I want to collect some people for my brand new whitelist. The thing is, I would like to have some idea about who is getting the keys. Also, I like collecting stories, it's kind of a hobby.

So here's how we'll play it:
Write a story from your life in the comments. It can be long or short, funny or sad, inspiring or weird, doesn't matter. The subject also doesn't matter - you, your cat, love, the city you picked to live in, school story, job story, travel story, pick whatever you want.
The only rule about it is that it would be nice if it would be a true story. I'll pick around 50-60 people for the whitelist.

Oh, yeah, one more thing - I don't care about your level or ratio, as long as you're following the basic rules of SteamGifts.

8 years ago*

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So, at a young age, i was introduced to the internet and I had found one of those websites for jokes. One of the catergories was "Thats what she said" i read a few, not getting it but thought "this is a cool catchphrase" So one time me andan older friend were talking and he asks what my catchphrase is, i say it and he just stared me in the eyes like "wat" Later on me and my older brother were messing around in the backyard with the little Pokemon balls. I threw one and my brother said "Your pokeball was filled!" And of course, i say the "catchphrase" and he was just in awe. I figured it out like 2 years later but still, i was savage.

8 years ago

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Just got flashed on the same highway by the same radar twice in 2 days thinking it was another car driving the opposite :(

8 years ago

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Man, it just happened to me the same thing last week but only once ><

8 years ago

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I went to a laser tag last night, so it reminds me of this story :
The first time I went to a laser tag, I was so excited because it was like an adventure for me (pew pew pew etc). But the rooms where you play are a bit dark. So for the first play, as soon as we enter the room, I was so happy that I ran quickly, and I ran into a wall and cut my lower lip.
At least, it was a proof that I went on an adventure XD

PS: we played against small children and lost.

8 years ago

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Cool :D I'm still waiting for my first laser tag adventure.

8 years ago

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It's really funny when you play with friends :) And (normally) less painful than paintball ;) (Normally because in fact, I also ran into a wall yesterday while playing, so I got a bruise on my left thigh XD)

8 years ago

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I was in love with a girl naming Meg..,we used to date a lot and finally the main day arrived i proposed her and drop a ring in her drink and it was champagne and when she saw that,she started crying and i thought it was a yes but to my surprise she said we are just only friends...it suddenly changed to the worst day of my life. The sense of living took over me and bought a gym cycle now everyday i remember her and work my ass off for 5 kms daily as to no Fu..s were given and it has immensely increased my stamina. She came back to me after couple of months after that incident and she said if the proposal was still up, but i saw i had started shaping my muscles and i was being noticed by many other girls in gym and i started getting invitations to there bday parties and other parties as well. So i thought that leaving all that for this mean little nasty girl was not worth it. So i straight away said no and now i am happy as i have 3 f..k buddies in gym, it feels like as if i am living in a paradise. So this is a true story and to all the heart broken people out there

Nobody said life would be easy,
They Just Promised
It would be Worth it.

So try what i did!!!Maybe life has stored something for you and you are just neglecting it!!

8 years ago

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Few days ago I went to Italy.
There food has hot coffee, hot dog and hot girl.
But they make me thought they're only have Pizza.

8 years ago

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Got married, had a child ... really thought that my gaming life will be over ... i was wrong. Still playing games both on PC and with my little girl. So don't be afraid of marriage and children, it's gonna be ok, even better than you think :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I been watching anime since i was a child, its my only hobby, now i found another hobby and that is without doubt STEAM! All hail Gaben! :P

8 years ago

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Had a lot of tests last week on school. Instead of learning i was gaming all the time and i couldnt wait till i had vacation (This week). Now i finally have vacation, and i cant find one game to play, and im bored AF xD

8 years ago

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Hmm, maybe I should do a thread like this to extend my white list, Naw, too much reading. :) Good luck with your list.

8 years ago

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Ok, bit of a mindless fluff from me, this happened about 3-4 years ago? My uni buildings were in the middle of nowhere and frequently I walked through a barren wasteland (I am totally exaggerating) which was inhabited by flocks of sheep ( with shepherds and sheep dogs). So this one time I found a flock of sheep on my path again as usual and paid no attention to it ( as long as the dogs didn't attack me I was fine) and I suddenly hear this crying sheep noise, going baaa-baaa. I thought it was a silly goat or something and kept walking but after a few seconds the shepherd called out to me so I turned around to see what was going on and I come face to face with a baby sheep that was right behind me, following me as if I was its mother and crying for attention.
It was so cute it melted my heart ;_; Of course I turned around and helped the guy get it back to the flock but it totally made me fuzzy inside.

8 years ago

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Awwwwwwwwww. I wonder if we went to the same uni haha.

8 years ago

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Mine was in Greece but I can see that happening in many places easily. XD

8 years ago

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Aww, added for the cute story. I would totally steal the sheep though.

8 years ago*

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Thank you. :) Haha running away with the sheep when the shepherd and the sheep dogs were there would have been tricky. XD

8 years ago

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This is how you do it ^^

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Haha yes, this is accurate. XD (If it was a malamute I would totally run away with it)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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i collect steam games, try to get them for free and sometimes give something away

8 years ago

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I see You're from Poland so maybe Incould write, but in polish, because my English skills are not so good in this kind of story... do You agree? :)

8 years ago

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Nie widzę przeciwwskazań :)

8 years ago

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To nie będzie zbyt radosna historia, raczej znów posłużę się tą stroną, by się wyżalić. Historia opowiada o tym jak byłem w związku...
Od końcówki marca 2014 roku zacząłem być z dziewczyną, która wcześniej była moją przyjaciółką. Więc starałem się, by nie było w tym nic pochopnego. By zaczęło się tak, jak powinno, stawiając na osobowość zamiast wyglądu. Ciężko mi było zacząć, bo Daria była osobą dość nieufną i nie wierzyła za bardzo, że może się komuś spodobać, ale zaczęło się po kilku rozmowach. I trwało to półtorej roku. Czułem się rozumiany, była moją inspiracją i motywacją do działania. Pisałem dla niej wiersze i opowiadania, wróciłem do swojego hobby,które rzuciłem - fotografia. Zacząłem robić coraz więcej i coraz lepszych zdjęć. Od rodziny na urodziny nawet dostałem nowy aparat z obiektywami (w tym obiektyw do makro, na którym mi najbardziej zależało).ogólnie rzecz biorąc czułem się przy niej spokojnie i dobrze. Tym bardziej, że doceniała to, co robiłem dla niej, bo dałem z siebie wszystko, a nawet więcej niż mogłem. Dodatkowo znała się na sztuce, więc tym bardziej miałem motywację, by pisać i robić zdjęcia, bo uważała, że są naprawdę dobre.
Wiadomo, były wzloty i upadki, ale zawsze się układało jakoś. Jedna rzecz mi nie dawała tylko spokoju - ja jestem raczej bardziej świadomie wierzący, ona niestety nie była wierząca i robiłem co tylko mogłem, by pokazać, że wiara ma sens.
I w skrócie teraz, bo nie chcę wchodzić w szczegóły, za każdym razem jej wybaczałem, robiłem wszystko by była szczęśliwa, jednak coś jej się nie podobało. Mówiła ze jestem dobry, nawet zbyt dobry. Ostatecznie po jednym wyjeździe na franciszkańskie spotkanie młodych uwierzyła na dobre, ale wtedy zaczęły się objawiać u mnie początki słabej depresji... i tak sobie byliśmy jeszcze chwile, to już trwało lekko ponad rok. Była moim sensem życia i jedynym celem, już nawet zacząłem zbierać na pierścionek zaręczynowy... i wtedy coś zaczęło się psuć, jakoś mówiła wcześniej, że jestem jej pierwszym facetem na poważniej (ona tak samo mogą pierwsza dziewczyna) i ze bo się ze brakuje jej doświadczenia. Zawsze ją przerażała wizja bycia razem do końca życia, ale myślałem, że przedxie jej i tez zechce być juz tak całkiem. I wrzesień się rozpoczął, ja znów zacząłem mieszkać na stancji (od niej oddalone o 50km, ale pociągami jeździłem gdy mogłem). Ale ona zaczęła brać na siebie coraz więcej obowiązków i czułem się zrxucony na dalszy plan, mimo tego ile robiłem ciągle i ile dawałem. Najbardziej bolało, że wziela tez na siebie jakieś spotkania w piątki popołudniami, w jedynym czasie gdy mogliśmy tak na dłużej dotrę spotkać.
Ostatecznie na końcu września stwierdziła, że to nie to, że przeszkadzają jej moje wady i słabości, co dziwne ona miała podobne i ja jakoś to wytrzymywałem... i zakończyła związek po półtorej roku. A teraz, gdy ja ciągle jeszcze o niej myślę po 4 miesiacach, dowiedziałem się, że ona jest teraz z innym gościem, który należy do tej grupy z piątków...
I w ten sposób nadzieja jeszcze się we mnie tli, ale to już tylko puste marzenia i złudzenia... i tak samo boli, że gdy się nawróciła i bylem pewien,ze może być tylko lepiej, ona zakończyła to i tak szybko znalazła sobie kogoś innego.
I w ten sposób zostałem znów sam z trochę większą ilością kasy, która zbierałem na pierścionek...
Dzięki za wysłuchanie, jeśli ktoś przebrnął do końca :)

8 years ago*

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Tak to już jest, że te pierwsze związki nie wypalają, bo ludzie (szczególnie kobiety) dopiero się uczą czego chcą i o co im właściwie chodzi. Mogę Ci powiedzieć, że widzę wyraźny schemat w jej zachowaniu, i to, że nie wyszło, to nie Twoja wina. Także nie martw się, będzie tylko lepiej. Tymczasem whitelista dla Ciebie.

8 years ago

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Jak na razie lepiej nie jest, mimo że te 5 miesięcy już minęło... ale jednak mam nadzieję, że z czasem będzie tylko lepiej :) Dziękuję, też Cię dodam do whitelisty :)

8 years ago

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I jako bonus: po tym wszystkim przez nasiloną depresję,nie tak całkiem, ale jednak, na komisji wojskowej otrzymałem kategorię D,czyli niezdolny do czynnej służby wojskowej w czasie pokoju... mam nadzieję, że w przyszłości, kiedy będę aplikował o pracę, to nie będzie miało wpływu, bo wiem, że kiedyś pracodawcy na to patrzyli...

8 years ago

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Kiedyś taki potencjalny szef patrzył bo armia mogła takiego zdolnego do służby pracownika czapnąć i pracodawca zaczyna zabawę w szukanie zastępstwa. Ja się właśnie w taki sposób wybrałem na urlop i zwiałem przed panną, która po dwóch miesiącach związku zaczęła historie o ślubach, wspólnym mieszkaniu itd. :)

Nawiązując do Twojej opowieści - niektórzy tęsknią, inni uciekają jak najdalej. Wygrasz gierkę u Selene to Ci się humor poprawi :) Korzystając jeszcze z pozwolenia na szowinistyczne treści w tym wątku... Kobiety to dziwny gatunek - vide moja opowieść gdzieś tam niżej :)

8 years ago

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Teraz raczej bym się martwił, czy jak mam D to czy przyjmą mnie wszędzie do pracy, czy stwierdzą, że nie nadaje się gdzieś. Ale wydaje mi się, że już na to nie patrzy nikt. :) teraz poszukam Twojej historii :)

8 years ago

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Nie ma już zasadniczej służby wojskowej więc nikogo to nie interesuje specjalnie. Chyba nawet w ankietach agencji pracy nie pytają o wojsko.

8 years ago

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my mom used to buy everything to my sister, seldom buy things to me. today we hangout and i saw my sister got 2 more rings on her finger.
I'm a man, but still jealous for her because the unfair.

8 years ago

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I broke up with my girlfriend because she wanted me to quit League and I didn't want to.
I've been playing League for 6 years and I haven't even known her for so long, who does she think she is? (I'm kidding, I actually considered quitting)

Kind of proof

8 years ago

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Today I was sitting in class (college) paying attention to the teacher. Suddenly I noticed that whenever he went to the next slide in his presentation (which he does on his computer) he walks to his computer, clicks the button to go to the next slide, then turns around to look at the screen and then looks back at the class, but instead of doing this as any other person would do by just turning about 45 degrees twice, he literally turns an entire 360 degrees circle while walking to the other side of the monitor. It is hilarious, it was so hard not to laugh out loud. This can not be unseen.

8 years ago

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around 3 or 4 years ago i used to play cracked minecraft and mainly play on cracked faction servers. my skin is kirito from sword art online season 1, whenever i say "hi" or something similiar, people think that im a "girl" just because my name is "Murtida" ( its my real name ), most people read it wrong so they always guess that im a girl despite the skin xD, when i changed my skin to the season 2 kirito ( gungale skin, looks like a girl ) people say that im a "boy" and tricking them for attention ( even thought i never said that im a girl lol ), when i reverted back to the season 1 skin people call me a girl and im litterly playing on the same faction server and the same name lol. story of my life...
minecraft... 10/10 would wear season 1 skin again xD

8 years ago

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today i found some one recrute for his wishliste i found that so nice cause i never been in wishliste i try to finde something intresting to say but i couldn't then i start to make a wishliste giveaway i saw that i haven't hahaha so i hope he accept me and to start fill up my wishliste

8 years ago

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A true story hmm.

Next week we get a week of for school because of Internationalise. I with 4 other people from my course (social work), will travel too Prague, Vienna and Budapest. To visit the culture and their schools of Social Work.
There we will speak with teachers and students. From this we are going to make a small movie which we will use in a presantation on school.

And of course we will enjoy the night live of those city's ^^

Really exited about it.

8 years ago

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Well, about a year ago, I made a thread when I failed a very important test and was about to fail the entire year just because of that test. It turned out they couldn't actually do that, and they told me that so "I'd work harder next time". Needless to say I got pretty f*cking pissed off! Either way I'm on the verge of finally finishing highschool (I still have to give the chemistry final) so yay for that! There's nothing interesting about my life so I thought maybe I'd share the end of something I had already shared on this site.

8 years ago

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About 20 years ago, I was a youngster (15 years old, maybe). Used to go to some local beach with my family, brothers, cousin’s, and some friends. One of those times we were all in the water, playing around. But you see, the ocean, where I live, is not what you call "calm waters". It has waves, sometimes big waves, and currents, sometimes strong currents, and you lose touch with the sea floor very easily, so, you got to know how to swim. Problem was that not all of us playing around in the water knew how to swim. I did. While fooling around in the water we got distracted and suddenly we noticed we were a bit far from the dry sand. I heard a cousin asking for help for a friend of ours, who didn't know how to swim. I went to help her. But knowing how to swim is rather different from knowing how to help someone starting to panic in the revolting water. I learned the hard way. Went straight to her and gave her an arm. But she was panicking. Started to grab me with her both arms, anyway she could, as strong as she could, she was fighting for her life, impairing my swimming capacity. I did what I could, as long as I could, to help her stay floating. She was, after a while, pulling me under and my energy reserves depleting fast. We were both by then fighting for our life’s and I was going under. After some seconds fighting, I felt I had no more energy and I remember very clearly thinking "this is it, this is how it’s going to end for me". I stopped fighting and let go. My body started to sink further, slowly. When I think about it, it comes to me as if it was in slow motion. But then, something happened. I touched the sea floor. Again, I remember clearly thinking something like “I’m not going to die by a palm of water over my head”. This thought made a surge of energy invade me, and I hanged on to it, to life, swimmed has hard as I could with that last surge of energy, and managed to put myself floating, has I felt the waves bumping around. Couldn’t swim no more, though, has I was so tired. Someone came to help, crying for me not to go to sleep, with instructions on how to hang on to him with one harm, and use the other to swim. Don’t know how long it took. I was on the dry sand and safe. I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep. Someone started to slap me. Almost had no reaction. But I was ok, just tired and sored, drank a lot of sea water. My friend was also safe. Nobody died that day. We all, that day, gained a different respect for the ocean.

8 years ago

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Whoa, scary adventure and nicely written story. Added.

8 years ago

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My life is constant whining and confusion about what my next step. :')

It's beautiful!

8 years ago

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Most embarrassing moment story? Most embarrassing moment story.

7th grade, large group of us junior highers talking in a circle. It's a Wednesday, meaning we're wearing dress uniforms. All the girls are wearing skirts. We're talking, everything's great, then one of the 6th graders (who was walking around the circle) shoves me as hard as possible. I stumble and fall at the feet of the girl across the circle, who just happened to be the girl I had a crush on at the time. In a panic, I tried to stand up abruptly, but I was a bit closer to the girl then I thought.

...My head went straight up her skirt. I was mortified. Didn't talk to the kid who pushed me for approximately a year.

8 years ago

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which anime it is?

8 years ago

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Was very scared of public transport but got to know a cute girl via the internet, she lives 120 miles away, now we are together for 14 months and i can take the train to her house, by myself, without too much anxiety!

And she is a gamer too woohoo :)

8 years ago

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This makes me happy. Congrats. :)

8 years ago

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Thank you! :)

8 years ago

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Aw, that's sweet. I wish you two all the best.

8 years ago

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Thank you, twice :)

8 years ago

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I lost my dad during my freshman year of high school. Now, I have worked hard to be an honors student in college (sophomore), made the President's List, worked a summer internship at a fairly well-known company, am awaiting a second degree taekwondo black belt to be sent from Korea, am a professional martial arts and kickboxing instructor and am approaching being with my girlfriend for a year and a half. Life throws obstacles at you and you have to choose how you are going to deal with them. I have had many more challenges than my loss, but it affects me the and perseverance has made me into the strong person that I am today.

8 years ago

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Good job, keep on rocking! Added.

8 years ago

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Thank you very much, when I start up my wl soon, you will be added as well.

8 years ago

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