Do you hate me already..?
Radeons dont have physX and installed version is not for me.
Ilike nvidia and Ive heard few bad opions about Radeons few years ago.
I like to stay on my old good (expensive :p) nvidia
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"Bad opinions few years ago"
Well you could've gotten some good opinions of Volkswagen a few years ago, not that it matters now.. So it shouldn't matter for AMD cards now, right? I'm trying to say you can have some opinions on everything, most people believe what they're marketed to.
As I'm already commenting on this:
Overclocking yes or no? If no go for the i5-6500 and H170 Chipsets. Cheaper, same performance. If yes, stick to K and Z170.
Power Supply is overpowered. Your configuration will need 300 Watts under the utmost maximum. Under gaming rather 200 - 250W). Also the PSU is of rather midranged quality. You could go for higher quality, same price, as for instance with the Seasonic G-Series 520W or Coolermaster V Series 500W.
Rest is absolutely fine and no, you don't need an i7 for gaming (why do I always see some people saying that?). But as long you can read benchmarks properly, you've probably figured that out yourself.
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Yes, OC for me please :)
I've already learned about chips :)
Power Supply wont drain more energy, but it can be helpfull when I'd OC and make some fiture replacement / additions., right?
PSU have good enought specs and reviews.
It is also quite quiet. :)
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The CS-series from Corsair is far from quiet, compared to the aforementioned V-Series or, manufacturer of the quietest PSUs, BeQuiet (at least, the straight and Dark Power series are) - speaking of which: BeQuiet Straight Power E10 500W would also be a nice PSU.
And no, with overclocking, you won't have that much more power draw (350W tops - typically less) and future components becoming more energy efficient, you won't need more power. Also look at the past gens with single GPU cards. You'll see that a) the top-end models draw less and less power the younger they are and b) that a 500W supply was always enough to power a single-card PC.
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PhysX isn't always "better stuff" and enabling those effect can cuf of FPS on TitanX by 20. Most of the time GPU tests are made with whole PhysX / GameWorks turned off to not mess with results. You can see comparison between GW turned on and off here - ultra settings with and without HairWorks in Witcher 3 (separate tabs)
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Thats sad...
But I always loved that extra effects.
I had it always turned on.
I didnt knew that was the reason of few fps drops...
But anyway- I love it and I can (now :>) always turn it off :))
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Everything looks great but I would change the CPU for a i74770K, and maybe the cooler for a cooler master v8, and maybe add 1-2 more TB in the HDD. :)
Edit: Do you really need 2k monitor? with that money you can buy 2x Full HD monitors, I don't think 2k is a must since just a few games has 2K res, so I would wait a little bit oil 2k monitors price drops and spend that extra money on something else, like a better cpu.
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No i7 and no 4th or 5th generations for me. I want to update my PC with some ram, later graphic card.
Newest generations would have more improvements and advantages as time will go on.
About HDD: 1TB is sick enough for me. :D
About monitor: I will have it, not buy it :)
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Its 2015 people... stop building your own PCs and buy a Magalhães instead. Smh...
CPU - Intel® Celeron M 900MHz Processor
Chipset - Intel® 915GMS
Screen - TFT 8.9" WSVGA (1024x600)
RAM - 1GB DDR2 667
HDD - 30GB ( 10 GB Windows / 10 GB Linux )
GPU - Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 915
OS - Windows XP Professional / Linux
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I just love to wait something around 7 minutes to run my program and another 5 for excel <3
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Missing SSDs in these times should be forbidden! ;__;
At least I am getting one in my company's laptop after working without one for 2 years. If you need to restart often, HDDs are a pain in the a**
and I am quite sure they are the reason for your 7min/5min startup times.
What I am trying to say is that the laptop is bad, yes, but most of the slow loading times will be caused by the slow HDD. ;)
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I came to think that I will be amazed on any graphic standars inside virtual reality for now.
If later it would matter - I will sell my bed or something for extra money for newest graphic card :P
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Almost? So I won't reach space?
I will fall down!?
Oh noes :(
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As a piece of quick advice, don't buy 16 gb now, no games use that much RAM, the only reason you would ever need that in 2015 is if you are doing heavy video editing, if not then stick with 8 GB. Buying another 8 GB stick in the future will be much cheaper.
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Oculus might want more RAM.
Anyway - I can buy 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 12 / even 16 additionall RAM, about month or two after final consumer releasion of few VR Headsets
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Fair enough point, but most games (even w/ the Oculus) don't need 16 GB. Heavy gaming with the Oculus and running Windows would at most take up to 6 GB. So yea, just buy more if needed after you try the headset.
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i think 650w are probably ok but i would feel more comfortable in your shoes with a litle more i also have gtx 970 pretty happy about it (its not good at 4k gaming but from your specs looks like you are aiming for 1080 so you will be happy i see you say 2k you might want to look better into that) the differences we have is mine is corei7 needs some more vat and i have 16gig ram anyways when i counted my wat needed it was about 550 in full usage means a game that goes to the limit and i decided to go for a 850 for 2 reasons 1 is doesnt matter at electrical bill since it uses as much as needed the 2nd and i think we seem the same in future upgrade you will probably need more wats if you put another gtx 970, your pc is ok you should play at high end most of the games but can i ask you a question why you choose 8 giga ram? the industry is about to jump to recommend at 12 and 8 at minimum with that in mind why not 16 to be safe and give more speed to your pc
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You can't go up with wattage without penalty. Efficiency starts dropping fast below 20% load, and most of the time PC works in (nearly) idle mode. Secondly, most of the time it's better deal to buy new gpu then sli the old one. Just 2 little cents )
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It's 1am, I'm not going to research it - just gave it quick look. And tbh I have yet to see a good case (but I'm niche market, so it's not really surprising). My current build was made as quiet&power build and it was wow at first. Now I consider it too noisy, but 'standard' builds compared to it sound like jet take-off. Beware, you may end the same. Who tried once, never goes back :)
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So in fact my case is amazing, but you are addicted to silence and have a much better one, yes?
If yes, I will buy what I have choose. Small steps for the beggining, it wont stress me as much as loudy PC sets I had experienced in past. :)
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I don't have :( but for the first build that one will be good.
As to much better one, I don't think it exist in retail market. My first design tries ended up in really bulky case - close to midi tower height cube - ATX form factor is not air cooling friendly
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Editing small videos should be fine on i5 :)
On bigger ones I just cut sone moments :)
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Hum IMHO, if you have room, an i7 and a 3TB HD is interesting if you pretend to do edition/storage of videos. An Seasonic with minimun 750W is a good choice to, but if you think in SLI in future an 850W is interesting. Talking about this i have to mention than GTX 970 have Engineer Problems, and reach only 3.5GB of his RAM, looooooool.
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I am storing everything in the internet unlimited discs for a years.
And by that - I mean extra copies of it c:
Everything is stored in my 500 GB disc and I still have another 500GB avaible :))
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You could head towards the amd route. Their cards are showing promising results on dx12.
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Umm... :(
So many of you are trlling me to switch....
Please tell me how much I would lost due to manuall install of physX?
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I never had NVidia card and PhysX installed "extra" with Radeons is calculated by CPU, not GPU. That is why it can work crappy or not work at all.
I was playing fine in Metro: LL until sequence when you have to drive an elevator and there is monster attacking you from above. I had some stutter before sometimes but I wasn't able to play game at all in this moment, it had 5 - 10 FPS and I died over and over again. I found out that PhysX is enabled by default in this game and I turned it off. I hadn't see any difference in graphic really but game stopped to stutter permanently.
And I have R9 280X. So yeah, due to PhysX / GameWorks closed code and licences those effect can kill performance on Radeon cards (sometimes on NVidia as well). But on the other hand - how many features PhysX has in a single game? Only few. It's not that all GameWorks effects are incorporated into every single game. Even in Witcher 3 this amazing HairWorks was enabled only for hairs of Geralt, horses and few monsters. In B: AO it adds smoke, pieces of fabric which you can destroy with batarang (without you throw them and they doesn't make holes) and lightrays etc.
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I think I will check that radeon after work.
Thank you guys :)
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On manufacturers card specs pages, sites with tests also compare power draw of different cards. AMD cards take more power for the same performance as NV, but have better performance/price ratio. And bigger power draw == more heat == more air needed for cooling == more/faster spinning fans == more noise
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I know that more power = more hear = more noise.
I didnt understand your previous post.
Did you mean: "your PC will explode burn if you wont watch temperature inside every 5 minutes durning playing Witcher 3 on Full HD"!?
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Looks fine. Enough watts in PSU, enough wide case for cpu cooler.
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Yes I looked.
And asked SG much.
I don't want fully prepared pc sets anymore
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Na forum moje watki szybko znikaly na kolejnych stronach... Jeden czy dwa podbicia czasem daly jakas odpowiedz... Jakąś...
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Let me just point out that Java doesn't care what you have in your computer and combined with the fact you want to run tons of mods, I wish you the best of luck!
I saw that you plan on buying a second 8gb of RAM at a later date and I highly suggest it! The memory is actually going to be the weak point in your computer until you do so.
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So what can I do with that java thing? I though RAM would fix the problem...
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Minecraft was programmed using Java. You should get 300+ FPS so no issues there, but you'll likely still experience random hiccups. They'll only become more frequent with more mods, especially 100 of them.
Mind you, I haven't played Minecraft for quite some time so things could be drastically different now. Last I heard, they made some change which kept a lot of the popular mods using an older version of Minecraft which wouldn't help things either.
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You seem to know what you're doing. I'd say pass it by the fine folks over at /r/buildapc if you want some good help. Also, use PCPartPicker if you do end up posting over there, they're rather insistent on it. (It is rather good, though.) No specific Polish website, so linked to German.
I say this as a relatively happy owner of a 970: AMD R9 390 might be a better pick than an Nvidia GeForce 970, as others have stated. If you're looking at doing VR, the extra VRAM will probably be very helpful.
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I made there 2 topic and got 3 responces in total. Without my bumps of course.
About AMD: can you please link me somd comparation test, where manually installed physX on AMD is not killing the machine morethan nVidia one?
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PhysX is a gimmick. Sure, its effects might look neat in videos, but they tend to be implemented in ways that make them more distracting than helpful in immersing the player into the game. Plus, PhysX effects tend to reduce FPS by quite a bit. It's really not worth it.
That said: I can't link you to a test where PhysX effects enabled doesn't kill framerates on AMD GPUs. Generally speaking, PhysX effects can't be enabled at all for AMD GPUs. Not to say that PhysX doesn't work at all without an Nvidia GPU, just some of the more computationally expensive (think fluids, smoke, cloth, hair, particles, etc.) parts are disabled/aren't as detailed. Most (all?) of the important physics stuff is done on the CPU, anyway.
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Why doesn't anybody think of CUDA which offers many advantages in vid/pic editing?
It is only available in Nvidia cards which I think to be an argument against AMD since I tried Adobe products for photo/video/sound editing (arranged from least to most noticeable) with and without CUDA in the past.
The difference is astonishing!
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I'm not sure what the current situation is, but nVidia was sabotaging AMD cards attempting to do PhysX for a while.
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They sabotage them now on engine level with GameWorks. It is very apparent when you see benchmarks on the DICE engien, the only more known game engine that does not have any NVidia software in it, and where AMD cards with half the price are matching or beating NVidia flagship chips.
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I'd gladly help but I'm an AMD guy. Buy a R9 390, with the new drivers AMD is gaining edge over Nvidia right now. Also I'll be at Krakow next year, I like your country. Kurwa.
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Bump // tommorrow I'll add remaining money to my bank account.
Black Friday / Cyber Monday - hope there will be at least - 5% discounts in Poland :p
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Black Friday in Poland = NOPE
I will make my order on Monday :)
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Id rather have Steam Controllers :) And later HTC Vive / Oculus Controllers. :)
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I have everything but graphic card and HDD from one store...
Waiting 4 days and I will wait another .... 7..... Stupid store selling card they don't have...
I hope it is fake.
I love my cooler and CPU.
They must like each another..
I can't wait to run my new PC.... damn store....
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I also had to wait few times for delivery because shop site wasn't up to date and even if it stated that they have something in warehouse they had in fact wait for shipment. This suck.
So if you already have CPU and cooler be gentle with them D: Noone likes forced unions xD
And if you have everything except GPU and HDD you could assemble it to see if it is working. Adding GPU after having everything in case is super easy (you just put it in PCI slot and connect power cables) and to add HDD to SSD you will just have to leave one SATA and power cable free. And you will have to plug in monitor to motherboard. You will be even able to play less demanding games in that way :D
I nie wiem, jak to napisać po ang, więc napiszę po PL => nie wiem jak dużo czytałeś o składaniu komputerów, ale przy tej obudowie wyciągnij sobie górną część koszyków na dyski - polepszy Ci to przepływ powietrza w obudowie.
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206 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by ViToos
I was building this set for 2 week, changing most stuff with you back in 2 threads.
Yea... mobile phone access...
My brand-new job gave me crappy 20GB-disc laptop, which cant load almost any site, but can run steam for a couple of minutes (sometimes).
But! Straight to the point!
I live in Poland and I will be buying all in Poland.
I want to build my PC all by myself.
I want to overclock whatever I can. With safety.
I 've never done any of above...
And I dont know if my build is "valid".
My priorities:
Please help me.
Tell anything i should know.
Is anything wrong with that set?
Can it be better in same / smaller price? :P
Anything else?
HTC Vive FINAL release date, price an req? ;P (still small amount for specials on 8th of Dec?)
Already have:
It's really sad that so many people hate me :(
Nontheless, I'm glad there were and there are still so many like-a-me bros :))
Don't worry. I won't forget.
I will never forget..
Edit 2:
I already ordered everything :)
Sadly... Package with HDD, graphic card and additional sound card - is still in transit.... For a week....
Damn them..
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