I've once paid $25 for the Humble Indie Bundle V, and $10 for the Humble THQ Bundle.

What about you? :D

1 decade ago*

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Almost always BTA, and pay an extra Β£0.65 if I can. But I can't really pay much more than that since I spread the money out around different bundles on top of the fact that I don't have all that much "disposable" income as it is.

1 decade ago

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bested the THQ Bundle, Indie Gala Magicka and the-one-with-Victoria 2

1 decade ago

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It depends on how many of the games I will play or don't already own. I've gone with $1 once or twice when there was only one game I was only partially interested in but typically I will pay a couple dollars over the BTA with a min of $5. I also tend to increase the default charity amount, typically splitting close to 50/50 with the devs and a small tip.

1 decade ago

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i did back when drm free and crossplatform were mandatory and the bundle was special. these days its lost that and became just another bundle site for cheep games so i just squeak into wherever tier i want and if bta doesnt appeal then its just 1$. same as i usually do for all the other bundle sites(so many bundle sites can hardly donate on all of them and none of them stand out much so I haven't picked the new site I'll do that for yet)

I can still do it for supporting the devs which was the third thing I liked about humble, but other bundles do that too so unless its a company I really like in there usually its a penny over bta lately and only if I wanted the bta anyway(ok so i wanna blame them but partly its also economic reasons since I'm poor impulse control enough to buy all the different bundle sites at least below average anyway. I can skip fewer if humble isn't getting $10 anymore, so if imo they aren't "earning it" anymore its an easy excuse)

1 decade ago

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Depends how thin is my bank acount at the moment, I usualy try to pay a buck or two over the TBA, rounded over, but must confess that ONCE I was really broke but wanted baddly the below average games of a bundle, so I paid one buck for my eternal shame #>.<#

1 decade ago

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Always pay at least the BTA value when I get a bundle, usually more.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I usually pay $10 or $20 to make it easier to identify on my bank statement at the end of the month, but I have paid less for certain bundles (Android 6 and Mojam 2 comes to mind). I paid far more for HIB 9 because I've wanted all of those games for quite some time and thought they deserved a few extra bucks.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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$1 for the recent shooter weekly, since I had all the BTA titles already

1 decade ago

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I'll usually round it to the nearest multiple of $0.10.

1 decade ago

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TL;DR - Gamers are to cheap and scaring away potential HB partners so they are experimenting with solid prices to beat

I always pay more than the average whenever I buy a bundle/weekly from HB. But I'm not one of those who buys every single bundle/weekly from them.

Normally I tend to chip in 2-5 dollar per game/item in a bundle. Once or twice I've chipped in just enough to BTA. I'm a student and sometimes I need money for other things than games, but I would never pay less than the average, especially when the BTA normally is way under $10 and paying less than the average would feel like leeching of HB, the devs and charity.

Here's a email I got from the humble support a few days ago, that email alone would stop me from buying below-the average for any bundle

"The set prices for BTA content is an experiment we are trying out. Due to the low averages of our previous bundles (way below expectations) it is difficult for us to convince developers to partner with us. While we are a charity driven company, developers still need to see the bundles as a financially viable option for them. Thank you for your support,
Support Ninja"

1 decade ago

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Not 'financially viable' to partners - lol. Even EA took notice. I think the problem is that they're trying to convince the wrong people.

Edit: oops, hit tab it seems. Also, it's interesting to see people compare donation sizes and feel bad for not giving enough, or make others feel less for not giving as much. Seriously? The amount would be $0 if they were not trying to reach out to a market. Suddenly when they do, $1 or $5 is not enough? Come on. :)

1 decade ago

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they've never had a problem before and people've always been cheep. Its because they stopped going after indies who need the exposure

1 decade ago

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I round up to the next $ the BTA, but i buy pretty much all the bundles so i couldn't afford paying much more :P

1 decade ago

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I bought humble indie bundle for uhhh $1.10 does that count?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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however I did pay 10 cents instead of a penny when a penny could get you steam keys
(to note, that was the balance of my amazon payments account and I wasn't doing well for money at the time)

1 decade ago

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You could pay one cent for non-DRM only versions

1 decade ago

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yeah, but who here besides me wants/prefers those :P this is steamgifts

1 decade ago

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ten cents don't give steam versions, 1 dollar and upwards does

1 decade ago

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keys used to be included in the $0.01 versions, until it got exploited when steam had a sale based on accounts having a certain number of games or something like that at exactly the same time as the bundle was available, people made tons of dummy accounts and fed them with the bundle to make them look real enough because you could get 100 for $1. and so they changed it(but that wascarenard's post not mine. mine was just saying nobody here wants drm free you guys love steam for some reason :P)

1 decade ago

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Only 1$ because I am of poor and can not haz into moneys.

1 decade ago

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I usually pay a dollar over the BTA

1 decade ago

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hell no

1 decade ago

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If the BTA games are worth it, I will gladly pay the BTA price, if not i'll pay the minimum price. If I don't see any worth buying the bundle even at minimum price, I'll skip the bundle.

1 decade ago

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if i want bta games, i pay bit more than minimum. if i dont want, than i pay $1

1 decade ago

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No, and even if i did have that kind of money, i wouldn't waste it like that..

1 decade ago

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You are the kind of person that makes producers only make games for consoles

1 decade ago

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If they didn't want to offer their game for a dollar, they wouldn't. Don't rail at the people who take advantage of an offer like that, it makes you look like an arse.

1 decade ago

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Because not throwing out more money than is being charged is something that publishers expect everyone to do. Yeah.

1 decade ago

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I always pay $1, and nearly never buy BTA bundles (bought only one, Origin bundle, since a friend wanted BF3), paid exactly the average for that one

1 decade ago

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i buy most humble bundles for 1$ and few of them even BTA. My max price was 8$ for Double Fine thing.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by ScHiLLa.