(FINISHED) Join the dungeon-crawling Giveaway Adventure in Steam Dungeons! [70+ GAs]

Hello Steamgifters! A long time has passed (over a year!) since you crawled the dungeon full of steamgifts giveaways last time! And it is time to start the new - this time as big as never before.

"The Legend of Titans" quest has started!

All of us like playing games, and all of us like winning games. So, how about playing a game and winning games while playing?

  • Introduction

Game of sWords (now Steam Dungeons) was made specially for SteamGifts a little bit over 2 years ago and has gone a long way since then! A long time has passed since the last event, and there are tons of changes this time as well, including great variety of interactable objects, characters, improvements in balance and design - overall, the dungeons got even bigger and diverse! Steam Dungeons consists of quests (SG events) which start periodically: in each quest you have to explore huge dungeons while upgrading your hero, fighting monsters, finding new items and treasures and interacting with other players in different ways - all of that right in your browser.

There are many treasures (giveaways) hidden in the dungeon and anyone who finds them can join them!

A lot of giveaways have been contributed by the community members, and I would like to say a big Thank You to everyone who made a contribution! :)

Here is the topic of Halloween Quest 2016

Here is the topic of Quest for Dungeon Heart #2

Here is the topic of Quest for Dungeon Heart #1

Here is the topic of Game of sWords 3.0

Here is the topic of Game of sWords 2.0

And here is the topic of the first one, which started back in November 2 years ago.

  • You might want to read a little more about the game to succeed in it and there is some useful material you can put your eye on:

First of all, I highly recommend to visit sWords Library that has a lot of other useful information that will help you in the adventure

Secondly, you can read the tips I posted today in the Steam group announcement - many of them are not yet published in the library!

  • What's new in Steam Dungeons?

Lots of changes have been made since the previous quest to make the game more enjoyable!
You can see many of the changes listed here.

Note: The Game engine is not properly supported by Internet Explorer (you will encounter all kinds of nasty bugs there) and it is recommended to use one of the following browsers: Chrome (perfect), Opera (perfect) or Firefox (great, but the game works a tiny bit slower and sounds sometimes mess up a little).

Current Winners limits: Warriors:25, Wizards:25, Rogues:25.

Winners get access to all giveaways available in the current dungeon! (70+)

Everyone who finishes the game after the limit is reached (while it is still runnning) gets 1 random treasure as a consolation prize!

The game will last for 20 days. All giveaways end in about that time as well!

  • Time to start the Adventure!

EVERYONE is invited to play the game and search for treasures in the adventure! :)

The only requirement is that your Steam account should be more than 90 days old.

Join the official group


Start playing now!


The game is constantly being developed! Want to suggest an idea to help me improve the game? Post it here! People can upvote or downvote it, and it will help me see what people do and do not want to be implemented. Thank you!

View attached image.
6 years ago*

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"21:29 revived SwiezyStejk with the power of mind." my name is missed there

6 years ago

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Fixed the bugs you mentioned, thank you.

6 years ago

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Ah, thank You fellow adventurer :)

6 years ago

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Explosives made me fall through a floor, how I get out of this place help? There is only a "backdoor" and a door that needs a code I can't figure out.

6 years ago

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There should be a stairs up at X13Y8.

6 years ago

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That's not a dead end?

6 years ago

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Maybe what got you into this mess is also what gets you out of it :P

6 years ago

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Oh a mess is definitely what it was D: , my weapon eventually was at 0% durability, but thanks though I finally figured it out :P

6 years ago

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I have such a problem, I can not go to the prison cell 2. I opened the door with the appropriate button, went back to the door - it's open, but it does not work out as if it's closed. If I reload the page, it's closed again, I look at any other wall, then on the door - it's again displayed open, but it does not work. It looks like a bug. My ID is 1649.
As for the project, I wanted to say that the update was great, the quest is interesting!
And at last, sometimes there are not enough links to the communities on the page of the dungeon and links to the topic of the quest for stimgifts, so that the author of the quest could indicate it. And put it, for example, in the bottom corner to the left of the settings icon, after the coordinates, or to the right of the weight of the inventory.

6 years ago

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Hi robin90! I tried to fix your problem with the door - please check whether you'll be able to pass through it now.
Thank you for sharing your opinion about the game, I appreciate it a lot :)

6 years ago

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Nope, still can't go through.Oh, forgot to say, I also have infinite "drowning" state, but I'm not even in the water.

6 years ago

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Do you remember if you were concussed when you checked the door for the first time? This bug is quite complicated and it might take a while for me to figure out what causes it, so i would suggest you to ignore this prison cell and visit the other ones. Sorry about that.

6 years ago

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Hm, the first time I went to the door there was an enemy that I defeated without a concussion, after I opened this door and came back in front of her there was an enemy again, which I also defeated, but this time I'm not sure about the concussion.
The rest of the room I already checked and found the heart of the dungeon, just a perfectionist in me demanded to search all corners. :D Anyway thanks for support and hope you'll catch that bug.

6 years ago

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This is extremely time consuming. I'm out of arrows and keep dying due to bleeding and poison, and my concentration drops to 0% as I fight (yes, I know about Meditation, and I make sure it's 50% before a fight, but it's not enough). Took me hours just to get to Level 2.

6 years ago

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Hi nhahtdh! :) In the dungeon everything depends on your actions. Careless play will lead to many deaths and, as a result, very slow progress. Make each move wisely and you will go further! Here are the tips I can give you:

  • Don't check walls that have spikes or toxis stains on them - touching those will make you bleed or get poisoned accordingly.
  • Keep your concentration high! Checking walls with low concentration might lead to you getting a negative status effect. Use Meditation to keep concentration over 25% to never let that happen.
  • Concentration can be restored in a fight by defending yourself - the restored amount depends on whether your enemy deals damage to you or not while you are defending.
  • Use arrows only on flying enemies as they are most effective against them.

Hope these tips will help you boost your progress. Good luck!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

6 years ago

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Hi Kletar! The chance of escaping, as you mentioned, depends on your Agility, and doesn't depend on enemy level. It also depends on the distance between you and the enemy. Blindness and invisibility also affect escape chance (in negative and positive way accordingly). Casting an invisibility scroll on yourself would almost guarantee a successful escape.

As an option, you can use "/help for AMOUNT ITEM" command in chat - this will create an offer for adventurers nearby to take on the monster you are fighting with.

There are also certain Skills that improve chances of escape and prevent enemies from appearing on your spot.

6 years ago

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I solved it finally! Amazing update, thank you!

6 years ago

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Congratulations! Enjoy the treasures. :)

6 years ago

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Was I supposed to find the combo to the cylops' door somewhere? Cause I've killed every spider I can find and I don't have the combo. I'm currently brute-forcing it but I'm assuming I'm not supposed to HAVE to do that.

6 years ago

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I guess you are looking for code for the door at the left (where spider queen is located). If, so then code is in the area with spiders - just check walls carefully for hint message pop-up: message may not appear when you step on tile and get into battle, so switch view back and forth a few times.

6 years ago*

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I'm sorry to barge in but could you give me a hint about where to find a clue to open brontes room door, because i'm totally lost, coursing through tunnels, checking every possible wall like a madman...

6 years ago

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Hi, which door do you mean? Did you already take quest for cudgel to beat spiders?
Btw, you can try discord for faster (probably :D) replies: https://discordapp.com/channels/371792380237578242/371792380711403523

6 years ago

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Yep I took cudgel to the cyclope and he gave me the key to the backdoor. Right after backdoor there is another door, I supose to another cyclope, with a lock combination — exactly that door I'm talking about.

6 years ago

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It took me alomost 10 minutes to express myself in clumsy illiterate english :p so I assume discord is not an option for me anyway

6 years ago

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Надо было сразу по-русски писать x_x

6 years ago

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Я смутно помню это место. Вроде там должна быть лестница, а потом еще несколько дверей, которые открываются кнопками (рычагами), но все должно быть в пределах этой локации.

6 years ago

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Именно, из задней двери мы попадаем в комнату с рычагами, прямо (направо на карте) закрытая дверь в "Комнату Бронта" с комбинацией кнопок на поле 10х10, там же есть два туннеля налево и направо с рычагами они ведут наверх в комнату с ритуалистом и кузнецом. О двери в комнату Бронта я и писал, я так понял, что в нее и нужно попасть, часами брожу вокруг и не могу понять, что делать.

6 years ago

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Да, попасть нужно в ту дверь. Там будет телепорт в следующую локацию, но где был код я не помню. Попробуй еще раз проверить туннели налево/направо - наверно код должен быть в конце одного из них на одной из стен.

6 years ago

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Попробую, надеюсь получится найти, спасибо за помощь ;)

6 years ago

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Все получилось, на одной из стен наконец появилось сообщение, хотя до этого все стены в этом подземелье я проверил по несколько раз, возможно баг или еще что-нибудь, ибо стена отображалась обычным цветом, теперь белым.
В общем, спасибо еще раз за подсказку, очень благодарен.

6 years ago

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Такой баг со стенами случался, хотя SErVER вроде его частично пофиксил. Не уверен насчет стен с сообщением, но для стен с трещинами (они не всегда хорошо видны) помогает переключить взгляд на другое направление и обратно пару раз. Еще один совет: в локации будет вода, при плавании через несколько ходов начинает убавляться здоровье. Водную область не обязятельно исследовать для прохождения игры (я сам немного там поплавал и ушел, ничего не найдя) - там похоже только какие-нибудь бонусы, типа сундуков.

6 years ago*

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Полезно узнать, хотя пока что серьезных проблем с трещинами не было, за исключением случая, когда я прошел сквозь стену с трещинами в комнатку 3 на 1, а выйти назад уже не смог. Так бы и ходил из угла в угол по комнатке, если бы, после подсказки здесь в теме, не выбил из мобов бомбу — повезло :D
А насчет воды: благо у меня давно прокачан скилл "плавец", но спасибо, буду осторожен.

6 years ago

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У меня скила на плавание небыло, зато я не попал на этот довольно популярный баг с замуровыванием :D

6 years ago

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Таки я оказался не одинок ^^
Пловец пригодился - купаюсь в сокровищах.

upd. Оказывается чукча не читатель и чтобы получить доступ к сокровищам необязательно было их целенаправленно искать, главное попасть в топ 25 класса >_<
вот уж точно я тупой и достоин того, чтобы быть замурованным по собственной глупости

6 years ago*

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Blargh. I know I've looked at that stupid wall multiple times, don't know why the message doesn't pop up when you walk into that square.

6 years ago

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How to open the prison cells?

6 years ago

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There are buttons (or switches) to the right/left from Charon, so you need to pass him (pay money) at least 3 times to visit all cells.

6 years ago

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thanks this is helpful!! I was getting frustrated with some things.. I'll give some feedback to server later.

6 years ago

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В данный момент на сервере наблюдаю очень неприятный баг: в локации с владениями Стеропа/бассейном сокровищ есть спуск по лиане на второй уровень в комнату с сундуками, таки что вы думаете — энти самые сундуки можно открывать неограниченное количество раз, даже тот, что с сокровищем. Пробовал перезагрузку — не помогает. Проверьте пожалуйста.

ps классный ивент, уже который день не могу оторваться.

upd. по факту теперь это всё, что я не открывал до момента проявления бага: теперь я могу неограниченно проверять крысиные норы, которые до этого не проверил, думаю с сундуками то же самое. Дело происходит на третьем уровне, не могу сказать как дело обстоит в основной локации. За сим отчаливаю, подожду пока все заработает в штатном режиме.

6 years ago*

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Привет! Спасибо за сообщение о баге. Я его исправил, приятной игры!

6 years ago

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Оперативно, спасибо!

6 years ago

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Спасибо за отличный проект, прошел с удовольствием, хоть я иногда и рвал на себе волосы (не часто), это стоило того :)
Надеюсь, что в следующий раз смогу поучаствовать в качестве создателя раздач.

6 years ago

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Поздравляю с победой и с первым местом в топе героев месяца! :) Приключения продолжатся 22-23 декабря в новогоднем квесте, надеюсь, волос еще осталось много! 😀

6 years ago

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I'm stuck at the 3 space place at L3 X10 Y15 without an explosive vial which is needed to exit. Could someone give/ trade me one? :<
My ID is 3106

6 years ago

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I traded with you :)

6 years ago

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Thanks :D

6 years ago

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How do I heal my pet?
Do I lose it when it dies?

6 years ago

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Active skills, uses the same item you needed to tame it.
You will lose it if it dies.

6 years ago

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It works. Thank you :)

6 years ago

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Bug report: if both you and your pet level up at the same time the chat message looks like this:

Your pet reached level 11! Pet's max HP increased!
You reached level 12!
Your pet reached level 11! Pet's max HP increased!

Had this happen to me twice already, so I'm pretty sure that this is a thing causing it.

6 years ago

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Thank youfor the bug report, pietruszka11!

6 years ago

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Are you doing SErVER maintenance? because I can't login, this also happened at least once during each of the past 4 days, like a period of "server not found" errors whenever I try to login

6 years ago

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Hi, Pinacho! No, I haven't done a maintenance in the last few days. I'll see why it can happen.

6 years ago

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It was a weird error message as it didn't make sense because the site wasn't down, but I managed to finish the quest yesterday before it happened again!
Thanks for your efforts in updating and maintaining this game, was a bit time-consuming but a fun adventure!

6 years ago

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I finally finished it!! thanks for creating this event, it was really fun (and frustrating) =)

6 years ago

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Hehe, Congrats! :) Make sure to join the Christmas one as well in about 2 weeks, there will be some nice improvements :)

6 years ago

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Thanks, i'll check it out =)

6 years ago

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Congratulations on finishing and the cake day.

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Thank you! =)

6 years ago

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Oh no! I was excited to come back and attempt the dungeon again, but now when I click the enter dungeon button it just sends me to the home page. I can enter the puzzle dungeons, but not the quest one. Any idea what might cause that?

6 years ago

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Try to clear cookies in browser - it usually helps. Someone said that re-login can be enough, but I haven't tried it.

6 years ago

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I did try to relog an it didn't fix it at first, but clearing cookies and cache seems to have fixed the issue. Thanks for the advice!

6 years ago

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Have you tried clearing the cookies and signing out and back in as PraX said? Has it solved the problem?

6 years ago

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Yes, I was able to get it to work again. Thanks!

6 years ago

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Thank you very much, that was an awesome event!

6 years ago

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Most welcome! :)

6 years ago

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Should poison resistance and bleeding resistance only reduce the damage from those specific effects by 0.4% and 0.2% respectively? It seems to be jokingly small. Especially since curse, blindness and confusion resistances each decrease their penalties by 5% per point spent.

6 years ago

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Poisoning deals 5% (of max HP) damage with 0 resistance. Each point in poison resistance decreases damage by 0.4% which makes poisoning deal only 1% damage with 10 resistance, which is 5 times less.
Same with bleeding: it goes from 2.2% down to 0.2% by upgrading its resistance.

6 years ago

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Ok, thank you for this answer. This description is totally not intuitive. I guess I should start upgrading my bleeding resistance then. I'm lvl 17 and I still have only 1 point in this resistance, because I thought that it's not worth to invest in it . Dealing with bleeding was always a big pain :O

6 years ago

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When I had bleeding resistance at max (level 10) I lost 3 hp with bleeding degree 1. I could live without using bandage for a short period of time (some enemies can scratch you several times per fight, so applying bandage each time is a waste - I usually did it after battle ends).

6 years ago

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Where can i find the Spider Queen? Can someone give me a hint? Do i just need to check all the walls until i find something?

6 years ago

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Behind a door locked with a code. The code is not that far from the door, but not instantly accessible.
It is not on the main floor.
I would say it is lvl 10+.

6 years ago

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Thank you!

6 years ago

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There would be some other spiders nearby as well. That would mean you're on the right track. And look closely at the walls, you don't always have to check it but they might have unusual... "pattern" on them. It might give you a hint what to do with them ;)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I'm having trouble with the cyclops' cudgel quest. I think I'm in the right place (area with a mine and 5 doors), and I'm pretty sure I need to open the door that needs a code to continue, and I got a code from that area, but it only has 4 numbers and the door code has 5 positions. I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to the code might lead to a solution, but I've got nothing so far.

Is that even the correct code for that door? Is that door even what I need to progress? Am I even in the right place?

6 years ago

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The code is x-y.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Hope you managed to open that door! As Kuzu said, the format of the code is x-y.

6 years ago

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Yeah, was away from sWords for a few days, but I went back in today and opened it. Gotta say, I would never have thought to use less than 5 buttons on my own.

6 years ago

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Not sure how far you got today, but if you plan on completing the dungeon in time, you have around 20 hours left.

6 years ago

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Almost there. Got the heart, can't find my way out of the prison.

6 years ago

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If you're not out yet, I think there was a sign pointing towards it.

6 years ago

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Just found it a few minutes ago. I found the sign earlier but didn't think to check the tile to the side.

6 years ago

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It has taken me a while, but... I have finally completed the dungeon! First of all, thanks a lot for this event, which has been more complex and full of possibilities than all the previous ones. Unfortunately it caught me in the middle of a relocation, during which I didn't have internet connection -- I feared I would not be able to finish in time, but luckily I could.

As I said, I find this iteration of the event and improvement over its predecessors, but it is not without defects. From my perspective, the single most frustrating element of the game is now bleeding. It used to be the lack of energy, but that has been cleverly addressed. However, bleeding has remained consistently a source of frustration: I cannot count the times I died either due to this status or as a means to get rid of it. Even though I raised the resistance to 10 I kept losing unbearable amounts of HP. One reason it's so annoying is that it doesn't go away, and another is that several enemies cause it.

A second source of frustration is the destruction of equipment: when things get bad you may end up with no morale, no equipment and no potions. While this is not entirely new for sWords veterans, for newcomers might be a bit too much. I would make it a randomly occurring event.

I had a longer message, but I am typing from the phone and I just lost half of it. Still, I want to make clear that I enjoyed a lot and that I am very grateful for your efforts. Looking forward to the next!

6 years ago

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Congrats on finishing the quest and thank you for sharing a feedback, Palin! :)
I wish more people shared their thoughts and wishes after completing the game. I appreciate it!

6 years ago

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You're welcome! :) Now I realize my feedback was mostly focused on those aspects that I liked least, which may wrongly suggest that I did not enjoy the game. Actually, it is exactly the opposite: I had a great time playing, and the only reason I focused on its "negative" elements is that there are too many positive ones to elaborate on them.

That being said, I wanted to add something to my previous message that got accidentally deleted, but that I remembered when reading schmoan's contributions to this thread. It's the idea of "downward spiral" (which I originally called "spiral of despair"): when a couple of bad decisions or a stroke of bad luck leads the player to a frustrating situation from which it is difficult to escape. This game is hardcore on purpose, and I am perfectly fine with that, but on the other hand you probably want as many people as possible to enjoy it -- thus, there has to be a balance between both. That's why I suggested that the destruction of equipment could be a -not too common- probabilistic event: this would prevent users from having the feeling of losing practically all the progress in the game, which can be quite despairing.

Leaving that aside, I would also like to mention additions that I particularly liked -- after all, feedback on changes that we liked are also useful. One is the pet system, which adds an interesting new layer to the game and is a tremendous boost to your character. Perhaps I would make them stay a bit longer or even give the option to keep them, because I had the impression both pets I had levelled up quite quickly. As for the skill system, it was exciting to see so many new and cool features, and also a very welcome surprise every time I came across a spirit of wisdom. However, I miss a little bit more information about how the system works and their limits; I did not know there was a limit until it was too late.

6 years ago

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I cannot manage to open a chest in the Introductory Puzzle where I am suppose to write that word in reverse. Sounds pretty obvious but I've been trying this for a quite some time, playing the puzzle several times over and still no luck. I don't know what I am missing. It doesn't seem right.

6 years ago

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All you need to do is type aibophobia in reverse to open that chest :)

6 years ago

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I seem to recall that I had the same problem. I did write "aibohpobia" but the chest simply wouldn't open.

6 years ago

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That's not what you need to write! Read my sentence more carefully and remember that it is a puzzle :)

6 years ago

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Hmm ... need to let this sink in for now and try again later. ;)

6 years ago

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I am not sure if it is language barrier problem or I am not just careful enough. Looks like I am gonna pass this one. But thank you for your answer, I appreciate it.

6 years ago

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2 days left until the end of the quest and there are currently 36 winners! All giveaways provide their entrants amazing win chances :)

Here are some pieces of advice for those who still struggle to complete the dungeon in time:

  • Some walls have cracks on them. Cracks are not just decorations - they mean that you can use an Explosive Vials to destroy walls with them;
  • The Sign that points to Arges Cave doesn't tell you to go far to the right. All you need to do is check the tile next to it - you will find something unusual there;
  • Codes to the doors found throughout the dungeon have X-Y format, same as the minimap in the game;
  • Low concentration makes it possible to get negative status effects such as bleeding or poisoning on checks - use Meditation ability in Active Abilities tab to keep concentration at 25% or higher level;
  • Places that require some Pasiive Skill to go through are bonus places which contain some extra items, weapons, equipment or treasures - it is not necessary to visit them to complete the quest;
  • If someone stole your Soul or Heart, you can restore it by a special character - Ritualist;
  • Players that complete the quest within the winners' limit of their class get access to all the treasures that can be found in a dungeon, thus you don't need to focus on finding all the treasures in the dungeon while there are still vacant winners' spots.

Congratulations to the winners and good luck to everyone else!

I would be very happy to receive more feedback from the winners to understand better what you liked and didn't like about the game. Thank you!

6 years ago*

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Well, I think the game wins. Ever since I stepped through the door to the third Cyclops I have been in a downward spiral, unable to get enough healing potions (not that it mattered, as I end up getting one-hit killed by monsters now, even at full health). With each death, one piece of equipment is broken and my morale is naturally set to terrible. That means no crits, no extra turns and dieing over and over again at the hands of Lava Golems and the like. Add to that the quickly deteriorating weapons.

Besides all of that I do enjoy the game. But I think my drive is vanishing with each new encounter that results in insta-death. I thought that I might have turned the corner when I was able to improve my moral to something like above average again (narrowly surviving the encounters leading to that with some luck) before getting one-hit critted by a black knight right after using my last big health potion to recover to full HP. That kind of broke my spirit and the ensuing encounters have basically been one-sided death runs.

I had 7 deaths before all that and now sit at 23.

I don't mind the hardcore part of the game, but it might be a good idea to allow for struggling players to somehow recover with slightly easier monsters or by allowing them to escape from clearly superior monsters (at the time of encounter, due to bad moral, missing equipment, lack of healing items,...) without a moral penalty. That way one could try and slowly build up the all important moral.

In any case, thanks for the great game! I really enjoyed it and learned a lot about the game mechanics on the go.

6 years ago

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Thank you for sharing your opinion, schmoan! The monsters you encounter at highest levels are definitely incredibly strong and are actually much stronger than the ones you need to defeat to complete the quest. It would be a good idea to avoid them (you can use invisibility scrolls to become invisible to them) to get either to quest characters or to the sWords portal where you can receive extra supplies of potions.

6 years ago

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Yes, I tried - the problem being, that once you run out of invis and teleport scrolls and are stuck in a bad place, it is incredibly frustrating to run all the way back (well, finding a way out first of all, which means exploring the whole area at the third Cyclops) with high-level monsters blocking the way.

But, yeah, I might try my luck again later.

On a sidenote: It might be a good mechanic to allow to attack a creature (maybe even choosing the distance to start the battle) after entering the square invisible instead of simply skipping the encounter altogether. Sometimes this could help getting your moral back up in a comparatively safe way.

6 years ago

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This is a very good idea, thank you!

6 years ago

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As I just read that you'd like some more feedback, here I go :D

As you might remember from Discord, I had tough time getting to the first part with spiders. It might be related to my browser or not but I think the cues (like the irregular bricks to push with a weapon or cracks on the wall) were not always obvious... Or were loading before the rest, but the latter is nothing you can do about ;)

As for the hardcore part - yes, it was hard but somehow I didn't find it frustrating although I usually prefer casual way of playing. What I find much better than in previous games, and what might be that didn't made hardcore bad for me - was the fact that the player versus player part was not giving too big an advantage. I find it more frustrating to be killed by fellow player than a monster (that's why I don't play pvp if I can avoid it). That naturally led me to rather help others than the other way round and the light karma was a wonderful surprise for me! Great idea indeed! Later in the game I was keeping bandages and antidotes just for the strangers and was using Clearance scrolls on myself so I could have a spare one to give away, lol. That way I also run into some tougher monsters (just showing as creatures if I didn't met them before) because creature was also Spirits/Strangers/Monks description :P And you know what? I liked the tougher fights too!

I really liked that the notes were showing up on the map. I used it much later in the game (just wrote down everything in my own, paper, notebook) but when I tried it out it was a happy surprise. Just as I commented on Discord, it might be nice not be locked out of the teleport on those spots ;)

I enjoyed the water part too, but it could be because I was well supplied by YoSoPinguino and the drowning effect was just a nuisance, not game breaker. That makes me a little nervous what will happen when I won't be so lucky next game :P

I commend all your efforts and especially hiding the bonus parts, and not the quest stuff behind some lianas/portals/stone doors/ladders/ruptures. I missed one rupture, at the later part of the dungeon, with a very heavy heart but I also wanted to finish the game in time. So some tough decisions to be made were also included!

I love the pets! Obviously the pack rat.... I think it's a good incentive to go Patron and I hope people will join you there so you can make next dungeons as awesome or awesomer as this one!


6 years ago

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Thank you so much for your feedback, Lal! :)
By the way, I already made it possible to teleport on spots with notes in the next quest.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Oh, and one thing: It is not clear (at least not to me) how the dungeon crawl is translated into leaderboard and site XP. Is it the most/the least checks/steps? Is it the highest lvl you achieve? Is it the number of monsters killed? I couldn't find a pattern ;)

6 years ago

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Leaderboard score depends on amount of steps, checks, kills and deaths and hero level at which those steps/checks/kills/deaths occur, e.g. at lower levels each step will decrease score by 1, and at higher levels you will lose several score points per move or check.

As for site XP, you can't lose it, but you gain it by performing different actions during the quest, like killing monsters and finding treasures. You also get a lot of XP by completing the quest.

6 years ago

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So the most XP would be given if you go straight to your goal? As I suppose it's true for btoh dungeon and site XP? That's interesting, thank you fro explaining it :)

6 years ago

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As I said, site XP doesn't get decreased, so you can actually farm it a little if you wish, but staying in the dungeon for too long will negatively affect your score as it gets decreased with each step, check or death.

6 years ago

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Yes, but I think the end result of the dungeon crawl gives bigger amount than the 'farming'. I'm very tired now, just got home, but wanted to say that we understand each other :D

6 years ago

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We always do :p

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by SErVER51.