Well okay, i've been recently reading a bunch of threads on Steamgifts and they made me feel pretty bad about doing a couple things on this site, that most people are rightfully against. So i figured, i'd get that off my back, and since i don't exactly know how to report myself..i'll just dump my thoughts here. Perhaps i'll get banned for two weeks or so, and hopefully come back a better person.

So first off, i was one of those people who enters a giveaway..just because. That, or just for the trading cards, so i could sell them and use the money to buy games i actually wanted. I dunno why it took me this long to realize, but just today i realized "Wait a minute, i'm a total dick for doing this, aren't i?". I pretty much let 6 games go down the drain, somebody bought those, i won and the only thing i've actually done with them, is get the trading cards from them.

Probably the thing i feel the most guilty about, is that one of those six games i won was Dark Forester..now you may notice when you inspect my profile, i won that game, and about an hour after that, i'm giving it away. So, yep, regifting. Straight up broke a rule, and to this day i'm honestly surprised nobody noticed. Now, to defend myself a little bit, i'll say that i didn't regift because i was a scumbag (Though i was, for the whole trading cards thing.) and i intentionally wanted to gain some levels. I just seriously didn't think the situation through.

The gift was region locked in South East Asia. Now, my first right move would have been to give the gift back to the giveaway creator, and have him redo the giveaway, this time properly region locking it. But i accepted it anyway, and then pondered what would i do with it. None of my friends were from South East Asia, and from that point i assumed that there really was no other use for this gift, other than creating a giveaway for it. The other right move i could have done would be to just simply let the gift stay where it was, in my inventory. I mean, i already screwed up once by letting the gift go to waste, then i decided to regift it.

So from that point, i was really afraid of talking to the SteamGifts community, cause i thought if i opened up my mouth in any way, somebody would have caused me to get pernamently banned. Now, i don't think the bans are THAT harsh..and frankly, it happened months ago so i'm not sure if i'm qualified to be banned anyway.

Just wanted to let people know that i do wanna redeem myself. Before i made this thread, i removed my entry from every single game that i didn't actually wanna play. I would also additionally like to create an ACTUAL giveaway, not just a regift, a game that i bought with my own money.

But i don't wanna give it away right now, as i'm still concerned about getting banned, and thus not being there to see who won the game. So, i would like to know if i'll be banned after posting this or not. Not sure if at this point i deserve a ban or not. Let me know please. :)

9 years ago

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Buy Dark Forester for $1 or trade for it, to have it in your profile.
You will get suspended for an one time breaking of rules.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Open a ticket and report yourself to support, serve your suspension (should be short,as you came clean with it yourself).
Come back and make giveaways for us to leech from!!! (I'm not begging)

9 years ago*

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well... better late than never fits well in this case. you can correct your faults. just buy yourself a gift of what you regift (Dark Forester) and redeem it. no debts will left behind. you may get suspended but I think you can still repair the damage made to the gifter with this broken rule...

9 years ago

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There is always time to get better, Son =P
You can start your way by getting Dark Forester for yourself so your shame of not activating and re-gifting will be cleaned...
And then create something crazy! Like a train?

9 years ago

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Welp, there's two problems.

  1. Turns out, support doesn't allow you to report yourself.
  2. Buying Dark Forester will be a problem. I live in poland, and steam doesn't support Polish currency. So i use a different source to buy games instead, a site called Allegro.pl (Basically a Polish ebay), nobody's selling Dark Forester there however. :/
9 years ago

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As long as you have PayPal or a credit card you can buy on Steam, it doesn't need to support your currency

9 years ago

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Or trade for it. I'm sure you can find someone willing to buy/trade a copy of the game for something of somewhat more value - just make sure you find someone trustworthy, as you'll probably need to be on the risk-taking side of that transaction.

9 years ago

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Pay with PayPal or bank card. Works for me and all others PL

9 years ago

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This actually made me buy Dark Forester. :p

9 years ago

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He was advertising the game all along!

9 years ago

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Damn these marketing guys are good ;)

9 years ago

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The gift was region locked in South East Asia. Now, my first right move would have been to give the gift back to the giveaway creator, and have him redo the giveaway, this time properly region locking it.

You might have just subtly "reported" another person by your admission.

I applaud you though. Good luck on the path of redemption!

9 years ago

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Dont feel bad about entering giveaway just for the cards. Most giveaways are bundled games and there are plenty out there and lots of people are entering the giveaway just to get the game/collection/spend points. Those that actually wants the game are few unless it is higher tier/rare bundled games. At least you will be activating to earn cards and get some new game that you are interested in. However it is your choice and if you feel guilty about it then it is better to just enter those you want. In the past, I have been entering random giveaway that i feel is interesting or low entry but now due to the lack of points, I only entered those that I really want but if points are abundant and there are hardly any games that i want, why not just spend it? the points are free after all and why not try your luck, not as if you can always win a game easily. About that mistake, I made almost similiar mistake, got suspended and moved on. Hope to see you again if you ever get a few days ban. Painful to take but you will make it.

9 years ago

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If you haven't been punished it does not matter the length of time. There is no statute of limitations on SG.

The first step towards the better life of SG, so to call it, would be to get yourself a copy of Dark Forester to activate. Mark the GA you won as Not Received is another option, but since you got the game and gave it away already that would not be the best option in my opinion.

Second, don't get upset if you do get suspended for a little while - you did break rules and you should be punished for it. Just because it happened in the past does not mean it did not happen. There is no statute of limitation on SG.

Third, read the FAQ and Guidelines, they're full of great information.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Repetition is how you teach the little ones, be it a baby or a puppy or a new SG user :P

9 years ago

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If you did indeed do what you said, then yes - you will be banned sooner or later. The best you can do right now is to activate the game to reduce the impact, then decide what you want to do knowing this information.

9 years ago

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