This is my very first puzzle, nothing too special and hopefully nothing too hard.
Giveaway ends May 2 @ 7:16 GMT
Level 1 or above

The game you'll find in this puzzle is Drizzlepath, so if you think that's worth it, give it a shot!

Best of luck to everyone!

What gave me the crazy idea to start giving back to the community for the first time in a puzzle?
Well... I was, as we say here... Just chilling in what most of you would call a McDonald's, but in my country we have something better! Suddenly the idea struck me and here we are!

Hints may be given if that seems necessary.
Solution will be given when the giveaway is over.

8 years ago*

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Tried some basic things, nothing so far.

8 years ago

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Hmmmm..... It does appear that there are McDonald's in Syno's country, so it is interesting....

8 years ago

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Nothing so far :)

8 years ago*

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Deservedly updated as the McDonald's phrase caused confusion, sorry!

8 years ago

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Something with "snel"? :o
I dunno, definitely exceeding my puzzlesolving abilities.
20 mins of thinking and I got nothing :)

8 years ago*

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Belgium, home to Lasgo and Anneke van Giersbergen.

Maybe there's a key hidden among the black, yellow and red...

8 years ago

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I have signed copy of "Air" but isn't Anneke dutch?
Was unaware she left for Belgium.

8 years ago

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Well, living and learning. Why did I think she was Belgium, that's a good question.

"The Belgium men with a Dutch accent, you are a shining star..."

I know her since 2007, always thought she was Belgium. Guess my friend who presented me her music told me so.

Anyway, sorry for the confusion...

8 years ago

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No harm done :)
Familiar with her voice since late 90's from The Gathering.
Long time no hear. Gonna try and find box with old CD's :)

8 years ago

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Hadn't listened to Anneke for ages, but what a joy was it to have a song of hers coming to my mind and proceeding to listen to those old songs...

Better go listen to some good music as well, seems like I tried everything I could and I'm going nowhere with this puzzle :(

8 years ago

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Listening to The Gathering on Spotify made me wonder whatever happened to that amazing dutch vocalist I used to love for her voice. Turns out really bad things happened and she hadn't made any music for years and years only to return with religion-inspired songs on a recent new album. And honestly, while I still seem to like her voice, I can't cope with that subjectmatter and somehow associated musical style. Glad she bounced back but not for me anymore. Shame. The old / first song is still amazing in my opnion tho. You might enjoy too. Have a try:

8 years ago

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Yesterday I listened to Beautiful Red and some Ambeon songs. Strange, I didn't find her gospel songs on youtube, I wanted to listen to something in Dutch. Anyway, even though I did like her voice, none of the songs appeal to me at all.

I left youtube on autoplay while doing my stuff, guess I heard a lot of Dutch music. Curiously, a Dutch friend of mine came to talk to me on Steam cause he had overclocked his computer and had a very nasty outcome. Then we proceeded to talk for almost two hours, mostly about football.

I really enjoy these small coincidences :)

8 years ago

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It's not gospel but here you go:
(compilation from new album material)
Note that she was 14 when she wrote / sang Beautiful Red and now she is 30 or so

8 years ago*

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Still nothing :P
Ok, I admit, I have not been looking at it all this time

8 years ago*

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Time for a hint?

8 years ago

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0 entries

yeah, guess it's time for a hint

8 years ago

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