Do you plan to publicly express your excitement for my next upcoming event? How are you going to do this?
Thank you for the fun event!:)
I was only able to find 222 total giveaways, but I did find the 5 non-bundle giveaways.
I could have sworn I clicked on all the clickable pictures, but I must have missed some. ;)
Have a great day! :)
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But you kept track! There's a person whose OCD is after my own heart! LOL
Yeah, make sure that you found all of the Putin pictures...he is almost always hiding a little something extra, and there are a couple where he is in a fairly hard-to-spot location...
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I'm don't always feel like getting back into web development, but when I do, I am inspired by works of art like this =)
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Hmmmm...a couple of people using firefox have had a small issue with no scroll bars on the new tabs, but it's worked there, otherwise. Chrome definitely works. I have the latest patch...everything was tested 100% in Chrome and Edge. You may want to check and see if you have another issue, as most people are using Chrome and it's the first I've heard of any issue with that browser. Let me know what you find out.
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lol...yeah, seems to depend upon the browser a bit. Who knows what kind of purpose-specific javascript that Articulate is generating (or what HTML5 commands are being chosen...there's a base shared set among browsers, but many choose to adopt new/beta commands in their own way...remember that HTML5 is still not fully ratified 8o)?
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Ha, it was random, I assure you. When you're looking for clip art and something (in this case, Putin) keeps coming up, sometimes you have to just assume it's the Universe telling you something and go with it.
But yeah, that's a great idea...there should be some proper Gremlins action in the future. More events to come, so I think we'll see them eventually.
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Lol, glad you liked it.
I think the next one will be named "The Awesome/Stupid/Charming Trash Adventure." 😉 😂😂😂😂
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Many thankies, Grez1! Very cool pictures)) You're the lord of Trash now)))
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Thanks for that. The best part was some of the icons you used as part of the trash.
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Glad that it was fun! Yes, I will say that scouring the internet to choose a bunch of graphics is time-consuming (not the mention the hunt for original backgrounds and an attempt to piece these together into some semblance of a story line, and then fit the right amount of graphics into it to make it all work). That's why this came about 4-6 weeks after I'd originally planned, because I got a little ambitious with the scope, and it ended up taking longer than expected. But, I still had a good time doing it, and hopefully the result was worth it in entertainment value for everyone. 😀🤓
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43 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by MyrXIII
45 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by elysium1988
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804 Comments - Last post 40 minutes ago by Momo1991
28,551 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by PunishedStig
Well, that was fun! I hope everyone enjoyed their time with the typhoon. Keys are being sent now via script (checking for people with multiple/unactivated wins). They'll all get distributed over the next hour or two as the script runs. :) Congrats to all of the winners!
[If you end up being marked as someone with multiple or unactivated wins, I will attempt to reach out to you on one of your threads. I'll give you 24 hours to get things fixed up as a general rule. If you don't reply or don't get things fixed, I'll re-roll. It's only fair to everyone else who is following the rules. I will automatically make exceptions for really old infractions (some people have stuff left over from like 2014 or so, and I'm not punishing anyone for old mistakes 😁👍🏻) Thanks :) ]
ANOTHER QUICK EDIT: I was reminded today that I promised to share a link to the original pptx file so that people could goof around with it and see the screen tips and things if they wanted, so here ya go! (Note: you can view this for free with Powerpoint online, but obviously the best experience is if you send it to the full Powerpoint client if you have Office365 or similar. Sometimes browsers do funny things to the screen tips like truncate them.)
That's right, everyone, the latest event is finally here! Welcome to...
Grez's Trash Typhoon™ 2019!
Even bigger than a Trash Tornado™, this Trash Typhoon™ is making landfall and carrying all sorts of garbage in its wake! Swirling around in this giant storm are two hundred twenty six giveaways!
The fun begins when you open the slide show and start stepping through the story. All of the GAs are hidden behind objects that are part of the slides in the deck. Most of them are pretty obvious, but some are a little bit harder to see. Search each slide carefully to be sure that you found them all. The GA breakdown is as follows:
201 regular "trash" GAs - these are found directly in links on objects in the slide deck. Just hover to see if your mouse pointer changes, and if it does, click away to open up the GA!
20 "better" GAs - these are found on some of the GA pages for the trash GAs. They represent bundle games that are more valuable than the average trash GAs, or may be games that I just feel are really good or classic.
4.5 NON-Bundle GAs - these are also found on some of the trash GA pages (turns out one of the games I included was non-bundled when I purchased it, but has been bundled since 😒 (ಠ_ಠ) ).
So, for those of you who keep lists and things, if you find all 201 links in the deck, you should have revealed all of the better and non-bundle GAs as well. Be sure to take a quick look at each GA while you're busy clicking on the enter button so that you don't miss them!
Also, starting with slide 3, every slide will have Vladimir Putin somewhere on it. As with other things, sometimes he is very easy to spot, and sometimes he is a bit more well-hidden. But he will be on every slide from that point on...because Putin is everywhere. You cannot escape Putin!!! 🤣
All GAs are level 2+, which means that the entry bar is set low so that lots of people can participate, but you can't be a 100% leecher. You need to have given at least a little bitty bit back to the community. If you're not there, you can easily be there in 24-48 hours for about five bucks, BTW. Level 2 is a piece of cake. The train is running for two weeks (expires at midnight CST May 29th), so you have plenty of time to find all of the trash.
As always, "trash" is a relative term. Some of the trash is actually pretty good trash. Others...well, they're literally unmitigated garbage. You'll have to sort through it all and make the decision as to which is which for yourself. Or don't, and just enter everything. Either way, it's all good by me. 😉
Ok, that's everything that you really need to know. I suppose that means that its time for you to enter the typhoon! Have fun!
Additional notes:
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