Who's going to run out of words first, Fanatical when naming Mystery bundles, or the dictionary?
Game | Ratings | Cards | Cheevos | Details | Platforms | Bundled | Retail Price |
Call of Juarez | 81% of 2739 | ⤠| - | 1.50 CV app/3020 | W | 7 | $9.99 |
Death Squared | 92% of 369 | ⤠| đ | 2.25 CV app/471810 | W M | 7 | $14.99 |
Uurnog Uurnlimited | 80% of 68 | - | - | 1.50 CV app/678850 | W M | 4 | $9.99 |
The Mummy Demastered | 79% of 548 | ⤠| đ | 3.00 CV app/630310 | W | 2 | $19.99 |
Rencounter | 71% of 221 | ⤠| đ | 0.00 CV â app/431810 | W M L | 8 | $5.99 |
Monster Slayers | 80% of 775 | ⤠| đ | 0.00 CV â app/496620 | W M | 13 | $8.99 |
Toki | 89% of 320 | - | đ | 3.00 CV app/1058320 | W M | 5 | $19.99 |
Car Detailing Simulator | 78% of 765 | - | đ | 2.40 CV app/1433570 | W | 1 | $15.99 |
Marsupilami: Hoobadventure | 95% of 173 | - | đ | 3.00 CV app/1586700 | W M | 3 | $19.99 |
Frog Detective 1: The Haunted Island | 95% of 2301 | - | đ | 0.75 CV app/963000 | W M | 9 | $4.99 |
Song of Farca | 81% of 809 | ⤠| đ | 3.00 CV app/1435670 | W M L | 1 | $19.99 |
Syberia | 89% of 3308 | ⤠| - | 0.00 CV â app/46500 | W | 22 | $12.99 |
Syberia 2 | 88% of 1429 | ⤠| - | 0.00 CV â app/46510 | W | 21 | $12.99 |
Karma City Police | 85% of 78 | - | đ | 1.80 CV app/1270850 | W | 7 | $11.99 |
Creepy Tale | 86% of 2055 | ⤠| đ | 0.75 CV app/1224020 | W M L | 8 | $4.99 |
The Wild Eight | 71% of 6073 | ⤠| đ | 3.75 CV app/526160 | W | 5 | $24.99 |
Dust to the End | 80% of 958 | ⤠| đ | 1.80 CV app/1074070 | W | 3 | $11.99 |
HyperParasite | 84% of 100 | ⤠| đ | 2.70 CV app/838110 | W | 1 | $17.99 |
Relicta | 75% of 195 | - | đ | 3.00 CV app/941570 | W | 3 | $19.99 |
Juicy Realm | 87% of 3195 | - | đ | 1.50 CV app/732370 | W M | 1 | $9.99 |
Ultra Space Battle Brawl | 85% of 80 | - | đ | 1.50 CV app/658500 | W M | 1 | $9.99 |
I Am Fish | 75% of 1682 | ⤠| đ | 3.00 CV app/1472560 | W | 6 | $19.99 |
Clustertruck | 93% of 12260 | - | đ | 2.25 CV app/397950 | W M L | 11 | $14.99 |
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Game | Ratings | Cards | Cheevos | Details | Platforms | Bundled | Retail Price |
Lilaâs Sky Ark | 86% of 67 | - | đ | 2.25 CV app/1573390 | W M L | 3 | $14.99 |
Fresh Start Cleaning Simulator | 88% of 1173 | - | đ | 1.50 CV app/1856030 | W | 3 | $9.99 |
Dead Estate | 95% of 3819 | ⤠| đ | 2.25 CV app/1484720 | W | 4 | $14.99 |
Valfaris: Mecha Therion | 95% of 145 | - | đ | 3.00 CV app/1647920 | W | 4 | $19.99 |
A Tale of Paper | 77% of 63 | - | đ | 3.00 CV app/1454640 | W | 2 | $19.99 |
Cook, Serve, Delicious! | 95% of 3554 | ⤠| đ | 1.50 CV app/247020 | W M L | 21 | $9.99 |
12 is Better Than 6 | 83% of 3441 | ⤠| đ | 0.00 CV â app/410110 | W M L | 12 | $9.99 |
Terror At Oakheart | 88% of 122 | - | đ | 7.99 CV app/2530430 | W | 0 | $7.99 |
Nippon Marathon | 91% of 240 | - | đ | 2.25 CV app/746940 | W M | 2 | $14.99 |
Saints Row | 63% of 3282 | - | đ | 4.50 CV app/742420 | W | 1 | $29.99 |
Insurmountable | 79% of 687 | ⤠| đ | 3.75 CV app/1385100 | W | 1 | $24.99 |
10 Second Ninja X | 84% of 235 | ⤠| đ | 1.50 CV app/435790 | W | 10 | $9.99 |
Dead Age | 83% of 4219 | ⤠| đ | 0.00 CV â app/363930 | W M L | 21 | $14.99 |
Dishonored | 97% of 59462 | - | đ | 1.50 CV app/205100 | W | 6 | $9.99 |
Embr | 86% of 1043 | ⤠| đ | 3.00 CV app/1062830 | W | 4 | $19.99 |
Rising Hell | 89% of 206 | - | đ | 0.00 CV â app/657000 | W | 3 | $9.99 |
Super Sportmatchen | 72% of 48 | - | đ | 2.25 CV app/749860 | W | 0 | $14.99 |
Asterix & Obelix XXL | 76% of 475 | - | đ | 3.00 CV app/1261520 | W M | 2 | $19.99 |
DOOM 3 | 89% of 7229 | - | - | 4.99 CV app/9050 | W | 0 | $4.99 |
Return to Castle Wolfenstein | 92% of 6711 | - | - | 0.75 CV app/9010 | W | 2 | $4.99 |
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard | 98% of 991 | - | đ | 0.75 CV app/1047220 | W M | 5 | $4.99 |
Cats in Time | 97% of 795 | ⤠| đ | 0.75 CV app/1599880 | W | 3 | $4.99 |
Patch Quest | 95% of 1741 | - | đ | 2.25 CV app/1347970 | W | 7 | $14.99 |
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Game | Ratings | Cards | Cheevos | Details | Platforms | Bundled | Retail Price |
The Ascent | 75% of 16588 | ⤠| đ | 4.50 CV app/979690 | W | 6 | $29.99 |
The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard | 64% of 108 | - | - | 0.90 CV app/1812410 | W | 3 | $5.99 |
Strikey Sisters | 90% of 694 | ⤠| đ | 1.50 CV app/643880 | W | 5 | $9.99 |
Omen Exitio: Plague | 86% of 420 | ⤠| đ | 1.50 CV app/668590 | W M L | 1 | $9.99 |
Styx: Master of Shadows | 83% of 8044 | ⤠| đ | 3.00 CV app/242640 | W | 16 | $19.99 |
Trifox | 87% of 47 | - | đ | 3.00 CV app/1211240 | W | 4 | $19.99 |
NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics | 78% of 65 | ⤠| đ | 0.60 CV app/624690 | W M L | 2 | $3.99 |
Monsters' Den Chronicles | 79% of 43 | - | đ | 0.90 CV app/1121720 | W M | 2 | $5.99 |
Human Fall Flat | 94% of 153798 | ⤠| đ | 0.00 CV â app/477160 | W M | 13 | $19.99 |
Silver Chains | 71% of 643 | ⤠| đ | 3.75 CV app/975470 | W | 3 | $24.99 |
Anuchard | 89% of 59 | - | đ | 2.25 CV app/1386620 | W | 1 | $14.99 |
Peachleaf Pirates | 78% of 46 | - | đ | 1.05 CV app/1156510 | W | 2 | $6.99 |
Rabi-Ribi | 96% of 10017 | ⤠| đ | 17.99 CV app/400910 | W | 0 | $17.99 |
The Chrono Jotter | 95% of 1496 | ⤠| - | 1.80 CV app/1398740 | W | 1 | $11.99 |
WizardChess | 89% of 37 | - | - | 2.25 CV app/1274210 | W M | 3 | $14.99 |
Arx Fatalis | 87% of 1840 | - | - | 0.75 CV app/1700 | W | 1 | $4.99 |
Animal Rescuer | 72% of 69 | - | đ | 14.99 CV app/1428780 | W | 0 | $14.99 |
Defend the Rook | 75% of 164 | - | đ | 2.70 CV app/1531250 | W | 1 | $17.99 |
DOOM 64 | 94% of 6233 | - | đ | 0.75 CV app/1148590 | W | 5 | $4.99 |
Dust Fleet | 68% of 97 | - | đ | 3.00 CV app/406160 | W | 1 | $19.99 |
Tunche | 75% of 566 | - | đ | 3.00 CV app/887450 | W | 6 | $19.99 |
Drug Dealer Simulator | 87% of 16433 | ⤠| đ | 3.00 CV app/682990 | W | 1 | $19.99 |
Surgeon Simulator | 83% of 13217 | ⤠| đ | 1.50 CV app/233720 | W M L | 12 | $9.99 |
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Game | Ratings | Cards | Cheevos | Details | Platforms | Bundled | Retail Price |
Forgive Me Father | 85% of 2109 | ⤠| đ | 3.00 CV app/1590910 | W | 6 | $19.99 |
REAVER | 94% of 347 | - | - | 16.99 CV app/1890950 | W | 0 | $16.99 |
Police Stories | 86% of 6358 | - | đ | 0.00 CV â app/539470 | W | 7 | $19.99 |
Tiny Life | 93% of 192 | - | đ | 2.25 CV app/1651490 | W M L | 1 | $14.99 |
UNDYING | 80% of 1370 | - | đ | 19.99 CV app/638990 | W M | 0 | $19.99 |
Virgo Versus the Zodiac | 93% of 711 | ⤠| đ | 3.00 CV app/920320 | W M | 7 | $19.99 |
Insurgency: Sandstorm | 86% of 92050 | ⤠| đ | 4.50 CV app/581320 | W | 0 | $29.99 |
The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf | 86% of 237 | - | đ | 3.00 CV app/1502560 | W | 2 | $19.99 |
Creepy Tale 2 | 87% of 998 | ⤠| đ | 1.50 CV app/1550510 | W L | 4 | $9.99 |
Jack Move | 81% of 559 | ⤠| đ | 3.00 CV app/1099640 | W M | 4 | $19.99 |
Colt Canyon | 91% of 730 | ⤠| đ | 2.25 CV app/940710 | W | 3 | $14.99 |
Chenso Club | 76% of 65 | - | đ | 0.00 CV â app/1454730 | W | 1 | $9.99 |
Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo | 82% of 363 | - | đ | 3.00 CV app/1449320 | W | 2 | $19.99 |
XIII - Classic | 90% of 1890 | - | - | 1.95 CV app/1170760 | W | 8 | $12.99 |
Teslagrad Remastered | 82% of 95 | - | đ | 1.50 CV app/2168150 | W M L | 3 | $9.99 |
Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning | 85% of 291 | ⤠| đ | 0.00 CV â app/813540 | W M | 3 | $4.99 |
Metro: Last Light Redux | 90% of 56863 | ⤠| đ | 3.00 CV app/287390 | W M L | 6 | $19.99 |
Golden Light | 91% of 1820 | ⤠| đ | 3.00 CV app/1245430 | W | 7 | $19.99 |
Fantasy Wars | 89% of 210 | - | - | 0.75 CV app/63900 | W | 9 | $4.99 |
Black Book | 93% of 4495 | ⤠| đ | 3.75 CV app/1138660 | W M | 8 | $24.99 |
BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION | 75% of 464 | ⤠| đ | 1.95 CV app/912570 | W M L | 3 | $12.99 |
Gungrave G.O.R.E | 72% of 394 | - | đ | 4.50 CV app/1630110 | W | 1 | $29.99 |
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Game | Ratings | Cards | Cheevos | Details | Platforms | Bundled | Retail Price |
Double | 82% of 167 | - | đ | 0.00 CV â app/887820 | W | 0 | $5.99 |
Moonlighter: Complete Edition | No user reviews | - | - | 3.64 CV sub/885112 | 3 | $24.28 | |
Tropico 4 | 91% of 7880 | ⤠| đ | 0.00 CV â app/57690 | W | 20 | $14.99 |
Shadows: Awakening | 75% of 1473 | ⤠| đ | 4.50 CV app/585450 | W | 7 | $29.99 |
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Dead Island Definitive Edition
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Do Not Feed the Monkeys
Himno - The Silent Melody
How to Say Goodbye
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Lost Castle
Men of War: Assault Squad
Mystery of Unicorn Castle: The Beastmaster
Pure Farming 2018 Deluxe
Rising Storm 2: VIETNAM
Slaycation Paradise
The Deed: Dynasty
Those Who Remain
Three Minutes To Eight
Tropico Reloaded
When Ski Lifts Go Wrong
Wife Quest
And 1$ coupon from scratch card.
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No repeats for me
UFO: Aftermath
The Wanderer: Frankensteinâs Creature
How 2 Escape
Cuban Missile Crisis
Beholder 2
Toodee and Topdee
Men of War: Assault Squad
The Magister
Rune Classic
The Invisible Hand
Tropico 3 - Steam Special Edition
Kathy Rain
How to Say Goodbye
They Always Run
UFO: Aftershock
Mordheim: City of the Damned
Paper Planet
There Is No Light
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Mortal Shell
Luna's Fishing Garden
Dark Deity
A Juggler's Tale
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Tabletop Playground
In Between
Simulacra Trilogy Bundle
Call of the Sea
Windy Meadow - A Roadwarden Tale
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Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Space Rangers HD: A War Apart
How to Say Goodbye
Just Ignore Them
Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
Rune Classic
Space Pilgrim Academy: Year 1
Tyrant's Blessing
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
The Legend of Tianding
Plan B from Outer Space: A Bavarian Odyssey
Eternal Edge +
Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The First Cases
Geometric Sniper
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!
Lost Words: Beyond the Page
Smart Factory Tycoon
Red Bow
They Always Run
Dead End Job
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2
This Way Madness Lies
(+ The Hive from the scratchcard)
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Here's my 25x :
Not on Barter:
On Barter:
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NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2
Ultra Space Battle Brawl
Monsters' Den Chronicles
Human: Fall Flat
Eternal Edge +
Monsters' Den: Godfall
Silver Chains
Crash Time 3
Rising Hell
The Innsmouth Case
Peachleaf Pirates
Smart Factory Tycoon
Just Ignore Them
The First Templar - Steam Special Edition
Those Who Remain
My Big Sister: Remastered
The Chrono Jotter
Red Bow
pretty happy ngl. zero dupes
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A Juggler's Tale
Cuban Missile Crisis
Do Not Feed the Monkeys
Grand Ages: Rome
Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure
How 2 Escape
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Imperium Romanum Gold Edition
Kathy Rain
Men of War: Assault Squad
Mordheim: City of the Damned
Night Loops
Omen Exitio: Plague
Pure Farming 2018 Deluxe
Rune Classic
She and the Light Bearer
Styx: Master of Shadows
There Is No Light
Those Who Remain
Vanaris Tactics
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Didn't have:
Asterix & Obelix XXL: Romastered
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2
She and the Light Bearer
DOOM 3 (also activated DOOM 3: BFG and DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Luna's Fishing Garden
Wife Quest
Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
My Big Sister: Remastered
Already had:
Yesterday Origins
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard
The Hive
Cats in Time
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Kathy Rain
Patch Quest
Space Pilgrim Academy: Year 1
The Ascent
Do Not Feed the Monkeys
The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard
Smart Factory Tycoon
Strikey Sisters
Dread Templar (already had)
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10 Second Ninja X
Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The First Cases
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Cook Serve Delicious
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!
Dead Age
Dungeons 2
Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
Imperial Glory
Imperium Romanum Gold Edition
Kathy Rain
Mystery of Unicorn Castle: The Beastmaster
Rising Hell
Space Pilgrim Academy: Year 1
Super Sportmatchen
The Tarnishing of Juxtia
They Always Run
Three Minutes To Eight
Yesterday Origins
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Cuban Missile Crisis
Men of War: Assault Squad
Strayed Lights
Crash Time 3
Space Pilgrim Academy: Year 1
Night Loops
Pure Farming 2018 Deluxe
NecroVisioN + NecroVisioN: Lost Company
Patrician III
My Big Sister: Remastered
Grand Ages: Rome
Yesterday Origins
How to Say Goodbye
Imperium Romanum Gold Edition
Imperial Glory
Plan B from Outer Space: A Bavarian Odyssey
UFO: Aftershock
Beholder 2
Mystery of Unicorn Castle: The Beastmaster
Dungeons 2
Hiveswap Friendsim
Faerie Afterlight
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time to sign up for gamblers anonymous, bolded I redeemed... the first one was decent... had most of the redeemed games and a few other decent things... the other 2 just gross for the most part, would put this lower but don't want to prevent copy/paste since quite a number of these aren't on barter yet, Saints Row package: T1 countries lock
UFO: Aftermath
She and the Light Bearer
Syberia II
Just Ignore Them
Yesterday Origins
My Big Sister: Remastered
Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The First Cases
Juicy Realm
Patrician III
Plan B from Outer Space: A Bavarian Odyssey
The Wild Eight
The Wanderer: Frankensteinâs Creature
Ultra Space Battle Brawl
I Am Fish
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Lilaâs Sky Ark
How to Say Goodbye
UFO: Aftermath
Plan B from Outer Space: A Bavarian Odyssey
Fresh Start Cleaning Simulator
Karma City Police
Dead Estate
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Crash Time 3
Monster Slayers
Toodee and Topdee
Rune Classic
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Valfaris: Mecha Therion
A Tale of Paper: Refolded Edition
Close to the Sun
Beholder 2
Kathy Rain
Mordheim: City of the Damned
Cook Serve Delicious
Those Who Remain
12 is Better Than 6
Grand Ages: Rome
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Tropico 3 - Steam Special Edition
Beholder 2
Pure Farming 2018 Deluxe
Men of War: Assault Squad
Do Not Feed the Monkeys
Lilaâs Sky Ark
Cuban Missile Crisis
Terror At Oakheart
Talk to Strangers
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Nippon Marathon
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Geometric Sniper - Blood in Paris
Saints Row
When The Past Was Around
How to Say Goodbye
The Magister
The Wanderer: Frankensteinâs Creature
Yesterday Origins
They Always Run
Mystery of Unicorn Castle: The Beastmaster
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A Tale of Paper: Refolded Edition
Close to the Sun
Defend the Rook
Dust Fleet
Geometric Sniper - Blood in Paris
How to Say Goodbye
Imperial Glory
Imperium Romanum Gold Edition
Karma City Police
Monsters' Den Chronicles
Mordheim: City of the Damned
NecroVisioN + NecroVisioN: Lost Company
NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics
Space Rangers HD: A War Apart
Super Sportmatchen
The Ascent
The Magister
The Wanderer: Frankensteinâs Creature
UFO: Aftershock
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Comment has been collapsed.
Vanaris Tactics
The Wanderer: Frankenstein's Creature
Rune Classic
Monsters' Den: Godfall
The Innsmouth Case
Beholder 2
Do Not Feed The Monkeys
Mystery of Unicorn Castle: The Beastmaster
A Juggler's Tale
Pure Farming 2018 Deluxe
Close to the Sun
Animal Rescuer
Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The First Cases
Tabletop Playground
Cuban Missile Crisis
Yesterday Origins
Rising Hell
Bot Vice
How to Say Goodbye
Toodee and Topdee
Men of War: Assault Squad
BONUS: Haimrik
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Bonus: Cook Serve Delicious 3
UFO: Aftermath
How to Say Goodbye
The Innsmouth Case
Faerie Afterlight
Pure Farming 2018 Deluxe
My Big Sister: Remastered
Monsters' Den Chronicles
Plan B from Outer Space: A Bavarian Odyssey
When the Past Was Around
Return to Wolfenstein
Uurnog Unlimited
I Am Not a Monster: First Contact
Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure
Super Sportmatchen
Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The First Cases
The Tarnishing of Juxtia
Cuban Missle Crisis
Men of War: Assault Squad
Song of Farca
Monsters' Den: Godfall
Magenta Horizon
Arx Fatalis
Animal Rescuer
Dead Island Definitive Edition
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x 25
BONUS: The Hive
Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The First Cases
Vanaris Tactics
Pure Farming 2018 Deluxe
She and the Light Bearer
Close to the Sun
The Magister
When The Past Was Around
Peachleaf Pirates
Cuban Missile Crisis
Rune Classic
Plan B from Outer Space: A Bavarian Odyssey
How to Say Goodbye
Garfield Lasagna Party
Three Minutes To Eight
Yesterday Origins
The Wanderer: Frankensteinâs Creature
Song of Farca
Luna's Fishing Garden
Styx: Master of Shadows
This Way Madness Lies
Not on the list : WizardChess
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use a vpn and be done with it.
Works like a charm here in germany.
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got a key for dungeons 2 from the bundle
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Not on the list (these are the only good ones anyway):
Drug Dealer Simulator
Surgeon Simulator
Forgive Me Father
Police Stories
Tiny Life
Virgo Versus the Zodiac
Insurgency: Sandstorm
The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf
Large pool with a lots of variety this time. Not bad.
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Remind me to never buy one of these again
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
She and the Light Bearer
NecroVisioN + NecroVisioN: Lost Company
When The Past Was Around
Animal Rescuer
Mystery of Unicorn Castle: The Beastmaster
Pure Farming 2018 Deluxe
Cats in Time
Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2
NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics
Wife Quest
Syberia II
In Between
The Hive
Drug Dealer Simulator
Crash Time 3
Games not on the list:
Creepy Tale 2
Jack Move
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253 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Bum8ara5h
144 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by SeaGoblin
46 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by MeguminShiro
2,036 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by MeguminShiro
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Ultimate Mystery Bundle
6 Tiers, 1-25 Items
25 Sep 2024 - 06 Nov 2024
View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter.vg
* Converted to USD using 2024-09-25 exchange rates (the lowest converted prices are bolded)
(the 25-games tier is new)
You can use NAG5 for 5% off. (source)
Note: This is an affiliate coupon that doesn't seem to bring revenue to the streamer, unless you also use their reflink. Until proven otherwise, I have cg's approval to mention this coupon.
Loot box
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