się w niego powinno speszyć Paulinę i skierować ją do łazienki lub też w poszukiwanie Pawła. Tak, to było genialne.

Realizacja... Patrzę i patrzę. W międzyczasie zdążyłem poznać najnowsze trendy modowe i historię ostatnich zakupów koleżanki. Jeszcze chyba coś, ale z wrażenia po mającej za chwilę nastąpić reakcji już gdzieś to uleciało.

  • Nie patrz mi się w cycki!

Czas się zatrzymał. Tego się nie spodziewałem. Spokojnie, ale jednak stanowczo. Z lekkim poirytowaniem. Teraz Paweł pewnie będzie zły. Trzeba załagodzić sytuację. Już wiem. Znam się na kobietach. Zaraz się wytłumaczę i będzie po sprawie.

  • Nie patrzę ci w cycki. Ja ich szukam.

Odgłos szkła rąbniętego o blat baru brzmiał jak gong klasztoru shao-lin. Gdzieś tam pomiędzy "ty chamie" a "bezczelny gnoju" nagle teleportował się Paweł. Czegoś takiego nie widziałem nawet w Star Treku. Mój przyjaciel stał jak wryty. Też bym się zdziwił jakbym nagle odkrył w sobie takie moce. Paulina za to ze swoimi umiejętnościami kobiety-katarynki w ciągu kolejnych dwóch sekund wyrecytowała w moim kierunku jeszcze pół łacińskiego słownika po czym odwróciła się do sparaliżowanego sytuacją Pawła - "a ty nawet nie staniesz w mojej obronie".

Obrót na pięcie godny primabaleriny i marsz w kierunki drzwi. Biedny Paweł jak taki ledwo nadążający za nią cień. Zniknęli. Czas relaksu, wyciszenia się. Szklanka i ja.

8 years ago

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Widzę, że cenisz sobie swoje własne towarzystwo :D tylko aż mnie intryguje jak się skończyło między Tobą a Pawłem i miedzy Pawłem i Pauliną :D

8 years ago

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Skończyło się miesiącem cotygodniowego przepraszania, aż Paulina uznała, że przeprosiny w końcu są szczere. A odkąd zostali rodzicami i mają bardzo wesołą córeczkę stwierdziłem, że na ratunek dla Pawła już za późno i trzeba zmienić podejście. Co prawda teraz jakoś nie ma okazji, bo wiatr emigracji wywiał ich z Polski niedawno, ale Paulina nie raz już mnie na piwko do siebie (i Pawła) zapraszała :)

8 years ago

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Czyli można powiedzieć, że jest happy end :)

8 years ago

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Jak już wydasz książkę to daj znać, bo świetnie się czytało. Dodałam Cię do listy.

8 years ago

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Dziękuję. Rozumiem, że chodzi Ci o książkę kucharską. Niestety przed tegorocznym Dniem Kobiet nie zdążę już ;)

8 years ago

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I was born and since a pretty young age had constant depression and loneliness. After I lost all hope for my life, always fantasies about suicide, sometimes staying in bed for 48+ hours on weekends, living in the darkness, I met and fell in love with the woman who would someday become my wife, now 10 years later we're married with 2 adorable cats and I love them all so much. I love my wife most of the three, but don't tell the cats about that or they'll murder me in my sleep.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you:

  1. Is your cat a cat? If so, it is plotting to kill you.
  2. See 1
8 years ago

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Oh, hi there!

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8 years ago

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It's beautiful how love can change everything. And cats, of course, cats can change even more. Added!

8 years ago

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unemployed for some time now.. it kind of obscures other realities that surround you when you are missing an occupation, but life is good as long as we're alive !

8 years ago

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