Will you get this BE MINE Bundle?
Quote from the chat, notable for the fact that it only seems to suggest two games right now.
cyanic - Groupees HQ - 18:24
Probably best to ignore the content indicator for now, because things are still being built.
There was also a not-so-backed-up guess that the "face" in the background was Guythrush Threepwood, from the Monday Island series.
As well as a guy called Miller (no idea who this is, one of the groupees guys?) trying to find a game for the bundle from one of the previous HumbleBundle Monthlys.
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Monday Island? I love Monkey Island, but Monday Island... I must get.
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Here I thought Wednesday Island was the best, due to the camel NPC that helps out the player character. But, we all agree Tuesday Island sucks.
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Yes and no. I was making a hump day joke, but remember about Ms. Wednesday and the camel version of Sanji (Forgot the camel name) when I wrote it. Need to watch One Piece from the beginning again with subs.
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Argh, I didn't even think of "hump day". That's more obvious, of course.... But the talk about days of the week and islands made me think of Baroque Works, and I got the camel mixed up with Karoo for some reason.
P.S. The camel was named "Eyelashes" iirc.
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As well as a guy called Miller (no idea who this is, one of the groupees guys?) trying to find a game for the bundle from one of the previous HumbleBundle Monthlys.
If that's an actual question rather than tongue-in-cheek:
Miller is a community member who has been very active in bundle curation of late. He's not officially part of Groupees' staff.
He's been a bit misleading at times, but despite my lingering reservations toward him as a person, those seem to have been more growing pains as he got used to curation, than intentional.
As a general rule, you ought be able to consider anything he says about bundles as dependable; in fact, he's generally been far more reliable on such things than the actual Groupees staffers. :P
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It was somewhat both ;P
I don't really keep track of groupees at all, only very very casually look at the chats during the pre-order guesses for Be Mine. It was a comment made by someone in chat that Miller had said as such, I couldn't find where he had talked himself, so didn't know what was up with that.
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can't resist these bundles anymore. is there a rehab for that? ;_;
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Background with mysterious redhaired girl / Guybrush Threepwood: https://groupees.com/uploads/bundles/670/landing_background/new_preview/bm252.png
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i found me one of the games http://store.steampowered.com/app/460910/?snr=1_237_querypaginated__103_17
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Ive been on groupees since it started. I know preorders was added at some point last year and added to most their bundles ... but dont remember it being a "hidden" option ever ?!?
Groupees make more sales (i assume) when humble bundle is not around for a week, so i predict it to launch on the tuesday 6-7pm gmt when people look for a humble bundle. This is of course based on no facts but has only occurred lately when humble stopped Thursday weekly bundles - hence the inference.
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Ah, now I get what you're saying about HB :-)
As to "hidden", I simply meant that it was only recently that the "pre-order" option was added to their front page. Previously you had to read about a new bundle and find the link - thus "hidden".
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I think they already had the "Jonny was here" hint in a bundle o_O If I'm right it was the Build A Bundle 5 and the hint was for the game "Manhunter"
lptp mentioned this hint for the BAB 5 bundle (2nd post here: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/E1fwc/groupees-build-a-bundle-5-live )
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Isn't "Jonny was here" on pretty much every be mine bundle. I think it's not a hint usually?
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hmm...might be xD Just like the cat I think. Now that you mention it... Well, seems that I'm wrong with my guess ^^
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Starts soon means preorder will start soon
If it was "preorder" period I would have said (Preorder)
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Please read the OP. There is no preorder yet because the preorder STARTS SOON
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Added to OP for clarification:
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cyanic - Groupees HQ - 20:25
I don't know why you guys are looking at bundled games.
Contradiction to an earlier comment about getting one of the older HB Monthly Games? Hint at the games never been bundled before? That could fit in line with the guess for Monkey Island... neither the original nor TellTale version have been bundled before.
It IS a very close resemblance, though the eye colours do not match. Could be a slipup.
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limited Quantity Available
UPDATE 9: (May 12th, 8PM): cyanic Groupees - "BTW, mystery game might be more than you'd imagine."
UPDATE 10: (May 13): German keys for Gemini are up. (see full details below chart)
UPDATE 11 (May 12th): user Incredipede says that:
UPDATE 12: (May 17): Mystery Game Revealed: FIRE
❤️Be Mine #25 Bundle ❤️
$3 PREORDER for$4.50 for 7 (6 steam, 1 GL) games, 1 album, 1 other ($1 Groupees coin*), and some bonuses if unlocked.Be Mine 25: Runs 5/12/2016 8:15:00 - 5/26/2016 8:15:00 (according to ChatBot Canada 23:27)
Remember to make sure that the "Donate to Charity Box" is checked off before you purchase, and 20% of your proceeds will go to Global Fund for Women
Q: What are these Groupees Coins?
Tier 1: $1
Tier 2: $4.50
NOTE 1: The Masterplan will be activated via Playfield. You can get a Steam key and/or download a DRM-free copy of the game
Activation instructions:
(Thanks spannerrings for the explanation):
NOTE 2: German buyers DO GET A STEAM KEY for Gemini: Heroes Reborn, however it can't be activated if using a German IP. According to cyanic, German buyers will most likely get an additional German key in the future.
UPDATE 10: (May 13): German keys for Gemini are up.
Regarding possible giveaways for Germany restricted; Note however that the German key is restricted to Germany only.
UPDATE 11 (May 12th): user Incredipede says that:
$1 Soft Taco Coin ($1 Groupees Trading Coin)
Note: This $1 Coin is fluctuating value (meaning it can increase in $ value). See "What are these Groupees Coins?" section above for more info about coins
updates log
(currently 1.3K bundles left)UPDATE 2: (May 10th), Preorders are projected to start at 12PM PST, May 10th (?)Update 1: (May 7th) ... Bundle (PREORDER STARTS "SOON")Preorder Hints:
Background with mysterious redhaired girl / Guybrush Threepwood (?)
this image "IS A PLACEHOLDER", staff says. "Devs still haven't gotten rid of that for some reason."
This Happy robot grey thing
PLEASE NOTE: The 'jonny was here' and the green cat are jonny's trademarks of the Be Mine backgrounds and are NOT hints
other hints
cyanic - Groupees HQ - 18:24
Probably best to ignore the content indicator for now, because things are still being built.
has 2 games that Miller is "personally interested in"
come from Miller's wishlist( wish list rumor denied - Miller commented saying they aren't necessarily in his WL)Cyanic:
So known so far: 6 Steam, 1 Greenlight. 1 Steam was bundled in Humble Monthly. Reviews are above 70% to 100%.
Miller has confirmed he got a Monthly game into the bundle
"Miller mentioned more, it was in one of the first three monthlies." (Take this with a grain of salt)
Look below to see a list of possible games. Remember, only ONE of these games will be included in the Be Mine #25 Bundle. Happy guessing!
Guess ONE game out of any of the following games from the first 3 HB Monthly Bundles.
Thanks for the list, KBoomDUMAL
P.S. - Want to know what other bundles are going on? Check out the MASTER LIST of ONGOING BUNDLES - w/ RaCharts™ (updated daily!) ❤
Curious to see the Sale Tallies for previous Be Mines? Click here
Thanks for the heads up marfo
25 is The number of years of marriage marked in a silver wedding anniversary.
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