Hello, I'm a new trader and recently got scamazed by someone. I had to make my first neg review on the scammer and he retaliated by doing the same however i feel it will be a double hit or flipped on me even tho i didn't do anything wrong.

Any incite, opinions and help would be appreciated :) - https://www.steamtrades.com/vote

All the people that voted me are something because steam confirmed the date and it was that bitch
(https://tinyurl.com/ActivateConfirm / https://tinyurl.com/C3H7Chat)

Chats priv so I'll post it here
February 16, 01:09:37 PM Actions…
MaxiBoi1357 » Hello, Griftlands is from humble choice feb which i can't activate months games till 28th, it ok to wait till then to trade? :)
February 16, 02:06:36 PM Actions…
c3_h7 » let's wait, let me know when you can exchange

23 hours ago*

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Who's in the wrong?

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No idea how Steamtrades works, but if the key can be activated everywhere, and he claims it couldn't be activated in his region, I feel like he's just telling on himself.

22 hours ago

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Very true, i just people saw it that way in voting on ST reviews :(

20 hours ago

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This is typical predatory behaviour from scammers: they target newcomers to the trading scene and extract what they can from them.
Unfortunately, once you've added your review on SteamTrades, there isn't much more you can do. Now that barter.vg isn't allowing trades anymore, there isn't a strong reliable human presence to combat fraud and reselling.

21 hours ago

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Scammers are a plague but honest and honour sadly isn't common :(
What happened to barter.vg?, weren't they the big dogs in the trade scene?
I hope the review votes don't f me :(

20 hours ago

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Related discussion: Barter.vg will not support trade offers in 2025.

19 hours ago

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They basically stopped because the reserve of good will they had was getting smaller than the volume of hate they kept receiving from scammers, resellers and other trading fraudsters. Everyone's hoping that someone will launch a new site - not everyone is on board with lestrades - yet no one seems to want to put the time and energy so far.

12 hours ago

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The same person attempted to scam me to but something felt off so I decided to pursue a deal with someone else. Sorry that you were unfortunately a victim...

20 hours ago

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I'm glad you didn't fell victim, idk how common it is in ST and LT etc but hopefully something happens to protect traders :)

20 hours ago

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Either person you tried to trade with could have scammed you. The first seems more likely, but the second could have easily activated the key on a separate account and then used it again on the one he was talking to you with which would give the 'already activated' message. There's no real way to know for sure.

20 hours ago

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Ahh i didn't think of that it could've been the 2nd one doing it that way, i did message steam and asked when the game was activated so hopefully that will narrow it down.

20 hours ago

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Don't bother, I have like 5 -rep and not one is legit to have and not even one got removed when I did this vote thingy... So people there who vote are bots/idiots anyways, majority not all of course... (if by any chance someone looks at my -rep and think they aren't against rules of steamtrades then you are proving my point)

20 hours ago*

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Literally the truest sh*t I've heard but it still sucks tho :(

20 hours ago

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15 hours ago

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Don't bump your own thread.
It's against the rules.

15 hours ago

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Apologies, this thread will be closed soon / tomoz

15 hours ago

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No worries.
You seemd to be new here so I just wanted to inform you.
Considering your topic, it sucks but there's not much you can do about it.
Just fyi, Steamtrades is considered a separate entity/website here.

15 hours ago

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Screenshot his argument that the key is "not available" in his region before he retracts it.
Link to https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/T2kmU/ with the info that this bundle contained no region locked keys.

All of that being said, it's absolutely pathetic to scam for a game that's roughly worth 1€ on the grey market. Like I pay more for a pack of ham at the grocery store :D

15 hours ago

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I already had a SS of the region lock but i just took 2 more of the review statements in case. I'm gonna keep that link and the prev months to better protect myself, thank you :)

Yeah like seriously its scummy asf, i could of just bought the game myself but if a trade can be done then no prob but it became a prob haha :(

15 hours ago

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If you remember when the trade turned into scam, you can cross check with the time the key was activated. I believe Steam still provides the activation information (like the date and time) when it was activate, so you can narrow it down further to when it happened - if you ask Valve nicely.

Although I'm sad these scams can't be pursued into legal cases.

12 hours ago

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I've messaged them asking, just waiting for reply to narrow the time line down cause it could be either as it was days after the first initial trade. It would be nuts if game scams could be turned into legal cases, would be for funny stories.

12 hours ago

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I don't think the exact activation time matters too much in your case because there's no way to prove definitively who activated it. It's your word against his. What's more important is that he lied about a global key being region restricted. That shows an intent to scam.

Funny how 11 voters think you're in the wrong but none of them have offered their reasoning here. Makes you wonder... Sadly, the same users will probably gang up against you to uphold the -rep on ST.

12 hours ago

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All the people that voted me are something because steam confirmed the date and it was that bitch
(https://tinyurl.com/ActivateConfirm / https://tinyurl.com/C3H7Chat)

11 hours ago*

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I wouldn't use that word if I were you :/

10 hours ago

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Sorry, it just ticked me steam confirming :(

10 hours ago

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https://www.reddit.com/r/indiegameswap/new/ is a better trade venue if you want moderators to help with scams because unfortunately Steamtrades has none. It's a wild-west. It is more popular and easier to find trades you want there yes but the website owner refuses to install a mod in there so you only have bots and other people to judge your negative reviews and even if you have 500, you will still never be banned from the site because again no mods.

So sad to see high repped people outright scam newbies for something so little (and even if it's not little). It's so honorless.

10 hours ago

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I've tried to test out reddit sites before i came to ST then LT but it seems far to complicated compared to ST or LS which if i want protection then i should but you dont really expect it from a high rep trader.

Hopefully i dont have anymore bad trades cause it sucks, honor and respect sadly ain't common :(

10 hours ago

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First rule of Steam trades: never trade with anyone with -1 rep or 0+ rep and u will never get scammed. Always read their reviews before trading.
I am using ST for like 10 years now, not a single scam.

10 hours ago*

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Couldn't some -1s be dumb reviews like "lowballs" or other stuff that didn't end in scam trade?.

Ay we all started at 0, gotta give newbies a try to get them started.

10 hours ago

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Yea but most of the newbies demands us to go first. I mean i got more reps why i will risk my reputation for a stupid bundled game?
so not all but most of the newbies aren't honest now.

8 hours ago

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Scammed by a guy called Bambi, but that was outside of SteamTrades, just here, so, i did not report.

9 hours ago

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Looks like you are not the only one...

8 hours ago

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If you zoom in on screenshot where he supposedly tried to activate the key you can see that it is edited - key is pasted on it from somewhere as you can see artifacts around it, picture isn't sharp like it's supposed to be. I'm no expert but it looks very suspicious.


I would report him on Lestrades in this thread.

3 hours ago

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I don't intiarly see what your saying, is the colour of the code supposed to be different from his?, like the pic you sent the top is grey and his is white, is it meant to be grey?.

1 hour ago

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The sharpness isn't the same. The code is white in both pictures, it's just that in his picture (up) letters are blurry, and in my example down is how they should look like.

1 hour ago

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Oh I remember seeing this via LesTrade. I hope you get it sorted out.

2 hours ago

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