Dear SteamGifts community,

I'm sad to announce that I have made the decision to step down from creating / maintaining bundle threads starting 01 Jan 2025.
I am not quitting SteamGifts, but I will remain active only through comments and giveaways.

This might seem sudden for you, but it’s a decision I reached after lengthy consideration. For seven years, I’ve been the main person to create bundle threads and I would have probably been able to continue for many more, if not for some external factors that were out of my control.

2024 was one of the more difficult years of my life. I’ve continuously been the target of online harassment and untruthful / unfounded accusations, in many of these cases without a way for me to disprove them. I considered explaining myself many times, but past experience shows that those who seek to harm me aren’t looking for an explanation, and anything I dare to say in my defense would only be twisted into even worse lies. It’s understandable that without opening up and showing my side of the story, some of you might have negatively changed your opinion about me. This was a risk I knowingly took, as the least bad of the two options.

Seven years of doing bundle threads is a long time and aiming to keep these bundle threads as informative as possible and posting them close to the bundle launch time required a lot of sacrifices on my part. My sleep was the first one to be affected, as trying to be online when a bundle might (not necessarily would) launch often meant cutting down on my sleep, shifting the flow of my entire day (thus affecting the schedule of my family and friends too) or even scheduling trips in order to accommodate bundle threads as much as possible, all that not even knowing the bundle schedule in advance, as this is rarely made public. Obviously, no one forced me to do so, but in regards to bundle threads, I always wanted to give my best, and for me that meant first and foremost creating the thread as soon as possible, especially in the Humble BTA era - a habit that I continued even after it, throughout the years. Balancing bundle threads and work never was (and still isn't) an easy thing but at least it improved my ability to handle multiple mental tasks at the same time.

Aside from bundle thread creation, additional time went into maintaining these threads too: reading all the comments & continuously updating threads with the information you guys kindly share (coupons, subs, free DLC to claim, out of stock items, etc.). Together with my daily activities on (syncing this information between the two platforms was primarily done by me), these ate a significant chunk of my free time, similar to an unpaid part-time job. I’ve never received any monetary compensation for it, and I never wanted any compensation in the first place. My reason for doing this was always to help the two communities and keep the information as comprehensive as possible. It’s the kind of work that would be boring for most people, and get even more repetitive over the years, but I’m the kind of person who derives satisfaction and a feeling of stability from doing the same thing over and over again. I've always struggled to find my place in this world, but bundle threads (and Barter to some extent) gave me the feeling of contributing to society in a way that suited me.

Looking back at all these, I realized that a change is long overdue, as scary as that change might be. Firstly, due to the current online harassment situation, being a public person brings me more harm than I am willing to accept. Needless to say, I shouldn’t let myself be affected by what others think of me or say about me. To some extent I can do that but there’s still a line when too much hostility actually becomes… simply too much. Secondly, I’d like to allocate this time to something else. I’m not yet sure what that will be, for now I will keep myself open to possibilities and see what life has in stock for me.

As I step down from making bundle threads on SteamGifts, I also step down from I’ve been the go-to person for most things on Barter during the past ~9 years, dealing with pretty much anything that was needed at the time when it was needed, filling every gap when there was no one else willing to do so. That may have made people mistaken me as an admin having full authority on Barter, and as a natural consequence, I attracted a certain amount of hate regarding some decisions that were taken during the recent years, while in reality those decisions were not mine to take. I’ve been held culpable and blamed for things that I didn’t even do. Different user groups have directly accused me of the exact nasty behavior that they themselves engage in, to justify the very same, and intentionally kept spreading those lies about me.

Much like SteamGifts, works solely on a volunteer-basis, with people assuming certain roles temporarily and performing them whenever they see fit or when their time allows. Without someone to be there when no one else is available or as a backup for them, Barter data (bundles, giveaways, items, notices) will probably see a decrease in consistency in the near future. At the moment of writing this, I can’t tell in what way the platform will change (or if it will in any way). Its future and shape is still in talks with the admin because there are several other factors to consider.

I’ll end this huge wall of text by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who supported me throughout the years. You were the reason for which I was able to continue doing this for so long. Thank you for the laughs we had together, for keeping the discussions on the bundle threads drama-free, for helping each other (and me) by answering questions, submitting region lock information, prices in different currencies and correcting my mistakes. Going forth, I hope you will show the same kindness and support to the people who will step up and continue doing this work.

🚂🚂🚂 A little train of various little indie games 🚂🚂🚂

🌟 2024-10-30: Edit: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the kind words and positive energy you shared through these comments. Your response is beyond overwhelming. 💜

(I won't be able to reply to everyone, but I will try to answer some of these comments over the weekend.)

🌟 2024-12-08: A small update, mostly regarding my future activity on Barter.

3 months ago*

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Thank you for all your hard work here sensualshakti.
The first call when hearing about a new bundle, would often be one of the your threads.
I hope you find something fun to replace all your new (upcoming) free time.
Also get some good sleep!!

3 months ago

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You did a great job. It is sad to see you go ( not fro steamgifts though). You have earned as much sleep as you want for maintaining the bundle treads for so long😁. I wish you all the best on your new endeavours.

3 months ago

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You helped me a lot with your bundle threads, i always visit them, it´s been a great work, and i really appreciate it. You are the hero that some people nedeed, you deserve a rest.

3 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

3 months ago

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Wait... What? How is it even possible to be angry with a bundle thread? I can't... How? These threads are pure information. What one can be accused of? I can't even think of a joke that would fit the criteria 😂

It's even more unbelievable and sad that you're the second dedicated person who did an incredible job with posting bundles with all the information in the world who leaves their post due to harassment. I'm out of words.

That being said I totally understand your decision. Thank you for such an insane contribution. Your threads were my main source of bundle information. You'll be missed!

3 months ago

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Two of the more meaningless things I was accused of (outside SteamGifts) were: considering myself some sort of diva of SteamGifts, and my work being fake or equal to zero because I allegedly copy the thread content from Both very laughable (and untrue) accusations, although I can see why someone could think like that.

Frankly I don't know how fast the bundle info is up on (I never cared to check), but I do know that the threads on SG do have some latency due to the poll that has to be created before publishing the thread (and cannot be modified after the thread is created) and because of finding the right package to list in the chart (it happens often that what you get in a bundle is not sold on the store).

As for the first accusation - never once in my life did I consider myself a diva in any aspect (SG or outside of SG), although obviously I have no proof for that. Much like Rachel who was also accused of hogging the Deals forum for attention, I wanted to do these bundle threads to help people and nothing else.

Thank you for supporting me and believing in me.

2 months ago

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You did it before existed also I did not pay attention to timing but I know your posts was faster then (at last I remember many such situations) + it is much more useful for me and i notice it much faster (with also additional information about region-locks and add on which inform you if you have it already etc). Anyway it was very stupid accusations. People are so...

Thank you once again for spending your time and energy for extremely useful information here on SG. I will be missing it a lot.

2 months ago

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Wow, just wow...

But from my experience, people are going to find something to be insulted about in absolutely everything. If someone wants to be angry, they'll find the reason.

I've seen it during workshops I'm doing so often. One day we were playing a funny storytelling game and we've made up that silly children story about a big bad dust ball and good small dust balls. It felt like the Smurfs and Gargamel. After the exercise one person was like "Whoaaa, that was so intense, we all know what this story was about!". I was like "Wasn't it about big bad dust ball and good small dust balls?". Apparently we were making a story about Putin.

Anyway, no wonder you're fed up with it. After giving so much. I feel you. I was there too. Just know there are people who absolutely appreciated your work and thought you're a SG hero 🙂 I'm not very active nowadays but I still know your name and was enjoying your threads. It was also a joy to watch the collaboration of various SG users to make it up to date. I had no idea there were some negative aspects to it as well. I'm not surprised though, which I think is very sad.

2 months ago

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Thank you so much for all that you've done. It's always been so crazy to me how on top of every bundle and how much work must go into what you do and how a single person could be doing it. I totally understand the need to have a life outside of sg/barter but appreciate the time you've given us.

3 months ago

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You are a gem and i adore you!
Thank you for your time and hard work.

If you forget about the negativity for 5 seconds, it must feel amazing to know that you helped out so many people.

3 months ago

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Literally i only check the forums for the deals and no more.
I can only say, thanks for your hard work and time!, really appreciated, all this years!!

3 months ago

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I don't care whatever they say or if you did anything, you will always be in my wishlist as a thanks for all the work you've done

3 months ago

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Never feel bad for stepping away from something you don't want to (or can't) do anymore. You're the owner your free time, and you've generously chosen to share a bunch of it with us over the years. Thank you for doing that as long as you did, and I hope you enjoy whatever you choose to use that time on in the future.

3 months ago

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Thanks for your work so far, all your SG deals bundle threads have been appreciated. I would talk to friends about new bundles coming out and they would say: "No, I'll wait until the SG bundle thread is up". That's how much better the information has been.

3 months ago

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thanks for all your hard work! I hope your next adventure will bring you a lot of joy.

3 months ago

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Thank you so much for your time and work on all those threads here!!! 🏆🎖️🏅

3 months ago

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Thank you for all the years of doing and maintaining the bundle threads. I always rely on them during all of those time and will totally miss your valuable help! I am saddened to hear about all those keyboard warriors bullying you. I hope they step on a lego. Take good care of yourself out there!

3 months ago

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thanks for all your work.
too bad that you had to experience such negativity.
hope you'll enjoy some well deserved rest.

3 months ago

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Thank you lily, i have always use your threads to check whether i should or shouldnt buy a bundle. It is very helpful.
That being said, im sorry on what happened to you. It seems you already know what to do in that situation so i wont say much about it, but hopefully you'll be able to use the extra time you now have for other things that you enjoy. Cheers! :)

3 months ago

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Thank you for your service. These are big shoes to fill.

3 months ago

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Did I read correctly that in the face of all the harassment, you're still committing to 2 more months of voluntary service? Reconsider, and stop immediately if you need to. Your mental health and well-being outweigh the (admittedly immeasurable and beloved) value you provide to this community.

Given the humor, quality, longevity and sheer VOLUME of the work you've done for all of us, you are clearly an Actual Saint/True Hero. Anyone fucking with you over whatever perceived slight or shortcoming is clearly an asshole; whether through misunderstanding, misinformation, personality disorder or just plain old fashioned evil, every one of them is just plain WRONG.

I hope everyone's thanks and well-wishes here provide you some comfort and peace of mind in the face of all the shit. Be well, with our gratitude.

3 months ago

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Yeah, I'll still be doing bundle threads until the end of the year. December is the probably the busiest bundle month, with Jingle Jam, a Bundlefest event and likely another Humble event of relaunching the most purchased bundles of 2024. Compared to it, January is quite slow, thus it could be a good start for those that will want to continue making bundle threads.
I deeply appreciate your concern, but I'm fine to continue these two months. The hostility slowed down a bit lately, that's also a good thing.
Thank you for the good wishes, and I hope only good things come to you too.

2 months ago

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All I can say is thank you for being a kind and helpful soul, a human lighthouse that guided us to those mysterious bundles, their content and many different complicated details. I hope this is not only the end of one journey but also a beginning of a new one, where you can enjoy other aspects of your life. 🤩

3 months ago

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I just want to say that you are an amazing, awesome and dedicated person. Your work made it so very easy for all of us here... and it will leave this site a bit poorer for its loss. Thank you for everything...

3 months ago

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thank you so much for your contributions. I do enjoy the deal information that is posted here. Love the work you done for all of us.

3 months ago

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Your contribution has been amazing, and you absolutely deserve to retire! The fact that people would treat you so horribly is terrible considering all you do, for free :( Just know that you helped a lot of people over these years and I hope you can enjoy your time here better without needing to worry about bundles!

3 months ago

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I've benefited a lot from your work, thanks a lot for everything.

3 months ago

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You earned your place in history of SG, and probably in heaven if there is one, by your awesome selfless deeds. We are eternally grateful for your contribution.

3 months ago

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Thank you a lot for your contribution over the past few years. I honestly can't express my thanks enough. Your bundle posts are always beyond helpful.

3 months ago

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