Screenshot. Can someone tell me if this is a mistake ?

11 years ago*

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Steams legit. da dum tiss

11 years ago

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wow nice coupon, you should use it before its fixed that cant be normal

edit: its also free

11 years ago

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I dont have one. Just got that screenshot from somewhere else and i need to confirm if its really legit.

11 years ago

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It popped up free for me a minute ago. Though when I clicked the add it went to the store page and it was full price

11 years ago

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Just the DLC is free.

11 years ago

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It is entirely legit. People who pre-ordered it are beyond pissed. I'm kind of hunting around for one myself. At fifteen bucks, I was planning on waiting for some friends to want it, too, but at a 1.50, there's no way I'm not getting it :P

I had heard the dev stopped giving them away, though, but if you just got that, that's apparently wrong.

11 years ago

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Yeah, i pre-ordered it too. It sad to see that stuff because we payed moar.

11 years ago

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Well, you can use the coupon to buy 1 gift, resell it at half market price in dota 2 treasure keys or TF2 keys. Still worth a shot XD.

Or steamgifts

11 years ago

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And I thought that the color palette DLC was supposed to be unique to pre-orders, but they apparently changed their mind there. Same with the beta client. This company really, REALLY wants people to never pre-order a game again, apparently :P

11 years ago

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i totally dont mind my monies going to lab zero, in fact, im glad i payed more

11 years ago

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Managed to trade for it for about 50% off... kinda bummed knowing I could have got it for way less than that.

Just tried crafting a badge just in case I'D get the coupon, and got a 33% off some ValveTestApp that disappeared from inventory right away. Now that sucks...

11 years ago

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They seem to be going for 4/5 keys in steamtrades, which is still about half off even if you buy the keys on the market, and it's still a lot less per copy even than the four pack.

11 years ago

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Was reading that thread. He turned it off, but wasn't sure if "off" meant it'd be off today or tomorrow.

11 years ago

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I'm not really pissed, 108$ on indiegogo just to get a t-shirt and compendium. Also to support the devs, one of the best mechanic in fighting games so far in fighting games in PC. Now if only tekken 6 is ported.
Another fact is that character they added, it's the one I'm mainly using.
Although I would like to have those tf2 items as incentive exclusives

11 years ago

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Hi. Very annoyed. Pre order stuff is still available, and people are getting it at much better prices to boot.

11 years ago

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So surprise surprise, preordering is a good way of getting to pay more for an incomplete product and risking already having paid for something that might turn out to be shit.

Does it actually have any advantages? For the buyer that is, not the devs.

11 years ago

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if it have no bonus then no

11 years ago

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Yes! You get the happy good feeling inside that you supported the dev. Also you get an extra like 24 hours of playtime before everyone else can play. Worth it! Just like Planetary Annihilation.

11 years ago

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There are bonuses, that the publisher, not the devs, said can stay up for current buyers in the hopes that it will generate more sales.

11 years ago

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A huge shitload of content would not have been made at all if it werent for the Indiegogo backers.

11 years ago

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I'd buy for 90% off in a second

11 years ago

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No mistake. I have seen 66%, 50%, and 33% too.

11 years ago

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Wow, you're really lucky.

11 years ago

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You didn't have to be as lucky as intended. Supposedly the coupons were to be rare, but they underestimated how common "rare" coupons were. Considering the sheer volume of trading cards that exist, coupons are probably created fairly often and fairly cheap.

It was still a pretty lousy move by the developers. It wasn't quite the insult that Botanicula was, but was probably more of an insult than the (alleged) Steam mistake with KOF XIII. (Botanicula was put in a Humble Bundle the day it was released, which quite rightly angered people who had pre-ordered the game. As for KOF XIII, it's pre-order price was cut an additional $5 right after the closed beta started. SNKP said it was a Steam mistake, and not intentional on their part.)

11 years ago

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I'm not entirely sure the developers get much of a say in it once they sign on the dotted line. I don't think they would intentionally allow such an oversight to go unchecked, especially when they acknowledge exactly how much the kickstarter funds helped them.

11 years ago

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If that comment still refers to Skullgirls (just not sure if you switched subjects or not), the main dev was pretty open about what was his call and what is that of the publishers in the thread I was reading. While coupons were intentional, as Baines said, he didn't expect the 90% off ones to be as common as they are, and also that he doesn't have control over the apportionment of the coupons (X of 90%, Y of 50%, etc.). Also, the color palette DLC was apparently a publisher demand. The thread seems to have vanished now though (tried to find it unsuccessfully just now) -- as I recall, it was titled something like 'I guess these devs don't want us ever to preorder again' or something similar and had quite a few pages of replies.

11 years ago

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As far as I know, Steam doesn't just pick what games they want to put on sale. The publishers give their okay as well.

I would guess that coupons are similar. Skimming through Google searches, the higher discount coupons people mention tend to be for bundle fodder games or games that already get steep discounts in big sales. Although, to be fair, it could be that people are more likely to use better coupons for themselves and mostly only get rid of bundle fodder/regular steep discount coupons...

11 years ago

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Lol and literally just came out today. (Though it was in beta.)

I want a 90% off coupon...

Though if they are doing it this cheap I think the big question is...


Well. Actually might be best to get it asap to get all the DLC characters free.

11 years ago

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90% wow thats lucky wouldn't mind one of those lol

11 years ago

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Might as well wait for a bundle, i guess it won't take long. This is just one of the examples why you shouldn't preorder anything ever

11 years ago

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thats nice, its a good game.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I don't feel ripped off because its good but what the hell? O_o

11 years ago

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By the time I heard about them they were already ending. :(

11 years ago

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I couldn't give a shit about the coupons. I am more pissed that I pre-ordered for the DLC, now everybody who buys it from now until September gets it.

How was that a pre-order bonus then?..

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

11 years ago

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nice coupon :)

11 years ago

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want to trade it ?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 years ago

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I have a hammer for trade.

11 years ago

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some people... xD

11 years ago

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Holy light!

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by RanchMeAmadeus.