There is a bug, with the script. Sometimes it loads on a big screen the SG2O settings and when you refresh it, it loads the normal one, but after that is one very annoying bug.
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I'm using your script daily, it's the best! Sometimes you have this bug and sometimes the bars of Level, Points and % don't load properly but 1 or 2 refreshes do the trick, so no big issues to me.
Thanks a lot again! Cheers
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Bump for over a month of becoming my main script!
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Saving the Filter-Settings is on my todo and would already be done if I wouldn't be writing my thesis ;)
For me it's a hobby and fun to do this script. And a way to learn a new language. In this case it's Dart. Other scripts either use JavaScript or TypeScript. Although the languages are kind of compatible, it would be really hard to make the scripts compatible. Probably more work to do that than rewriting it for your own script.
My personal reason to not write code for other scripts are either a) I don't want to learn Typescript or b) I don't want to write JavaScript code. But I'm always open to give other authors tips and hints and they are always free to view my code.
And for the dark mode script I've already planned to make that compatible (or add such things to my code).
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Do you have local storage disabled? As described in this answer
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Nope. There's nothing I can see that should be preventing it from saving, yet it doesn't save.
Firefox 39.0/Greasemonkey 3.2/SG2O 0.2.7. Everything up to date as far as I can tell.
Open up settings, disable automatic reload, remove featured, and move discussions. As soon as I close that, it refreshes the page and the default settings are back.
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I just checked it on Linux with the same parameters and it works. Could you check if you get any errors on the javascript console (How to open console) and tell me if there are any errors (red) when opening the main page, when clicking the checkboxes for the settings?
Another question: Do you also see the "settings" as plain text where the ads should be (right above the left sidebar)?
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Do you also see the "settings" as plain text where the ads should be (right above the left sidebar)?
Hello, I have this problem. Is there a way to fix it? I am using up to date Firefox 40
Thank you for your work. I enjoy the features in SG2O.
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Ok, I'm from Germany and I don't see any region restricted giveaways. I guess without any script you would see a world icon like on your giveaways?
I've planned to add all icons (whitelist, wishlist, CL, comunity voted) to the image on the gridview. Will add the world icon there too.
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Yes, you see world icon on such GA and as it is region restricted in most cases there will be more chances to win something. I think it is the reason this feature has been requested so many times on SG. You can make many SG-users so happy :-D
Thanks for you hard work you put in this script
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Anyone else having problems with this.. since yesterday every once in a while a random click, be to go to a thread, be to go to a giveaway, be to add a comment, brings up the SGo2 plugin Settings page. It's really hard to understand why it's doing that and it's really random. Was there an update with some bug in it ?
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Either that or another filter option "only show giveaways with more than 1 copy". I've already planned to add a lot of icons to the game picture (wishlist, CL, region restriction, group) in addition to the colors on the border. Also want to change the way entered and blacklisted giveaways are shown. Currently blacklisted giveaways are hidden. But I want to change that to put a big sad smiley on it (Like this). The same with entered giveaways (something like this).
Will add a note about the copy number and decide when I'm about to implement that.
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Nice icons although I just hide entered GA (thanks you gave us such possibility =)
When you decide how to implement copies please think about it as typical business-process:
Average user of your script comes to SG a couple times a day and he want to enter 'best' (in his opinion) GA with his points using as little iterations with filter as possible. In what order can we arrange filter importance?
1) GA lvl (you just can't enter anything above your lvl)
2) Probability to win...
That's it! :-) Because he use Region GA, Multiple copies just to increase Probability.
What if you add to filters also sorting by win probability? Then you just don't need Probability filter :-)
In the long run if we have this Probability sorting thing then filters is just nice addition to make life more convenient (besides GA lvl and Region as it can reduce future change of probability - higher lvl lower rate of probability drop, same with Region GA). Please think about it.
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Those icons were just some that I googled :D
Maybe I can add a small arrow to hide parts of the filter menu (like on the mozilla main page at the top, just not as fancy).
Sorting is always a problem, because you would need to load all pages, then sort them, then display them. This can take up to 30secs or more, depending on how many pages you want to sort and how fast the server currently is.
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The thing is, that if you have a 1920x1080 resolution the filter section is almost at the bottom of the sidebar. If I add too many things it will be outside of the visible window.
Solutions could be:
a) Move the filter section to a new right sidebar. Could be a problem for people with smaller monitors.
b) Make it an overlay which is accesible via a button next to the wrench at the top of the giveaways header. But that would require to always scroll to the top to change it.
c) Don't add to many things. But that's not cool :P
I will make a note and think about it later.
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Clerius can you please add in options ability to hide GAs from 0 lvl users? There are many fake GA nowdays and 99% of them are from 0 lvl users who don't understand how SG works... :-(
Also recommend to add in SG2O options link to this topic and adding in topic name SG2O as not everyone remembers how to place "2" in this "low" register so it makes difficult to find topic about your script ;-)
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1) I will add a tooltip to the avatar of the user which shows information from the profile. The other thing would create 25 requests per page. The tooltip only creates requests if you hover over the avatar.
2) Changed the topic. Will also add an about page with link to this discussion.
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I hope your studying/writing going well and also hope that you have some time for vacation, when you are back to this, pls consider to add this feature.
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I do my very best :) And I had some vacation in march, before I started.
I thought about that feature already, as I'm also quite annoyed by the fact that I have to remember most of the recent bundle games and whether I wanted them or not (most trains are full of bundle games). First thing was to preload the complete filter list, but for me thats 93 pages (2300 games). Another option would be to only query the game itself. Thats probably what I will do, when I'm back.
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It's the beginning of October and I already started developing some days ago. It's not a lot yet, as I have to work, I just moved, bought a car, etc.
Next version will probably only contain bug fixes and some minor changes. After that I will start improving the code and add new features.
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Thanks a lot! You have the best script for SG without the shadow of a doubt! :]
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I think others have good features as well and more time/bigger teams ;) But I do my very best :D The only thing is, a full time job is more time consuming than I thought xD But I've finished my thesis and I'm almost done with moving, so there should be some time in the future to implement some great stuff.
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Yeah, you're right. They probably removed the total number count to improve page speed. Broke the code, but now it's working again ;)
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Just fixed the problem a moment ago. Link to release info
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Just fixed the problem a moment ago. Link to release info
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There is bug with this new edit that the site made. When you search before you got the results in a special Search field and nothing more, right now if you search the results come out in the search field and right under it it starts loading all the other pages.
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Current Status
It's the beginning of October and I already started developing some days ago. It's not a lot yet, as I have to work, I just moved, bought a car, etc.
Next version will probably only contain bug fixes and some minor changes.
Old description
I wrote a little script similar to the old SG+ and I call it SG₂O (SG2 Optimized). It already has some basic features (see full list below) and I've already got more features planned.
Could have published it 3 weeks ago, but I didn't want it to be lying around while I'm lying in the sun and can't maintain it. I started to write it when SG2 was published at the end of January. I know there is another script which has a lot of people working on it, but I just wanted to do something on my own and wanted to try out a different programming language.
If you have any wishes on features or find any bugs just write here.
You need either Greasemonkey for Firefox or Tampermonkey for Chrome or Opera. Then just click here. Updates should come in automatically, unless you have disabled automatic updates in Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey.
Checkout the changelog on github
0.2.15 - 17
0.2.13 - 14
Known bugs
Planned features for the future (no order)
Steam Icon on gridviewLog for recently added game on the blacklistComment has been collapsed.