Update 08 July

Our members have voted and decided on our last 5 members of the group. I have to admit that this made my life a bit easier. So here are our last members:

  • Weehamster
  • Crossbourne
  • zelghadis
  • kt
  • shadow0524

Hello again community!
Some of you may already know what this thread is for, so if you do please skip the introduction part, but read the rest:

Group Introduction

First of all you should know that this is not a new group, it was first created during last Chrismas when we had a successful event for which you can read further here.

The goal of this group is to gather a certain amount of members that will create unique quality giveaways and share them with the rest. The tricky part is that ALL of those giveaways will end at exactly the same time, regardless of the time zone.

For that to work there are some rules to follow:

  • Members must comply to SteamGifts rules.
  • Every member must create at least one primary giveaway.
  • Primary giveaways must not be bundled or exploited games and should at least get 1/5 of the group size in entries.
  • Created giveaways must end at a specific time and date which is 1st of August 2013 00:00 UTC (check world event clock for your regional time). Giveaways should be created at least 48 hours before that time.
  • There should be no giveaways for the same game (so that people can't win twice the same game, but multiple copies cause no problems).
  • Primary giveaways should have no Contribution Value requirement.

It's simpler than it looks, the hardest part is for me to organize and make sure people follow the rules.

For those that need more details, you should check on the groups profile here.
Also take a look at our FAQ.

How to enter the group

  • You can ask an invitation on this topic, but first read the rest of the bullets.
  • I will not reply to you in this thread if you are accepted or rejected. You will either get an invite, or be contacted in person by me.
  • To avoid having untrutworthy people that could ruin the event for others, there is a restriction of 250$ Contribution Value required for me to consider your application, as well as being a member of this site for at least 3 months.
  • Even if you are eligible due to above requirements, you are not granded to enter, those are just a way to avoid random invitation requests.
  • You should NOT add me on Steam to ask an invite.

What you should also know

  • If you haven't read the rules don't apply for this group.
  • Like it or not, there are already people that have had a great course through our last event or/and other similar group's events that will be on priority line. People I know personally and that I trust that they will fullfil the requirements of this group will be prioritized too.
  • People that have been in past events, are not automatically reinvited upon their request.
  • The maximum member cap is not yet final but it certainly is under 80.
  • Since the creation of this group, there have been some other groups that had similar events. Being in one of those before doesn't make certain for you to be in this one too.
  • The invitation process is a one man's job, so be patient... (probably no invites in the next few hours)

Few last words

Out first event had around 90 members and over 170 giveaways created. After the event there was a consolation round for those with no wins where 20 more giveaways were created. Since it was the first ever such event on SteamGifts there were some issues/misunderstandings that will be taken into account for this new event so that they won't happen again.


This group is not for you

1 decade ago*

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Hey Tragikos, we've been in some events before :) I would love to join this one if you would have me! :)

1 decade ago

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Leaving request

1 decade ago

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Damn would've loved to take part in the event but I'm not a member for 3 months yet...well hoping that I can take part in the next event then.

1 decade ago

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I'd like to join if possible. The winter edition was really fun :)

1 decade ago

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Hi Tragikos, I am interested if there is room, and thanks!

1 decade ago

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I was gone for the last one I'd love to try it out :)

1 decade ago

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Can i get an invite?

1 decade ago

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In case there is any more space, I would like to join as well.

1 decade ago

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I would like to join!

1 decade ago

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i'd like to join , check my profile ( more than 1 year sg member ) Thanks :P

1 decade ago

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I'm ready for round two. I want to participate.

1 decade ago

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I would like invite :)

1 decade ago

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I would like to take part in the event. I have $250+ CV and i've been a member for 3 months

1 decade ago

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I'd like an invite, thanks.

1 decade ago

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I meet the CV requirement and would love to join.


1 decade ago

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I was in the past event and I would like to join again. :)

1 decade ago

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I would like to participate...

1 decade ago

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there is a restriction of 250$ Contribution Value required for me to consider your application

1 decade ago

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I would like to join.

1 decade ago

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Would love to be part of this grand event.

1 decade ago

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I would love to be part of this event.

1 decade ago

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Was wondering when the next event was gonna happen.

The first one was awesome! Would like to rejoin. :3

1 decade ago

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I'd like to join. I was at the last event to celebrate new year.

1 decade ago

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Sounds great. I would like an invite

1 decade ago

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I would like to join the event, it looks great

1 decade ago

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This group is not for you


1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by tragikos.