Obligatory potato poll for anime not appreciators.
one outs opening and Haikyuu season 2 opening 2 dude :) its pretty good ( i love REOL check on youtube she is good singer)
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I dont watch anime, i want to watch some series ive seen advertised by Chronexiamisty or whatever that youtubers name is, but this anime used to run on cartoon network, i enjoyed it and i know for a fact that i enjoyed the intro very much, its so good = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXIm6hg9zCk the only football ive ever enjoyed watching and its a huge shame they never showed anything past season 1, it got so good, season 1 storyline was great. But the intro, oh yeah, its sweet.
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You can watch inazuma eleven the old series online, matter of fact I'm actually watching them right now. You won't waste your time watching inazuma, i haven't finished it but i like it a lot. And it was the same for me i remember watching it when i was little so now I'm watching it again.
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my favorite opening is the second Toaru Majutsu no Index, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAzOxZdFBj0,
and my fav ending is Masquerade from ore no imouto Ep7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2JN3HUKV2Y
but these are just the current ones my favs change almost daily to many awsome op out there
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If we consider the combination of animation + music, then I am a somewhat old-school and conservative one: Neon Genesis Evangelion opening.
If music only, then Rinbu Revolution from Revolutionary Girl Utena. One of the three songs I have listened to at least 8 hours a day on repeat for over 15 consecutive days.
As for ending… honestly, not really a big fan of many. The only ending I can actually even recall liking is the first ending of Code Geass R1, and mostly because it is semi-chaotic theme provides such an interesting contrast to the cold and calculating nature of the plot and the main character.
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I've never watched evangelion but I've heard that its pretty good, and i loved the opening that you listed. Haven't heard the second song tho before. I am a big fan of Code Geass so I know the opening and endings of it, but thanks for letting me remember some good old times ;).
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Evangelion takes some brain cells to sit through. Not because it is bad but because the whole thing turns into a giant symbolism of symbolism that also happens to try to find answers to the depths of the human mind and humanity as a whole. If you think you can understand the second ending of the original series (End of Evangelion), I suggest checking in to a mental clinic ASAP.
Still not as insanely sanity-crushing as Ergo Proxy though. I honestly think Ergo Proxy should never be watched by anyone but those who are deemed clinically insane first.
As for the second, Utena, I'd say that if you liked the last season of Sailor Moon (Sailor Stars) or like either stories of coming of age (told for adults and not teenagers) or writing where allegories are used probably in one of the most skillful manner, then try it. (It is listed as a yuri/lesbian anime, even though the main character only falls in love and has sex with one male in the entire thing. Go figure. The movie version is yuri though.)
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Neon Genesis Evangelion is a masterpiece ^.^ It makes me sad when younger people don't even consider watching this great show, just because it's not new and shiny anymore O.o
And Utena <3
talgaby, I have to send you some love for your great taste, the songs are awesome ^^
To add something new, the "Death Parade" Opening really captured my heart and I genuinely enjoyed the anime.
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Since Utena came up I am compelled to mention the allegory heavy and easily misunderstood Penguindrum, by the same producer.
Something tells me talgaby would enjoy it just as much as his picks here :D
oh and how can i forget another very-not-so-subtle favorite, yuri kuma arashi
the youtube comments kill me xD
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I really enjoy the opening / closing of Gankutsuou
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more for nostalgia factor than catchiness. i don't really pay attention to opening these days tbh, most of the time i just skip them :v
another one might be elfen lied
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la mia infanzia proprio °-° riportano alla mente così tanti ricordi...
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Opening - Either Silky Heart from Toradora or Duvet from Serial Experiments Lain
Ending - Either Ringo Biyori from Spice and Wolf or Wareta Ringo from Shinsekai Yori
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WTF 48min have past - where is Mullins? Posting how much he
hates animu while secretly watching all of them, yes all of them.
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In terms of overall feel, I like Noragami Aragoto OP. Not the best music, but the animation and syncing is very good imo. Honourable mention Ping pong the animation OP.
In terms of music, I quite like Spice and Wolf OP. I also quite like Hyouka OP 1, but can't find a TV version of the OP on youtube. Also mentionable are all of the Raildex OPs and Symphogear OPs.
Lastly, not sure why I like this one. Gosick OP. The OP isn't great nor is it that great of an anime but the OP always made me want to watch it.
For EDs no real animation caught my eye, but I like the following.
Raildex EDs are also really good.
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Favourite opening is tough, maybe cowboy bebop cause the music is perfect. Ending is definitely Roundabout from jojo's bizarre adventure, the fact that the theme just starts in the background and it goes into a freeze frame is so cool
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Since I've only ever watched like 3 anime shows, I don't have much to choose from :D.
But this is the one that stuck with me:
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My favorite OP is the one of Shingeki no Bahamut:
My second favorite is the one of Dimension W:
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So many excellent ones from which to choose, but color me sentimental.
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was sure that if you picked HxH 2011 your favorite ED will be the 5th one, anyhow for me its hard to pick since i love them all, but there are those that i STILL watch here and there despite finishing the anime, so if i had to pick, i'd take 2, 4 and 5th openings from FMAB, all of the endings from HxH 2011, but my TOP ones would have to be the openings and endings from Fate/Zero, this show just blows my mind.
i'm not one to be emotionally unstable, but when i see kiritsugu's life story i can't control my emotions.
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idk there is so many but hmmmm berserk maybe all i remember is that it sounds like a metal song
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My favorite op would be 13th Bleach opening
Ending 1st from FMAB
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At any given moment, there is an 18% chance this song is playing in my head
But Pita-Ten might class as old-school, since so many folk on SG are so very, very young. Why, in my day, we had to walk to Japan every day....in the snow...get our animes one frame at a time. Uphill both ways!
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The best opening of all time
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i don't understand the debate, only one response is possible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFUUmVlQO4w
And an another one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjjTMNDZi-A
I can't stop to dance :-)
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So I've had a ruff day today, and i started listening to some of the anime opening I have in my music playlist and my curiosity to find new ones made me create this post. Also I didn't really have a gib for this but i have an ongoing Sakura Beach ga [ENDED] that's open for another hour. Okay so back to the matter at hand ill start with my favorite opening and ending.
My most favorite opening is this
My most favorite ending also comes from the same anime.
PS My anime quiz is still live so maybe check it out? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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