I been putting origin games on steam via shortcut.. tho most the times I alt-tab origin crashes..fucking EA!!! let me buy ur games n run dat game on STEAM!
Crysis 3 and Dead space 3!

11 years ago*

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never gonna happen

11 years ago

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EA might go out of business.


11 years ago

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the idea was enough to make me cum.

11 years ago

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if ppl would stop buy their games it could happen

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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hmmm i run KoA, by making a dos batch file, and using that to stop the origin from loading. AKA i kill origin once it starts using batch file. :P

11 years ago

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damn dis man got all technicall n shit..lol
dat geek slang! LoLz man i gotta stop talking like this...

11 years ago

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yes please

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I read the title as "I put dat Origin on Steam" and was like 'Waaaaaaaaaaat.... Why would you create a shortcut link to one DRM system from another?!'

Putting game links into Steam though, is OK in my mind, but it would be better if you could just buy on Steam in the first place :/

11 years ago

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Because origin has no screenshot feature for some reason and the very simple way to make screenshot from origin games is to run it with steam :).

11 years ago

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Not a bad point really, but my initial reaction was that OP has/had put a Steam shortcut / link / pointer to origin.exe or w/e it is saved as which is what I'd say was stupid. I suppose the only benefit in doing that is not having to find the .exe for Origin if you wanted to load Origin for something other than to launch a game or for taking screenshots inside Origin client*, but then I'd just launch an Origin game via Steam based shortcut (since Steam stays online on my computer anyway) then exit the game but leave Origin open...)

I can fully understand linking to the .exes for games on Origin / uPlay etc. inside Steam so that you have everything in one place and then clicking the link loads the other DRM and then the game. (At least that is the case with Driver San Francisco for me at any rate - didn't buy it on Steam, just have a shortcut to the .exe and it launches uPlay and then launch DSF from there.
I can, if I feel like it, alt-tab out and force close uPlay and ignore the warning message to free up a bit of RAM, but I don't normally bother. If it were to screw with DSF and loose my play progress or w/e... Oh well, it's a good thing I enjoy DSF as I wouldn't mind about re-doing stuff.)

*Why do it this way if you were?

11 years ago

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I did...but then stupid EA/Origin when I ran it thru shortcut steam wouldn't register me as online.. but when I went to play DS3 was able to create an online pub game just for the fukz of it

11 years ago

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they could eventually come to steam, after a year or so. like what happened with crysis 2

11 years ago

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Crysis 2 was returning to Steam, though. The 3's have never even been close to Steam, so doubt EA would ever cross that bridge. I'm all for positive thinking, but those goons didn't make Origin for nothing.

11 years ago

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Well still no BF3 on Steam and thats been about a year and a half now, so I wouldn't hold my breath

11 years ago

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There's still DLC being released for it though. A bf3 complete could come after all DLC has been ou for a while

11 years ago

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You realize that EA owns the BF3 series and they aren't going to give away one of the games that makes their service worth something other then shit right?

11 years ago

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Crytek brought back Crysis 2, not EA. So it won't come to Steam. EA had a little bitchfit because Steam wouldn't allow them to advertise their DLC in-game, or something like that, so EA packed it's bags and shall never return.

11 years ago

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the game is published by electronic arts. crytek maybe told ea they would like their game on steam, but EA made the main decision.

11 years ago

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Wrong. Crytek made a few changes to the game to comply with Steam's service agreement, and so it found its way back on to Steam.

11 years ago

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EA publishes the game, how is that wrong? look at the steam page, is clearly says EA publishes it.

11 years ago

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Yes, EA published the game, but Crytek brought it back onto Steam.

11 years ago

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So a game published by EA came back onto Steam, how did Crytek bring it back?

11 years ago

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They changed some stuff so that it complied with Steam's sale policies. It's why they only sell the maximum edition and not the normal version.

11 years ago

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Origin is a great system.

11 years ago

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what are the advantages of using origin?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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and the disadvantages?

11 years ago

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everything else :o

But really, origin has very few discounts relative to steam.

11 years ago

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Very few games first and foremost.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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I see none.

11 years ago

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You don't find the interface boring? Or the lack of a community?

11 years ago

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Have you tried switching the view-style of your library to grid?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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What about Twitch.TV support?

11 years ago

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i almost died laughing.

11 years ago

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Why? Is way better than Steam. It has a more polished design without the crappy community part of Steam.

When I want to play I want to play, not get likes or comment's it's a gaming platform, not Facebook

11 years ago

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but my life is games, so games = my friends :D

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I like the community part, it could run smoother but its nice...

11 years ago

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Go create OriginGifts then.

11 years ago

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What has that to do with my point?

11 years ago

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keep laughing, i'll call 911

11 years ago

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how could i forget to put this?

Good job OP, stickin it to the MAN ea

11 years ago

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In this particular case, the problem isn't Origin. As you can see, those games have a 3 in their names. All we know that Steam and Valve has issues with that number on games names.

11 years ago

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Just to note I do it with Uplay too cuz that shit is junk too.. Load up uplay cuz no mattr what I has to load it up to run FC3.. thru steam ofcourse

11 years ago

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If you add the Origin client to Steam as a shortcut (and not the Origin games individually) and then start the Origin client that way, you can run the Steam overlay in your Origin games. Works fine without crashing for ME3 and KoA :)

11 years ago

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What he says, also I hear you need to disable origin overlay for steam one to work.

11 years ago

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For the games I've tried, there was actually no need to disable the Origin overlay. Both overlays seemed to get along fine.

11 years ago

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I have my Origin games launching from Steam too and I have the Steam overlay, Origin overlay and even the Raptr overlay all working together.
No problems or crashes.
though i suppose the Raptr one isnt complete;y an overlay.

11 years ago

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I'd love to have all my Origin games on steam!!!

11 years ago

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Putting origin games on steam - f*ck the system

11 years ago

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Steam should ban all EA games from ever being accepted on steam.. Anything related to EA or Origins. Ontop of that If you try to activate a EA or origin related game it should give you a pop-up laugh'n at you non-stop or something retarted like "Yeah, fuck'n right. Not happening! EVER"

11 years ago

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lol, they should play THIS

Reminds me of the old Counter-Strike website when you clicked on 'Cheats' :D

11 years ago

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I kinda of find it funny that EA will never sell any of their game that has a 3 in it...

Such as Mass effect 3. Crysis 3. Dead space 3.

Oh the irony.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

11 years ago

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can't handle tree fiddy either

11 years ago

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I've never had Origin crash. Never. Steam crashes relatively frequently... :|
So OP, i suppose it's a matter of luck and or computer?

11 years ago

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Look at how many games you own on Origin compared with how many games/updates/community updates you get on Steam. One platform is regularly doing a lot more than the other.

11 years ago

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So that's an excuse for it crashing? Are you serious?

11 years ago

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It's meant to explain why Origin never crashes.

11 years ago

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It's a piss poor explanation. Unless you are joking and you have to be... the more games there are available on a service the more the service crashes? WAT? Please tell me you are just trolling...

11 years ago

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I get regular crashes on Origin most people do and what he wanted to say was it's one thing to get a crash when servicing 40 games and another to get a crash in the same amount of time when servicing 1 game.

Stop trolling and use your brain a little.

11 years ago

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How often is steam actually doing anything with the games you aren't running?

11 years ago

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Haha, you're a funny guy. You were the one who "assumed" I was creating an excuse for why Steam was crashing when ultimately I was providing a potential reason why it crashes more than Origin. Being a douche doesn't get you any points around here ;)

11 years ago

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Origin is a product of EA's stubbornness. Lets take a few games and keep them off Steam to force people to manage games across two platforms. We don't care how awkward it is for users or how futile our attempts at competing with Steam are, we want a piece of the pie.

11 years ago

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To be fair others have done this also, Uplay(Meh) and Desura(Which I quite like) are after that pie also. Its just that EA.....is EA, so its going to be kinda....well meh? Is meh the right word? Idk...lol.

11 years ago

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I can tolerate Uplay though because at least they try to get along with Steam. Sure, the DRM is balls but at least it's not restricted to it's own platform, yet. Meh is the wrong word, EA are shit lol. This coming from someone who still says Battlefield Bad Company 2 is his favourite multiplayer game of all time!

11 years ago

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Steam was also a product of Valve stubbornness. They forced people to get Steam if they ever wanted to play Half Life 2. Basically EA just copied Valve's tactic. It's not an excuse, but still, let's not forget how Valve "promoted" Steam.

11 years ago

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How could Steam be a product of Valve's stubbornness? They pioneered an easier way to buy, store, and play your games. Their innovation created a whole new direction for PC gaming that gave benefit for everyone. So everyone decided to put their games on Steam, oh wait, everyone except EA because they want what Valve already controls. EA don't want to make things easier for gamers, EA don't want to keep your collection of games in one place, EA don't want to use an already familiar interface for their games.

EA aren't even trying to do something different. They're trying to get people to use Origin for a few games which is a pain in the ass. EA want money and only money.

Fuck micro transactions too. I'd feel insulted playing a game that asks me in game, to spend more money after I already bought the damn game.

11 years ago

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They didn't pioneer everything - there were similar services for consoles. Steam was just the first DD store for PCs. I was just saying that the tactic Valve used is exactly the tactic EA uses now - they made their games exclusive to their digital platform. You wanted to play Half Life 2 but didn't want to install Steam (which wasn't a proven service at the time)? Well tough luck. Similarly, if you want to play EA games you have to install Origin. It's the same tactic and I don't see why Valve should get a pass.

Also lol at your last line "fuck microtransactions" - you are trying to be Valve's advocate and yet you fail to see how hypocritical that line makes you, considering Valve practically is the mother of all micro transactions in gaming and made the trend popular. But i guess that is the problem with all Steam fanboys... still, when i was 22 i wasn't as stupid as you ;)

11 years ago

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There's a BIG difference between microtransactions in a F2P game or a $50 game..

And imo Valve should get a pass because they were first and now it all works awesome. Origin still lacks shitloads of features and even the features it has are far from good (overlay/friends is crap imo). I expected something.... better, something able to compete with Steam, not make my experience worse.

Ah well not my loss. I won't buy any EA games anymore (not only because of Origin though, Sim City DRM + lies etc), more money for publishers/developers that still care a bit about their customers.

11 years ago

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Stop trying to talk your way out of this :P You're getting all specific because it's the only way you can continue to argue. Why wouldn't anyone want to install Steam? They didn't have any other online game libraries at the time, it was a convenience for updates etc. Valve were first, EA were not. It's a very simple argument and I can see you're getting desperate.

Valve's advocate? lol where are you coming up with this shit? It's like going to a magic show and seeing a magician pull things out of hat.

Now, do you actually understand what a micro-transaction is? If you knew the answer to that question you wouldn't be trying to pick a fight. There's no way you're older than me, you're far too ignorant.

Some advice: Take the stick out of your ass and grow up. You'll thank me when you're 18.

11 years ago

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I avoid games on Origin. Made a big mistake when i bought BF3, never again.

11 years ago

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Yeah same here. At first I just thought it was a bit of a hassle having two programs running with two stores and all that crap but considering it ran like shit and all that I uninstalled BF3 and Origin after a few weeks and never looked back. Won't buy any game on Origin again. :/

11 years ago

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It would be so good D:

11 years ago

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Games that were on steam before removal may actually still work.

I know with NFS: Undercover, you can activate the steam code on origin, and the origin code on steam.

11 years ago

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I only add origin onto steam to take screenshot of games on origin. origin still has many things to improve. but I don't have trouble playing crysis 3 and MOH warfighter.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by trunks10k.