Yeah sheeple, WAKE UP! cough Yea well, if conspiracy theorists can keep to themselves it would be fantastic.
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I'm not an economist. I'm struggling enough with life as is this will be the first birthday without my Mom and I'm on the cusp of homelessness and trying to focus enough to get my 'keep me alive' juice. Foreign affairs generally means little to me. I know enough to have a rough idea of what's going on out there but until I'm in a position to affect change this isn't knowledge I find particularly compelling. But that's just me.
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''They bark a lot, but can't really bite.''
It will come, soon...
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Let me put it in a different way:
That's why China won't EVER allow Kim Jong Un to go beyond mere words and do anything really dangerous to USA.
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From someone who lives in the USA.
We won't launch a nuclear stike even if they launch first. we have enough technology to shoot down every N.Korea ICBM. And, shooting back would just damage our relations with just about every country. the scenario that will most likely go down. is If they fire a ICBM at us we will retaliate with a couple missles(not nuclear) and destroy there silo sites,military installations,etc.. than we will call upon NATO and do a ground invasion of N.Korea at which point China will helpout just because N.Korea has become to much of a burden. than once that is all said and done. South Korea gets North korea. and they become a unified Korea Than this will happen.
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Ah, so you were one of the ones that clicked. "I Find Nuclear war to be exciting" on OkCupid amiright? XD
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You also gotta admit. how scary that video game video much of it has already come true lol.
there is only like 3 things that they said that haven't come true yet D:
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Actually, no. It's virtually impossible to shoot down a missile. Even things like Aegis have some serious flaws, and they're purpose-built. What stops people from attacking with them is how profoundly stupid it would be, given the consequences. The bigger threat is that NK has enough conventional artillery pointed at Seoul to level the city at a moment's notice. If they ever put on their big-boy pants and decide to start shelling, we'll be sucked into a morass of terrible proportions that no party involved really wants any part of, so, again, deterrence through the awful consequences. Fortunately, I think they're sane enough not to do anything beyond saber-rattling.
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Deleted my 2 previsous posts. Dispate the fact that I only had intentions to point that there are more important problems (like an alternative to oil, less dangerous then oil if posible) the way I did probably was not the best way to do it and the risks to turn this topic in something else was way to high (thanks for making me understand that and hope noone got upset cause I deleted my previsous 2 posts here, my mistake when I wrote the first post and there was just no other way to prevent potential problems).
I will end this by saying I think nuclear weapons shouldn't had existed in the first place in the same way I believe wars should not happen, but that's only me I have my own dream about an almost perfect world but that world needs almost perfect people (and I'm far from my own vision about an almost perfect person).
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I know this is not games news report or anything but this is rather important to a lot of people
This is not looking good.....
PS: If any mod wants to delete this go ahead... but i just wanted to Inform this; since sometimes people don't see whats going on around them (including myself)
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