Your opinions on them?
I am sick of seeing people with army or people with guns for pictures. They are so annoying and almost all are very rude. I don't really know why are there so many people enjoying watching this stuff on twitch or playing games like CS:GO and TF2 (one of the most popular gun shooty man games on Steam).
1 minute ago
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Blunts, 40's and bitchez!
They be tryna catch me ridin' dirty
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Yeah, that's what I meant by the list type of thing, though I guess that's not technically a list but I just meant have it saved in some way shape or form. Thank you though, Osoroshidesu Seiryuu! I hope I didn't completely butcher that but I probably did
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I already gave back the seller's money, when i saw that code i tried it because was really sceptical about it. To be honest do you really think i care about if you blacklist me? You all over reacted like a whiny little squakers about that incident. The issue is already resolved, end. Yes, i might not be active on the discussions or giveaways, but i mainly use that website for the trading part, i do check the discussion session sometimes though.
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I have over 700 blacklists, why do i need to care about even more? :)
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Then maybe you should get a life and take care of your own personality instead of foreign people :).
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I'm taking care of my personality. I suggest you do the same, unless you enjoy people disliking you, which I think you do.
Also I know I'm feeding the troll at this point.
But I'm super curious how much your blacklist count is now vs before the thread was made, humor me.
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Unneeded thread is unneeded.
They are most likely mean to you because you are mean to them, at least from what I can gather from your statement there. And hell if anything theyre some of the nicest guys I've spoken to online.. most of them I've spoken to, while cringey, are still alright people.
If you see them, just shrug it off and move on, its not really something you're forced to deal with :P
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Nope, i haven't really been rude to them (maybe from what i writed here might have sounded rude). I know i am not forced to deal with them, that was just a rant though.
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honestly i find all those internet weird minorities/fandoms some very weird shit , and as you can see some of them defend others and most of the defenders are part of the these minorities/fandoms . i look at that stuff and see that only the ones who are included in any of the groups mentioned stand up for others that are part of the groups even if it isn't the same of the defender's group.
i have never seen a "normal" person agree with anyone that was in a fandom like weebs/furry/brony/etc...(these are the ones i remember).
it's something obviously uncommon someone liking these stuff , but seeing "normal" people disagree makes me think that they probably have some kind of mental ill , i can't confirm all of them have just because i met one that really had one(autism) but it just looks like they have it even if the person doesn't...seeing a >15 years old person liking MLP(sorry for using that example and if that offends you i'm really sorry but it's the only one i can find that fits in this context) is absolutely...awkward...and even more awkward someone having a fetish for MLP , or furry stuff , of weeb stuff...
i don't know what happened in the past centuries to make those things appear , but i'm sure it isn't evolution and it makes money , because drawing and making costumes isn't for free. it always bothered me seeing it but i never "KYS U FKIN PIECE OF CAMSUR" , i just watch, watch ,try to know how they emerge but i haven't found something plasusible to say.
at this point i might have offended some people but that subject kind of trigger prejudgement and i forgot why i replied to you but i don't want to put in the trash this big text , if i said something wrong reply what you think is wrong because i'm sure this text has many mistakes
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You're in 2hu now, they'll turn us, eventually.
I already have a girl avatar, just not anime, I'm already halfway there. Help me
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It's just that when someone is a dick and has a "normal" photo, you do not notice and put in a group.
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Nicely put. I think there's a name for that type of bias. I don't remember what it is, though.
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I looked it up and wasn't able to find anything with that name, but I did find Confirmation bias. A large, overarching principle, but it seems to fit the bill.
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To be fair, he did say "watching this stuff or playing games like 100% orange juice"
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A group of people who obsess over fictional characters drawn in a particular style.
They've become notorious both online and offline for their numerous displays of antisocial behavior and devotion to their subculture. Some examples include setting forum profile pictures to portrait shots of their favorite characters on general discussion boards, discussing things related to their subculture in places where such discussion is not warranted, deliberately shoving increasingly aging references and inside jokes in an attempt to annoy, confuse, or unsettle others, ridiculing and denouncing other fanbases or subcultures that are not their own or they do not personally agree with, becoming offended and highly defensive upon any sort of criticism towards any aspect their subculture, spending large amounts of time and money into their hobby, arranging and attending conventions dedicated to their fascination, even going so far as to integrate phrases, mannerisms, and sayings into their daily lives and vocabulary such as "lewd."
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Those are just some vague, mildly obnoxious tendencies that members of any subculture or fandom may be prone to.
Last I checked, furries are folks who like anthropomorphic animals.
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So you don't want to show us your rippling biceps in your mansion?
Also, you don't get to quantify something horrible by throwing an adjective in front of it. Example, "all people who aren't weeabo's are PROBABLY stupid and have no girlfriend or social skills". It's ok because I said probably first.
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Not to sound rude or something, but holy shit you are a real weeb + especially with that asian girl.
"I'm a real life anime main character!"
You sound like an inresponsible person, stuck in his imaginery anime world. So delusional, oh boy...
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First of all, if you are going to try and offend me, at least have the curteousy to spell "imaginary" and "irresponsible" correctly.
Secondly, in my "imaginery anime world", I am a grown man who has a degree and works as a teacher.
As for irresponsible, I wear a condom when I fuck my girlfriend, something you will not have to worry about furiously masterbating in your "imaginery" gun filled world...not to sound rude or something.
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English is not my primary language
"As for irresponsible, I wear a condom when I fuck my girlfriend, something you will not have to worry about furiously masterbating in your "imaginery" gun filled world...not to sound rude or something."
Nice, but try harder next time ;).
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Oh my God dude "Seeking for attention" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
So much accuracy in this song man
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"Not to sound rude or something" ...and continues to make rude sounds. Is that what passes for conversation in your part of the world?
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100% Orange Juice is funny and the community (I mean, the people I meet while playing it) is really great :)
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I am sick of seeing people with anime pictures
I don't really know why are there so many people enjoying watching this stuff or playing games like 100% orange juice or 200% mixed juice
Stop making a big deal out of what other use as their profile images or what game they enjoy. It's really none of your business to decide what other people should do or not do. Tell me, how would you feel if someone would go around saying "competitive FPSs are so stupid and have a toxic community, I'm so tired of seeing people playing Counter-Strike!"
almost all are very rude (at least to me)
Maybe your attitude is the issue here?
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No, there are plenty of people who know a few words and could try to guess the meaning, but actual japanese language is very hard to interpret for non-asian speakers, that's why even the most simple sentence can be really hard to understand, or rather - interpret properly.
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Playing games about waifus and kawaii is the same as watching a movie to me, games are sort of entertament.
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Thanks for the blue heart! You have been on mine for long as well ;)
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I apreciate the fact that someone actually made their effort to make a picture about me :))).
Feel free to blacklist me if you want :D, i won't join your shitty GA's about yours shitty bundle leftovers you want to get rid of, not to mention i'll not even bother to activate in my account (I may have small ammounts of games, i get stuff wich i actually play , not just blindly forking away money on +1 in library ;)))))) ).
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I am sick of seeing people with anime pictures with "waifus", "kawaiis" and etc, die hard likealikes, steam accounts dedicated to anime kawaii games and so on. They are so annoying and almost all are very rude (at least to me). I don't really know why are there so many people enjoying watching this stuff or playing games like 100% orange juice or 200% mixed juice (one of the most popular waifu/kawaii weaboo game on Steam).
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