So I am in the market for a new game. I know that I have unplayed games on my account, but I've played all the games I want to/some of the games I haven't played yet I'm waiting to play with my wife.

So assume I'm here saying I have nothing to play, and need a suggestion.

What is your favorite game, and why (like seriously, what makes it so good)? You're allowed to answer more than one in the case of a dead tie.


Bad Rats
Also Bad Rats

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8 years ago*

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Do you like games?

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Um...yeah. That's why I'm on this site.
Nah. I just like the cat gifs people post on this site.
I would play games, but all I have is a potato
Thanks, hope to win it wthog ^_^
Space Cat is life
These answer choices just keep getting weirder
Yeah....I'm just going to go now
For some reason I'm still here
Please stop adding answers
There's too many of them
It's a trap
It's a tarp
Yo man, I heard you like games, so I put a game in your game so you could game while you game
I too like to live dangerously.
I bet there is a 95% chance that Mullins will post something in this thread
Wow that's a lot of answer choices

Starscape is still one of my favorites. The music, the ships, the upgrades, it just feels so good!

Edit: And let's not forget Jagged Alliance 2 + mods.

8 years ago

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Binding of Isaac Rebirth (Afterbirth)
I enjoy the challenge and random synergies you get with different runs. Good game to just play for an hour or two and then do something else again ^^

8 years ago

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^^ this is my favorite for a game that doesn't take a ton of time!

Otherwise, I really enjoy longer role-playing games: Dragon Age (Origins and Inquisition, though I enjoyed DA2 as well, despite some of the negative reviews), Witcher, and things of that ilk.

8 years ago

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I have no favorites, but there are a few games I've been playing lately. I'll probably post again later today, I need to run for now.

8 years ago

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I would have to give you a bunch...

Planescape Torment (you can get it on GOG) still has the best story & writing of any game I've ever played. Make sure to get the widescreen mod, so that you can fully appreciate how beautiful the environments in that game actually are.

Majesty The Fantasy Kingdom Sim Incredibly fun RTS with some very interesting mechanics.

The Talos Principle Really well designed puzzles, interesting (though possibly slightly pretentious) story. Really satisfying to play.

System Shock 2 Atmospheric game with a lot of different approaches to problems. Also, this bit is true for System Shock 2

Yo man, I heard you like games, so I put a game in your game so you could game while you game

Europa Universalis IV Complex, rewarding, great amount of replay value and surprisingly approachable for a grand strategy game.

8 years ago

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+1 for Planescape Torment

It's good.

8 years ago

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Terraria, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster, Stardew Valley, Portal Knights, Disgaea PC, Cities: Skylines, Dragon's Domga: Dark Arisen, Tales of Symphonia, Shadow of Mordor, and Rayman Legends,

8 years ago

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Recommending Tales of Symphonia but not Tales of Zestria :c

8 years ago

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Was just recommending stuff I currently had installed :P

8 years ago

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The best game I've ever played: Bully: Scholarship Edition. You've never seen something like that. It's truly original, with funny missions and dialogues, interesting storyline, and you can even write exams. :D And the protagonist is so awesome, having cool NON-deadly weapons, and awesome bikes, motorbikes, and a skateboard. ^_^ It's obvious that you will never see something like that in another game, so you really need to play it. :D
The most emotional game I've ever played: Valiant Hearts: The Great War. The storyline, the puzzles, the missions, the atmosphere, the music, the collectibles, the facts, the diaries, the characters - everything inside this game is excellent! How I felt after playing this game? I felt educated, because I learned so many things about the war. I felt alive, because the atmosphere was so great that it felt like I was inside the game. I felt sad, because of the cruelty of the war. I really felt like I got aboard the feeling train, I went a trip with it, then I disembarked from it, and then it ran over me twice. I always enjoy games with a deep storyline, but no game ever has touched my feelings before like this one.

8 years ago

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Bully is fantastic. Truly original and full of freedom

8 years ago

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And so many things to do. I'm hoping for a sequel. I've been waiting for a sequel so many years. :(

8 years ago

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As am I, I'd probably go as far to say I'd prefer a Bully sequel over a Red Dead sequel

8 years ago

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I don't even care about a Read Dead sequel. They already had a sequel anyway. xD I only care about a Bully sequel. Bully never had a sequel and that's totally unfair. :(

8 years ago

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I'm hoping for a Bully 2 or Red Dead 2 from Rockstar....

At least give us a better Bully port for PC, a remaster would be nice! And ANY kind of Red Dead port would be just great!

8 years ago

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I would like a totally new Bully game. I don't want remastered or definitive editions, etc. I've been waiting for TOO MANY years for a new Bully game. I can't wait anymore. :'(

8 years ago

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I'm assuming that you actually played Kotor 2, right?

8 years ago

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Yes, I played the heck out of the disc version as a teenager - I haven't played the Steam version much though :)

8 years ago

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and if you are going to play solo then, why not new vegas? Or fallout 3 if you are not much into the post apocaliptic thing

8 years ago

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For some reason, I could never get into Fallout 3 or New Vegas. Loved Fallout 4 though.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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I've downloaded it, but I haven't played through it yet. My wife wants to play it together, so it's in our "together" queue :)

8 years ago

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Submerged is one of my favourite games. I have written a review for it at Steam, and I have about 40 screenshots of the game on my Profile.:)


8 years ago

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It's in my wishlist! Maybe in summer sales...

8 years ago

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Hopefully it'll go on sale! I think you'd like it a lot.:)

8 years ago

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saints row 3 and 4

8 years ago

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I was going to suggest...

Bioshock Infinite

but it seems Bioshock 1 and 2 are in your wait-list?

8 years ago

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I played the first one, but I really didn't like the atmosphere (I know, I know, I'm probably the only one). I have a really hard time with storylines where people are being absolutely awful to one another, and for some reason Bioshock really got to me.

8 years ago

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Play Moonlight then, nicest characters on a game :)

8 years ago

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Hm, that kind of makes sense -- the game is incredible exactly because of its HEAVY atmosphere. There is some kindness to be found in the game, but you have to dig deep to find it.

Funny how I have to go a lot down my list to avoid games with somber atmosphere.... World of Goo, maybe? It is quite awesome, I think, but still slightly disturbing. :D

Edit: oh, wait -- you have Brothers, did you ever try it? It is excellent! Er... it kind of demands a controller, though.
Edit 2: it seems you never got into any FFs after all, huh? :D

8 years ago*

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Funny how I have to go a lot down my list to avoid games with somber atmosphere

I'm not against all games with a somber atmosphere :) I've rather enjoyed some, actually. Bioshock just really got to me in particular.

8 years ago

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You're not the only one. I don't like Bioshok either. I tried 1 and infinite, but I just couldn't enjoy them at all.

8 years ago

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I completed the first Bioshock game, but it was a struggle, I just couldn't stay interested and had to force myself to continue. I have the 2 sequels, but haven't played them yet.

8 years ago

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Saints Row (I recommend either 3 or 4)
For me the games are just really fun because they are so random. The game has about 15 hours of main story gameplay but takes a lot longer to complete with all collectibles Both of the games are really buggy so I wouldn't buy them at full price, they will probably go on sale the next summer sale though.

8 years ago

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For me is... Ori and The Blind Forest (I even wrote s small review about it after finishing it (shortly, stunning graphics, nice story, easy to hard gameplay, and the best soundtrack around).

8 years ago

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Factorio! It is very addicting and fun!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That game is really, really fun. I have it on PS4. There's nothing quite like the feeling of flying around in a jetpack blowing crap up

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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My favorite is to see how many cars I can get parked around the gas station before I blow it up.

Let's just say there are framerate issues during the explosion :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Don't forget to grapple attach them all together for interesting physics results :3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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+1 Best game of last year in my opinion. I expected to get bored of it after playing it halfway through, but I'm actually already halfway through my second time playing. It's just so much fun!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yeah, it's surprisingly fun. When I don't have to go to school, I usually start the day with some Just Cause (although not so much since Total War: Warhammer released).

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I wish it wouldn't crash on my system, damn it! It's so badly optimized. ;_;

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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some of mine are the Batman arkham games

8 years ago

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Loved those games :) I should replay them sometime.....

8 years ago

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I've had Asylum and City since the Humble WB 2013 bundle, but they've been sitting in my backlog (for shame! for shame!). I started playing Asylum a few days ago, and I am having an absolute BLAST!.

8 years ago

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I dont have a favorite game, but i love this ones.

RogueLikes :3 :
-The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth and Afterbirth
-Sunless Sea
-Enter the Gungeon -prepare for easy puns, like an AMMOllet-
-Dont Starve & Dont Starve Together
-Nuclear Throne
-Hotline Miami 1& 2
-Not A Hero
-Battleblock Theater
-Risk Of Rain
-Heavy Bullets
-Project Zomboid
-Rogue Legacy
-This war of mine -amazing game-
-Valiant Hearts -another amazing game-

-Dirt showdown, 2 and 3
-Grid 1 & 2
-Insane 2 -cheap and awesome-
-Need For Speed Hot Pursuit

-Mark Of THe Ninja
-Metro 2033 & Las Light
-Mafia 2 -on sale now-
-Bioshock saga
-Batman saga
-Outlast & DLC - the dlc: Such gore, much guts, wow-
-The Walking Dead (telltale)

And the game with more hours in my account, sometimes i love it, sometimes i hate it.

-Counter Strike: Global Offensive

8 years ago

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Grab Mafia II now that its back if you havent played it :)

8 years ago

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Mafia II - literally the best game I have ever played. The story,the characters,graphics are just amazing. Also,one guy mentioned it is on sale right now. The game just got back on store. GEDDIT!

8 years ago

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I personally love the Total War series. The latest game (Total War: Warhammer) is just amazing! It just released last week, but I can't stop playing it. They're also games that can provide you with countless hours of fun (if you like it that is).

8 years ago

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My favourite so far?
Dead Space 3..

8 years ago

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FFVI and Chrono Trigger are my favorite games. Partly nostalgia, partly story, partly music, partly gameplay. Take nostalgia out and they're still wonderful.

Sadly, I've read bad things about the FFVI port available on Steam, and Chrono Trigger isn't there :-(

8 years ago

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there some one finally said chrono trigger, one word EPIC

8 years ago

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I hope my boys will enjoy that game when they get older...

8 years ago

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After a short look at your profile:
Mass Effect 3
Anno 2070 or Anno 1404

LEGO Batman 1 + 3
LEGO The Lord of the Rings
LEGO® Jurassic World
LEGO® MARVEL's Avengers
LEGO® Star Wars™ - The Complete Saga
LEGO® Star Wars™ III - The Clone Wars™

But you probably want to play the LEGO Franchise in co-op, so only more games to wait for ;D

8 years ago*

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I have played most of the Lego games - some just were on other systems :) My wife and I play them in co-op, but ever since our baby was born we get less time to play 2-player games, so we've got a 2-player backlog the size of China going on.

I have Mass Effect 3 on Origin - great game.

I played Dark Souls 2 on PS4 - could never get into it like I did the first one. Same with #3.

I've never played either of the Anno games, I will take a look at those!

8 years ago

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Ah, okay, I couldn't check the other platforms ;)

I played Anno 1404 myself and liked it a lot, but this was a few years ago. I'm not sure how well it aged. It just came to my mind when I saw how many hours you played Civilization V ; )
As for me its charm comes a bit from the time it plays in, kind of a 'cuteness', I didn't play the sci-fi Anno 2070, yet.

8 years ago

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GTA SA; RE 0/4, Deus Ex HR. Fallout NV; FarCry 1, Hitman BM; Mafia 1 and 2, Max Payne, Need For Speed U2, Assassins Creed 2. Most classic games

8 years ago

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Sir you must be 12

8 years ago

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Do you really think that ? Just because i like most the classics? nor that the new games aren't good too...

8 years ago

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Witcher 3 - Best game played in a long time!

8 years ago

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Too much blood and guts for me :(

8 years ago

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Came here to say Witcher 3 but if you don't like blood and guts it's definitely not for you, there's some very graphic scenes and whole missions based on horrible details

8 years ago

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Well, since I asked for your favorite game, so The Witcher 3 is still a valid answer :)

8 years ago

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True. Had a snoop around your most played games and have you tried Mount & Blade Warband? It looks like a shoddy game from the outside but it's still my most played game on Steam. Plus there are some truly amazing mods (LOTR, Game of Thrones etc)

8 years ago

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+1 I've been loving Witcher 3 :O

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I have this on PS4 - I'll have to give it a go!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I was hairless before playing this game, now I am Chewbacca's stunt double.

8 years ago

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I've always wanted a beard :')

8 years ago

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