Entry #9
Had 3 shows in California, 3rd was a festival. We brought 9 trucks and really should have only brought 4. We were only able to keep 3 at the festival and rest had to go to a truck stop 8 miles away.
After the last show in California, had 3 days to drive to Lubbock, TX. Got to Amarillo in 1 1/2 days of driving and getting my reset in. Currently 2 hours away from Venue and wont able to go park there until around 5am local time.
While I was waiting to get my truck washed and was next in line. I was told that the guy in the bay, had locked himself out of his truck. So those of us who were in line for bay 2, had to backup and get in line for bay 1. Was a headache and spent 2 hours there. Usually only spend about 45 minutes at a truck wash.
Had dinner at Iron Skillet and about 20 minutes later, I got sick. I am allergic to onions and pretty sure, something had them in it and didnt notice. Had an ambulance come and check everything out, since I had a hard time breathing and severe abdominal pains. Ended up spending the night at the hospital and was discharged about 45 minutes ago. Took forever for an uber to show up. Had a fun conversation with the company. They were worried about me and everything but were unsure if they could get a relief driver out to pick my trailer up for the show. Worst case, one of the other drivers would have to drive 2 hours to grab my trailer. But was lucky and got taken care of pretty fast and well.
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I was following your diary, but I just read this. I hope you get better. Good luck!
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Take care of yourself.
I don't like onion but i'm not allergic to it.
You are the first one than i know that is allergic to it. It must be a pain. Here in Spain onion is also one of the most used condiments and I know the feeling of ordering something without onion and onion showing up in my order. (But as I said, for me is just a nuisance)
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My uncle used to work in a related field, which is very heavy and tough, which is a burden on health under normal conditions. I hope you are well.
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Entry 10
Sat for 4 days waiting to get the trailer wrapped by the new sponsor. Finally got done around 12pm MST and made it to Wamsutter, WY. Still have 4 more hours to drive to the venue in Salt Lake City. Nothing crazy happened during these days but here are on images.
Images 1-5 are Archie, Image 6 new wrap, Images 7-8 are APU damage I got in Mountain View, CA and Images 9-10 are stickers my sister sent me
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Loving the cat but I'm wondering:
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how do you avoid him getting between the pedals while driving? Do you lock him up in your cabin or something?
I dont lock him up. He either lays on the dash, on my lap or on top of his cat carrier. He does lay in the footwell and does get behind the pedals. Which he is slowly learning not to do. As I have crushed him a few times.
does he get off the truck at stops and if so, how do you make sure he gets back in time before you have to leave?
He has a harness that he wears. I only take him out late at night, when most of the other drivers are sleeping. Other times, I stop at rest areas that empty and quite. Hes not super socialized with others (including animals), so he tends to run back to the truck. He rarely tries to get out, if I am not around. He feels more secure when I am around.
Btw, he is a 9 month old maine coon
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He does lay in the footwell and does get behind the pedals. Which he is slowly learning not to do. As I have crushed him a few times.
Oh wow, that wouldn't fly here if you got caught, not only because of his safety but also because of yours and the other traffic participants' safety. And I'd imagine you'd be emotionally crushed as well if you actually crushed him. Or if you crashed because you didn't brake in time because of him or something.
He's a beautiful cat though, I hope nothing like that ever happens!
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Aww Archie is so pretty! It's cool you have a little companion on the road.
Your sister has great tastes in stickers. If I had a truck, it'd be covered in those, I'm pretty sure.
Sorry to read about your allergy trouble last week.
Safe travels buddy :)
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Entry 11
Sorry for lack of updates, its been pretty busy. I was recommended by 2 lead drivers from different tours to be a solo driver for Ian Munsick. I got pulled off Luke Bryan to do this 1 truck tour. The only thing bad about 1 truck tours, is they tend to be tight scheduled on a few shows.
Nashville > Manhattan, KS (1 day, 14 hours to get there) > Imperial, NE (overnight, 7 hours) > Nashville (28 hours to get back)
Overall, nothing very exciting yet. I do have to put in more work than on a big tour. Help loading, unloading, setting up the stage, setting up merch, etc. All while getting 8 hours of sleep in.
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Better pay and rep in the future. The end goal is to be a lead driver for that artist. I get extra pay for every truck that I "lead". It also does open up doors to better tours or gigs as well.
Or is this the kind of "recommendation" where they just didn't want to do it themselves?
Funny enough, they didn't want me to go. But the company didnt want to stick a new driver on it.
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Entry 12
For the lack of updates, I have been in the middle of no where in the US. Which means, little to no internet. I could barely have a phone conversation without it breaking up at times. Going up I25 from NM to Bozeman, MT was fun. I am glad I check the weather every night, Big Timber, MT had winds in the upper 40 MPH to low 50s. So, I got about 4 hours of sleep and took off before the really bad winds hit. For the next week, I will be Montana and Iowa. Kinda in the middle of no where. I do have a few days off, coming up. So I might get to play some WoW (internet permitting) or other games. Or I might end up going out with the bus drivers and getting drunk.
Here is a link to an imgur album on some highlights of my trip. Heavy fog, awesome restaurant and some funny soda names - LINK
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Was that soda disgusting as advertised?
Also, archie! :D
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Entry 13
Emigrant, MT was a blast. The Old Saloon was simply amazing. Food was good and they gave huge portions at the restaurant. After the show, ended up finding out that 5 fights broke out. Mainly over petty shit. The people who owned the building, were awesome as well.
Dillion, MT (Beaverhead County Fair), was aight. The stage they were setting up, did not look safe. Had a delay due to that. Overall, had almost an extra 1500 people who up to the show. iirc, it was close to 5k or 6k.
Box Elder, SD was in my first micro burst(?). Videos in the imgur album have sound. LINK
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Those of you who know what I do for my job and have taken part in my wonderful puzzles, this might interest you (maybe). For those who don't like puzzles or read anything I post or comment on, I am truck driver in the US.
I have been driving a trucker for a little over 4 years now. 3 years of it, I have been in the tour side (concerts, etc), hauling equipment for bands and artists. I am an avid gamer but most of the time, I dont have a stable internet connection and have to play offline a lot. But when I do have decent internet, I torture you guys with my puzzles.
Trucking In General
I have been asked this in private steam chats, discord, etc about what it takes to be a truck driver and can anyone do it. Trucking is 80% driving, 15% backing and 5% dealing with customers/people.
Technically yes, anyone can do it. BUT you need to have a pretty clean driving record and background. Some companies will over look certain things from years ago, while others wont. As for your background, its all about felonies. Depending on the company, it will depend on what it is. Also you will have to not be intimidated by driving a vehicle that is an 80k road missile. It will take practice. You will also need to pass your states CDL test and get your permit. After that, you need to find a place to train at. Some have 2-4 week programs, others have 6 month ones. I personally would go with the one that gives the most road time with a trainer.
Its a life style. You first year with any training company, you are expected to be out 4-8 months minimum before you get home time. After this, you will just need to find the right company or fleet within that company. Once you find the right fleet for company that gives you the home time you want or length you have to stay out, stick with it. The first year is rough. This industry is not know to hold hands or pamper to care bears. You will need thick skin, decent common sense/level head and ask questions. I have seen too many times, someone quit because of something small. 90% of the time, it was because they didnt question what they thought was wrong. 99% of all dispatchers/Drive Managers (DM), etc have never driven a truck. As such, they don't understand what goes on out on the road. So question anything that you think is wrong or if you have a question in general. /rant
Learning. Never stop. Always try to talk to old timers or people who have been driving for 20, 30 or 40+ years. Trust me, they will know a thing or two that could help you. Like using vice gripes to pinch off an air line to your air brakes, to keep them from locking up when there is a massive air leak.
Take time off. I personally have a bad habit of staying out 8-10 months and taking 2 weeks off and repeat. I personally love what I do (not married). You will want to take time off when you can. If you land a gig where you can work 6 hours a day and be home on weekends, with decent pay. Stay with it. If you prefer to be out 3 weeks and home for 4 days, take it. You can sometime negotiate with your DM, on how long you stay out and how many days you can take off. 90% of what I hear, for every 1 week your out = 1 day off. Now most places wont let you bank those days. So you plan on saying out for 18 weeks and taking 18 days off, probably wont happen.
In the end, I would say the hardest part(s) for new drivers:
Logs: It can be a pain to learn how your 8 hour, 11 hour, 14 hour and 70 hour clock all work. You will get it over time. Then learning when to use Yard Move and Personal Conveyance. How to do sleeper splits and recaps.
Backing: This will take months, if not a year to master. You will also learn new techniques from other drivers as you go. Trust me, I have put a 73' (feet) semi into places, it should never to.
Long Drives: This the bread and butter. You will have to find ways to keep awake towards the end of your shits. But getting plenty and quality sleep, is key. Also not relying on sugar or energy drinks, helps a lot. I personally listen to audio books. By the time a 10 hour book is over, your ready to shutdown for the day.
This is a good read LINK
I will update this with things that happen or events while on the road. Also feel free to ask questions. P.S. No trucking simulator will not make a good truck driver e_e
#1 & #2
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