CS2 is better if you look ahead. :)
Clearly it has his fair share of bugs and everything with the bullet targeting and arriving, tick / subtick , peaker advantage bullshit, excluding all the standard errors people like you say, crash / freeze / BSOD, etc.
Hopefully it will get better soon! :)
Latest one that got more traction <- twitter link
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i hate getting headshoted around the corner by homing bullets, or getting a lag spike when engaging the enemy
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The problem with CS2 is that it is rushed, they should not had removed CSGO this soon, because CS2 is nowhere near finished, it is totally unoptimized (and I have a pretty high-end PC, but still it`s lagging/stuttering every few seconds, no matter what settings are set lowest or highest, plays the same), and it is missing so many game-modes, like cmon, you force us to move away from CSGO into CS2, and give us only few game-modes, lol it is even missing a team-deathmatch.
CS2 will undoubtedly be a great game, but they rushed it, and they should have given us choice to go back to CSGO until they properly finish CS2, and obviously bring in proper Anti-Cheat into it, since people still are able to kill you with unbelievable precision and from impossible places.
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If you played since 2001, you would've experienced 1.3 and 1.4 as well. It wasn't really until 1.5 that the game was in a decent shape.
CZ was the worst thing CS community ever had to witness.
Source sucks. But that's debatable, cause I'm a 1.6 kinda guy 😎
GO was shit in its early stages. CS2's release is already better than that.
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I dont think cs2's release is better than csgo because i dont remember facing all these stupid stutter/freezes and crashes in 2012 when csgo was released. CZ was a overpowered gun and it wasnt unstable its recoil was high and people cant control it so they say things like it was unstable.
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I just played condition zero comon its not that bad i just played it HD models and its much smoother in movement than cs2.
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Not at all from what I remember, it's not that MP5 was useless but AK/M4/AWM was already meta. If anything, it was only cheaper automatic option you had, as TMP/MAC10 were garbage and P90 pricey for its performance. "Run'n'gun" in same way as you could current MP7/P90. There are some demos from CPL 2001 and MP5 is sporadically seen as an option.
Otherwise, lack of further nerfs to jumping and some other aspects allowed for some really aggressive playstyle, specially in pub matches. I remember that lot of players/servers/cafes stayed on 1.3 for quite some time due to its popularity. And while you could say it was somehow "arcadey", I would argue it potentially had higher skill ceiling than 1.6. In the end 1.6 was better long term for competitive play, but some of that old CS magic was lost in push to slow the game down.
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What was wrong with CZ? IIRC they just messed with the sound a little and gave us grenades that did over 100 damage (sorely missed).
Oh, and the crayon colours.
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Condition zero still looks good with HD models i just played it.
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Preferred CSGO but I mean Go had a decade of updates. With a MP game it's always a work in progress,so I'd just take a break before major updates start rolling in cause right now yeah it's inferior to what we had before.
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I think CS2 is the best version of CS since 1.6. Looks great, plays great. The inclusion of voxel smokes makes the game feel slightly less rigid and more dynamic... which to me, is a good thing.
For me, it also runs fantastic (no microstutter or anything) and I've had zero crashes in countless hours of play. It's a shame it's happening for so many people though, they have to get that sorted. The only two issues I have is that the netcode is at times... strange. Things like dying well in cover, or even getting headshots that I wouldn't ever had thought was a headshot. Those things didn't ever really happen in CSGO. Thankfully, it's not the norm and just happens occasionally. Hopefully something that can get sorted over time.
The other issue is Russians. I live in Northern Europe, and that means that we matchmake with pretty much exclusively with Russians. The problem with that is that most of them don't speak English, so communication is pretty much out of the question. And when there's 3-4 Russians on the team every match, they just end up speaking with each other. This isn't a new problem though, CSGO had the same thing... and it would solved instantly if Vavle just gave them their own server - but they didn't do that in the 11 years prior, so I doubt they'll start now.
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You forgot one major issue they mostly use p90's xdd
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I tried a community HS only server vs an official deathmatch server. The performance on the official server was very bad; it was like I was playing at 30 fps although I had 125. On the community server, I had the same fps but the game was very fluid and it felt very responsive. The community server had blood disabled, so I'm thinking this is the reason behind the stuttery feeling.
That, and the issue of dying after already hiding (and the amplified peeker's advatange). They need to tweak the client damage negotiation and the timings.
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now its more like valorant right? valorant tried to copy csgo and cs2 tried to copy valorant xdd
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around 2019 there was a shader bullshit update to csgo that made the game unplayable and laggy AF
can't say it's any different now, i have higher framerate but with heavy stutters and lag spikes
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yea i remember that but that thing never crashed the game it was related to vcredist version.
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1st pc windows 10 64bit, i5 4th gen 8gb ram gtx750 2gb, 2nd pc= i7 3rd gen RX 550 2gb 12gb ram and 3rd pc= i3 6th gen integrated card 8gb ram. crashing and freezing on all three. Tried on nvidia,integrated,radeon card game works fine with 120+ fps on low setting for few rounds and freezes than crashes. Other games works fine on all three pcs.
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Do you remember CS:GO release? Because some time after the release i got it for 3.75€ 30 Nov 2013... It had that price because even after beeing released for one year everyone was stillon CS: Source...
Check how things went and ask yourself the same question.
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It wasn't because of bugs/freezes or crashes. Most of the people were using potato pc's for cs source but when they upgraded they moved to csgo.
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I can tell you that what you say is not the reason for people change from source to global offensive at all...
I have a Steam Deck and a desktop PC and was able to play CS2 without a single crash in 20 hours or so.
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yea yeah cs2 is a moody game it will not work on any one my pc's but other games are working fine?you are trying to say there's nothing wrong with the game?
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If you take in consideration Steam 71% (162203) most recent reviews beeing possitive... Taking into consideration that this counts edited or new reviews that people write when have problems... These are possitive, that means 30% of people can have problems or not like the game, yet you claim that it's the worst thing ever made by man?
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Whats the difference between cs series and others valorant, freefire, warzone, pubg, apex, overwatch, rainbow six? can you tell?
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Who mentioned other games? I'm only talking about the game you said in OP, i'm not trying to change subject.
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See you only played like 890 hrs go play more then talk. CS games are all about optimization and movements and cs2 destroyed both soo as compare to other cs games cs2 is the worst at the moment.
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Are you stalking to get a point on the internet? Wow, such a psycho...
Anyway, if you get crashed and the game doesn't run well on your nearly 10 year old hardware, maybe you need to update your hardware.
Or because you keep sending hand-write mails you think e-mails are a fucking shit?
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Listen kid u only played 870hrs and come here talk shit. Get some experience COD/PUBG player. Check the system req its i5 1st gen which was released in 2009 i checked the game on i5 4th,i7 3rd, i3 6th gen which is much better clearly u dont have any experience. AS far as stalking u made it PUBLIC urself so people can see your game activity mine also public i dont call anyone psycho. GET some experience KID!
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When logic fails you just go back to basic i guess... It was nice to try have a proper and rational conversation with you till the point you just started try to make personal attacks.
Are you trying to say that you are a mature person or better person just because you have more hours than other people in CS:GO?
That only proves that people have different tastes, the fact that you have more hours in CS:GO than any other game only shows that you just like CS:GO avobe anything else... And that it's just your personal experience, one might have more hours played in Steam than you have in CS:GO and other games combined and that is also ok because not everyone is like you.
You personal circumstances doesn't reflect the overall experience of the wole CS2 playerbase.
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In order to comment/evaluate something u need to cover all the parameter and you clearly lack game sense+gaming experience.
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No one was playing CS:S, everybody was still on CS 1.6, what universe do you live in :F
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Really then why there were servers full with 32/32 in casual and 12/12 in scrim almost every server. most of them. You ever played cs source?
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Same shit different game, the point is that when the new game released everybody was still playing the old one. It's like the retards that say "windows XP was best and i'm not going to update"
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Go play COD/PUBG KID. When they will update and improve cs2 players like you will crawl back to other games.
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Kid? Sir, im 30 years old and you just proved that you are salty becuase the game doesn't run as you expect in your 10 year old system.
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I didnt mean physically. And you should ask valve about that 14 year old processor as the minimum requirement. Again u lack gaming experience.
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Again, you are just crying that your ancient hardware can't run a recent game in high settings. You are just crying that a game released one week ago doesn't work 100% in all the hardware released since the beginning of times.
You are just delusional and taking your anger on random internet people becuase you can't afford to spend all the time you used to in a computer game.
Take some time off and check outside.
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First psycho now you called me lunatic clearly proves you are mentally 6yr old kid. I feel sorry for you go get a life.
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And again, comming back to personal attacks when you can't make a valid point to deffend your behavior.
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My behaviour? u are talking shit from the begining and valid point? check the poll its 48% csgo its on small scale but its still 48%. 48% is negligible? just shut up i am getting bored of your kid like behaviour.
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Stop attacking me personally because you don't like the response someone gave you. You are taking thigs too far just because a videogame update.
The poll you got here is the same i told you in a much much bigger scale and yet you are denying it becuase you didn't like the response...
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Its like i went for an job interview the required experience was 4 yrs and i was hoping to get the job with only 1 yr experience. I can't simplify for you more. I am out.
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Played 20+ games at this point and today 3 players DC'ed and were unable to reconnect to the game. I personally didn't experience any of crashes.
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I personally haven't had any crashes with CS2 (In fact I actually had more crashes with GO over the years). But I can say CS2 feels different.
I feel like it's primarily due to their new tickrate system, the 'sub-tick' system.
There's been several times now in the matches I've played where I'd be peeking, then I'd duck behind cover and still get headhot, while already behind cover. However from the kill-feed the headshot wasn't through something. So it seems like on someone else's screen, I was still not behind cover?
While yes it could be ping and just general networking, I never had this experience in GO.
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I played the beta version and was already shocked by how bad this game was. But since it was only the beta version, I thought they would work a lot longer on it since it felt unplayable. My performance was fine, no crashes/bugs, no low fps. The game itself was unplayable with the hitreg partly non existing, terrible sound, weird movement and so on. Wouldn't have expected them to to release it like this.
Yes, there were updates and those updates made it a lot better. But it is still not a great game at all. I wish they would have worked a bit more on it before forcing it on everyone and making it "official".
I'm surprised that so many players enjoy the new CS2 this much. It is my personal opinion but it's quite "bad player friendly" and I try to say it as friendly as I can: It is usually lower ranked people or the "not so good" CS players who enjoy this new CS2 the most. And I can not blame them. They hit shots, that would never hit you on CSGO. And the other way around.
I had a few kills where I barely looked at my enemy and still hit a random headshot but on the other hand, someone standing with his back towards me was suddenly unkillable and not a single bullet was registered. Or simple sprays with the crosshair in the middle of the model but apparently only 1 bullet hit. Magic.
Sadly, the current CS has nothing to do with skill anymore. Just hold w, spam mouse1 and kill everything somehow.
Not sure if YouTube links are allowed, but this video is pretty much my personal experience in this game:
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Yes they changed almost everything movements, spray pattern, awp flicks. Cs series are famous for its unique skilled gameplay and they killed it COD players are top fragging in cs2 now. Maybe in future they will fix it but for now i think i am gonna take a break from cs games after 23 years.
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For me, def CSGO-beta was worse, I had some issues with CS2 during beta, but now I dont have huge problems, I don't like spraying with AK in CS2 and AWP, I did adjust to other guns, movement was worse for me in beta, now after few patches I don't have issues, audio was improved with new autdio options, Im using crisp and l/r to 50% and that helps a lot, fps also improved for my pc.
Issues I hoping to be fixed next are rubberbanding at spawns, server lag that happens from time to time, desync that happens from time to time and makes it look like you died behind wall, bad dm fps as the game goes on, spraying, especially AK, tracers and then some not so improtant things like left hand shooting, bob cfg commnads and more modes and workshop maps..etc.
But still even with all these issues, CSGO was just bad game at start, CS2 is just bugged and yes worse than CSGO at this moment, but in my opinion not worse than CSGO-beta, especially if server is not laggy, then I can still enjoy CS2 games, I know thats not case for everyone and that some players have more issues, especially with game performance that I don't have.
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The game is fun to play and it feels way better than cs go but the crashes are something else is annoying even after I restart the game there are times when im joining the game after the first crash it crashes again in loading screen the game is not close to being ready and it should have stayed in beta for longer for at least 1-2 months
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Agreed but some retards here with NASA pc saying its OK. IF a company claims game can run on i5 1st gen which is around 14years old then it should run smoothly on 2017,2105 processors/gpus.
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looking at https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam u can tell that most ppl use mid gaming pcs which should run cs2 but the game is not close to being optimized not only that but even servers has been lagging time to time for the whole lobby which never has happend for me in cs go with 6000 hours in the game
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But some seasonal COD/PUBG/Valorant players are still enjoying it xdd
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This is an ongoing debate if something new comes around the corner. everyone hates it and then people get used to it and it turns out to be good at the end. of course it will have bugs and glitches at the beginning but that should be fixed in the future. i bet cs:go wasnt liked either when it came out.
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CS:GO was not just hated when it launched, but it was also just a genuinely undercooked game. I haven't played 2, but the idea that GO was anything but an embarrassment on release is just the classic revisionism that comes with any new release.
I'm just waiting for enough time to pass for people to pretend that No Man's Sky was actually really good on launch :D
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Ah come on now, Source shipped with default settings that had the hitboxes miles behind the character when they moved. CS2 isn't nearly the shitshow that was.
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Check his comments and responses, he's kind of a fanatic and now is starting to make personal attacks becuase of the response he got isn't the one he liked.
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Personal attacks like checking his profile which he, himself made public so people can see his gaming activity such as playing hours. U need to grow some brain cells. Now csgo hours hidden from his profile ahahahah its getting even more funnyy!!!
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Time to close the Topic Thanks everyone for voting and presenting your point of view. Final vote 50/50%
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Playing cs series since 2001. After playing cs 1.6, cs source, csgo ,cs2 i must say cs2 is the worst full of crashes and freezes tried every thing(windows+graphics driver update+reinstalling game) nothing worked but thats my personal experience. Whats ur experience?
ADDED: So recently i realized every time i crouch and shoot game gets crash. If i shoot while standing game does not crashes.
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