Well, that was fun! I hope everyone enjoyed their time with the typhoon. Keys are being sent now via script (checking for people with multiple/unactivated wins). They'll all get distributed over the next hour or two as the script runs. :) Congrats to all of the winners!

[If you end up being marked as someone with multiple or unactivated wins, I will attempt to reach out to you on one of your threads. I'll give you 24 hours to get things fixed up as a general rule. If you don't reply or don't get things fixed, I'll re-roll. It's only fair to everyone else who is following the rules. I will automatically make exceptions for really old infractions (some people have stuff left over from like 2014 or so, and I'm not punishing anyone for old mistakes 😁👍🏻) Thanks :) ]

ANOTHER QUICK EDIT: I was reminded today that I promised to share a link to the original pptx file so that people could goof around with it and see the screen tips and things if they wanted, so here ya go! (Note: you can view this for free with Powerpoint online, but obviously the best experience is if you send it to the full Powerpoint client if you have Office365 or similar. Sometimes browsers do funny things to the screen tips like truncate them.)

That's right, everyone, the latest event is finally here! Welcome to...

Grez's Trash Typhoon™ 2019!

Even bigger than a Trash Tornado™, this Trash Typhoon™ is making landfall and carrying all sorts of garbage in its wake! Swirling around in this giant storm are two hundred twenty six giveaways!

The fun begins when you open the slide show and start stepping through the story. All of the GAs are hidden behind objects that are part of the slides in the deck. Most of them are pretty obvious, but some are a little bit harder to see. Search each slide carefully to be sure that you found them all. The GA breakdown is as follows:

201 regular "trash" GAs - these are found directly in links on objects in the slide deck. Just hover to see if your mouse pointer changes, and if it does, click away to open up the GA!
20 "better" GAs - these are found on some of the GA pages for the trash GAs. They represent bundle games that are more valuable than the average trash GAs, or may be games that I just feel are really good or classic.
4.5 NON-Bundle GAs - these are also found on some of the trash GA pages (turns out one of the games I included was non-bundled when I purchased it, but has been bundled since 😒 (ಠ_ಠ) ).

So, for those of you who keep lists and things, if you find all 201 links in the deck, you should have revealed all of the better and non-bundle GAs as well. Be sure to take a quick look at each GA while you're busy clicking on the enter button so that you don't miss them!

Also, starting with slide 3, every slide will have Vladimir Putin somewhere on it. As with other things, sometimes he is very easy to spot, and sometimes he is a bit more well-hidden. But he will be on every slide from that point on...because Putin is everywhere. You cannot escape Putin!!! 🤣

All GAs are level 2+, which means that the entry bar is set low so that lots of people can participate, but you can't be a 100% leecher. You need to have given at least a little bitty bit back to the community. If you're not there, you can easily be there in 24-48 hours for about five bucks, BTW. Level 2 is a piece of cake. The train is running for two weeks (expires at midnight CST May 29th), so you have plenty of time to find all of the trash.

As always, "trash" is a relative term. Some of the trash is actually pretty good trash. Others...well, they're literally unmitigated garbage. You'll have to sort through it all and make the decision as to which is which for yourself. Or don't, and just enter everything. Either way, it's all good by me. 😉

Ok, that's everything that you really need to know. I suppose that means that its time for you to enter the typhoon! Have fun!

Additional notes:

  • A million thanks to dys, who once again helped with this event. I absolutely could not have gotten this result without him being involved. So everyone please send some love his way. Make sure that he has pictures of all of your cats and children. 😜🤣 Ok, maybe not that. But hey, if you wanted to find something on his wishlist that's on sale, that might be something cool to do as a group. In any case, he was instrumental to this event, so please tell him thanks when you get a chance.
  • I had created screentips/tooltips for all of the GAs in this deck when I originally made it in Powerpoint, but these did not transfer during the conversion to Articulate. It's too bad because, although its original purpose was simply to keep hyperlinks from automatically being added as screentips, I ended up being very, very silly with things and the resultant deck is loaded with puns, plays on words, and terrible Dad-level jokes. At least 10% of them may have actually even been funny. :D In any case, once the event is over, if anyone is curious enough to want to go back through things and see these, let me know and I'll grant you read-only access directly to the Powerpoint deck.
  • We continue to learn something new every time we do an event like this, and this time we were able to make the graphics look a LOT better! I was bummed on the last Trash Tornado™ with how degraded some of the graphics were. dys figured out that it was because auto-scaling was turned on. So, this time we chose a fixed resolution that should be below any normal/average display (other than a phone) that people have, and things are greatly improved. But, I wouldn't try to do this on your phone. That's not going to be a good experience, so be sure to play on your "real" device. I strongly suggest that you maximize your browser for the best experience. Also, there are a tons of graphics in this one, so when you switch pages, give it a couple of seconds to load. Everything has been tested on multiple browsers and should work perfectly.
  • This kind of event is the perfect time for me to "clean house" in terms of old/weird/forgotten keys. More importantly, this time around it's where a lot of my remaining Otaku keys went (I mean, this IS a "trash" event, and those b@stards ended up being the biggest trash of all). Anything included here was checked against the removed games list before the GAs were created, so everything should be ok. However, with this many GAs, the chances are pretty good that something somewhere may not go according to plan. If that happens, I ask that you understand and allow me to delete any problematic GAs. If this happens to you, I will try to find a consolation prize for you, which I will gift directly to you via Steam IM.
  • BTW, the Putin thing is just me being silly. You should not read any political statement or suggestion into anything, because there isn't one. I just started grabbing all of these random Putin images and finding funny places to put them, and when I showed it to my teenage son, he started to literally LOL. So, I knew that I was on to something and decided that he should be virtually everywhere. 😁
View attached image.
5 years ago*

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Do you plan to publicly express your excitement for my next upcoming event? How are you going to do this?

View Results
Yes! My friends and I have prepared a Tick Tock video for you! [for the old people around here, this is what all of the kids are doing these days]
Yeeeeeeeeesssssssssss! Nudes sent. ( ͡⊙ ͜ʖ ͡⊙)
You didn't already see that video I sent to you earlier? See if your porn filter kept it out of your inbox.
Yes, yes! I wanted to do skywriting, but can't afford it, so instead I wrote on my bare chest with chocolate syrup. Check your Instagram DMs. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm so pumped about you giving away more games that I'm giving you games. Check your Steam IM for keys. [Jumps up and down in excitement]
Wait...what? No, just...potato, man, potato...which I used as a prop in my naked photo shoot to show HOW FREAKING EXCITED I AM! :D

I am only interested in one game but the event was very fun. Congratulations and thanks :)

5 years ago

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This event is so much fun! Thank you for putting all this together! :D

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I'm impressed the kid didn't drop the phone.
Also, upon re-reading the poll, I'm going to start using a potato for scale in my nudes.


5 years ago

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ha ha...I noticed that, too. Kid totally one-hands the thing. Impressive. You've got a future in gymnastics, kid. 😅👍🏻

The potato thing is a good idea. Just be sure you're using a proper "baker" size one, and not faking things with a little bitty red-skinned potato or something. 😬 😜

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thanks for all the giveaways!

5 years ago

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bump :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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this is great! Bump of great-fulness

5 years ago*

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Thanks for the typhoon, that must have taken a lot of work.

But, phew, going through all that trash was hard, thirsty work. I could use a beer. You want one?

5 years ago

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Definitely. It's absolutely in the plans for later in the day. 😀🍻

5 years ago

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Bump! What a great effort! :3

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Bump and thanks!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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E.T. home phone.

5 years ago

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sneaky bump

5 years ago

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thank you. awesome

5 years ago

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Grateful & hopeful bump

5 years ago

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That was fun, thanks for putting it together as I'm sure it must have been time consuming. I was impressed with how well many of the images blended in with the background. I'm curious, did you modify lighting (darkness, brightness) of any of them so that they would fit better?

I managed to dig up an old nude. No judgement, ok?

View attached image.
5 years ago

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(lol for Gremlins)

I modified only a few of them. In these cases, it's mostly just an opacity modification. If you look at Putin and Doge in the upside-down car, I altered the opacity there so it would look they they were actually in the car and behind the glass. If you look closely on the picture with the large crevasse in the sea, you'll notice that the shark that is chasing the little fish is actually even casting a shadow on the rocks...I definitely added that. I rotated a lot of things, but mostly just along the x/y axis, although I did spin three or four along the z axis to make the angle work better.

But for the most part, I just kept scouring the web for things I wanted to use, or laughed and accepted fate when something unexpected came up in a bing (yes, I use bing to look for pictures...I find it much better than google in that regard) image search. If there were a lot of results (like searching for, say, "spongebob scared face"), I'd go through dozens or even hundreds of them (including the secondary or tertiary searches based upon clicking on a graphic that was a possibility) to find one or two that were already at an interesting angle that could fit onto one or more of the backgrounds I'd selected.

Powerpoint is actually a fabulous tool that people often get hand-wavey about, thinking that they can do the same stuff with google slides or other things. They're just so, so wrong. Heck, if I thought that any of it would translate to Articulate (which is what dys converts the pptx file into for me to make it less hackable, unless you use a javascript tool in conjunction with other things...still totally doable, but more work and why ruin the fun? 😉), I'd probably rig up some animations, sound effects, triggered videos (somebody gonna get rickrolled up in here 😅), etc.

But yeah, it takes some time and a lot of manual effort. But I think that the result is worth it. :) I'm happy to hear that you had a good time. That's why I do stuff like this. I just think that people should spend more time doing things that bring smiles or laughter (or hell, groans at bad Dad jokes) into the world. 🤘🏻😎🤘🏻.

Oh hey, look, you dropped this...💙


5 years ago*

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Ah, opacity. Yes, that would be a much better choice for the effect and suits the upside down car passengers well. I hadn't noticed the shadow of the shark the first time, nice touch.

I'll have to give bing image search a go next time I need an image, thanks for the recommendation--sometimes google doesn't get me what I'm looking for--it's always good to try multiple sources.

I would never think to use powerpoint for something like this, that's pretty cool and even cooler that people have developed online tools to translate a pptx to web. (props to dys for the help)

And it was fun the second time through, thanks again. I even found a couple more I hadn't seen the first go around.

Hey thanks for that, I can get scatterbrained sometimes and occasionally misplace things. :) Ooh lookie, I found another, 💙. I don't need 2 so why don't you take it!

5 years ago

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Putin got some nice trash. You can rig my elections anyday.

5 years ago

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☠ Arrrrrrr! Consider it done, matey! ☠

5 years ago

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This is one of the best things I've seen on this site. It's fucking great! Thank you very much and let's hope there's not a "Trashnado" soon after the cataclismic efects of the typhoon...

P.S: The Putin to Katy ratio needs work though :P

5 years ago

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Ha ha ha, thanks. Although, there have been several Trash Tornadoes™ in the past:

Trash Tornado #4
Trash Tornado #3
Trash Tornado #2
Trash Tornado #1

So, I guess it's too late. These should also not be confused with the Junk Drawer Extravaganza™, Crap Convoy™, or myriad of trash trains that I've caused to pass through SG in the past. (◑‿◐) 😀😀😀😀

5 years ago

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Wow grez, thank you so much for this lovely and charming event, I had great fun discovering all the funny details and elements.
I'm really stunned by all the efforts and work you put into your Trash Typhoon! <3
Also a big thanks to your partner in crime dys!

Have a late bump from me!

5 years ago

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Found 200 out of 201. Not so bad, I guess.

Thanks for the GAs; a few (including trash ones) are even in my WL!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Fun train. You've probably seen it already, but if not, I give you: Hat covering Putin: https://imgur.com/a/Z8laP#0

5 years ago

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Actually, I hadn't seen that...and now I can't un-see it. 😳😆🤣🤣🤣🤣

Glad you had fun!

5 years ago

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