THank you :)
can you please please please collaborate with those working on other script..I want your features ..but i don't wanna stop using it the one i had before..(it's not Stockholm's syndrome you dirty bastards)
it's much appreciated nontheless!
hope you had fun wink wink there!!
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I didn't know about this script, it's quite screen space saving, but since I always focus on level restricted GAs in the "All tab" I rather wait for some kind of level, in that regard SG++ is very similar and displays right away the Level Restrictions, why don't you join forces with them since both scripts have similar functions? :]
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You're amazing! It works great this way :]
edit: so apparently it isn't filtering the games, after a few minutes I noticed I entered some public GAs that I thought were level 1 and up. It's not filtering them for me yet :( I use the latest version of chrome
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No, that's the only one beside yours.
Sorry I didn't mention it later, I forgot I installed it after months of using the soothing dark SG site. Way easier on the eyes.
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White screens result in more bright light coming from my monitor, so it tires the eyes more, specially at night :]
Don't worry, take your time! Eventually please consider displaying the icons directly on the grid view and the Steam link like the guys of SG++ do
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I'm coloring the borders of the giveaways according to the giveaways. For me that's easier than to have the icons. Unfortunately the Dark theme plugin uses statements that are not the best way to overwrite other values.
For the next version I will add the icons to the grid view and an option to show/hide them.
Also noted the Steam link.
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Works like a charm now! Thanks for the update.
About the colors you might be right on that, except for 2 kind of GAs that aren't displayed yet, the level restriction (although no real need with the filter) and the new region exclusivity feature (might just add a color there, hehe). Very good work Clerius!
edit: I might have spoken too soon... I could filter all lvl 3 GAs before writing this, I retried now but now it just stopped working, just keeps "loading the next GA page". Will try later to see if this persist
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Ok so I retried the loading, now I understood what's happening!
The pages that already loaded (1, 2, etc) don't get sorted out, and to allow the others to finish loading the sorted range you have to scroll down (sometimes a lot) until the filter finds more games with such level restriction (as an example, it only found level 3+ GAs until the 4th page of GAs).
Now I understood how your script works :]
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Yeah, I might need to add some automatic feature to load further pages. Currently new pages are only loaded when the user is scrolling and the bottom (where it says "Scroll to load next page!") is completely visible.
But glad to hear everything works now for you.
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Don't worry, I don't mind of scrolling down!
What happened is that I need to keep scrolling down until the script find a page with the games that qualify to the filter to appear, otherwise it just shows "loading", but it's not a big issue, I just had to learn it. At first I was worried since the first page doesn't get filtered because it has been fully loaded.
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You can filter now the giveaways from the sidebar by contributor level, points and chance. It is also possible to blacklist single giveaways, e.g. if you think someone created a fake giveaway. I have also added an official SSL Certificate, so there should be no more problems with the browser rejecting the script.
It might be necessary to reinstall the script via this link.
If you find any bugs or have suggestions just post them here.
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Can't seem to make the giveaway filter work. It didn't work when setting it. Reloading the page also resets it.
Also, can the filter giveaway chance have smaller increments (like 0.1%?) It's pretty rare to get any giveaway that has 10% win chance, let alone 1%.
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Yeah I also see the 3% as maximum chance range, I thought it meant "3% and up":
I use chrome
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Well, with wishlisht and region GAs I've had entered with over 10% chances! Even a whitelist GA of 7 entries! (sadly I didn't win, it was Witcher 2...)
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You mean this?
Opera 28.0
Version information
Version: 28.0.1750.51 - Opera is up to date
Update stream: Stable
System: Windows 8.1 64-bit (WoW64)
Browser identification
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.118 Safari/537.36 OPR/28.0.1750.51
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Hm, could you visit ? Maybe your browser is blocking the file.
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I've limited it to Level 10. Should be 0 giveaways right now, but look at how many it came about.
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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gDD' of nullsg2o.user.js:8105 J.pPsg2o.user.js:7468 dart.JC.Qhsg2o.user.js:7606 dart.uM.$1sg2o.user.js:337 dart.G.aNsg2o.user.js:7586 dart.zn.nEsg2o.user.js:7631 dart.pj.$1sg2o.user.js:337 dart.G.aNsg2o.user.js:7620 dart.Gg.nEsg2o.user.js:7927 dart.Q.vJVM152:1 (anonymous function)sg2o.user.js:1278 dart.kxsg2o.user.js:6357 dart.R4sg2o.user.js:6457 (anonymous function)minified.js?v=1428961626:2 Z.event.dispatchminified.js?v=1428961626:2 g.handleminified.js?v=1428961626:2 Z.event.triggerminified.js?v=1428961626:2 (anonymous function)minified.js?v=1428961626:1 Z.extend.eachminified.js?v=1428961626:1 Z.fn.Z.eachminified.js?v=1428961626:2 Z.fn.extend.triggerminified.js?v=1428961626:4 e.Widget._triggerminified.js?v=1428961626:9 e.widget._changeminified.js?v=1428961626:3 (anonymous function)minified.js?v=1428961626:9 e.widget._mouseStopminified.js?v=1428961626:3 (anonymous function)minified.js?v=1428961626:4 e.widget._mouseUpminified.js?v=1428961626:3 (anonymous function)minified.js?v=1428961626:4 n._mouseCapture._mouseDistanceMet._mouseDelayMet._mouseUpDelegateminified.js?v=1428961626:2 Z.event.dispatchminified.js?v=1428961626:2 g.handle
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The features I enabled:
Automatically reload page when closing settings.
Remove featured giveaway.
Move recent discussions to top.
Hide entered giveaways.
Umm, what I mean is, why don't you remember the filter settings (keep the filter setting in memory) so that it doesn't go away at each page load.
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Nice for clarification! I thought that 3% meant "3-100%", glad to know it does in fact stand out for that
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Thanks for you work. Waiting for update.
Very much missing options like:
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Thanks for this! 1 click join would be amazing for next version!
EDIT: Bug report, I can't join giveaways, using Firefox. Also another bug some users above had, I close the settings window and it keeps refreshing the page (even if i uncheck this option) and does an endless loop of this.
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Same problem here. I am running latest Firefox with greasemonkey and no addons and cant enter giveaways or post messages while the script is active. Could you add some kind of checkmark on entered giveaways on grid? Faded icons are often hard to notice.
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Arf, I now remember why I don't use Firefox anymore. Was a great browser long ago. Anyway, I'm already trying to figure out, what exactly the problem is. Hope to find a solution soon.
Will add the checkmark to my todolist. Already thought about it, as some games have very light images where it is hard to decide whether I already entered or not.
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Bugs: broke the search function and infinite refresh loop when closing the options
Also couldn't post my comment here with the script active...
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Yeah all fixed...thanks!
Would be nice if we could disable grid view and/or choose the border colors that we want active :)
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How about make it only to giveaway without or less than 5 letters description ?
And hide the enter button if the giveaway has longer description.
As I see many of it made without description or just GLHF which doesn't need any response from us.
This is just my opinion, and I don't know how to implement that.
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That would require to preload every single giveaway. So instead of loading one page of giveaways, the script would do 26 requests on the webserver (1 for the giveaway list page and 25 for every single giveaway page).
I'm planning to do a little popup (just like SG++ does) if you click on a giveaway in the list page. Then you need two or three clicks (two if I add a 'close on enter' feature, which sounds good to me) and no tabbing.
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I see, forgive me for my silly suggestion...
I thought that it'd only need to add a single column (description) to the select query as giveaway list page does select data from every giveaway such as title, picture, entries, date created etc.
That's pretty nice idea. Looking forward to it.
And I'm waiting for feature to switch between gridview and default to be implemented.
Thanks for the response.
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It would be awesome if I can have in options those 2 things:
If it is possible - I'd love to have: "search giveaways which can't be added (directly?) to your steam's wishlist"
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1 more must-to-be-done thing:
I don't want to see those. 50% transparency~
It is not what I would like to have :(
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Ok i have a couple of questions.
First, what is the difference between this and SteamGifts++?
Also, how does this work, because for me this version doesn't work?
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This has a filter and it is possible to remove the featured giveaway on the top and move discussions to the top. Don't know exactly about SG++.
Which browser are you using? Do you have Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey installed? Do you have a button called "SG2O" in the topbar?
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My browser is the latest firefox and yes i have greasemonkey otherwise i would not be able to run steamgifts++. And no i don't have that button.
Edit: OK, so there is conflict with this that you need to resolve. So your script uses for it to work and if you have NoScript it blocks it.
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hey hey... i actually like some features of your script...
is there any option to make it work with this ? :)
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hmmm... sorry for that... this is original link
and does this short one works ?
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My fault. Forgot about the the thing with the missing / at the end ^^ btw. the first link in your reply is not working because of the / :D
Anyway. Most stuff should work with the dark script, except the colored borders for giveaways that require contributor level, are group, whitelisted, community voted giveaways. Anything else that is not working for you?
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Can u add to script somethink like that?
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Mmmm... I think I found a bug. I tried to create a new giveaway and I couldn't select the time in the "Time Range" section of the giveaway. The calendar is shown correctly, but not the slidebars to select the start and end times. If I disable the script in TamperMonkey the slidebars work again. I'm using Chrome (latest version), TamperMonkey, and I've checked that the script is up to date.
First image, while running the script. Second image, with the script disabled in TamperMonkey:
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Awesome Script. It's very comfortable to use and feels more complete than sg++ at the moment.
Aside from the planned features (which sound great!) have two little suggestions:
Thanks already for your work on this script!
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Current Status
It's the beginning of October and I already started developing some days ago. It's not a lot yet, as I have to work, I just moved, bought a car, etc.
Next version will probably only contain bug fixes and some minor changes.
Old description
I wrote a little script similar to the old SG+ and I call it SG₂O (SG2 Optimized). It already has some basic features (see full list below) and I've already got more features planned.
Could have published it 3 weeks ago, but I didn't want it to be lying around while I'm lying in the sun and can't maintain it. I started to write it when SG2 was published at the end of January. I know there is another script which has a lot of people working on it, but I just wanted to do something on my own and wanted to try out a different programming language.
If you have any wishes on features or find any bugs just write here.
You need either Greasemonkey for Firefox or Tampermonkey for Chrome or Opera. Then just click here. Updates should come in automatically, unless you have disabled automatic updates in Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey.
Checkout the changelog on github
0.2.15 - 17
0.2.13 - 14
Known bugs
Planned features for the future (no order)
Steam Icon on gridviewLog for recently added game on the blacklistComment has been collapsed.