VAC and Game Ban enabled games can either be bought for your own account, or gifted immediately. They can no longer be saved to your inventory for trading purposes. If you gift a game to someone who gets permanently banned, you won’t be able to gift that game again.

8 years ago

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Wait what?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, that is pretty crap. More attempts to hurt traders.

Also, what happens if a gift is declined?

8 years ago

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I seriously don't understand the "traders" subculture in the Steam community. I mean, if you're spending money on games, why not just buy the ones you want for yourself rather than stuff to trade away?

I'm sincerely curious.

8 years ago

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I'm poor. Rather than spending my lacking funds on Steam games, I instead depend on trading profits to purchase my own games. That has paid for all my games purchased for both myself and others in the last 10 months.

8 years ago

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Trading = money, in some cases loads of money.
And it's quite close to free loads of money.

8 years ago

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+1 basically becouse there are regions where the markets make that posible (get money from trade)

Like Argentina (too expensive) and Brasil or Mexico (more cheap always)

8 years ago

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Realistically, there is no 'free money'. If you work and you get paid for your labor, you get money. Trading can be viewed loosely as a job. You work that, you spend your time on it, and you make money from it. It's pretty much the same as buying tomatoes and selling them on the market. Are tomato sellers making free money?

In any case, trading has been slowly dying thanks to Valve. They are trying their best to totally kill it.

8 years ago

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Profit. People used the marketplace and gifting system to turn a profit off Valve's platform, and Valve let them. Now whenever they make changes people get personally offended, when any other company would have stomped out that kind of trading pretty quick. It ended up being a mutual thing. Traders profited by stocking up during sales and then selling things on outside of sales, and in a way so did Valve. What they lost on sales of convenience, they made up for with stimulated trade economy I suppose? The trouble is that the whole thing has fallen into the "familiarity breeds contempt" thing, and everything the host company does is now perceived as greed or malice (or if we're feeling nice, just plain stupidity).

8 years ago

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Wouldn't say I'm part of the trading sub culture, but sometimes I buy packs of multiple copies of a game (4 packs and what not) for me and friends, because it's basically getting a copy or two of a game for free doing it that way. However, sometimes I end up with left over copies and just trade them off. In the end, it's all about saving some cash. Did it during Christmas sale, bought 4 packs for Zombie Army Trilogy and Project Zomboid, ended up only using 3 copies from each, traded the extras to get AC Black Flag, State of Decay YOSE and Sleeping Dogs DE. Ended up saving me $20 - $30. Trading items for games can work out pretty good too. Played H1Z1 early on (no I would not recommend the game now), did a fair amount of trading with crate skins. At one point, starting with a $6 skin, kept trading and trading, turning that $6 skin into about $100 in skins in a week. You always get those people who want to get rid of skins fast, and others who will do anything for the skin they want, so if played right with skins from new crates, you can make a killing (mobile authentication ruined this for me though, I don't use a cellphone so... no more trading).

8 years ago

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It'll hurt stockpile game-traders, but I don't think that was every really the intention of the marketplace to begin with. The fact Valve allowed such a thing to exist for so long is in itself a pretty cool thing.

This is an attempt to reduce the number of infinitely cycling cheaters. Valve are going to lose profits on copies that aren't going to be bought and fed into the trading machine, and let's be fair here, Steam is unique in it's marketplace. No other place has this, do they? The fact they allowed a legit profit-driven trading culture to exist for this long is a good thing, having the freedoms of that market worn down is a sad turn, but far from the insult people keep making the decisions out to be. All the woes that come when they try to tweak the paradigm aren't malicious, even if some of them are hamfisted. People have been complaining loudly about cheaters forever now, so trying a different approach to try reduce the sheer numbers isn't a bad thing. Whether or not their efforts turn out to be myopic or totally on-point remains to be seen. In the end, everyone is change resistant, and all too happy to have a new thing to grouch about and attribute to malice / stupidity.

I don't even disagree that gift bans are a bad idea on such a blanket scale, but the ongoing "Valve keeps insulting us!" thing makes me want to headdesk. All this said, they're aware of the trading culture they've allowed to flourish, so when they make a move to impose new rules and restrictions like these, it would be really cool if they could also come up with a grace period or 'cooldown system' so legit traders can adjust without running into issues. Profit-driven trade business was never the intention of the marketplace, but it happened anyway. Giving people a chance to reassess and withdraw would be a really cool gesture.

I can only imagine someone sitting on a hundred copies of CS:GO and needing to offload them before a single butthole ruins their entire stock. :P

8 years ago

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Did you find out what happens if the gift is declined? Everyone is talking about trading & profits instead...

8 years ago

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I haven't, unfortunately

8 years ago

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Thanks for the sincere answers, everyone. I appreciate it, and I learned a little something today.

8 years ago

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What games does it affect?

8 years ago

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Would be popular multiplayer games. Stuff like CSGO and other Valve multiplayer games, I think the Call of Duty series has bans as well, etc.

8 years ago

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I believe it's MW3 only, but maybe BO3 has that too.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Not only vac protected games, probably almost every multiplayer.

8 years ago

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Wow, so if I gift a game to someone on SG who ends up being VAC banned, I will never be able to gift that game again?

8 years ago

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Ayup. Also, you can't buy a gift during a sale to give later. You miss gifting during the sale, you now need to pay full price.

8 years ago

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I guess I won't be doing any more gift giveaways and hope the ones I have made don't end up compromised. What a shitty restriction.

8 years ago

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or just do giveaways of games that dont give vac or game bans

8 years ago

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Yeah, like ImSpitfire I got confused on the way it was phrased and thought it applied to all games. By the way, how do you check if a game gives game bans?

8 years ago

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Well I know enhanced steam tells you if they have a vac ban on it, but as for the others no idea.

8 years ago

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Here's the category for VAC enabled games.

edit: If you were talking about other game bans than VAC, I don't know if there's a comprehensive list for those.

8 years ago*

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Yep, talking about game bans, not VAC ones.

8 years ago

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Try buying the game and try selecting an option to put it in your inventory. If you can't it means that game is affected.

8 years ago

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It's on the steam page of the game.

8 years ago

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Where? Payday 2 is a game that has bans, right? Can't find that info in

8 years ago

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Nope, payday 2 devs don't give a fuck about the community

You can see if a game supports VAC on the list of features on the store page (Under the list of friends who own the game it'll say "VAC Protected game" if it's VAC protected...)

8 years ago

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I'm not talking about VAC, I'm talking about game bans.

8 years ago

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I think you can only know that with google or the forums (Payday 2 doesn't has any game ban system)

8 years ago

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Wait, so if I buy a game that's on sale and have it in my inventory I can't gift it when it goes back to full price?
Where did you read that? It wasn't in the link you posted.

8 years ago

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I'm talking about the games included in this new bull****. You can't have them in inventory to gift later. You need to buy and gift during the sale.

8 years ago

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Got it. Thanks

8 years ago

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That's pretty shitty.

8 years ago

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RIP multiplayer GA's.

8 years ago

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seems valve wants to be the new activision/ubisoft/ea

8 years ago

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The joys of a monopoly.

8 years ago

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And yet, people refuse to buy games if it isn't on Steam, indeed helping them further on having the whole market in their hand.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the Morphine reference. XD

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Ah, I thought you were alluding to a game called Morphine. The first command in the game is "Press F to piss." So yeah. =P

8 years ago

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I remember something like that from Postal 2 but it's been some time since i last played.

8 years ago

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It's a meme from CoD: Advanced Warfare :-p

8 years ago

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It probably says something that I know it from LPs of a horrible game instead of that. =P

8 years ago

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If you gift a game to someone who gets permanently banned, you won’t be able to gift that game again.

Well.. that's a bit fucked up. But I'd only gift to very specific people anyway. Keys for the rest.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Nah, as it says in article, for games that have vac or game ban enabled you can't store gifts in inv anymore, you can only gift them immediately or buy for yourself, no saving for later.

" They can no longer be saved to your inventory for trading purposes"

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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What if is sended as gift, but then the other user save it in their inventory?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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I couldn't give a shit about trades. The problem is that if one of your friends does something stupid you can be punished for it.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Same with giveaways on this site.

8 years ago

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That could be problematic for traders if I read this correctly:
" if an account has previously gifted a game to other players who have been VAC or permanently Game Banned, then that account will lose the ability to gift that game."

So if someone wins a VAC game giveaway of yours and he gets VAC banned you lose the ability to gift that game again?

Please reply to this, I want to verify if this is correct.

8 years ago

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That seems to be correct.

8 years ago

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That's correct

8 years ago

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This does indeed make sense. Shitty for traders, but if it prevents people from cheating over and over again, I'm all for it. Besides, there are plenty of other games to trade anyway.

8 years ago

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Another hit for traders, no difference for me.

8 years ago

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Ffs, they seriously want to destroy traders. ;_; But we'll find a way to sell games, you foolish steam. :@

8 years ago

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this is gonna become even worse , after years of such updates we'll trade accs... =d

8 years ago

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I know. Firstly, they'll start with things that you don't even care about and, in the end, they'll take everything away from you. They are slowly trying to destroy trading.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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I'm region locked to a single country. Would like it if Steam offered the option to buy more expensive ROW gifts.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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I'm just glad 3rd party sellers sell keys that aren't region locked. Steams loss then :)

8 years ago

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Of course they want to destroy traders. Traders were never what they wanted. They wanted buyers, and people gifting to draw in their friends. Trading was never an intended feature and they've completely lost control over the trading that does happen. If they were to ban trading now though there'd be a riot, but they can make other changes that affect traders negatively and as long as trading isn't the primary target people can't complain too much.

8 years ago

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"Additionally, if an account has previously gifted a game to other players who have been VAC or permanently Game Banned, then that account will lose the ability to gift that game."

Is that true for all games, or just the ones that use VAC or Game Ban? Valve needs to clarify this asap.

8 years ago

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It clearly states "who have been VAC or permanently Game Banned"
Plenty of devs use the game ban option nowadays though, so one might assume it affects most MP titles.

8 years ago

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That would be the reasonable assumption to make, but you should never assume people to be reasonable. Unless they state specifically which games are affected, it can mean anything.

8 years ago

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Well, if you can't get banned in "random SP title", then i guess this won't apply.
But as i said, most widespread multiplayer titles use this feature.

8 years ago

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Again, you're assuming. It doesn't say that the other player has to be banned in a game you've gifted to them. It just says that they have to be VAC or Game Banned.

8 years ago

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"to gift that game." < that one in particular.
Now i do wonder if one can get a list later on. Might look funny for certain traders.

8 years ago

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Read that in context. It refers to the game that was gifted to the other player, not the game they were banned in.

8 years ago

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That is what i'm saying.
To clarify: you gift CSGO, guy gets banned in CSGO, you can not gift CSGO anymore.
If he gets banned in TF2, then it won't apply to you.

For this feature to work, the game in question needs VAC / game ban functionality. So any game without is secure, because can't get banned in it via Steam.

8 years ago

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It doesn't say:
"Additionally, if an account has previously gifted a game to other players, and they've been VAC or permanently Game Banned in said game, then that account will lose the ability to gift that game."
In other words, it doesn't say anything about the game the other player was banned in.

Taken at face value, it would mean the following: you've gifted Bad Rats to someone in the past, they get banned in CS:GO, now you can't gift Bad Rats to anyone ever again.

8 years ago*

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Taken at face value, it would mean the following: you've gifted Bad Rats to someone in the past, they get banned in CS:GO, now you can't gift Bad Rats to anyone ever again.

"in said game" and "that game" are the same in context. You can continue to gift such games without worries.
But yeah, not very well written by Valve.

8 years ago

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It's late, and I'm too tired to get into why the grammar of that makes no sense. So I bid you good day, sir/madam!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago*

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It makes about as much sense either way you look at it. Valve is punishing you for someone else's mistake.

8 years ago

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Says piracy is a service problem rather than a cost problem → continues to make the service shittier and shittier.
Thanks GabeN!

8 years ago

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Gabe newell hasn't been in charge in a long time,that's obvious.

8 years ago

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Well, in that case everyone can just go to the other online platforms that let you turn a bulk-profit off the backs of the host company.
Oh wait, there aren't any others that ever let you do that.

They're allowed to take steps to combat perpetual cheaters infesting the games seeded with their own anti-cheat, dude. You can still gift, just not mechanically stock and profit off certain titles, nor blind-gift strangers without repercussion if they feed into an ongoing cheater issue. If people are careful, the impact is probably going to be minimal.

8 years ago

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Frankly, we shouldn't be able to keep gifts in our inventories at all. I don't see how this is a service problem and why should it be an excuse for software piracy.

8 years ago

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"In response to this problem, Steam no longer allows users to purchase copies of VAC or Game Ban enabled games to their inventory."

This part really bothers me the most.

8 years ago

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It effectively shuts down trading and giving away of (most) multiplayer titles.

At the same time, "business cheaters" could easily just create dozens of "MM ready" accounts, as they did before, and sell those. -_-

8 years ago

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People are going to carry on about trades, but the issue people should be concerned about is that legitimate users can be punished if one of their friends does something stupid. That's the real problem here.

8 years ago

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I agree. My giveaways are Steam Gifts, so if I happened to gift a game and the person gets a VAN Ban on it, I'm screwed from being able to gift it to someone else? That's BS. I don't trade, so that aspect doesn't bother me. Me being punished for someone else's actions, does.

8 years ago

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This is the real problem, for me.

8 years ago

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So, stop me if i am understanding wrong, if i do a public GA on SG, give the game (as a steam gift) when the GA end, and afterward if at some point the winner get VAC banned for that game, i won't be able to buy or give a steam gift of that game again ever?
It's so stupid that i will assume i did not understand well, please, tell me i am an idiot!

8 years ago

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You understood it correctly.

8 years ago*

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Buy all you GA gifts as codes from third party sites. Problem solved.

8 years ago

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you got it right I think - what this says is valve is encouraging people to buy keys from resellers - as they don't want you buying from them - not that I would do that, but I think many now will - way to go valve !!!!!

8 years ago

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This actually makes me want to try to revoke some of my previous gifts. Way to go, Valve.

EDIT: I submitted a support ticket asking them to revoke certain gifts based on their new policy. I'm pretty sure they're going to say "No, fuck you" like they did the last time I asked them for a way to put my account in good standing, but maybe if support starts getting flooded with this same request, they'll clarify that it's not retroactive or reverse the policy.

8 years ago*

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Please clarify, as I cannot think of a single situation where revoking gifts would be the appropriate response to the new policy.

If gifted to others... mad at Valve, so trying to take back stuff you gave away to your friends/acquaintances/SG-ers? Not ok.
If gifted to alt accounts...mad at Valve, so trying to get extra copies back after using them? Not ok.
If sold/traded as a gift .... mad at Valve, so trying to get back stuff people legitimately purchased/traded for? Not ok.

Hopefully there's a fourth scenario I missed... but just sayin, asking to revoke gifts seems super-sketch.

8 years ago*

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Gifted to someone who may in the future receive a VAC ban. In the interest of not getting banned from gifting that game again, not wanting to risk that person getting a VAC ban, taking it back. If the person is a real friend etc, they will understand you not wanting to take that risk. If you still want that friend to have the game, there are other ways to get it for them. Keys, steam wallet giftcards, etc.

8 years ago

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I have gifted several VAC enabled games to random strangers just to get the extra copies out of my inventory. Until yesterday, there was no risk to my account in doing so. Now, if any of those users are VAC banned, I lose the ability to gift that game ever again.

I agree that it's shitty to revoke gifts, but I'm not willing to take that risk on strangers. People I actually know, sure. Random people on the internet? I'm pretty sure the standard response to trusting random people on the internet is "LOL you're an idiot."

It's not just that I'm mad at Valve, it's that if I let these gifts stand, my account can be restricted for things that I have no control over and was not warned about when I sent the gift. If I had known back then that Valve would do this and make it retroactive, I never would have gifted the games at all.

Also, I'm not trying to take it back for myself. In fact, my support ticket specifically has, on its own line: "I don't need them back in my inventory, just get rid of the games from their library." I literally just want to protect my own account here, since Valve just issued a big FU to everyone who's ever gifted a VAC-enabled game.

8 years ago*

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Alright, that's somewhat more understandable... though I'm not quite on board myself. I mean, I hate the policy especially if it's retroactive - I've SteamGifted or SteamTraded enough copies of multiplayer games that I'm sure I'll be banned from gifting at least one of those from a silly gamer who decided to cheat, but I just couldn't justify trying to revoke them 'just in case' - even for a terrible policy that hurts those who've given games as random acts of kindness to people who abused said kindness with cheats.

I definitely agree some sort of protest could be in order if this is retroactive, just not sure that revoking gifts is the way to go about it. Hurts the giftees more than it sends a message to Valve (although they'll probably just auto-deny it anyway. And then post an automated message explaining what a VAC is, since customer support is just a bot scanning for keywords).

8 years ago*

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Yeah, I totally expect to get denied. But by asking, I make it clear that their new policy has some unintended consequences. Since they don't have dedicated support staff, departments, or bosses at Valve, whoever eventually reads it after I get past the automatic form letter will actually be in a position to suggest a change.

If it does go through, I'll probably pick up some keys on Tremor and send them to the people. But I completely intend to go through with the threat at the end of my support ticket to "stop giving gifts on Steam at all, to avoid being ****ed over by any other future retroactive policies you guys decide to enact" No more gift copies, period.

8 years ago

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Hey let us know the outcome please.

8 years ago

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Hello GauRocks,
Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
Unfortunately, we cannot modify a gift that has been redeemed by another account.
If you can convince the user that they should remove the game from their own account, they can do so at
If you have any further questions, please let us know - we will be happy to assist you.

But hey, I think this might be a record for the fastest that I've gotten a real person.

8 years ago

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"Valve is making trading a shittier experience? What a shock!" -No one

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Not just trading, gifting in general too. Since as repeatedly stated above, you can get locked out if anyone you ever gifted to does something stupid, at least for most multiplayer games where the bans are used.
This is Valve half-assing things again and not thinking about what collateral damage they cause.

8 years ago

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"Valve is making Steam a shittier experience? What a shock!" -Sadly, same rarity

8 years ago

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well done Steam, seriously, well done.

8 years ago

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Can't the cheaters create a bunch of accounts and buy a copy for all of them individually during a sale? This is a poor attempt. Why not create a system where a computer with a specific Perminate IP Address which is shown to have been VAC Banned on 3 or more accounts is restricted from games with a VAC system enabled? That way Valve doesn't fuck over everyone else who doesn't cheat all the while still being able to deal with this issue.

Someone please send Valve my resume, clearly I can do things better than the current idea squad...

8 years ago

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Why not create a system where a computer with a specific Perminate IP Address

Because IP adresses can be changed easily, and often even change automatically anyways.
But yeah, i had the same thought. Account selling is quite a thing on certain sites, and will probably flourish after this change.

8 years ago

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Hm... then couldn't they make a system instead which checks a users MAC Address instead? Obviously wouldn't be able to just get that information as easily as an IP, but such information can be "voluntarily" given through accepting the steam TaC when downloading it... That could work better, though could lead to security issues since valve isnt known for being completely secure :u

8 years ago

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Hm... then couldn't they make a system instead which checks a users MAC Address instead? Obviously wouldn't be able to just get that information as easily as an IP

Mac adresses are also known, and mac spoofing is also a rather easy thing to do.
Edit: either way, they seem to attack the underlying bracket of "supporting traders". Bad solution IMHO, but meh :/

8 years ago

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CPU serial could work. :P

8 years ago

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Well, Valve once stated they don't want any kind of hwid bans.
But hey, in b4 cheat subcription packages with monthly CPU delivery! :P

8 years ago

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if this ever happened someone would create something to circumvent it - that is the capitalist way afterall :)

8 years ago

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Perma-IP bans doesn't really work, as most of the world has dynamic IP - one day you play, other day you learn you got cheater's IP and ban.
Creating bunch of accounts - if they catch one of accounts cheating, they can ban that payment method and no other account will be able to use those bought games (AFAIK that's what Overwatch is doing - Blizzard bans cheaters by their credit cards, beside other stuff).

8 years ago

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But what about people that share a pc? They would have the same IP and MAC (and as stated, they can be changed easily), but different accounts.

8 years ago

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Hence the 3 or more VACed accounts part and the part about simply not letting the computer play games with a VAC system, NOT Vac banning all accounts on the system. That would be the" workaround "

8 years ago

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It can still hurt someone that shares a pc with a hacker. It might very well be that some family only has one pc, but one of the people using it is a hacker and would thus limit the use for the others. And by the time they find out, it's already too late.

8 years ago

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Why isnt the easiest way to have a report system, logs and enough game moderators acting fast when they get reports to catch cheaters immediately, and when they do, ban them?. I dont think someone will spend 150usd to get banned 10 times at cs:go, and even if they do, if you catch them fast enough you make it pointless for them to stockpile games (i dont think many people would waste cash to cheat for 5 minutes, and if they do, we should build cheaters monuments for beeing the biggest supporters of the gaming industry). To be honest, its already annoying that i cant trade games because of region lock, and because after a trade they can deactive a game (even after months) without even giving you a reason. Because of that, i dont think this will affect me at all, sience i was already outcasted from the trade system. What bothers me is that i think that they are just giving us crappy excuses and the reasons behind those policies are totally diferent.

8 years ago

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It looks like you can still save games to your inventory for gifting purposes,at least for now.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yeah,it seems like this rule is mainly for CSGO,which i'm fine with.

8 years ago

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CS:GO has already been like this since last sale.
Guess they just apply this approach to other games.

8 years ago

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Well, there wasn't an official announcement or FAQ when this "feature" got enabled for CS:GO last time, as far as I know.

8 years ago

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There was.
Though the feature was general gifting / inventory restriction for CS:GO. Slightly different than this new one.

8 years ago

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You haven't been able to buy CS:GO gifts for some time now.

8 years ago

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