Hey guyz, I have been drawing some kawaii anime characters! Please show me yours! pss: natsu+chopper <3

Minato and Kushina as kids OMG OMG OMG SO AWESOME! LINK!!!

Natsu clicky
Anya clicky
Chopper <3 clicky


EDIT: If you guys didnt liek those, checkout my full page bleach artwork! clicky for epicness, u will not regret

Charlotte Dunois as requested by CHTonRagLink

Kirito background! (LOOKS EPIC!) link

Madara Uchiha cos rapists wernt bad enough link

1 decade ago*

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lul no one likes kawaii aniem characters?

1 decade ago

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I usually run to the hills when people say kawaii

1 decade ago

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Because you get embarrassed and your cheeks become bright red?

1 decade ago

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Not even Japanese like Otakus :-D

1 decade ago

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So true that talking about it it's one of the few ways somebody not japanese can have to work doing manga there.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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lol man

1 decade ago

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I have same reaction if for yaoi ... ew

1 decade ago

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Awwwww... what a tsundere.

1 decade ago

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Only with big boobs.

1 decade ago

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why would you post random pics here?
i'm into animu for 10+ years and i barely if ever post things like kawaii uguu oniichan etc

1 decade ago

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lol, cos anime is awesome!

1 decade ago

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please don't try to turn this awesome forum into 4chan

1 decade ago

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eh i wasnt tryin to do that.... slides away suspiciously

1 decade ago

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Even 4chan hates animu and waifu ... persons.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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added link to a bleach thin i did, took soo loong >w<

1 decade ago

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Not sure if its your type of kawaii though

1 decade ago

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nice! pwetty kawai! :3

1 decade ago

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Oh crap, I didn't actually draw that I stole it from deviant art lolol I didn't actually read the "I have been drawing some kawaii anime characters" part I just read the title and glossed over the description and figured it was a post a random kawaii character thing haha, holy crap as if you drew those, thats amazing.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Should be a gekota, not pikachu

1 decade ago

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I never got it: Why won't you use proper english? Would it kill you to say cute instead of kawaii?

1 decade ago

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It isn't because I don't know English, but because, it's ANIME!!!!! anime ga daisuki (Don't know if written out right :P)

1 decade ago

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And? This is an English speaking forum,try to respect that. Your way of writing makes people who don't have English as their primary language have difficulty reading this thread.

1 decade ago

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If he changed it to moe, you couldn't complain :P

1 decade ago

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moe is universal term... it don;t count

1 decade ago

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If I had a wacom tablet or soemthing, this wld be much easier >.<

1 decade ago

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any requests for my next drawing?

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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soz im scared of yaoi shivers

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'm still searching for the hidden GA. My hopes are futile as it seems. My hate for anime has reached a new point.

1 decade ago

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my level of black magic is too high for u, U WILL NEVER UNLOCK THE SECRET HIDDEN ULTIMATE AWESOME ..10min of blabbering later PASSAGE!!!!!!

1 decade ago

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well time to guu sleep >w> sayanora peoples of the interweb!

1 decade ago

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Oyasumi nasai

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Find your kawaii stuff yourself!

1 decade ago

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I seriously hope that this is sarcasm. I'm a turbo weeaboo myself and I would never act like this...

1 decade ago

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Same. I find this kind of behavior quite pathetic. I guess he thinks it's cool tho.

1 decade ago

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Thanks, I feel so cool atm, better get my jumper >.> "haters gonna hate"

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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rog does not approve

1 decade ago

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wow... the eyes.....

1 decade ago

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ikr, kawaii as fuck

1 decade ago

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Proportions, they are important!

I'm not saying eye size is wrong, but the distance....

1 decade ago

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yeah... just slightly....

1 decade ago

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lol this made me laugh for like 2 mins just looking at it

1 decade ago

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xD yea lol some anime are just retarded in an awesomely fked funny way xD

1 decade ago

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... Huh... why is this thread ...and the guy who made it exist?

People who acts kinda like... you know more popish than the pope himself are... what was the right wording... annoying? redundant? exasperating? pesky?

More of the otaku and nerd that Japanese weird people are... Come on it is weird even for Japanese normal people, stop acting like that.

1 decade ago

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Sorry that you are annoyed by people being themselves. I hope that the whole planet will conform to your vision and that nobody will ever be weird again. Unfortunately i shall find your comment "annoying" and "exasperating" until that blissful day comes.

Respectfully, an annoying person who is not a big fan of seeing people tell others how they should or shouldn't act and is also telling you how to act or not act.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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It's just the wording that i find a bit too much. You are right thought i'm definitely overprotective.

1 decade ago

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No no... that's not the case.

What annoys me is people being NOT themselves, I consider people like that as "fake".Generally they are just acting like somebody they think they know... like "OMG I SHOULD DO THAT AND SAY THAT TO BE CONSIDERED OTAKU! IMA FAN OF ANIME, ALL PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW I LOVE ANIME!!!! SO I WILL SAY MOE, KAWAII, AND USE JAPANESE WORDS(even if I don't know it) SO PEOPLE WILL THINK I AM COOL".

That's my general impression of them.

And I just between us... I like anime too, but I'm sane enough to act like I always do and not playing some kind of weirdo.

Clear? Vegan I realy don't have anything against you... I hope now everything will be clear.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the clarification, i understand that you have your reasons, we all do, but there is a difference between expressing your opinions frankly and being outright hurtful. "why is this thread ...and the guy who made it exist?" Really ?

But as well pointed before, i am simply overprotective.

Anyway, no worries, i suppose OP is ok so whatever :-)

1 decade ago

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Nah that's just me and my playful mood :)

But yeah I guess it may look like a cat playing with mice... but that's charm of playful mood.

And yeah "he" as a person pretending to be somebody else shouldn't exist, what for? He should always be himself, do you imagine him saying in real life "kawaii" or "moe" I don't. It's just a result of wanting to be cool... I really can't force myself to like that kind of attitude. He said it himself that he doesn't even know Japanese... so it means he is not from Japan, rational right? So he decided for whatever reason to act like Japanese nerd/geek or whatever is right wording....

It would be silly if one day I would wake up and start pretending that I'm cowboy, right? Even if I would chew some kind of grass, be unshaved and I would always wear that silly hat... would that mean I cowboy? It is unnatural for people from diffrent culture to ACT like person from diffrent society.

So yeah once again he has value if he is himself.

1 decade ago

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I can be an otaku and not say shit about it, or be an otaku and talk about it, doesn't effect you...

1 decade ago

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No one said you have to come here, or comment, if your annoyed its your own fault, weird is just a concept made by a group of people to put down to show dislike towards another, the world shall always stay like this, ...as long as society exists... If you don't like it, get lost.

Thanks for your cooperation,

1 decade ago

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We need more desu!
All kidding aside, even though i find the op a bit exasperating(?), and i watch anime seldom if ever, at least he's not being an asshole, unlike some other users.
In my experience weeaboos are the least worst of the internet.

1 decade ago

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:) all of us are truly unique, we have our own ideals and visions, we can't all like each other,, but we can respect,.... that's what most people don't do..

1 decade ago

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I'll go with my usual response to that. No Sailor Moon fanart, no interest! :P
(Ok, unless it's Ranma 1/2 fanart... or RWBY fanart... or... oh, shut up.)

1 decade ago

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RWBY looks pretty cool, friend showed bit of it in PE, but teacher saw so we were told not to >.>

1 decade ago

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Gonna so Sasuke and Itachi(edo) (chibi)!

1 decade ago

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scanned it... forgot to brin it >.<

1 decade ago

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scanned it... forgot to brin it >.<

1 decade ago

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I actually enjoy your works. Keep up the good work. I do not draw but I can act "anime-ish." In a speech during a communication class in college, I put this on the board, made an awesome speech, and ended it with "Don't forget. Believe in yourself. Not in the you who believes in me. Not the me who believes in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself."

Got a B, didn't care since what are the chances that I get to do such awesome thing in front of people again?

1 decade ago

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:D thanx! and you sound like Naruto! Believe it!

1 decade ago

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You should come here: www.anime4psp.org

Its a great (but small) community, I'd be happy for ya to join ;)

1 decade ago

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checkin out now :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Personally, I want to burn this thread and then attempt to burn the ashes again, but that's just my opinion.

I hope you find what you're looking for!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Related and on Topic:
Soo... Kagari then?
Or perhaps this Kagari is more your speed

I'm a fan of WCW Kagari. I have a soft spot for Motoko though.

1 decade ago

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lol sexeh!

1 decade ago

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Stop trying to ruin my day :P

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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lol, well atleast ur not hating me for makin something, well not everyone likes anime :P

1 decade ago

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Are you still taking requests? If so, can you please draw some images for Charlotte Dunois from Infinite Stratos?

1 decade ago

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will give it a go :P cos I left Sasuke at school >.<

1 decade ago

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Ill reply on steam or something when I am done!

1 decade ago

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Nooo, reply on here too, I want to see Charlotte as well!! She's awesome!!

1 decade ago

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Ok lol

1 decade ago

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wait, draw as in on paper, or do digital art ._.?

1 decade ago

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Any is fine.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Line art done looky Scroll down to webcam bit :D coloring tommorow

1 decade ago

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I will most likely be done tommorow

1 decade ago

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http://imgur.com/f0chsPz < so far, not done much, lots to go >.< ignore background, its just there to replace transparency

1 decade ago

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Its coming along awesome as man!!

1 decade ago

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thanx, I got a lot to do tho :/ I just finished eyes,Now to finish off hair shadows, the light hair shading on top, hair reflection bits, then to clothes and shadows, then finally a kewl background to accompany it

1 decade ago

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Link put you on it as the person who requested :P

1 decade ago

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Why are you doing this to yourself? Have you tried talking to a specialist?

1 decade ago

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he probably needs some special kind of attention.

Am I Kawaii yet?

1 decade ago

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yeah totally,

1 decade ago

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Am i kawaii ? <3

1 decade ago

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yus :3

1 decade ago

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  • pets * :D
1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Kawaii desu.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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:D lawl

1 decade ago

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well the latest one was great hit, it got like 5 favs in 10min xD best so far

1 decade ago

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Should try somehtin different next, and I have the perfect idea!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by MagmaClaw.